Management at the Jade Bistro cafe on Boduthakurufaanu Magu have apologised to any Maldivians that may have been offended by a “festive” lunch promotion offered over the Christmas period that has since attracted protests and the attention of police in the capital.
The offer was criticised as a Christmas celebration by religious groups like the Adhaalath Party and the Islamic Foundation of the Maldives (IFM), which have both praised local police for yesterday stopping the promotion at the café.
Police Sub-Inspector Ahmed Shiyam said that officers had been sent to the cafe after complaints were received from a member of the public about the incident.
‘’The place was decorated for Christmas with items related to the celebration, police arrested one person from the cafe to clarify more information about the case. They were also released last night,’’ said Shiyam.
In a statement addressed to the “people of Maldives”, the management at Jade bistro apologised to anyone “offended” by the incident, which it said had been a special promotional lunch for expats living and working in the Maldives.
“Our intention was never to upset anyone,” the statement read. “We offered a promotion to those who were away from their homes and families and wanted to enjoy a traditional meal with friends. This promotion was simply about good food and nothing else.”
Jade Bistro added in the statement that the restaurant appealed to a number of different nationalities and “that it regularly offers different themed menu promotions.”
However, the leader of Adhaalath Party, Sheikh Hussein Rasheed, said that celebrating Christmas was unlawful and that it was a responsibility of the police to stop those events.
‘’In a society there will be different types of persons,’’ said Sheikh Hussein. ‘’It really does not matter whether it is allowed in Islam for non-Muslims to celebrate their religious days, because it is prohibited in the constitution of the Maldives.’’ He also added that everyone including foreigners should respect the laws of the country.
IFM President Ibrahim Fauzy added that it was prohibited in Islam to allow non-Muslims celebrate their holidays in places where Muslims live.
‘’It is unconstitutional and prohibited by many laws at the same time,’’ said Fauzy.
A group of protesters also gathered near the café last night to express disapproval for celebrating Christmas.

@AndrewfromCanada on Fri, 31st Dec 2010 4:22 AM
I completely support your idea. I am willing to sacrifice myself in the process. Atleast those other victims caught in the religious turmoil would know then, that God does not favour Muslims.
Islam is the religion of intolerance. Actually not a religion but a fascist ideology out to conquer the world. Good luck for many are not fooled by what is going on in the world.
Happy New Year to all except Muslims, they did ruin my whole year with news more outrageous than others
These are just the wages of Islam.
Can you hear the scratch being made right now on "Maldives" on my list of places to go as a tourist ?
The one before that was on "Egypt"...
I'm leaving in Europ and happened to read by chance the Minivan News. This story actually sends abroad an image from the Maldives which is not very positive, the less we can say.
Hopefully many comments balance this poor impression and appear on the contrary the show open-mindedness and willingness to live in peace with all.
Given most of the comments posted on the Internet, it looks like a rift between the party of Islam, enforced by the law, and the people.
Have a happy new year, peace and prosperity !
Andrew - you are a typical Christian who is hell bent on oppressing Muslims everywhere. I heard you bigoted Canadians don't even let Muslims leave work for Friday prayers. So much for Western freedom of religion kekekeke.
Well we will not tolerate Christian debaucheries such as trees, and gay marriage on our soil.
I am disturbed by all this Islamo-phobia.
Non but Allah is to be worshipped.
Markaz - Allah doesn't exist, just like all the other Gods.
Gay marriage is hardly a Christian tradition is it? But having said that, I think the only people who would be against gay marriage are people who are secretly gay but lack the courage to admit it. The rest of us simply let everyone get on with what they want to do - as long as they are not hurting anyone else.
Merry Xmas Maldives, from those of us in the 21st Century.
Isn't religion lovely? Ignorant savages arresting other ignorant savages for the "crime" of religious occultism that's not in favor by the majority.
Christanic theofascists would be passing the same theofascist laws inside of the United States if Christanic savages could get away with it.
There is no evidence now or ever, that the Creator ever favoured one sect or the other, one religion over the other. EVER.
