“You are swine” and “the children that you bear from this marriage will all be bastard swine,” a tourist couple renewing their marriage vows in the Maldives were told in a ‘traditional Maldivian’ ceremony conducted in Dhivehi at Vilu Reef Beach and Spa Resort.
“Your marriage is not a valid one. You are not the kind of people who can have a valid marriage. One of you is an infidel. The other, too, is an infidel – and we have reason to believe –an atheist, who does not even believe in an infidel religion,” the ‘celebrant’ tells the couple, who appear completely unaware of the humiliation they are being subjected to.
A 15-minute video of the ceremony was uploaded on YouTube on October 24 2010 by a member of staff. Vilu Reef Manager Mohamed Rasheed told Minivan News that the staff member who uploaded the video did it as “a joke”, without “realising the seriousness of the potential consequences”.
Vilu Reef Beach and Spa Resort advertises itself as a place where couples can renew their wedding vows “hand in hand against a golden sunset backdrop” and where their “everlasting love” can be sealed by a “kaleidoscope of romantic hues” that covers the sky during the sunset.
In the video the ‘celebrant’ briefs the couple in English, prior to the ceremony, that it will be conducted according to “not only Maldivian” but also “Arabic and Islamic” norms.
Two wedding rings inside an open coconut, which appears to be lined with mother of pearl, are in front of the couple along with two fresh coconuts. The couple seem dressed for the ceremony, the woman in white as favoured by Western brides.
“Don’t look at her chest”, a man – possibly the videographer – is heard saying as the woman leans over to take a sip from the coconut. She adjusts her neckline.
Men, about ten or more, surround the area both outside and inside the palm fronds, which appears to be a make-shift wedding venue.
The celebrant twirls his thumbs over a piece of paper that he appears to be studying with deep concentration. A male voice asks him if the document is “something new”. He replies that it is “the seventh Article of the Penal Code”.
The document, of which there is a brief close-up in the video, has absolutely no relation to marriage laws in the Maldives. Words that are legible on the document refer to “staff employment”, suggesting that it is a document relating to employment regulations.
Asking the couple and other ‘officials’ to raise their hands as is customary for Muslim prayers, the ‘celebrant’ begins his marriage vows.
“Fornication has been legalised according to Article six, 1.11 of the Penal Code”, he chants in a tone favoured by religious scholars. “That is, frequent fornication by homosexuals. Most fornication is by males,” he continues.
“Research has shown that men have a higher sex drive than women,” he says. “According to Article 8 to 6 of the Penal Code, converting to Islam, or circumcision, is not desirable under any circumstances.
“Germs of anger and hatred will breed and drip from the tips of your penises,” he says.
The ‘celebrant’ then switches from his improvised “Islamic and Maldivian marriage laws” to reading aloud from the document in front of him in the same ‘religious’ tone. This time, what he chants to the couple is to do with terms of employment.
When he returns to the ‘marriage vows’, he refers to certain Articles of the Constitution and combines ‘Section e” and “Section f” to create the word “balhu”, which in Dhivehi means “swine”. ‘E’ in Dhivehi is the letter ‘baa’ and ‘F’ the letter ‘lhaviyani’.
The ‘celebrant’ mixes the two letters to make the word ‘balhu’, the full version of which, as used by the ‘celebrant’, is ‘nagoo balhu’. The literal translation of the term is ‘crooked tail’, believed to refer to a pig’s tail, and is considered to be one of the worst insults in the Dhivehi language.
“You are swine according to the Constitution,” he declares, solemnly.
He then asks the couple to stand up and hold hands. The ‘officials’, too, stand up and place their hands on the couples’. They form a séance-like circle and the ‘celebrant’ begins chanting.
“Aleelaan, baleelaan…”, he begins. What he is chanting is not a verse from the Qur’an, or marriage vows in Dhivehi, but are the words of a popular Dhivehi children’s game.
Words of the game, too, are changed to say “black swine” instead of what is contained in the original.
“Before buggering a chicken, check if the hole is clean. That is because the people of the countries that you are from are familiar with the taste of the ****holes of chicken,” he chants, still with hands held over the couples’.
