Management at the Jade Bistro cafe on Boduthakurufaanu Magu have apologised to any Maldivians that may have been offended by a “festive” lunch promotion offered over the Christmas period that has since attracted protests and the attention of police in the capital.
The offer was criticised as a Christmas celebration by religious groups like the Adhaalath Party and the Islamic Foundation of the Maldives (IFM), which have both praised local police for yesterday stopping the promotion at the café.
Police Sub-Inspector Ahmed Shiyam said that officers had been sent to the cafe after complaints were received from a member of the public about the incident.
‘’The place was decorated for Christmas with items related to the celebration, police arrested one person from the cafe to clarify more information about the case. They were also released last night,’’ said Shiyam.
In a statement addressed to the “people of Maldives”, the management at Jade bistro apologised to anyone “offended” by the incident, which it said had been a special promotional lunch for expats living and working in the Maldives.
“Our intention was never to upset anyone,” the statement read. “We offered a promotion to those who were away from their homes and families and wanted to enjoy a traditional meal with friends. This promotion was simply about good food and nothing else.”
Jade Bistro added in the statement that the restaurant appealed to a number of different nationalities and “that it regularly offers different themed menu promotions.”
However, the leader of Adhaalath Party, Sheikh Hussein Rasheed, said that celebrating Christmas was unlawful and that it was a responsibility of the police to stop those events.
‘’In a society there will be different types of persons,’’ said Sheikh Hussein. ‘’It really does not matter whether it is allowed in Islam for non-Muslims to celebrate their religious days, because it is prohibited in the constitution of the Maldives.’’ He also added that everyone including foreigners should respect the laws of the country.
IFM President Ibrahim Fauzy added that it was prohibited in Islam to allow non-Muslims celebrate their holidays in places where Muslims live.
‘’It is unconstitutional and prohibited by many laws at the same time,’’ said Fauzy.
A group of protesters also gathered near the café last night to express disapproval for celebrating Christmas.

Do any of these prorestors realise that all the decorations they use for celebrating the removal of their children's foreskin come packaged in bags with labels that say "Christmas decorations"? What does that make the circumcision? A sin? How ridiculous is this going to get? How far is our intolerance and ignorance going to be stretched, celebrated and displayed to the world? Is there an and to all this BS?? Is Jesus Christ going to be resurrected if someone has a meal celebrating Christmas?
Just to let Adhaalut Party and IFM Fauzy know that I'm a Maldivian celebrating christmas. We sang christmas carols and ate christmas pudding. IFM Ibrahim Fauzy should become a chef if he is so concerned about what other people eat.
Wow thats great. Only problem is adhaalath are going public with what they say and do, while you hide behind your computer, kekeke....
we had a christmas party too... it was sooo much fun in our place in male'.. yippeeee
way to go xenophobic hypocrites. I hope they (people of other faiths and values) do not do the same thing when you want to celebrate your religious ceremonies, cultural festivals etc (assuming and 'god forbid' you happen to live in a society where 100% muslim was not constitutionalized)
Marry Christmas & a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
what about the celebtations you do on the resort islands? is it allowed there to celebrate christmas? is it ok to import hundreds of christmastrees to the maldives and decorate them? sign and show father christmas (who is a maldivian!). but maybe it is ok for muslims to celebrate christmas (forbidden by several laws) if they can make money out of it.
So... what happens when infidels systematically put halt to Eid festivals in their countries?
I think its pretty ok what jade did. Im sure if thse islamic fellows some how end up in a community or a country where people of other faiths were around and they wanted to celebrate eid or just pray 5 times, if they were not allowed they would also still make a fuss! saying its a god given oder and no constitution comes above it. Sad i say sad! J.bristo good at least u gave a good apology.
Fauzy, how about a name change to Ebenezer Scrooge?
Have the Adhaalath party not got something else to do besides waste police time. So a restaurant serves some festive food to expats. So what, big deal. So this is the biggest issue that Adhaalath sees in current affairs in the country right now? This week's protest is against food, last week's was against health, the week before was education. What's next I wonder. Hmmm, let me see, maybe the media, law. I wonder...
What a joke these people are. Stop using religion for your political gain and leave our beautiful country alone. Go back to whatever hole you were brain washed in. You serve no purpose to progress in this country.
And why exactly do the police need to even get involved. Are there not bigger fish to fry than a few waiters serving inappropriate food? Corruption is rife and the country is in chaos and they're arresting someone for serving Christmas food. I am really confused.
I too celebrated Christmas with friends along with half the country. And loved every minute of it I might add. For me, it's another excuse to enjoy life on Earth with friends. I think, the more pathetic protests like this by these fear mongering bearded idiots, the more people should stand up and protest against what people like them stand for.
Oh no they can't do that. Nobody can not-allow us from getting/doing what we want!
We should be able to pray where we want, when we want and however we want. In Sri Lanka, in India, in the foresaken-tundra if we want. We should and will celebrate Eid, with any kind of meat we want, and nobody can stop our god given right. Not even Americans.