But each sect is trying to prove they are the more blessed.
How bloody selfish can humans be!
Dear SJF
We do not acknowledge your colonial calendar. This is NOT the 21st century. This is in fact the 5th of the Month of Muharram of the year 1432.
The 25th of December does not even exist on our calendar, celebrating it is an abomination and and insult to our one true God.
That homosexuality is a crime against humanity needs no logical justification; it is self evident. For those who need a reason, I suggest you consult our holy Quran.
I was a manager @ Jade Bistro,,
Since Jade is open every day, I thought it was best to give my staff break on those days,
My advice to those who work as F&B Mangers in Maldives to respect Maldivian Laws....
few people think we will make few Extra $ on those days,,,
My thinking is doing that actually you have lost many to come for a long period of time,
one thing is certain you will never get beck the same reputation, which is hard to maintain in the competition...
Dear jade manger,
please follow the good foot steps which was left... do not try to be over in making your boss happy, you must say no when needed to your boss... otherwise one black spot in your CV could end a beautiful carrier..
@SJF it seems you haven't read the Quran yet. Read it before it not too late.
@Marie You seems to be ruin your own holiday just bcaz you are greedy to mend with others life. Just Chill, everything will be ok. Even if you mend with others problem you seem to know very little. Islam is religion of tolerance. If you want to know more read the history of islam. Dont try to open your filthy mind just bcaz you want to mend with others life..Mender..
@ SJF (S)haithaanee (J)amaaathuge (F)aaraveriyaa
"Gay marriage is hardly a Christian tradition is it? But having said that, I think the only people who would be against gay marriage are people who are secretly gay but lack the courage to admit it. The rest of us simply let everyone get on with what they want to do – as long as they are not hurting anyone else."
This is what I was expecting from people like you.
Haven't we been yelling and telling that this 'laa dheenee baigandu' is also a 'gay baigandu' who hate Islam because Islam won't allow gay marriages?
Mullah yaamyn. Here! Possibly another one of your gang members with islam-hating tendency for OBVIOUS reasons, I guess.
Not surprised. Not in the least bit.
"We do not acknowledge your colonial calendar. This is NOT the 21st century. This is in fact the 5th of the Month of Muharram of the year 1432.
The 25th of December does not even exist on our calendar, celebrating it is an abomination and and insult to our one true God."
Okay, that kind of thinking (and those who post on here calling for the entire world to be Muslim) will take mankind back to 1432 in OUR calendar..medieval style ignorant theocracy is not in anyone's best interests.
"we will not tolerate Christian debaucheries such as trees... on our soil.
I am disturbed by all this Islamo-phobia."
Wow! A christmas tree is debauchery?? I have never looked at one in that way. I am always being told that the Muslim religion is one of peace and tolerance. After reading your thoughts I see WHY islamophobia exists. Remember that even Al Qaeda uses the internet (an infidel christian invention)to spread the doctrine of hate and death.
I am atheist, so support no one religion above another.
@ Derek Postance
Islam is a culture all by itself. We don't need trees to be uprooted and brought to Maldives in the name of religion.
They should think about the environment first. Let the trees survive in their natural environment.
We don't want any more nonsense from celibate priests who are 'filled with holy spirit' but get down to the most evil activities as a worship.
@ Derek Postance
I would not even bother to try to communicate with these idiots.
Its just our fate some towel heads planted their poison on our soil some centuries ago. It has spread its evil roots across the nation. And you know what their thinking is like. If logical reasoning is one way, they face 180 Deg opposite.
@ heck "They should think about the environment first. Let the trees survive in their natural environment."
We do..trees as used in christmas celebrations are grown specially for this, they are not "wild" trees. Conifers are usually grown commercially to provide wood anyway.
@Ismail, I know it is pointless reasoning with fanatics of any sort, but as Edmund Burke said "All that is needed for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing".