“Do not treat with kindness people against whom violence is being committed. Commit more violence against victims of violence. You are not people who have been sent to this world to commit violence.”
He then returns to the matter of staff salaries, which he continues to chant in the same tone as he had done the insults. “Do not complain too much about salaries, or matters regarding salaries. That is against the Penal Code. This is not something I am saying for your benefit – it is a law that we have made.”
He begins to chant loudly about “black swine”, stringing insult after insult and delivering it in the same rather ominous tone that Maldivian religious figures choose to deliver their sermons in.
“You fornicate and make a lot of children. You drink and you eat pork. Most of the children that you have are marked with spots and blemishes… these children that you have are bastards,” he continues solemnly.
Someone else is heard at this point to tell the ‘celebrant’ to “say a little bit more, and then quit.”
The concluding chant is delivered in a gentler, softer voice: “Keep fornicating frequently, and keep spreading hatred among people. The children you will have from this marriage will all be bastard swine.”
While the couple are putting rings on each other’s fingers, someone is heard saying that the recording should stop. “Don’t you worry about it,” says someone else, and the recording continues.
“Aren’t they going to suck mouth?” someone is heard asking. “Make them suck mouth”, it is urged. ‘Sucking mouth’ is a term used by Maldivians to denigrate the act of kissing.
“So now, in Maldivian law, in Islam, you are already married”, says the ‘celebrant’, returning to English. The hapless couple are then told to relax and enjoy the celebrations that are to follow, by the end of which a certificate of their nuptials will be ready for them.

Once the ceremony is concluded, the celebrant, who is dressed in a shirt and tie – with the shirt left to hang loose over a traditional Maldivian sarong – swaggers out of the makeshift wedding venue – tugging at his tie and proclaiming himself “President of the Maldives Mohamed Nasheed.”
The celebrant, Vilu Reef Manager Rasheed told Minivan News, is an assistant Food and Beverage Manager named Hussein Didi. As he leaves the wedding venue having concluded his job, someone announces his presence, as “Ghaazee Hussein Didi”.
A Ghaazee is the Arabic name for a judge or magistrate, also adopted to mean the same in Dhivehi.
People clap loudly as the couple, whose marriage vows have just been mocked in some of the filthiest language known to Dhivehi, are videoed making their way to the next part of their ceremony – the planting of a coconut tree to mark the occasion.
Various types of insults about the woman and the man, their clothing and demeanour, are being spoken throughout in the form of a running commentary in a sports video.
As the bride bends down to plant the coconut tree, a man is heard is exclaiming, “Can see her breasts!” The ‘commentator’ observes, “She is wearing something”, he knows, he says, “because my beard has gone grey watching those things… I have seen so many of them now that I don’t even want to look any more when I see them.”
The groom, who is watering the new coconut tree which they have just planted, is totally unaware of the manner in which his wife and her breasts are being discussed by the group of Maldivian men ‘officiating’ at the renewal of their wedding vows.
‘Celebrant’ Didi tells the couple they should return soon to check on the progress of their plant, testament to what had taken place on the island that day.
The video concludes with the ‘commentator’ repeatedly urging the ‘celebrant’ to make the couple ‘suck mouths, suck mouths’.
The resort’s Manager Rasheed was unable to tell Minivan News how much the occasion had cost the couple or where they were from.
Asked if the couple had been made aware of the nature of the ‘wedding vows’ they had taken, Rasheed said they had been sent pictures but not the video.
“Our package includes sending them pictures on the CD the very same night”, he said. Rasheed added that the resort does not have a written ‘khuthuba’ or sermon from which to read, nor is the role of the celebrant undertaken by a designated person.
“It is done on a rotating basis. We have been doing it for ten years now, and from a very small start, it has grown into a very successful part of what we offer at Vilu,” he said.
Rasheed said he had become aware of the nature of the ceremony conducted by Didi shortly after it happened. He had banned Didi from performing any more ceremonies, but did not feel it was necessary to take any further action, until the video appeared on YouTube.
