Maldives entrepreneurs braving “culture war” to pursue guesthouse growth, AFP reports

The full story can be read here on Minivan News’ spin-off travel website Dhonisaurus.

“Most visitors arrive at the country’s airport island, take a speed boat or seaplane to their expensive coral-fringed private resort and spend the next week relaxing in blissful ignorance of the country around them,” writes Agence France-Presse (AFP) journalist Adam Plowright.

“It has been this way for decades, the result of a deliberate policy of keeping wealthy vacationers — mostly Westerners and often newlyweds — on uninhabited islands separate from the local Muslim population.”

The potential nonetheless for expanding mid-market tourism in the Maldives through the “niche” guesthouse segment emerged as an early election issue in May after senior opposition and government figures clashed over how best the country’s inhabited islands might profit from visitors.

Plowright himself observed that despite the Maldives’ reputation as one of the world’s most exclusive holiday destinations, the opening of guesthouses across the country over the last five years has appeared to upset some religious conservatives in the country.

Under the country’s laws, traditional holiday staples such as the sale and consumption of alcohol and pork products, and women publicly sunbathing in bikinis are outlawed unless on designated ‘uninhabited’ islands set aside exclusively for resort developments.

Plowright added that with the local Maldivian potentially facing public flogging should they be convicted on charges of ‘fornication’, the religious conservative Adhaalath Party had maintained that tourism be kept separate from the country’s inhabited islands.

“If the hippy-type of travellers come, along will come drugs and narcotics which even now our society is suffering from. Things like nudity are not acceptable in a place where people are living. The people complain that they are praying in the mosque and just outside there are tourists in bikinis,” Adhaalath Party Vice President Mauroof Hussain told the AFP.

“While fundamentalist interpretations of Islam imported from the Persian Gulf and Pakistan are progressively taking root in the Maldives, Hussain’s views lie far outside the mainstream and are ridiculed by many,” the AFP claimed.

The Adhaalath Party remains a key supporter  in the upcoming election of Jumhoree Party (JP) presidential candidate and businessman MP Gasim Ibrahim, who operates a number of exclusive island resorts through his Villa Hotels company.

The presidential candidate’s resorts have thrived on supplying married and unmarried guests alike with holiday staples associated with the Maldives; including sun bathing, alcoholic beverages and diving expeditions.

Yet despite the prevalance of exclusive island resorts to tourism growth in the Maldives, efforts over the last half decade to expand guesthouses has led to a “torrent” of entrepreneurs like 25-year-old Ibrahim Mohamed opening tourist properties in an attempt to bring more US dollars directly into the local economy, according to Plowright.

Read more.


Adhaalath Party claims death threats sent to elections officials in order to frame scholars

The religious conservative Adhaalath Party (AP) has condemned threatening text messages sent to members of the country’s Election Commission (EC), alleging they have been written to try and frame religious scholars in the country.

Local media today reported party officials as claiming that by using the words ‘Allah Akbar’ in the threatening SMS, the author/s of the offending messages had intentionally tried to invoke the language of religious scholars and mislead the public.

AP spokesperson Ali Zahir told Sun Online that the party did not issue death threats or try to incite violence.

The AP also called on the authorities to find out who was sending the threatening text messages and ensure those responsible were punished.


Elections Commission asks Adhaalath Party VP to explain “irreligious” allegations against Nasheed

Adhaalath Party Vice President Dr Mauroof Hassan has said the Elections Commission Complaints Bureau has sent him a second request asking him explain his justifications for calling Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) presidential candidate and former President Mohamed Nasheed ‘ladhini’ (irreligious).

Mauroof said that although the EC had asked him to provide a response before 12:00pm Sunday (September 22), he had not yet sent a reply.

“I am currently working on drafting a response and will send it in when I am able to complete it,” he told Minivan News, adding he could not say how long this might take.

Mauroof said the letter had been sent regarding a complaint received by the EC Complaint Bureau concerning remarks he had made against Nasheed at a Jumhooree Coalition rally on September 10.

The AP Vice President has told local media that regardless of how much he and his words were investigated, he will not stop referring to Nasheed as an “irreligious man”.

He further alleged that Nasheed was to be called ‘ladhini’ alleging he was harassing the religion of Islam, disregarding of religious matters and attempting to the role of Islam by separating state and religion.

Mauroof alleged that the independence of the EC could now be questioned as a result of its decision to look into the matter of Nasheed being called ‘ladhini’.

He further alleged that the MDP had on February 8, 2012, set ablaze many state institutions in various parts of the country and committed a multitude of other illegal acts, adding that he is “astounded by the EC’s complete silence” regarding these actions.

He expressed deep concerns, alleging that based on the EC’s actions, he currently sees it as a commission filled with members who are actually activists associated with MDP.

“Adhaalath does not understand democracy”: MDP MP Hamid

Speaking about the matter, MDP MP and Spokesperson Hamid Abdul Ghafoor described the AP Vice President’s words as “nothing but meaningless rhetoric”.

