9.7% increase in tourists arrivals for first quarter of 2014

At the end of first quarter of 2014 tourist arrivals to the Maldives saw an increase of 9.7% compared with the same period of 2013, reaching a total of 321,561, reported the Ministry of Tourism on Tuesday.

Europe was the leading market generator taking account of 51.3% of all arrivals to the Maldives with a sum total of 321,561 tourists during the first quarter of the 2014, the report stated.

Asia and the Pacific recorded an impressive growth rate of 24.4% at the end of first quarter of 2014 bringing in additional 26,606 tourists to reach a total of 135,839. This region accounted for 42.2% of arrivals to the Maldives at the end of first quarter of 2014.

According to the Ministry, the Chinese market was increased by 24% with an additional 16,960 tourists compared with the same period of 2013.


Maldives and Chinese governments sign agricultural MoU

The governments of the Maldives and China have today signed an agreement on agricultural and research project cooperation.

“Under the terms of the Agreement the Government of China shall extend to the Government of Maldives, a grant aid of One Million Yuan [MVR2.5million]. The Grant aid will be utilized to Agriculture Sector of Maldives,” read a press release from the Maldives’ Foreign Ministry.

Present at the signing ceremony today was Foreign Minister Dunya Maumoon alongside Chinese ambassador Wang Fukang, with senior officials from the fisheries and foreign ministries also present.

Earlier this week, the Chinese ambassador also took part in a ceremony inaugurating a bilateral training seminar involving Chinese and Maldivian police officers, scheduled to take place in Shanghai this month.


Maldives police to take part in Chinese seminar

Twenty Maldivian police officers will attend a seminar alongside Chinese counterparts later this month in Shanghai, local media has revealed.

The China-Maldives Police Service Seminar will be held between April 10-23, reported Sun Online who have quoted Commissioner Hussain Waheed as expressing hope that the seminar would bring the standards of the Maldivian participants up to those of Chinese officers.

Speaking at an official inauguration ceremony last night, Chinese Ambassador to Maldives Wang Fukang hoped the seminar could further strengthen Maldives-Chinese relations while thanking local police officers for keeping Chinese tourists safe.

China now contributes more tourist arrivals to the Maldives than any other country, with recent government figures showing that 331,719 Chinese tourists visited the Maldives last year, accounting for 29.5 percent of all tourist arrivals in 2013.


Rising interest in South Asian regional grouping: Eurasia Review

“The South Asian Association of Regional Cooperation (SAARC) is not a shining model of regional cooperation,” writes Shastri Ramachandran for the Eurasia Review.

“It is seen as a talking shop – of a region that accounts for the largest population of the poor – with lofty goals, high-sounding resolutions, ringing declarations and little by way of achievement.

Hence, the increased international interest in SAARC – with more countries wanting to become observers, and observers aspiring to full membership – is surprising and flattering. Perhaps, this is because of South Asia’s rising geopolitical importance.

The eight-member body (comprising Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka), whose foreign ministers met in Maldives in February, has nine observers: China, Japan, South Korea, Myanmar, Australia, Iran, Mauritius, the European Union and the United States. There are others, such as Turkey, asking to be made observers. More observers might lead to a situation where they overwhelm the primary members; and influence the agenda.

One country, raring to become a full member, is China. And, predictably, a powerful section of ‘official’ India is opposed to it. It is in this context that External Affairs Minister Salman Khurshid’s call, in Male on February 21, for ‘institutional reform within SAARC’ needs to be viewed.”

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Maldives – A Return to Religious Conservatism: The Diplomat

“As Maldivian President Abdulla Yameen completed three months in office on February 17, one could not help but notice the Indian Ocean archipelago’s return to religious conservatism and its growing engagement with China,” writes Vishal Arora for the diplomat.

“The Maldives, a string of 1,192 islands, has made several moves to cement the supremacy of Sunni Islam since Yameen was sworn in as president in November 2013.

The Ministry of Islamic Affairs has set its top priorities for 2014, which include blocking all religions except Islam in the nation, ensuring that all laws and regulations adhere to Islamic principles and developing and strengthening the Islamic Fiqh Academy to issue fatwas.

The ministry has also signed an agreement with the Saudi Arabian Muslim Scholars Association to receive a grant of MVR1.6 million, or $104,166, for the “mutual goal” of developing and improving the study of the Quran and religion.”

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Maldives voted number one honeymoon destination

A survey taken by online reservations service Agoda has revealed the Maldives to be the number one honeymoon destination in the world.

Agoda’s Global Honeymoon Survey carried out in January and February asked over 15,000 visitors to choose their ideal destination, with  over 20 percent choosing the Indian Ocean nation.

“We know the Maldives is a popular destination for couples but we were surprised that its allure is so global, said Errol Cooke, Global Hotels vice-president.

One in five respondents chose the Maldives, with the Greek islands and Paris coming a distant second and third place, with 7.8 and 7.6 percent of the vote, respectively.

The Maldives tourist industry celebrated over one million arrivals last year for the first time in its history, with an increase in 17 percent compared with the previous year’s figures.

Growing from just 2 resorts with a bed capacity of 280 in 1972, the industry now encompasses over 100 resorts with a bed capacity of around 25,000.

Tourism now directly accounts for around thirty percent of the country’s GDP and has contributed to the Maldives’s rise to become South Asia’s wealthiest nation, with GDP per capita doubling over the past ten years alone.

The current government hopes to expand bed capacity in order to achieve the current Tourism Masterplan’s projection of 1.75 million arrivals by 2021.