The staff member who uploaded the video, Ali Shareef, a shop assistant, is not being disciplined or investigated further, Rasheed said. He complied with the request by the management to remove the video from YouTube.
The ‘celebrant’, Didi, however is currently under investigation by the Head Office in Male’, Sun Travel and Tours.
Minivan News has learned that the ‘wedding package’ offered by Vilu Reef Resort lasts an hour, costs US$1300 which includes the services of a ‘celebrant’, a sailing trip and Maldivian music and dancing.
The happy couple can obtain photographs of their beautiful ceremony in the Maldivian sunset on Vilu Reef Resort for an additional US$440.
CEO of Sun Travel Ahmed Shakir was unavailable for comment.
Warning: Video contains profanity

I think the Qutb apologist known as Maldivesresortworkers should be ashamed to call himself/itself a Maldivian. You better live somewhere else where humans don't have any respect for each other.
oh god, where can i start!!
apart from shiyam who has to take the blame as a whole, his senior team comprising Zulaika Manik, Mohamed Hameed are to be blamed too. these so called management team think they know it all. Zuley is so stupid and Shiyam buys her bullshit. Hameed is Shiyams uncle who is a dual citizen of Maldives/Sweden. He is a retired old hunk squeezing the organizations cash flow.
Please people...shiyam is not god!
The robbery that took place at sun travels accounts, the fire that disrupted part of villu reef are all pre planned!
I pity the staff working for these idiots.
I totally agree with one of the comments above. you cannot have these school drop outs given employment. We still need the support of expats no matter what and thats the reality.
God bless Maldives. I guess i made the right move to Malaysia. The future just looks bleak.
What a day for Maldives and the fragile tourism industry as we are struggling in the wake of the recent economic downfall. Perfect example of the typical rowdy and so called cool doods -“parteys” concentrating Maldives today. Wherever they came from, have crowded our streets, restaurants and obviously resorts even. For these ppl the filthy language is a norm, they have no sense of morality or humanity and have a twisted sense of humor. I feel extremely sorry for the guests who are the unfortunate victims here as well as the management of the resort for the hot seat they are in because of the disgusting act of these immoral and immature people. They must be punished severely.
what a disgraceful bunch of savages! Actually, not even savages would act so inhumanely. If you find this video funny, you are just as bad as the people who made this "wedding". Speaking of, I am just shocked and appalled that the people standing around would be so calm while an innocent couple were being humiliated like this. The celebrant and officials need to be named and shamed so that everyone in this country can see the type of degenerate lowlifes our society has created. I am truly ashamed today to call myself a maldivian if it means people like this are who I call my countrymen.
This is how low some people can go..the owners of this resort should be held reponsible for something like this specially when they charge so much money . This looks like a very un professionally run resort where there is no one responsible to look into these types of ceremonies and no one is there to take reponsiblity.for the actions of there staff.I am speechless.
remove this . .. this is not fun and this is not responsible journalism
this is beyond belief, how can normal people do something like this.the resort owners should be held responsible for this.sadistic sick people...you can even say like the owners, like staff maybe thats what they have seen from there boss.
"just playing pranks"???
Your comment is so ridiculous ....
What are you going to do if someone insults you? - keep quite?
cool down everyone. don't be ashamed of being a maldivian. becuase whatever you do you cannot be a european by dispising fellow maldivians.
also don't be fooled by this drama minivan has successfully pulled. this is more about attacking a DRP bussinessma rather than exposin some mischeif of staff. They don't care about staff, but they do care about poliics. so this is mdp battering drp the journalistic style. but ultimately its the counry that will pay.
..and to add insult to injury, I am truly shocked and gobsmacked at maldivesresortworkers comment @1.32 PM!!
ah, the state of our nation today....
where is your Patriotism Minivan News? For you, this just was sweet news ha? and why the hell have you laid this in such detail? for Gods sake, you are going to tear us all down, you are well aware of the consequences, aren't you! Oh please, you are selling this story real good yeah?