“The Adhaalath Party has never managed to get elected to the parliament or councils or such post. Their political failures are a result of their lack of understanding of how democracy works. They simply are unable to comprehend it,” he stated.

“Their description of EC as an MDP campaign office further displays their ignorance on how independent commissions work. The EC will look into any acts which are unconstitutional and against the election related laws and regulations. This is why they are looking into this specific case too.”

Elections Commission President Fuwad Thaufeeq and Vice President Ahmed Fayaz were not responding to calls at the time of press.


Translation: Jamiyyathu Salaf’s ‘Al-Andhalus’ sermon

Religious NGO Jamiyyathu Salaf held a sermon titled ‘Al Andhalus’ on Tuesday, in which they described the current status of the Maldives and offered a prediction of the fate of the country “if people back an irreligious man”.

The sermon  was broadcast live on Radio Atoll and on four TV channels, including state broadcaster, TVM. While the sermon was interrupted on TVM for violating the state broadcaster’s guidelines, it was shown in full on the other channels, including VTV and DhiTV.

The following is an abridged translation of the sermon “Al Andhalus” delivered by Sheikh Adam Shameem. A link to the televised coverage can be found here.

“Upon hearing the news that I am to come here, my beloved mother asked of me, due to the current time and situation, not to speak of politics. However, I hope my mother, family firstly, and the rest of you do not misinterpret the meaning of this topic, as well as the meaning of speaking about politics. This is because politics and religion are concepts that people are often confused about. What we, our scholars, have always asserted is that politics and religion are not two separate religions or concepts. Politics is the sturdiest, most important component of Islam.”

“Love the pious, despise the unbelievers”

“In a Friday sermon I gave last year on the topic of ‘Al Walaa Al Bar’aa’, I spoke of how we must, for the sake of Allah, love those pious and faithful to Allah, and despise those who are unbelievers or those who hate Allah or his religion. Even among believers, there must be a difference between the love we have for the righteous and pious, and those who are led astray.”

“When we think of Andalus, we see history repeating itself. If we repeat the mistakes made in history, we will face the same fate. If we learn from them, and refrain from those mistakes, Allah will save us from that fate. If we are negligent and allow the reasons for those countries’ misfortune to occur in our country, then there is no doubt that we will have to face sorrowful times.”

“I have come here today to give you the frightening warning that this beloved Muslim nation may have to face similar misfortune.”

“Spain, or Andalus, which had an 800 year old Islamic state, an Islamic Caliphate, had Islam wiped out of it in under just 300 years. The Islamic power there allowed Jews to live there with freedom, Christians also lived in happiness and freedom under this power. And yet, even the name of Islam was wiped out of it in under 300 years, and even today Spain is the country with the least number of Muslims” – [here Shameem concluded with a statement alleging that Islam had been wiped out of Andalus after the Muslims built relations with non-Muslims].

‘Multiparty systems are against Islam’

“Prophet Muhammad married Aesha when she was 9 years of age, we do not deny this. However, this was the norm among Arabs in those times, and because it is not inhumane, Allah made it ‘halal’. However, this is not something that the Prophet preached as religion to the masses. People who describe Islam as such are enemies of Islam. They spread such lies to create hatred towards Islam. I mean, it is the truth that they speak, but they speak it so as to spread confusion and to make people hate Islam.”

“The death penalty is there. But it is Allah’s justice. However, in order to spread fear they say Islam is a dangerous religion where we amputate hands and behead people. So unless we all strive to protect our faith and religion, Islam will be wiped out of here too.”

“Our current state right now is that due to business or political relations, some of us love kafirs. They joke around with them, ride behind them on motorcycles, do everything with them. Yet they have envy and hatred burning in their hearts for their Muslim brothers. Beloved Muslim brothers, this is why Andalus fell. They started loving non-Muslims, and hating Muslims. Due to politics, Muslim brothers fell apart into different groups and parties and started competing against each other. As a result, to topple an Islamic power of one’s Muslim brother, they built relations with Jews and Christians.”

“Tomorrow, what will happen if this Maldives splits into different powers? How can we say it won’t happen when one group wants Islamic governance, another wants European governance, another wants a secular governance where state and religion are kept separate? Breaking up into parties is the basis of weakening and destruction of a people. Therefore Allah has prohibited this. However, modern, secular democracy comes and says that this shouldn’t be so, that we need multi-party politics, where each party has a different ideology, religion, ‘fiqh’ and discipline.”

Islam and politics

“What we are seeing today are attempts to bring in western secular democracy to an Islamic country. A land where there is no chance of praying to any God except Allah. With God’s will, this country is so far in the hands of Muslims, an islamic governance. But now that is near to changing. There is just one single clause in our constitution which says no law can be ratified if it is against Islamic Principles. However, political parties have the right to say what they please. Once this clause is removed, we lose everything. In the struggle among political parties to come to power, we are seeing dangerous parallels with the real reasons why Andalus fell: seeking help from non-Muslim leaders, bringing in their power and companies to our country. It is not prohibited to have non-Muslim labourers, but if we let any non-Muslim entities exert their power, even in business, over Muslims in our land, that is the end of us.”