We will never allow even an inch-size buddha to be imported by any of the Srilankan/Indian teachers, and certainly will never allow them to pray to it.
And of course Christianity is our arch enemy. Even the word Christmas, would make a beardee flame into hyper mode, giving most of them heart attacks.
We are told that such an act will be punished and we will go underwater.
Our intention is to get in to paradise, everyone and all, the beaches and tuna included. The whole country.
What a crock of BS, and hypocrites, we are!!!
It is very sad to read such an article. I do not see what is offensive about food, unless it is cooked badly!
Since when is having a Christmas Day lunch about religion? Surely it is about friends and family sitting at a table together to enjoy a good, home cooked meal? Or did I miss the point of eating?
I live in the Middle East and Christmas Day celebrations are not banned over here, so why on earth should they have an issue in a paradise holiday maker destination?
Could you imagine if Muslim festivals were banned in Western Countries in the same fashion...? People would be crying out for war and claiming this is racism.
Did the government ban Christmas Day celebrations on the Island Resorts? Did guests flying over from Europe find their Christmas Day celebrations cancelled on the resorts?
The answer is NO... Could you imagine the ramifications on tourism and the country’s main source of income?
Out of interest, I had a fantastic Ramadan Meal at the Jade Bistro, but as I am not Muslim, was it an offense for me to do do this????
They choose constitution over religion, and religion over consitution, whenever it is convenient for them. Does Hussein Rasheed think we're so stupid as to leave these inconsistencies unnoticed?
As President Nasheed recently said, you're tarnishing your credibility when you mix politics with religion. Whatever credibility you have left anyway.....
The important point is it is illegal in Maldives to do what they did. Maldivians are sensitive to issues related to christian missionaries.
But its always expected to have muslims slaughtered on this comment page because most of the people who come here are bigots who believe in freedom of belief in opinion only if other agree with them.
The important point is it is illegal in Maldives to do what they did. Maldivians are sensitive to issues related to christian missionaries.
But its always expected to have muslims slaughtered on this comment page because most of the people who come here are bigots who believe in freedom of belief in opinion only if other agree with them.
"bigots who believe in freedom of belief in opinion only if other agree with them."
you're describing yourself there, mate.
"So… what happens when infidels systematically put halt to Eid festivals in their countries?"
Which infidels are you referring to? Eid is celebrated in the UK quite freely. Shame that The Maldives (or some sections of it) are so intolerant of religious diversity.
There are millions of muslims living in several christian dominated countries - yet these countries do not have holidays to celebrate muslim festivals. These countries are supposed to be secular counties - yet they have national holidays for Christmas and Easter - I guess this is the result of democracy.
Hats off to Jade. Hope they do it again next Christmas.
OMG. Jan 1st the Christian calendar and its near. Lets go out to demonstrate that the year does not start on the 1st of Jan. Huh!!
Throw the Christmas lights, the decorations used for circumsition parties. Stop dancing to music. Boduberu is the dance of the rituals a prayer to Gods. Stop it
Lets go and live like Afghanistan where women are for babies and little boys are for the pleasure of men...
How about demonstrating in front of Bari's house where he lives bathing in money earned from Banguraa and illicit sex.
Give a break!!!!
@Derek Postance
"Eid is celebrated in the UK quite freely."?
Oh yeah? Since when did the UK allow Eid as a holiday for Muslims? Not upto 2010. Maybe Derek knows that something is going to happen in 2011!
Maldives also allows Christians to celebrate Christmas or any other festivity quite "freely" just as the UK does. Just don't advertise it!
what about christmas specials on the tv!!!!
OMG i think im a christian now i accidentally saw a christmas ad on tv!!!
‘’It really does not matter whether it is allowed in Islam for non-Muslims to celebrate their religious days, because it is prohibited in the constitution of the Maldives.’’
And this is the same guy who hates the constitution because it doesn't have cutting off hands for theft. Hypocrisy at its best. All Adhaalath party cares for is itself, and progressing it's name in politics. They are a xenophobic, racist and satanist bunch who use religion as a tool.
I don't take my meals on the pavement. as you said Adhaalat Party vomits, and even empties its bowels in public. Maybe you like that. Anyway our christmas meal was very much a family event. there's nothing Adhaalat party can do to stop me enjoying the holiday season.
oh and you might want to do some web search on scatophilia since you have such a great interest in filth that Adhaalat party spews.
@Ahmed Bin Addu Bin Suvadheeb
Given that muslims make up less than 3% of the UK population, then it is quite understandable that Eid is not a public holiday in the UK. In the same way we do not have public holidays for, for example, Diwali or Hanukkah. However, there is nothing stopping a muslim (or anyone else for that matter) taking annual leave over Eid.
While we are on this subject however, it is worth noting that many businesses in the Maldives pay a Ramazan bonus to their local and expatriate muslim staff but not to any expatriate non-muslim staff. Which is kind of ironic as the non-muslim staff are generally more productive during Ramazan anyway.