The mocking and name calling starts when these guys are in school - every expatriate lady teacher is harrassed sexually in some way by name calling, lewd comments, or even making passes - This starts as early as grade 4. These kids take the cue from their parents who treat foreign teachers and doctors like cheap labour or people who have come in to take away all their money from their country. Values that should be taught at home like respecting your elders does not extend to people of other races and religions. These are the 'kids' that grow into adults and work in such resorts and have their own fun at the expense of people who give them their salary. The real problem is that you really dont care about your children or what you really want them to learn from you. You may not be there to reap the consequences but someday when you become a foreigner in some strange land - you will.
Now where's Human rights? where's laws? n where's the right of the people who we bring to earn money? Just because Maldivians did this doesnt mean we can ignore the fact and hide it that they've humiliated a couple like this..
Some Maldivians doesnt know the value of a Marriage, atleast this aint supposed to be a joke !
I believe that the resort does need to give an answer for this, can even be sued for such of this kind of behavior !
Discustin Maldivians...Just Beacuse we are Muslims doesnt mean we should insult the rest, infact we should respect eachother...
The resort needs staffs to be trained !
thee thi reisortuga ekani vaa kameh hen heevanee..raajjeyge gina resort thakuga thigothah hama hithah eri ehche kiyanee..k menna alah ehcheh fenigen gui nufenna kaalhah gui fenuneema vaahen thibe vanee. aharun miulhey resort gavex hama hadhanee thihen..meege kureega ulhunu 2 resort gavex hadhanee thihen..ei majalakah kuraa kameh....gestunna disrespect kuraakah kuraa kameh noon ei..thanthanuga thibey resort akee koache kan vex neygey meehun ais anga galha ey adhi...mi aathun heevanee ekka bunaahen handhu bodu vegen ulhey baeh hen.
@ibrahim kalo on Wed, 27th Oct 2010 6:52 AM
You must think your really cultured feeling all superior to the islanders who are as much MALDIVIAN as you are. But your no better than your so called beerattehin in this video. Your just an old relic from a bygone era. And you showed your true colors. So congratulations and shame on your understanding of the world. It seems time has not taught you much.
Thank you
Surely, they must come from the very dregs of the society. That includes those that find this whole thing hilarious. Today i am ashamed to be a Maldivian.
This is all about politics. Minivan is MDP. Sun Travel Shiyam is DRP. So what is happening is Shiyam is taking a beating by MDP for his political views. This is not about staff or about guests. Nobody cares about staff or guests. People who will care about them will not write this story in so much detail. The point is obvious. To sabotage Sun Travel. And it seems Minivan is achieving it, thanks to us the gullible Maldivians.
The Maldivian feel them insecure therefore they always put others down by this type of vulgarity and it makes feel them more important. Probably they suffer from schizotypal
To Minivan News.
Some of the commentators have talked about responsible journalism.
While minivan might see this as a big scoop, and the truth should be told as it is to prevent it in future. My opinion is that minivan went a bit far than just reporting the news and bringing it to the attention of the people.
Because here, in this unfortunate incident the couple are not only the victims. Maldives as a country is also a victim. And the perpetrators have to be exposed and brought to justice. And yes Minivan did a commendable job in bringing it everyone's attention.
But I would like to ask what about the victims rights. I'm talking about Maldives here. For example when a video of a sexual abuse by someone is leaked, do you post the video on your website. Do you go in to detail of every act or thing said, translated to English. No! you protect the victim as much as you can.
And that's why it is my opinion that although Minivan news have to be commended for reporting the news, they went a bit too far in revealing the juicy details. Which could have well have been brought about without translating word for word or having a link for the video. Anyone who is interested might as well search for it on youtube.
That is just my opinion. But I'm sure you journalists would know better than me.
Thank you.
You think this is fun? Yes its fun for sick people like your group. You think it is fun for the couple? You think it will be fun if some people called you profanity and names in their language while duping you? Do you think its fun if some person makes crude remarks at your wife in a language you dont understand? Will you think it is fun if bunch of Christians did it to you? Will you laugh about it or feel humiliated? What kind of reality do you live in?
how dumb the management could be not knowing what the stuff is up to,well if the management is claiming that they are not aware of this incident then its bullshit.....