“If you see a non-Muslim, start keeping his company, fall in love with him and start admiring his way of life, where will you put your religion? It will slip away from your hands. We must strongly hold on to faith in ‘Al walaa al bar’aa’. How can Jews and Christians love each other when they have so much enmity between them? But, despite their internal hatred and differences, they become twin brothers in any circumstance where they want to rise against Muslims”

“Do not make those who mock your religion into your allies. We Muslims are obliged to love each other. If someone leaves their faith in Islam and mocks religion, then they are among the Jews and Christians. We must stick to this whether this person who mocks religion is from our families or close friends. It is Allah’s command.”

“Today many of our politicians and other Muslims seem to bow down to non-Muslim rich and powerful people. Even people who are seen as our leaders, when they are among kafirs, see it as normal to act like them and refer to themselves as one of them. A man who at least claims to be a Muslim, who shows some Islamic values when among Muslims, who – like many of our Muslims – attend Friday prayers, people like this are increasing among us today. When among kafirs, they eat what they eat, drink what they drink and the saddest thing is, they express more love for the kafir’s religion than the kafirs themselves. They point out the weak points of Islam, and advise the kafir on how to work against Islam or an Islamic state. They have stooped to this level today.”

‘Liberal means Ladhini’

“Listen, in our presidential candidates, or politicians, how many of them have clearly stated internationally and nationally that they want a secular democracy, and that we do not yet have a secular democracy in our country? Everyone is pleased when this word is used. This astounds me.”

“Now, in Arabic, ‘secular democracy’ or ‘secularism’ or ‘liberalism’ or liberal whatever, what does it mean? If it comes with the words ‘secular’ or ‘liberal’, it means something without religion. Regardless of what it is we speak of.”

“A liberal religion means ladhini [irreligious]. What does it mean when they say they want Islam, but not the 7th century? You can interpret it for yourselves.”

Criticism of politics and politicians

“In my recent travels to the islands, I went to some where ‘local tourism’ has been introduced. I am not saying that guesthouse businesses are haram, or that this will lead to only haram acts. But if we can’t hold tourism within Islamic standards, that will be what destroys us. We are selling pork and alcohol in our tourism field. We must control and stop this, or we will not get Allah’s blessings.”

“Thankfully, due to Allah’s mercy and the work of some politicians, alcohol and pork are today only sold in tourist resorts, which is a place in which Muslims don’t live. I am not saying it is halal, but it is good for us that this is done in places where we don’t live. Therefore, in these islands which have local tourism – which was introduced in the name of a political party – dear lord, the things that happen there. Yes, these islands may earn more dollars, but even today, alcohol is being consumed in these islands. Friends of mine from these islands have told me that as the island gets dollars from tourists, they hold ‘bodu beru’ shows for tourists, where they drink alcohol and dance while locals – Muslims – stand around and applaud them.”

“Some people tell us that despite supporting a certain politician, their faith cannot be changed, although they say they know [the politician] does not believe in Allah. I am very happy that there are people with such strong faith among us. It is indeed an extraordinary man who can hold onto his faith while being with a kafir, an infidel who commits sinful acts and uses intoxicating substances. However, he used to say there will be no way any other religion can be practised here, but his tune has changed. Today he says that despite churches being built, his faith will personally not change. That people of other religions should also be able to live here freely and be granted rights as Islam is a peaceful, just and caring religion. This is very true, but what he wants is a horrible result. He wants to challenge Allah about the justice in our religion.”

“He means to say that Muslims, being from a just religion, should not harass or act against people praying to other religions in churches while in other countries, Muslims are being inhumanly slaughtered and stripped of their belongings. Andalus is a sufficient example of this. Therefore, Allah has commanded that we should not allow sinful acts in an islamic land of tawheed.”

“If we want to maintain peace in this country, we must never allow any other religion here. If we do, we will face the fate of Andalus tomorrow. Yes, tomorrow, it won’t take long.”

“The enemies of the state are also seeing this, and the Satan is getting depressed about this. As in, when a man who used to be a drugdealer or criminal comes to mosque today, wears a turban and raises his hands to Allah in prayer and repentance, the blood [of the enemies] will boil. They will lose hold of their senses and rain their envy on us.”