Christmas trees are actually a pagan tradition that was appropriated by the Christians, as were many other Christmas traditions including the date of the holiday itself, which was a pagan winter solstice festival and is unlikely to be anywhere near the actual date Jesus was born (which wasn't in 1 AD either). Some Christian groups, such as the puritans in charge of Boston in the 1600s, have actually banned Christmas as "un-Christian". So it's really true that the struggle going on in the Maldives now is of one set of ignorant superstitious people against another.
@ Ismail
"I would not even bother to try to communicate with these idiots."
The easiest way out for timid fools!
Why don't you admit you don't have the balls and decency to communicate? Hmmm?
@ Derek Postance
“All that is needed for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing”.
And you think god forsaken people and homosexuals are the 'good men'? Huh!
Poo-pushing good men? hehe!
@ Ismail
"If logical reasoning is one way, they face 180 Deg opposite."
And what might your logical reasoning be?
Isn't it a bit illogical that you are encouraging others not to get engaged in communication, while you have the grit to complain about Muslims facing the opposite side of logic.
It's like you have opted to mount on a sick donkey and pretend that you are riding the high horse!
Why don't you allow the donkey to ride you? That would suit you better. Poh!
You need some balls to communicate, okay?
You Islamists surely understand that you have created Islamaphobia by your intolerance.
You live by tourism so you have a duty to be tolerant of things like Christmas if you want us to holiday, which I won't, in your country and if you can't, then close your borders.
If you don't like us, don't invite us.
The tourist money is just going to drop and stop.
"The 25th of December does not even exist on our calendar, celebrating it is an abomination and and insult to our one true God."
I thought Muslims believed in Jesus as one of Allah's prophets? (not that 25th Dec was his real birthday anyway). I guess you think that Allah made a mistake in sending Jesus then and that he is a bit stupid after all.
"That homosexuality is a crime against humanity needs no logical justification; it is self evident." I think what you are saying is that you can't actually think of a reason. Also, since homosexuality has been traced to genes and the fact that almost all races of animals have homosexuals in them, I guess you disagree with Allah's big plan and think he is a bit stupid after all.
"For those who need a reason, I suggest you consult our holy Quran." It's not holy because it is a massive plagiarism of many many other previous religious texts and it was written by men, not a god. Just like my post.
“This is what I was expecting from people like you.
Haven’t we been yelling and telling that this ‘laa dheenee baigandu’ is also a ‘gay baigandu’ who hate Islam because Islam won’t allow gay marriages?
Mullah yaamyn. Here! Possibly another one of your gang members with islam-hating tendency for OBVIOUS reasons, I guess.
Not surprised. Not in the least bit."
Heck, another rant from you I see. I don't know what laa dheenee baigandu is to be honest, but if you are insinuating that I am gay then no, sadly for you, I am not. I am however a rational person who believes in letting everyone live in peace as long as they are doing nothing to hurt others.
Homosexuality is a fact of life - one of Allah's creations I suppose - so it is odd that you disagree with your God who created all of these things. Outlawing homosexuality and destroying the lives of gay people just because of your own insecurities is cruel and barbaric and won't make it go away.
Take your Islam-bashing elsewhere. Maldivians will not tolerate anti-Muslim bigotry, or Christians on our soil.
As a Muslim living in Europe, Islamophobia sickens me. I experience it everytime I come out from a mosque.
Western bigots.
Is it not funny how all these Europeans are upset over Christmas being stomped on by the government? What do you expect from a so called 100% Muslim country?
Who cares about the oppression that occurs here everyday and the religious dogma literally shoved down all their throats? No, nevermind about that! Let them celebrate christmas dammit! Holiday festivities are serious business!
"US becomes one-religion country - only christians tolerated"
"Europe forbids Halal-killing of animals"
"Muslims refused visa to Italy"
"All mosques in Russia converted into casino's"
For sure one would like to read such headers in the newspapers ?
@Markaz, I see The Maldives tourist board is searching for a new slogan, to encourage tourists and keep your tourist industry alive.
I suggest your post "Maldivians will not tolerate anti-Muslim bigotry, or Christians on our soil" will do just fine.