Actually the Maldivian Adamantinoma
said it better.
Minivan is just aspiring to get their printed paper back online first by doing these dramatic stories in gory details to get a foothold in the print media. But at what expense? The whole country's reputation?
Maldivesresortworker seems to be the only guy who is trying to damage control here. All others seemed to be overworked in their emotions..
long live resortworkers
Why just look at the surface of the issue? Does Hussain Didi have a past background of such crude behavior, andr are the other locals in the function under well organized saga?
Strikes on resorts are soon to be banned, freedom to speak out rights of employees in resort hardly exist. HR depts. are just a joke and most managed by foreigners and worse, Labour Ministry works for Bangladeshis only and overlook domestic labour problems. Look deep down reasons that made this crowd of Maldivians engage in such unacceptable deeds. These are not stupid kids, in Maldives standard, they are professionals in the services they offer. BUT WHY EXPOSE THEIR INNER ANGER/HATRED TOWARDS GUESTS?
Let us not jump into conclusion and blame the victims on the video. The problem starts from the top, the owners who have no face in the public, no morals nor respect and unreliable business customers as we all know. We know what Sun Travels stands for...scaring mothers with teenage daughters to watch out!!! Anyway, this is just an example of the new trend which the youth are adopting to punish, tarnish or revenge against resorts owners who literally abuse their working rights, the government which hardly cares and the Majlis which wastes more time and public money than make rules to improve our lives. These boys HAVE NO HATRED towards the tourist, actually no Maldivian has that bad heart. Why now? why on video, why a group and not one person?
A well paid, well bred and well accomodated employee in any resort will not revolt, or intentionally spoil the name of the resort or tourism in general. Look at Banyan Tree resorts, no employee turnover, staff have worked for over 15 years, raised families, built lives simply because the resort management cared, Banyan Tree owner was in Maldives recently, and he had contributed so much to staff welfare that Maldivians and all other staff have no reason to do wrong. They are free, they mix with guests and share the stories of Maldives.
What happens in Sun Travel resorts? ask the bar staff, room boys and you would get the reason why that scenario in Viulu reef was a well planned thing. And it got the message out, loud and clear.
This is a wake up call for the Min. of Tourism, tourism operators and the law makers. As Majlis ponders over nonsense wasting time, our tourism and fishing industries are indirectly getting affected. We small time local businesses are loosing to large international suppliers who now deal directly with resorts. Where are the laws to safe guard staff from being abused? where are the laws to safe guard small businesses from direct suppliers from abroad of products available in Maldives?
Have a look at what is happening in a Robinson resort in Gaaf, no foreign investors will ever want to invest further....the fault is not with the staff..but the businessmen and the law makers who are corupted in all aspects no wonder Maldives is rated below Zimbabwe.....people, people.....look deep and find the truth, stop blaming innocent souls.......
Bullshit to those who said it was a mistake to put this news on Minivan news. Fight for your country to the last minute ey? My foot... Maldivians will always be Maldivians. Uneducated barbaric who do not know how to treat and respect others. And to top it all these bastards do it in the name of Islam. Dogs are not the foreign couple but these latoa fatoa Maldivians. Is this what you were taught by your Parents. These people should be sued. Seriously. It is so typical of Maldivians to bite the hands that keep feeding them. UNEDUCATED Bastards.....Modernization came to peoples clothing only, not to the way they think. These people are still in that "Raahjetherey" frame of mind. Seriously... its a shame that Maldivians who live abroad feel shameful when saying we are fro Maldives. Its because of these one or few bloody dogs / swines that the name of this country is being tarnished. Government should take action against this.
This part of Freedom of Speech, even MP wilder is talking about freedom of speech, i don't find any wrong except the guest should be compensated.FREEDOM...
The editors in Minivan news are hell bent to destroy Maldives, they know well these kind of satiric things are common in western world too, people do these things in every culture. This age of internet and you tube you can make viral videos and satire for any extend. If thats news and journalism, I dont know what really to believe.
I don't find anything abnormal in this video, compare to sit com like 2 and half men.