“A man who previously worked with them then repents and comes to us and says ‘Sheikh, I have done this against Islam, we have done this against Sheikhs, I have assisted these persons to work against Islam. How will I ever repent?’ This is why I, and some of my other scholar colleagues, never switch off our phones even in the middle of the night. I have always from long long away, always taken care to never switch off my phone as somebody might call and ask for advice at any time of the night. There is no one except the advice of Allah and his Prophet that can answer these queries. The People’s majlis can’t provide answers. UN won’t find answers for these questions. Denmark’s Christians and Jesuits cannot provide answers, they are a disabled people. Therefore the atheists of Europe who claim there is no religion or God, who formed secularism or irreligiousness in Europe are now on the losing end. When the christianity that existed there started contradicting with material development, they boycotted christianity. They pushed out religion from policies and said the state will not be based on any religion.”

“Many citizens are confused about the idea of separating religion from politics. The actual meaning of secular democracy is that there will be no religion in the state, that there will be no fiqh academy to criticize or give advice to the state on matters of religion. Scholars are to live like other common folk. They are to stay in their homes or churches or mosques and speak, but in a limited manner. They can advise someone to pray but they cannot say that something is haram, and should not be allowed.”

“This is Heaven, Heaven on Earth and they [kafirs] will want to rule over us, and spread their ways here.”

“Fear of Allah is one of the main things God commanded. This is because if someone does business without fear, plays sports without fear, has fun without fear or does anything without fear, he will become ruined and become a prey for Satan. How can we take any other meaning of this? In this country, without any gender segregation, people mix and play, hold music shows”

“What worries is not just that they say things against Islam and faith. What we should be more worried and scared of is sitting to listen as he speaks in public, in flowing dhivehi language, against Allah and His religion; of continuing to listen to a man as he openly ridicules the right path that the Prophet showed us. This is far more dangerous. There are people who have gone astray in any community. However, the reason that communities have to face the wrath of God is when they continue to listen to such a man, and fail to stand up against such men”

“Egypt’s Ihwanul Muslimin- Morsi – won in ‘one round’. Why did he succeed in winning in one round, instead of having to try in three or four rounds? Because he is from a religious organisation which wants to establish Islamic governance.”

Criticism of International Community

“When [in Maldives] they couldn’t win in one round, what did they then say? They said ‘Look. In a country which you say is 100% Muslim, nearly 50% of the people have voted for us – for a man who is a drug addict, a marijuana addict – so this means when we win we should make narcotics legal. This wasn’t said by religious extremists, or by scholars of Adhaalath Party. This was said by….you have heard his name”.

“He lives abroad in a neighbouring country now, and has claimed will come back and legalize homosexuality here. After the government changed, he was in the front row of protests with a placard on which red lips were drawn and the words, “I love A N N I” was written. He has openly mocked the Prophet. He protested in Male’ asking to allow other religions here.”

“The police turned a blind eye on it due to the negligence of the government then in power. We heard on the news that some youth struggled with them and chased them away. Then, he had hurt some little place on his head and a drop of blood fell, this group published photos of this on the internet. wrote ‘these are such violent people”, and used this to get the sympathy of the international community.

And it worked, the whole world believed them. Even UN took is an issue, but in Myanmar the Muslims are beings slaughtered, same in Syria and Eqypt. Where is the UN then? Where are these allies of idolatry who call for peace? Nothing. Not a word from them. If a religion of idolatry gets accepted here, and they get legal rights to live here, then we are done for, there will be much more unrest and discord here. And on top of that, even if they have only about ten of them here, if walking past one of them a bearded man trips and falls, the UN will come there. The UN will come and arrest the bearded man. It will then take photos of anyone who resembles the man, and arrest them too. They will then use their force and power to provide full freedom to these ten or so idolaters, and weaken us. They will separate islands and put up crosses there and claim it to be a separate nation. This is how they operate.”

“Scholars have highest responsibility to protect Islam”

“The biggest failure of Andalus is that the majority of Islamic scholars failed to stand up against what was happening there, be it to do with economy or entertainment or whatever. The mandate of a scholar is to stand up united if things happen against islamic principles, whether it be to do with economy, discipline or politics.”

“You have been given the opportunity to read the Quran and sunnah and learn from it. You have been chosen from among many humans and have been made heirs of the Prophet. Your responsibility is far more than that of any other. On the day of judgement, God will ask of you about the people, about the citizens. Whether you spoke the truth. You will be asked if you stood up and spoke the truth as the people were being given wrongful advice and led astray. We must be ready to answer these questions. At the least, we must be people who protested against this. Muslims must be able to live as in the Quran and sunnah without fear. This is what we must do without fear.”

“I must say that I do not preach with complete freedom now. I do not want to fear anyone but Allah. I do not want to be afraid that some other human might get displeased, or throw things at me. It is not without fear that I preach, or even go to the mosque. Why? Such a tragedy as has never happened in the country’s history happened recently. Dr. Afrasheem was murdered. Who did this? What brutal tyrants? Do such a people have the right to speak of guaranteeing freedoms? Do such a people have the right to speak of making this place more of a paradise? No, they cannot. This country had a lot of hope in Afrasheem. He and I had some differences in relation to religious principles, but as Muslims we respected and were civil to each other.”