Xmas, Eid, Deepaaali, what makes anything different? Can’t believe, we have these scrooges in 21st century. Don’t these guys have anything else to ponder? What these guys loose if someone do anything to celebrates someone’s Festivity.
What's the big deal when a few people gather for a festive meal. Budhists, hindhus, jewish and most faiths do celebrate Christmas. It is no more a religious event but rather a global cultural event! Didn't the barbarians had better things to do
Merry Christmas
when it comes to religion, their are lots of comments.
i guess minivan news needs it to be alive.
wish u all a happy xmas & new year =)
but, but they all celebrate it at the resorts. even the staff. but hey, they give em in power the money they need. so god will just ignore dat after all... stuhpid fracktards!
in 2011 i will make sure i celebrate as many holidays from as many cultures as i, diwali, holi, hanukkah,chinese new year, halloween, kanduroadhi dhuvas, hiyarakaaiyvileyrey, onam...etc. maybe i should even send cards to MPs,President and his cabinet...and adhaalath party office.
have you seen the people at mosque at friday prayers?
i guess the mosques "need it to be alive"
minivannews doesnt need religion to keep its readership. it's mullahs like Shaheed and Illyass that need religion to stay alive. deceiving people is their job. thats what they studied at the Madrassas.
@me on Wed, 29th Dec 2010 11:04 PM
Well, religion (and similar beliefs) is and has been the single most used weapon of mass destruction in written history.
It's like clay, politicians mold it different, ignorants use at their will to concoct far fetched unrealistic fantasies and the uninformed and the unlucky get drawn into god-fearing stupor, they just don't see reality anymore.
So, apart from idiotic politicians, what else would entertain generations of stupefied half-educated lawless community?
There is a huge gap between the outlook and knowledge bases of citizens born, bred and educated in Male' and those from the outer islands. This gap offers politicians the opportunity to exploit the fears, credulence and xenophobia which is symptomatic of unfamiliarity with international norms and practices.
Changing these attitudes will require capacity development, better general living standards and redistribution of incomes. Which equals a heckuva lotta time, energy and money spent on the right programs.
Lets respect other peoples religions and their belief's..
This is typical politics and there is no harm in having such promotions.
We are in the 21st century and protests such as these create unnecessary racious and religious war fare. Is this democracy?
Let us not forget that expats have helped Maldives in numerous ways to develop the economy.
These extremists have never seen the other side of life.
God save Maldives!
'"It is unconstitutional and prohibited by many laws at the same time," said Fauzy.'
Really, laws? In that case, all the resorts are going to be in hot water. Do something about that, Fauzy; we'd love to see you try to take on all the multi-billionaires.
Because I believe you won't. For reasons of health.
The constitution needs to be changed to allow divergent thinkers in this society.
i think the government should give permission to some of the predeclared venues to hold Christmas parties as 1000s of expatriates should have equal right to celebrate their religious festivals in the capital with out mixing it with the rest of the public.
I am a Muslim and I did celebrate Christmas. There is no way a bunch of beardy could stop me and hopefully planning a DJ in next year with hot girls. Beardy you are invited. Happy Christmas to Adaalat and IFM. LALALA. Actually those beardies much look like a Santa. Hi all Santa. den LALALALA
Did the Adhaalath Party or IFM make that statement before MN approached them?
Most probably a "normal" person made that complaint to the police...but it appears MN wanted to drag in others just to create a hoo-haa.
What a pity, there is no difference between Talibanesem and Adhaalath Party
Adhaalath Party is Maldivian Talibans?
f**k adaalath & all its supporters, they are trying to destroy our nation and its only economy.
hehe.. all these comments.. what difference does it make.. you will be required to abide by the law of any country you are staying.. u uys lost ur heads
Happy Christian New Year
Get a life or no presents next year kiddies.
Sarangu Adam Manik is a dangerious man! He openly denies Islam and mocks at its five pillars such as prayer and fasting! He has said he hasn't fasted for the last 15 years! He is active boozer!! SAVE THIS COUNTRY FROM SARANG ADAM MANIK AND HIS LIKES! SAVE THE COUNTRY FIRST..AND THEN THE PARTY!
@Ahmed Bin Addu Bin Suvadheeb
“Eid is celebrated in the UK quite freely.”?
Oh yeah? Since when did the UK allow Eid as a holiday for Muslims?"
Granted Ahmed, it is not an OFFICIAL holiday, but there is no problem with Muslims celebrating it. Police are not called to put a stop to such celebrations as appears to have happened with this Christian celebration in Maldives.
"Maldives also allows Christians to celebrate Christmas or any other festivity quite “freely” just as the UK does."
Oh yeah? So, what is this entire article about??
And how does this article disabuse me of the notion that the Maldives is just another Islamic hellhole breeding terrorists?
If everyone would just convert to Islam this would not be a problem.
Everyone should go out and buy a Hummer and drive it non-stop with the AC on blast to speed up global warming so this country can sink into the ocean where it belongs.
If everyone would just convert to atheism this would not be a problem.