What is the point of removing the video? Doesnt change the fact that maldivians are shameless! tourists feed them and this is the way they repay! no one can sink any lower than this!!!! disgusting!!! call your selves muslims and this is what muslims do????
Maldivians are pathetic!!! I am one of them, I admit, unfortunately!!!
I did not tell my bro Yamin to tell his gang-boys to play this drama so that Shiyam will simply hate MDP and will never leave us.
Many of the Maldivian fools will think that I am playing these big games.
Many think, we scarifice the little goats to uphold our family's power over this country. And soon, very soon, people think that we will COME BACK to powet by playing many things tricks and dirty things. MANY THINK WE WILL COME BACK TO POWER - no matter what the cost is. Many think that we'll scarifice everything and everyone in this pursuit. Simply not true. SO SAD. 🙁
LMAO. the video cracked me up LOL. besides whats all the uproar about? what the couple doesnt know won't hurt them. They are probably still thinking that they had a genuine traditional maldivian islamic(whatever that means) wedding. This is just hilarious. and btw, balhu means dog not pig
I AM A VERY HONOURABLE MAN. I am the one and only person who introduced "Maaiy vegenvaa Islaam Dheen" (The Scared Islam Religion) [Spoken in the 3rd person] in Maldives. So I WILL simply not DO SUCH dirty things. And that's why I preach and talk about Islam all the time. That's why I bring the name of Islam in everything I do or say. Just to make believe the people I am religious and WILL NOT do such things. 😉
The problem is not the Maldivians, the problem is Islam. Islam is a cancer that infects the minds of weak sheepish people. Only when people realize that Islam is corrupting their lives, and they leave Islam, and become either non religious or convert to another non Muslim faith will they find salvation. Islam is a doctrine of intolerance and hatred toward all non Muslims.
I just cant believe a person like this F&B Manager Hussain Didi was given this post. How could he serve in this industry specially in the food & beverage. God knows what he could have made served the guests in the restaurants. And it also indicates how ignorant the management of vilu reef is. I hold the management responsible for this and this could not be the first time this has happened. These culprits must be dealt with severely. They are the enemies of our country. They have spoiled our image among the tourists, without whom we cannot survive. I am deeply sorry and as a Maldivian my deepest apology to the couple.
they are the people from addu, they are spoiling our tourism.
regarding "Ekaloa on Tue, 26th Oct 2010 10:44 PM" and just the anonymous rest of you! I am a foreigner and I am bringing business to your country, a country we called a paradise...and we live in a symbiosis! I love what we all together created here! You not without us and we not without you! You do, we do, all of us do together! But from today: JUST SINK IN YOUR POOR BEHAVIOUR!!!!!!! because the truth is: most of you have this back side! IMAGINE THERE MIGHT BE NO TOURISM ANYMORE! and then? End of your story!
@ Ahmed Shakir
Time to take a second look at your management structure. This act calls for some serious head rolling.
From what i see in the video, it's obvious that ur corporate values and ethos are not being communicated to ur service level staff in the resorts. head office cannot be blamed entirely, its the GM of vilu reef who should take the most blame for this blunt act.
As a public person who have now come to form an opinion about your management, I personally would like to see u taking stricter action - not just suspension but immediate termination of all involved on the grounds of gross misconduct. Police involvement comes second. Thirdly, these characters should not be allowed ever to work in any resort ever again.
please do not defend these people just because you think you have to.
Ofcourse it is wrong. This is my opening. I am a Muslim. In islam backbiting is not allowed. I feel it is backbiting, thuogh it was infront of them they did not kinow what was going on.
I feel this article is a part of the agenda, rather than a concern.Other wise they would not have put it in English. During the war on Afghanistan and Iraq, how far fair was the Western media. They played there role, as it was there people who are involved.Saddam was hanged, Thoriq Azeez to be hanged. Where are the waepon West was after? How far this issue was discussed in the West. I have no doubt that Maldivian jounalist know this.