“Previously we have heard many people say this country was ruined by a 30 year regime. Yet, they have shown they are liars today. They sing another song now. Ask them today who ruined this country, they will say it is religious scholars. Beloved Muslims, no country will ever be ruined by religious scholars. There might be a few such people among scholars, but they cannot generally say that against the scholars. We must all say the same thing and stand up against this.”

Army and police

“Allah will protect this religion if we say the words that with Allah and the Prophet, we are ready to come out to jihad and sacrifice our lives to protect our religion. If people give up ‘jihad’ for religion, that is another reason for the fall of an islamic country. Not ‘jihad’ in the way the Westerns interpret it. To sacrifice as much as we each can. The rich can donate their wealth. The young and strong can serve to defend us by forming Islamic armies. Or standing up against Islam. By coming out to war if that is needed to save the country and religion from irreligious, brutal people.”

“Women should be taught modesty. No one is saying to not educate them. They should be disciplined to be patient, courageous, strong mothers. They are the ones who produce men. They are the madrasas responsible for upbringing of men. That is the high importance of women.”

“The role of youth is to protect Islam. In this way, Allah’s love and praise for ‘mujahiddeen’ is best deserved by the army and police of the Maldives for protecting the country and religion. They are sacrificing their lives for our nation, religion and the Islamic community”

“May Allah ensure the security forces are pious and courageous people who do not allow any religion except Islam into the Maldives, and protect the nation and Islam.”

“It is a very wrongful act to defame the security forces when people speak at political podiums, streets or through media. This is an act that will destroy the nation. It is a wrong, evil and hurtful act done by some among us to openly allege that all police officers, soldiers and political opponents are evil and wrong people.”

“This country will have a dark future if we allow the police and army to be exposed to the training sessions given by non-Muslims, outright kafirs, in the guise of professional development. The kafirs will then have an opportunity to make the police and army hate Islam”


Elections Commission warns Adhaalath Party over political abuse of Islam

The Election Commission (EC) has sent a formal letter of warning to the religious conservative Adhaalath Party, stating that the commission would take action should the party continue violating the Political Parties Act – the parent legislation upon which all political parties are founded.

Speaking to local media, Adhaalath Party Spokesperson Ali Zahir confirmed to local media that the party had received the letter.

Zahir said that the EC, in the letter signed by the Vice Chair of Elections Commission Ahmed Fayaz and addressed to the President of Adhaalath Party Sheikh Imran Abdulla, the commission condemned remarks made by the members of the party during a rally held at the Jumhoree Party’s campaign headquarters at Maafannu Kunooz.

The Adhaalath Party, along with the Dhivehi Qaumee Party (DQP) and the Jumhoree Party (JP) formed an umbrella coalition to back JP Leader and resort tycoon Gasim Ibrahim in the presidential election. However, following the defeat in the election, both the DQP and the Adhaalath have joined the JP’s contention that the election had been rigged in favor of both the opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) and the Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM).

According to Zahir, the EC claimed that Adhaalath Party President Sheikh Imran’s speech during the rally could lead to chaos and ‘fitnah’ among the society.

The commission in the letter noted that the High Court could order the dissolution of a political party should the party attempt to incite hate and violence among the people, said Zahir.

Sheikh Imran during the speech claimed that the Jumhoree coalition would not accept the results of the scheduled run-off election, regardless of who won it. The Adhaalath party claimed that the dissenting remarks were made against the EC after it announced it would take action against the party for labelling opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) supporters ‘Laadheenee’ (Anti-Islamic).

The rally eventually turned into a protest as the JP supporters gathered outside the residence of the EC Chair Fuwad Thowfeek calling for his resignation. The protesters maintained that last Saturday’s election had been rigged in favor of PPM and MDP.

The EC during a press conference on Tuesday announced that legal action would be taken against those political parties who sought to deploy Islam as a political weapon.

“The EC will do everything it can to take legal action against those who use Islam as a political weapon by labeling others as impious,” said the Vice Chair of EC Ahmed Fayaz. “This is a duty of the commission.”

Fayaz noted that Islam cannot be “hijacked” or “held hostage” by one particular group or political party.

“Because the Political Parties Act states that no one can use Islam as a political weapon”, the courts would be asked to dissolve any political party that is guilty of violating the law, said Fayaz.

Legal action would also be taken against people who “insult” or “disrespect” Islam, he added.

Speaking to Minivan News on Tuesday about the threats of violence, Chair of EC Fuwad Thowfeek responded saying that “it is very sad – especially [coming from] big political parties and some with them, like Sheikh Imran [Abdulla], President of the Adhaalath Party, who spoke in an uncivilised manner. It’s a pity political parties are behaving in that manner.”

“Human beings are given the mental ability to think. That is how you know to distinguish right and wrong. I think what is happening here is someone has gone insane. When you lose your brain these things happen,” EC Vice Chair Ahmed Fayaz was quoted as saying by local media outlet CNM.

