Security and law enforcement degree program commences

A new undergraduate degree program focused on individuals working in security and law enforcement began on Sunday (March 24).

The course is being conducted by the Institute for Security and Law Enforcement Studies (ISLES) in conjunction with the University of Western Sydney (UWS), local media reported.

Speaking to local media on Sunday, Commissioner of Police Abdulla Riyaz said that the Maldives Police Service now has the capability to train to regional standards.

According to local media, 57 percent of the participants on the program are policemen, whilst the remaining 47 percent consist of individuals working in customs, immigration, and the military.


PhD courses to be introduced by National University

PhD programs in law and pedagogy are to be launched by the Maldives National University (MNU) tomorrow.

Chancellor of MNU Fayyaz Ali Manik said the PhD positions will only be available for two or three students in the beginning.

He added that two Maldivian supervisors are available to lead the PhD programs.

The university currently offers a few degree courses, while other colleges in Male’ offer degree and masters course.

Programs in political science are planned to be introduced by the university next year.