Bali, Hawaii, Italy, and the Caribbean followed in Agoda’s list, with results showing that nearly 90 percent of European honeymooners preferred to travel outside of the region. The figure was just 65 percent for Asian travellers

“Among countries where we had more than 100 respondents, only three didn’t pick it as the most popular dream honeymoon destination – the Philippines, Saudi Arabia and New Zealand,” revealed Cooke.

China’s growth to become the world’s largest outbound travel market in 2012 has been reflected in the Maldives, with Chinese tourists growing from 10 million in 2000 to 83 million in 2012.

Unsurprisingly, China became the largest source market for the Maldives largest industry in 2010, amounting to nearly 30 percent of arrivals last, year.

Last year’s Maldives Visitor Survey, conducted by the Ministry of Tourism found that 23 percent of respondents had journeyed to the country for their honeymoon.


Chinese visa to be issued from Male’ Embassy

Chinese visas can be obtained from the Chinese Embassy in Male’ starting from 9 January 2014. The service will be available on Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from morning 9:00am till 11:00am, and will be provided free of charge for Maldivian citizens.

The Chinese Embassy is located at H. Nookurikeela (Dhanbugas Magu- Boduthakurufaanu Magu junction).

The issue was discussed last month during the Chinese Ambassador to the Maldives Yu Hongyao’s courtesy visit to President Abdulla Yameen.

In that meeting the Chinese’ government confirmed the granting of 50 million Yuan (USD 8.2 million) in grant aid to the Maldives for developmental projects and public services.


“Nothing precedes ties with India” although ties with China also “very close”: President Yameen

President Abdulla Yameen has stated that while the Maldives has “close ties” with China, “nothing will precede ties with India, which are far more precious”.

Yameen told Indian media during his recent official trip to the country, that he had assured its leaders that the bond between the two neighbouring countries is “heartfelt” and “based on sentiments”.

“India’s primary concern has been security in the region, particularly in the Indian Ocean and our views on the issues are exactly similar to India’s views. So it was not a difficult proposition at all.”

“We have agreed and we have exchanged views on areas of concern such as security, fighting against terrorism and fighting against piracy in the Indian Ocean. So we are largely to gain from these matters that are a concern to India while we share the Indian sentiments and we have totally endorsed them,” he continued.

“While we have had a slight rough patch with India, the time of good relations far outweigh the rough patches we had. I suppose it is easy for us to be on the right track again,” Yameen said, referring to the issues between the countries following the cancellation of the airport development contract with Indian infrastructure giant GMR.

“My trip here is the testimony to that fact. This is my first visit after I assumed office and India has been a gracious host to me. The Prime Minister of India has been very generous and kind. The talks were absolutely satisfying,” Yameen opined about the outcome of the visit.

The two countries agreed on numerous plans to strengthen bilateral defence and security cooperation, to increase and protect businesses and investments, as well as assistance in multiple development projects.

However, Yameen dismissed questions regarding rising religious radicalism in the Maldives, stating that “there is nothing to worry about at this time”.

“There are people with different thoughts. Very orthodox views. But that has not escalated into an issue of concern. It has not been a source of concern. But yes, India and Maldives, we have both agreed on our position against terrorism, on piracy in the Indian Ocean,” he continued.

“Islamic sentiments are a thing that people hold privately. I would not like to categorize that. This is however not an issue to worry about at this point in time,” he said.

As recently as May 2013, however, both the Chief of Defence Force Major General Ahmed Shiyam and then Attorney General Aishath Bisham warned of increased risks of terror attacks and of Maldivian youth enrolling in terror training camps.

In the same month, Reporters Without Borders labelled Maldives’ extremist groups as “predators of press freedom”.

Development project agreements

India and the Maldives have agreed to begin implementation of an agreement on cooperation in development projects signed in 2011 titled the “Framework Agreement on Cooperation for Development”.

The Agreement, signed during the administration of former President Mohamed Nasheed, mandates the establishment of a joint commission to oversee projects implemented under the programme, and a minimum of one annual meeting of the said commission.

A joint statement released by the two governments announced that the commission’s inaugural meeting will be held in 2014.

President Yameen stated on Monday that the ties between Maldives and India has been at their closest in the past 50 years during the time when his half brother and leader of ruling Party Progressive Party of Maldives Maumoon Abdul Gayoom was in power.

Yameen stated that the close ties are a direct result of Gayoom’s foreign policy, and the maintenance of mutual respect between the two countries since that time. He asserted that the current government will be re-implementing the foreign policy that Gayoom had made during his administration.

He stated that dignitaries from among India’s leadership had stated the same during the meetings held in his official visit.

Following Yameen’s return to the country on January 4, Gayoom made an official visit to the President’s Office on Monday to assure the government of unwavering cooperation and assistance from the ruling party.


Maldives and China sign 50 million yuan grant aid agreement

The Maldives and China have signed a grant aid agreement worth 50 million yuan (US$ 8.2 million) last week.

The Agreement on Economic and Technical Cooperation is “for the implementation of developmental projects and the advancement of public services,” the President’s Office has previously said.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs Dunya Maumoon signed the agreement on behalf of the Government of Maldives and Mr. Yu Hongyao signed on behalf of the Government of the People’s Republic of China.

China has also pledged assistance to restore Kaafu Atoll Island Dhiffushi Island School after a fire destroyed the school’s offices in November.

The grant aid comes at a time the Maldives is facing dire economic circumstances, with the government unable to afford its huge recurrent expenditure on a bloated civil service and is failing to pay millions of dollars owed to state-owned companies for services such as oil and electricity.