“I have not done anything wrong. If I had done something wrong I would resign immediately,” Fayaz continued. “I wouldn’t wait until any state institution comes up and says that I breached the law. I’m not worried about security. You only die once,” he added.

The Adhaalath Party meanwhile questioned the motive of EC claiming that it was the only party who had received the letter from the commission while several other political parties had also criticized the commission.

“We also believe that action must be taken against political parties that violate the Political Parties Act. But it should be done in the right order. They should first take action against those who had breached the law first before coming to us,” said Ali Zahir.

Minivan News tried contacting both Chair of EC Fuwad Thowfeek and Vice Chair Ahmed Fayaz, but were not responding to calls at time of press.


JP protests outside EC Chair’s residence

The Jumhooree Party (JP) coalition staged a protest outside Elections Commission (EC) Chair Fuwad Thowfeek’s home last night with demonstrators calling for the EC Chair’s resignation, claiming the election was rigged.

A JP rally at the party’s main meeting hall in Maafanu Kunooz in Male’ was cut short last night while leaders of the JP and Adhaalath Party (AP) led the crowd to Fuwad’s residence near the water building on Ameenee Magu.

According to local media reports, police had set up barricades at the corner of the water building before the JP demonstrators gathered near the EC chair’s home.

While the demonstration was largely peaceful, police reportedly escorted a group of Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) youth away from the JP protesters after verbal sparring between the two groups. The JP demonstrators then made their way back to M. Kunooz after about 20 minutes.

Threats were meanwhile made against Thowfeek and the EC’s Vice Chair Ahmed Fayaz, as well as mocking comments about Thowfeek’s wife during a JP coalition rally held in Male’ on Monday night (September 9), attended by coalition supporters from the Dhivehi Qaumee Party (DQP), AP and former Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) Deputy Leader Umar Naseer.

Naseer threatened violence, saying neither he nor Gasim or any of their followers will hesitate to spill their blood ‘for God and country.’ “If you [Thowfeek] want to leave the country, you should do it now,” said Naseer.

In a press conference on Tuesday – shortly after filing a case at the High Court requesting a court order compelling the EC to release the voters list and result sheets – JP MP Ilham said that the party will not let Fuwad Thowfeek “do whatever he wants with the votes” while everyone had been talking about the importance of “nationalism and Islam”.

“We have our dogs inside Elections Commission. By dogs, we mean informers who inform as about what is going on inside the Elections Commission. Don’t you dare touch a single ballot paper inside there, we will chop off the hands of those who do so,” said Ilham.

He also appealed to the police to intervene in the matter.

Speaking to Minivan News yesterday (September 10) about the threats of violence, Thowfeek responded: “it is very sad – especially [coming from] big political parties and some with them, like Sheikh Imran [Abdulla], President of the Adhaalath Party, who spoke in an uncivilised manner. It’s a pity political parties are behaving in that manner.”

“Human beings are given the mental ability to think. That is how you know to distinguish right and wrong. I think what is happening here is someone has gone insane. When you lose your brain these things happen,” EC Vice Chair Ahmed Fayaz was quoted as saying by local media outlet CNM.

“I have not done anything wrong. If I had done something wrong I would resign immediately,” Fayaz continued. “I wouldn’t wait until any state institution comes up and says that I breached the law. I’m not worried about security. You only die once,” he added.

During an EC press conference yesterday, the commission announced legal action would be taken against those who sought to deploy Islam as a political weapon.

“The EC will do everything it can to take legal action against those who use Islam as a political weapon by labeling others as impious,” he continued. “This is a duty of the commission.”

Fayaz noted that Islam cannot be “hijacked” or “held hostage” by one particular group or political party.

“Because the Political Parties Act states that no one can use Islam as a political weapon”, the courts would be asked to dissolve any political party that is guilty of violating the law, said Fayaz.

Legal action would also be taken against people who “insult” or “disrespect” Islam, he added.

Clause 15 of section 28(a) outlining ethical guidelines in the election regulations (Dhivehi) prohibits calling a candidate or his supporters laadheenee (irreligious or secular).


Adhaalath Party to decide on joining PPM tonight

Islamic Minister and spokesperson of Adhaalath Party Sheikh Mohamed Shaheem Ali Saeed has said that the party council will tonight decide whether to join the Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) in the second round of the presidential election, due to be held on September 28.

Local newspapers reported that Shaheem said his party would have a council meeting tonight, make a decision, and have a press conference to announce its final decision.

He said confirmed that the party council members were discussing the matter.

On March 30, the GIP made a coalition agreement with the Adhaalath Party, however the party left the coalition and joined Jumhooree Party (JP) coalition in July.

Yesterday, PPM presidential candidate Abdulla Yameen said that the PPM was in discussion with Adhaalath Party and Gaumee Ittihad Party (GIP) – led by current President Dr Waheed Hassan – as well as the JP.