When they publicize these sort of things, we will be put on pressure, through which to change our Islamic style. For instance, we are debating on having temples & churches, in this small 100% Islamic country. Can't now we say no more civil marriages for touris, if it is to be rendered it should be carried out in it's finest form. So bring Fathers. And then a place for perfoming the rituals, ultimate churches!
we demand an apology from suntravel shiyam!
At a time when we need all the Income from our Tourism sector (DOllar crisis!) , what kind of impact will this have on our Important Tourism Economy ?
What if some big news channel broadcasts this Story ? Like on CNN or BBC or something ? then can we say that Maldives is truly a Paradise for Honeymooners ? (Do people get mocked at and ridiculed in Paradise ? Seems very Unlikely!)
This is a sad day when the Moronic actions of a couple of Morons like this bring shame to the entire Tourism industry ! And to Maldivians as a Whole !
The couple must be found and compensated in full for the humiliation and degradation that they have received. This must become a matter of National Sovereignity ! We must remove all copies of this video everywhere !
I would like to see this ""maldivesresortworkers"" put in the place of those couple and see how it feel to be humiliated like that.....bastards!!!
I have no words to say.
I have Tears in my eyes.
I am so sorry (for the innocent couple).
I have Hope...Hope in my heart , that this would not happen to any one (starting from today onwards..)
If i am to blame some one i would blame all those who knew it and did not stop it at the 1st time. I will also blame all those who do not punish the cuiprits.
Its not going to happen
The collective moral consciousness or the moral fabric will defey it, due to some unsavory majority.
This is a banana republic.
This year alone the corruption index fell 2 points.
Well some of the comments on this article is testament to it.
188 Comments so far.. Wow. I Always used to say Maldivians are over reacting...
People get killed and stabbed in day light and nobody cares....Robbery , Child abuse and Rape and No comments and concerns.
Hey people... There is better things to worry in this country.
This video is not a big deal...It's a fake wedding and people get fooled when there are not careful about what they get.
The real "enemy of state" is the person who uploaded this video... Blame him.. he is responsible for this mess. He must have done it for reason since he would not be an idiot who knows how to upload video on youtube... Lame maldivians
I condemn this uncivilized barbaric ways the resort guys in this video acted.
Meantime, I can see Minivannews at its best (as always) taking this opportunity to spread hatred towards islam. The translations of dhivehi words are altered to drive this sites propaganda. for example, "Balhu" means Dog or Bitch, but this site has translated it to swine.
This is a mockery to Islam and dhivehi tradition. and people who commented here saying this happened due to Islam and our tradition has more to learn.
This whole thing is another example of The Pot Calling the Kettle Black.Hate to say this but you just dont know the amount of bastards roaming around in Addu.People of Addu has lots of characters.They fornicate like rabbits,steal like no other,have dirty vengeful habits,get intensely jealous of anyone else who do well.In the meantime they are intelligent, dare devil, shameless and demanding in their attitude and more promiscous than people from anyother part of the Maldives.Hordes of Addu youth roam around in their islands uneducated,criminally inclined, violent and many times expecting more money and material goods, facilities etc than what they deserve.What more can you expect of a people with more illegal bastards of Pakistani and Indian ancestory.Testimony to a by gone era where their ancestors freely intermingled with the expatriate workers of the British times when lots of low class Indians,Bangladeshis and Pakistanis worked in Addu and had illegal sexual encounters with the local females.So it is hilarious to see, hear and listen to this but then an eye opener to any foreigner about the true colours and nature of Addu people.The Maldivians in general are not at all like this and today most of them are ashamed to the core.
@ Ahmed Aliased
I must bless this internet warrior on his grand new Quest. Don't let this die, expose those responsible, force action on the matter.
It would be a great public service.
Did i say 2 I meant 15
In 2004, 'Tsunami' was included in the average man's vocabulary. Guess its time for Maldivans to get familiar with the terms respect, eithcs, tolerance, suing and lawsuits. Though we are going to learn it the hard way.
F(x) Luna “I want to do a fake marriage with Lee Joon” honeymoon to Maldives?
We were thinking about a holiday in the Maldives. Were. Wouldn't go within a thousand miles of the place now. What disgusting low life these people are.