Just so I understand you, are you saying that you are a Muslim living in the west but you don't want Christians setting foot in Maldives? Wow!
Also, I don't think you understand what the word "bigot" means. Here is the dictionary definition: "a person who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief, or opinion."
Unless of course you think that by isolating a society from all other religions makes it more aware and tolerant than a society which allows and embraces all beliefs. If so, then I guess you're lost.
Anyway, it's not an issue of Islamophobia, it's about allowing people their basic human rights to express themselves and live as they wish. It's about caring what happens to Maldivians in their own country - you'd rather bankrupt your country by removing tourism though. How would that help Maldivians?
Stupid regulations and intolerance towards other faiths is the cause of Islamophobia in the world today. You people are stuck in a seventh century time warp. A coptic church was bombed in Egypt at Christmas. You should gather all your mad mullahs and exile them on some uninhabited atoll. Western tourists should stay away from the Mad Maldives.
Jethro, couldn't agree more mate.
Let me clarify:
We do not mind Christians on our soil. But they cannot publicly display their religion. That would be Islamophobic, and bigoted of them to not respect our traditional values and faith.
Jee. You are clearly an Islamophobic bigot who wants to oppress Muslims and stop them us from worshipping our one true God.
@Markaz, thank you for the clarification (which contradicts your own earlier comment)
"We do not mind Christians on our soil. But they cannot publicly display their religion. That would be Islamophobic, and bigoted of them to not respect our traditional values and faith."
Another quite amazing statement! In UK, and most of the "infidel" west, discrimination on religious grounds is illegal, Mosques exist, Muslim women wander around in Burkas (even though there are many including myself who see security and other problems in that)yet you say for a Christian to display THEIR religion publicly in Maldives is Islamophobic??
Keep posting these bizarre comments, your tourist board and resort managements must enjoy reading them.
@ Jethro
"you’d rather bankrupt your country by removing tourism though. How would that help Maldivians?"
Oh Shutup, Jethro!
You speak like the devil!
Allah is our creator not Tourism.
Why are you foreigners meddling with our internal affairs. Mind your own business, buffoon!
@ Derek Postance
"yet you say for a Christian to display THEIR religion publicly in Maldives is Islamophobic"
Public display of any religion other than Islam is against our Constitution for your horrible information. Just like it's illegal to wear face veil in most European countries.
We were very aware of the fact that our current President wanted religious freedom for Maldives, but he was a necessary evil we had to pass in order to get rid of our former dicktator Maumoon.
Now it's time to remove this evil from our society.
We don't want celibate Christian priests in our country. They keep their celibacy at the expense of young boys. What the heck?
@ Arthur
"Jethro, couldn’t agree more mate."
Do you agree with anything that Jethro says? What if he says bend over? Still agree?
@ SJF - (S)haithaanee (J)amaaathuge (F)aaraveriyaa
"Homosexuality is a fact of life – one of Allah’s creations I suppose – so it is odd that you disagree with your God who created all of these things."
Then why do they have multiple choice questions in the tests? Is it because all the answers are right? Or is it to test your knowledge of one right answer?
I think homosexuality is one wrong answer in God's multiple choice question paper sent to humanity as a test of man's ability to discern right from wrong after teaching the right way through His Messengers.
"Just like it’s illegal to wear face veil in most European countries."
Wrong!, it is not.
"Now it’s time to remove this evil from our society.".
I agree. Religion is often evil, (muslim suicide bombers for example).The best society is a SECULAR one!
"We don’t want celibate Christian priests in our country. They keep their celibacy at the expense of young boys."
You refer to Catholics presumably? Celibacy is not a requirement for other christian religions.
Making wild statements of a vague nature is never a good thing. This article was about a christmas menu at a restaurant being the subject of a Police raid..remember that when you consider how freely Muslims operate in Europe (where Markaz choses to live!!)
heck and Markaz, who advocate a Saudi style regime in Maldives, would do well to note that the only tourists who go to Saudi Arabia are muslim pilgrims for the Hajj, and you have no equivalent of Mecca.