Adhaalath Party “curses” Nasheed, accuses MDP of increasing support through black magic

Religious conservative Adhaalath Party leader Sheikh Imran Abdulla has accused Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) presidential candidate and former President Mohamed Nasheed of using black magic to garner support for the party.

“As a result of bringing in people from India, Sri Lanka, and various parts of the Maldives to perform black magic for [Nasheed], and then casting spells on food and feeding them to the masses, Nasheed has caused large numbers of people to become blind towards all his wrongdoings, and to imagine characteristics of being democratic and pro-development in him, and to be deluded into thinking they are in absolute support of him while in reality they are in a crazed state of enchantment and therefore run behind him,” Imran said, addressing the Jumhoree Coalition’s first major rally in the capital.

“Nasheed’s followers are anti-Islamic people like him and huge criminals. The rest are people under the influence of his black magic. Most people are bewitched and under black magic spells. This is the state of this country,” he said.

“Nasheed is doubtless an agent – one who has been rather well trained – sent in by enemies of Islam and our nationalism,” Imran continued. “A vote cast for Nasheed is an act which will facilitate the eradication of Islam from this country and will hurl us into a state of slavery.”

He furthermore alleged that during Nasheed’s time as President, he had “forced alcohol down the throats of Maldivians”, erased Islam, sold national assets and gave the profits to his “cronies”, and had himself “hidden away in his pockets US$16 million by giving away the airport to GMR”.

Moving away from his religion-based rhetoric, Sheikh Imran then spoke of Chinese superstitions as his justification of why people should not vote for Nasheed.

“In matters involving luck, the Chinese would never opt for number four,” he stated.

“If Nasheed approaches the 1 billion people of China as Candidate Number Four and asks for their vote, he will not be able to get a single vote,” he said.

Imran also spoke of how Nasheed is “spending billions on his campaign while he does not own any major assets or businesses in the country”. Imran then accused Nasheed of accepting funding for his campaigns from “foreign churches aiming to spread anti-Islam propaganda”.

Towards the end of his speech, Imran admitted that he “tends to levy a lot of criticism against Nasheed”, and said that this was not due to any personal grudges against the candidate.

“I have to speak against Nasheed because of the things he has done in these past several years; because of his anti-Islamic policies and anti-Islamic activities. Because I do not wish for a man like to him to become the head of state,” he continued to explain.

“Unlike other candidates, I must speak of Nasheed more openly as even the Quran instructs us to enlighten those who are ignorant and do not know any better.”

The religious conservative party’s leader also criticised the other two candidates contesting against Jumhooree Coalition candidate and businessman Gasim Ibrahim in the upcoming September 7 elections.

Referring to Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) presidential candidate Abdulla Yameen, Imran said that Yameen had failed in engaging with the public or garnering any support for himself. He alleged that as a result, Yameen had ended up having to bring out his half-brother and former President Maumoon Abdul Gayyoom to campaign for him and PPM instead.

Imran then spoke of President Mohamed Waheed Hassan, alleging he had been unable to maintain the initial “wide coalition” that he had formed as a result of “having chosen the wrong running mate at the wrong time”.

“Although Waheed was leading the race with the largest support base when talk of presidential elections first began, he no longer has the guarantee that he can even manage to get a simple five percent of the votes this election,” Imran said.

In the same week, Adhaalath Party member and current Islamic Affairs Minister Sheikh Shaheem Ali Saeed said that he had repeatedly performed prayers from the time Nasheed was elected President wishing for an end to his time in government, asking “Allah to curse Nasheed by setting dogs on him”.

“Every time I kneeled down in prayer, I repeatedly prayed a ‘dua’ performed by Prophet Mohamed (pbuh) against a man who had spit in his face,” Shaheem said, at a Jumhooree Coalition rally held on Mahibadhoo, stating that this was the first time he had prayed for the toppling of a government.

“The Prophet made this prayer against a man who spat on his face. What happened as a result is, the man was away somewhere on a trip. Then while he was asleep, a man-eating dog came and sniffed at people. Once the dog found this particular man, it attacked him and completely ripped him apart,” Shaheem stated.

Adhaalath Party had previously entered a coalition with Waheed’s Gaumee Ihthihaadh Party (GIP), which has appointed Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party (DRP) leader Thasmeen Ali as Waheed’s running mate.

They later left the coalition and defected to Jumhooree Gulhun, backing resort tycoon Gasim Ibrahim and his running mate, Dhivehi Qaumee Party (DQP) leader Dr. Hassan Saeed.

The Jumhooree Coalition now consists of the Jumhooree Party, the Dhivehi Qaumee Party, Adhaalath Party and PPM’s former interim Deputy Leader Umar Naseer and his supporters.

Politicians use ‘religion’ as a tool to play with hearts: Nasheed

“As Islam is deeply embedded in the hearts of Maldivians, some politicians are bringing out religion as a political tool to try and tamper with our hearts,” Nasheed said, speaking at the MDP’s rally held in Sri Lanka on Saturday.

