Tourists finding Maldives too pricy

A recent survey conducted by various travel magazines has found 80% of respondents feel that prices in the Maldives are too high.

According to Miadhu, 140 tourists were questioned over seven days as part of the survey. Many claimed they they would rather experience the true beauty of the Maldives and experience local cuisine rather than pay top dollar for imported food and sit in a room with expensive decorations.

While the development of mid-range tourist resorts  has been considered, the influence of the upscale tourism sector remains strong in the country.


Australian poll finds people against religious cartoons

An opinion poll in Australia has shown that a large number of non-Muslims as well as Muslims are against religious caricatures, such as of the Prophet Mohamed (PBUH), being published reports Miadhu.

The internet vote found 160,000 people were against the publication of such material, while 60,000 agreed that it could be published.

Caricatures of the Prohpet Mohamed (PBUH) met with considerable controversy recently when they were published in countries such as Australia and Denmark.

Some organisations such as Reporters Without Borders believe that these caricatures are part of freedom of speech, Miadhu reported. However human rights advocates argue against this, claiming that such depictions stir an already volatile pot and the direct targeting of religions and religous personalities should be ceased immediately.


President meets Australian Prime Minister

President of the Maldives Mohamed Nasheed has met with Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd to discuss the need to reach an emissions reduction agreement at Copenhagen.

Rudd congratulated the President on his efforts in intervening with the delegates in the plenary to continue the talks.

Nasheed expressed his concern that low lying island nations would be some of the first victims of climate change and that an agreement would have to be reached by the end of the Copenhagen conference.

The President also met with the Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi and the Prime Minster of Grenada Tillman Thomas.


Man rides motorcycle into the sea

A man was admitted to Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH) in a critical condition on Tuesday after crashing his motorcycle into the sea, reports Haveeru.

Abdulla Muaz (21), of Jawaahirumaage/Laamu Fonadhoo, suffered severe head injuries after he skidded off the causeway onto rocks between Laamu atoll Maandhoo and Kadhdoo. His passenger suffered cuts and bruises but was otherwise unharmed.

His father, Mohamed Jameel, told Haveeru that his son was still unconcious and doctors had intially put his chance of recovery at less than 40 per cent.

“However later they said that his condition seemed to be stabilising,” Jameel said.


Six men arrested for dismantling DRP camp

Six men who attempted to remove a temporary Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party (DRP) campaign office in Haa Alifu atoll Dhidhdhoo were arrested by police after a confrontation with those inside, Haveeru reports.

Police said the six men were taken into custody “to keep the peace”, and were later cautioned and released.

Dhidhdhoo Councilor Ahmed Shareef claimed that no authorisation to set up a political camp, or ‘jagaha’, in the harbour area had been given as the area was a commercial zone.

Leader of the DRP jagaha, Mohamed Naseer Nasru, said no permission had been sought for the camp because many others had previously been built in the area.

“There is no justification for this; it’s just plain unfair,” he told Haveeru. “We asked them not to take the place apart as we are willing to pay the rent for it.”


Fire victim evacuated to Sri Lanka with 65 percent burns

A man who was critically burned in a fire on Saturday at Dhaalu atoll Vaanee school has been evacuated to Sri Lanka for medical treatment, reports Haveeru.

Twenty-one year-old Abdulla Hussain from Alivilaage/Vaanee suffered burns to almost 65 per cent of his body, and currently requires a respirator to breathe. Doctors at Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH) said the fire had scorched Hussain’s lungs, and a subsequent infection had filled them with fluid causing him to struggle to breath.

“Because of that we decided to send him abroad in case his condition got worse,” Dr Abdulla Ubaid told Haveeru.

Another man injured in the fire, 21 year-old Ibrahim Rasheed of Hiyaleege/Vaanee, suffered burns to 40 per cent of his body. He is still in intensive care but is recovering, doctors said.


Family claims two year-old died after receiving the wrong injection

A family is claiming the death of a two year old boy was due to the toddler received the wrong injection at Fuvahmulah Atoll Hospital, Haveeru reports.

The boy was taken to hospital because he was vomiting, and was given three injections and put on a drip by a doctor, the family said.

The boy’s condition began to improve gradually, however a nurse administered another injection that night, they claimed, adding that there were two needles on the tray she was carrying.

A family member told Haveeru that shortly after he was given the injection, the boy complained of a headache and started shivering.

“When we went to the nurse’s station and told them what was happening, the nurse who had administered the injection promptly left,” the family member told the newspaper. “A short while later the boy stopped moving and was taken to Addu under emergency condition.”

The child was rushed to IGMH hospital in Male, but died on Thursday night, the family member said.

The family have asked police, the Health Ministry, the Human Rights Commission and the Child Protection Department to investigate the matter.


Internal threats to Islam most dangerous, says Adhaalath

The chairman of the religious scholars council of the Adhaalath told a  press conference yesterday that threats to Islam within the Maldives were far more dangerous than any external problems, Miadhu reports.

Dr Abdul Majeed claimed religions other than Islam were being introduced to the country by people travelling abroad for education and becoming converted.

“They embrace other religions. They become senior officials of the government or get elected as MPs,” he said.

Dr Majeed called for Islamic faith to be strengthened, saying “that if the faith is strong, none of the external factors will lead us astray either.”


Football team welcomed back

MPs and members of parliament’s secretariat held a lorry ride to welcome the Maldives national football team back to Male’ following their defeat in the SAFF championships, Miadhu reports.

MP Abdulla Abdul Raheem told Television Maldives that the team played well and their efforts should be congratulated. He also added that while the Maldives was defeated, he was hopeful of a victory next year.

Deputy Secretary General of Parliament Dr Ali Shameem said that while the team did not win they had united the country.

The Maldives won the SAFF championship last year but were defeated by India in a 3-1 penalty shootout.