@heck, "Public display of any religion other than Islam is against our Constitution for your horrible information"
You are right! I just read the 2008 constitution, together with the US State Dept.Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor International Religious freedom report summarise, "freedom of religion remains severely restricted".
Clearly this includes a highly dangerous Christmas menu. Maybe we in Europe should follow your example and forbid Halal meat.
What Derek Postance does not understand is that Allah Demands to be worshipped. And Muslims demand to worship him. The UK must allow Muslims to worship Allah because Allah demands that Muslims worship him. If their constitutions did not allow for that, they would be Islamophobic bigots. Unacceptable.
In fact, Europeans should be grateful we are bringing the light of Islam onto their ignorant soil.
Conversely Allah does not demand that Muslims allow other religions on Islamic soil. Quite the opposite in fact.
Regardless, we are Muslims. We will do whatever our one true God allows us to do. Justification is unnecessary. All disagreement is Islamophobic bigotry under the guise of advocating "human rights". Preposterous westerner.
I agree with heck; mind your own business! Foreigners have no business meddling in a states internal affairs. I would elaobrate on why that is but I have an anti-Israel rally to attend.
Islamophobic buffoons.
@heck.."Foreigners have no business meddling in a states internal affairs". I agree, so stop trying to impose your religion on non Muslim nations!
"I have an anti-Israel rally to attend."
One thing we DO agree on, I would join you. Both Zionism, and the Islamist desire to dominate the world, both arise from myths dreamt up by men from ignorant desert tribes many centuries ago who now worship their respective non-existent "Gods", whom they both insist are the only true God. Neither are correct of course. The only difference is that Islam is designed to subjugate women, and crush any religious diversity.
@Markaz (and also heck).."Foreigners have no business meddling in a states internal affairs". I agree, so stop trying to impose your religion on non Muslim nations!
"I have an anti-Israel rally to attend."
One thing we DO agree on, I would join you. Both Zionism, and the Islamist desire to dominate the world, both arise from myths dreamt up by men from ignorant desert tribes many centuries ago who now worship their respective non-existent "Gods", whom they both insist are the only true God. Neither are correct of course. The only difference is that Islam is designed to subjugate women, and crush any religious diversity.
Don asked on Fri, 31st Dec 2010
"And how does this article disabuse me of the notion that the Maldives is just another Islamic hellhole breeding terrorists?"
Sadly, Don, after debating here with Markaz and heck the answer would seem to be that it does not. Beneath the surface, the similarities with the Saudi regime are considerable. I doubt I will be visiting Maldives again.
Western anarchy? Its our government propaganda and crimes against freedom. Take away our rights to think or charge us. We talk about moving forward, resorts, democracy, freedom, military US protection, budgets and policies. Look at the hypocrites calling the Antichrist. We have no housing,no money, no strength, NO RIGHTS. Political Stabbing, arrests, conflict, drugs and liars that control our lives. The world we ask to invest and help us should be told about the reality of who we are. We accept and welcome those satanic antichrists if they bring us their cash? Blasphemy is only growing in our own country and we accept it. Internet attacks, wonder why?
Why are the beardees trying to do Gods work? They should not. God, creator od EVERYTHING don't need help on this. He decides who, when to punish.
Whether its Christian, Jewish or ANY thing else, humans do not need to handout punishments. God will do that.
So, unless someone commits a crime against another human being and jeopardizes socio harmony, we need not take religious related hardline punishments on anybody else.
For the life of me I can't figure it out. The only reason may be that beardees are not confident of their own beliefs and have doubts that God may not handout punishment promptly. Could that be?...if so, that his whole new ball game in religious conflict...
Think like a beardee and ask yourself why...why am I so angry with someone else? Skim the facade. Blaming them for what their forefathers did. For what their contrymen are doing? Honestly we are saying even if your father or son does something wrong, you cannot be held responsible for it. So, on what grounds are we blaming the whole Christian or jewish community?
Boy is our religion fuxxed!
And why are they so surprised when tourist businesses start staggering?