Nasheed stated that at different times during the political changes of the past years, various politicians, as well as people who present themselves as religious scholars, have used religion for the purpose of furthering political gain.

Nasheed stated that some political figures who present themselves as “religious scholars” are people who do no more than “slaughter camels or bind leather books”.

“The people of Maldives are now aware of all this. We have seen how the coup regime and the long 30 year regime before that is and has been maintained. The people have rolled up their sleeves and begun work to take the Maldives to a far better place,” Nasheed said.

Adhaalath has displayed nothing but hypocrisy for the past years: PPM MP Nihan

“Imran is obviously wrong about our presidential candidate and his campaign strategies,” PPM MP Ahmed Nihan, said in response to Imran’s criticisms of the party’s presidential candidate Abdulla Yameen.

“There are two political ideologies in Maldives: that of former President Nasheed, and of former President Maumoon. They are the champions of Maldivian democracy and reform,” Nihan said.

“Our party is open about the differences in opinion between PPM and MDP about the levels of contribution these two presidents have made to the democracy movement, but that doesn’t undermine the commendable work done by either of them. Who is Imran to talk about this? The Adhaalath party made no contribution whatsoever to either the reform movement or the efforts to establish democratic governance here,” Nihan retorted.

“In the past seven years, the Adhaalath Party has displayed nothing but record levels of hypocrisy. They are responsible for destroying the healthy competitive political spirit in the country by behaving like a commodity on sale, selling themselves to whichever party offers them a higher price. The PPM has never entered an alliance with them,” he continued.

“Leave aside Imran’s criticisms of Yameen – who is he to call Nasheed an anti-Islamic person? His party’s coalition, Jumhuri Gulhun, has set up a campaign station in my constituency Villimale’ on a plot of government land which has long since been walled away for the purpose of building a mosque. They have set up speakers and are playing campaign songs on a holy plot of land reserved to make a mosque, and still have the nerve to call others ‘laadheenee’ (irreligious)?” Nihan stated.

GIP Spokesperson Abbas Adil Riza stated that Imran was making up excuses while he very well knew the truth of the matter.

“Sheikh Imran knows better than anyone else that the Adhaalath Party did not leave the GIP coalition due to any issues with Dr Waheed’s choice of running mate. They left because we were unable to give them as much money as they asked for their campaign activities,” Riza said.


Islamic Minister concerned over “extreme ideologies” being preached in Dharumavantha Mosque

Minister of Islamic Affairs Sheikh Mohamed Shaheem Ali Saeed has voiced concerns that Friday prayers conducted in the Dharumavantha Mosque in the capital city Male’ are conducted by Imams who do not hold state-issued authorisation to preach.

Shaheem emphasised the importance of putting an end to the practice of Dharumavantha Mosque conducting Friday prayers in a manner different from all other mosques in the country. He furthermore said that he had personally received reports that the sermons given in the mosque preached a “stricter, more extreme ideology [of Islam]”.

“In the Maldives, we follow the practices of Sunni communities, especially when it comes to matters concerning religion. And then [they] refuse to pray in other mosques behind authorised Imams and form their own prayer congregations elsewhere. The ‘Imams’ conducting Friday prayers at Dharumavantha Mosque do not have permits to lead Friday prayers, nor are they even well-educated. I’ve also been informed that sometimes very extreme preachings are made by them,” Shaheem said on Sunday, speaking to local media.

The minister added that mosques in the capital are now under the jurisdiction of the Male’ City Council, and that the Islamic Ministry no longer has the mandate to act against any “undesirable activities” being carried out in mosques.

Mosques were transferred from being under the watch of the Islamic Ministry to the councils in late 2011 after the ratification of the Decentralisation Act.

Shaheem stated that he had nevertheless worked to ‘reform’ people who attended these prayers with the help of various religious scholars who provided advice to these individuals.

A Male’ City Council official noted that Councillor Hassan Afeef is in charge of overeeing mosques. Afeef was not responding to calls at the time of press.

Dharumavantha Miskiiy

Dharumavantha Mosque (Miskiiy) is recorded to be the oldest mosque in the country, according to the former National Center for Linguistic and Historical Research.

The mosque, which is exclusively for men, is a one-room structure with an attached veranda, located near Sultan Park.

Dharumavantha Mosque is attributed to Mohamed-Ul-Adil, the first Sultan of the Maldives, who was the first to enforce Islamic law in the country.

On March 6, 2013, the mosque was robbed and vandalised. The matter was reported to police by those attending early morning prayers.

Police have so far not publicised details of the investigation, and the case is believed to remain unsolved.

Dharumavantha Mosque is the only known mosque in the capital which refuses to read out pre-written sermons issued by the Islamic Ministry during Friday prayers, as is the current practice.

Islamic Minister Sheikh Shaheem Ali Saeed was not responding to calls at the time of press.
