Detention of narcotics seller in Kulhudhuhfushi extended by 15 days

A 39-year-old accused of smuggling and selling narcotics on the island of Kulhudhuhfushi has had his detention extended by 15 days by the island’s magistrate court.

The man was arrested on the island on June 27 and the magistrate court initially extended his detention by 10 days at the time. Police caught him while he was receiving a box from a boat that travels between Malé and the island.

Police found him to be in possession of a large number of small packets used to pack illicit drugs in and three packets containing narcotics as well as other contraband. He had also tested positive for illegal drugs.


Two arrested in Hoarafushi for selling illicit drugs

Police have arrested two individuals from the island of Hoarafushi for engaging in the widespread sale of illicit drugs.

According to the police, the two persons arrested on Wednesday night are local men both aged 19.

While the Hoarafushi Magistrate Court has extended their detention by ten days, police have stated that they are unable to provide further details as the investigation is ongoing.


Criminal Court detains two individuals caught with MVR0.9 million drug haul for five days

The Criminal Court on Tuesday extended pre-trial detention of two individuals caught with MVR900,000 (US$58,366) worth of illicit drugs to five days.

The Drug Enforcement Department (DED) caught the two individuals on arrival from the airport to Malé Monday. They are Maldivian nationals aged 48 and 31 years.

The police believe the drugs were trafficked via air.

According to the police, the 31-year-old was accused of stealing money and documents from fifth floor apartment on Malé’s Dhafeena Building in December 2011.

On Tuesday, the DED also searched both of their residences and found documents related to the drug haul.


Police seize drugs with street value in excess of MVR900,000

Police have arrested two male suspects – aged 31 and 48 – with drugs worth over MVR900,000 (US$58,365) in street value.

According to police, the 31-year-old suspect had a criminal record for committing a robbery in 2011.  The pair were arrested on Monday (June 23) based on intelligence information suggesting their involvement in drug trafficking.

The drugs were found in their possession when the suspects were searched near the Hulhumalé ferry terminal upon their arrival in Male’ from the airport. Further evidence was discovered after police searched their residence with a court warrant.

The drugs are believed to have been smuggled through the airport.

The Criminal Court yesterday extended the remand detention of the suspects to five days.


Maldives police to be deployed abroad

Commissioner of Police Hussain Waheed has announced that the Maldives Police Service is working to deploy its officers to foreign countries.

“We have considered some neighbouring countries. Although we will not reveal the countries at this time, once we establish police liaison officers, you will be able to see the results,” Waheed is quoted as saying to Haveeru.

“You will hear that police have arrested some or other person who attempted to smuggle drugs into the Maldives from some country. This is the kind of happy news that I wish to hear. You will then know which countries we deploy our officers to,”

According to Waheed, one of the main objectives of the said operation is to tackle the problem of illegal drug smuggling into the country.

He stated that, while police are at present working with counterparts abroad, the actual deployment of Maldivian officers in other countries will prove to be more effective.


Motorcyclist in Afghan team bus crash tests positive for opiates

The motorcyclist said to have caused yesterday’s bus crash involving the Afghan national football team has tested positive for drugs.

Police have confirmed that the driver tested positive for opiates and also that he had no license.

Police and media reports describe the accident as having been caused when the driver attempted to overtake a van travelling in front of the team’s motorcade. The van was forced to break, causing the following vehicles to hit it from behind.

Five players and two team officials suffered minor injuries in the accident. All were released from hospital yesterday evening, except for Mustafa Azadzoy who was released this morning after experiencing pain in his hip.

One police officer accompanying the motorcade broke an arm, while a female protocol officer suffered head injuries. Eight others, including two soldiers and two locals also suffered injuries.

The team have now travelled to Malé where they will prepare for their semi-final match against Palestine on Tuesday (May 27).

The site of the accident – the 14-kilometer Link Road in Addu City – is the longest paved road in the country and is a notorious accident hot spot.


MP Nihan slams police over dismantling of youth huts on Villimalé

Ruling Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) MP for Villimalé Ahmed Nihan has criticised the Maldives Police Services decision to dismantle huts built by young people on public land.

Speaking to Minivan News, Nihan said Villimalé’s youth population had used the huts as social spaces for over 20 years. Destroying the huts – which the youth call home – without showing them alternatives will only cause more social problems, claimed the MP.

The police dismantled the structures on the suburban island on May 18, claiming the huts were built illegally and encouraged gang activity though no unlawful substance or tools were discovered during the operation.

Nihan’s criticism of adequate youth facilities has been echoed by the Maldivian Democratic Party.

“Young people often do not have space in their houses to bring friends over as their houses are congested, that’s why they use these huts to meet up with their friends,’’ said Nihan.

“They believe that the places belong to them and gives the place some identity.’’

Encroaching on public land is an offense, acknowledged the MP, although he took issue with the police’s approach to dismantling huts.

“My concern is that the police did not discuss the issue with any of the youth before destroying the huts and have not even tried to advise them or try to make them understand that what they were doing was wrong and illegal,’’ he said.

“Destroying the huts is not the solution – there are many other things that have to be sorted out if the government wants the youth to be more productive and to stop them from getting involved in illegal activities.’’

For one thing, a youth center with modern facilities was needed to stop young people from encroaching on public space or engaging in illegal activities, he said.

“The youth center here is not functional at all because the staff handling the youth centre are not permanent, and does not have much interest in  his work. The centre is not opened regularly and there is no space for modern sports or entertainment.”

“I have MVR181,000 (US$11,715) worth of music instruments with me but I don’t have a place where the youth can access them. I don’t want to bring them into the PPM office here because not all the youth are PPM supporters – they will shout ‘Golhaabo’ [an offensive term used to refer to Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom] and run away,’’ he said.

Nihan also said that he had tried to take up this issue with Youth Minister Mohamed Maleeh Jamal but that the minister was too busy building stadiums for the ongoing Asian Football Confederation (AFC) Challenge cup.

He called on the government to provide more job opportunities for the youth and to direct them to useful work.

Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) Youth Wing Leader Mohamed Azmeel has also condemned the police’s actions saying: “I don’t think it is always drug dealers and gang members that hangs out in these spots. Besides, there are no other places to hangout.”

He noted that the new government had banned opening shops after 11pm to decrease crimes but that the crime rate has not dropped.

“We noticed that when police dismantled the huts, they targeted mostly places where MDP supporters hangout,” he said.

Youths construct structures on public spaces because there was no job opportunities for them and they have nothing to do, he added.

‘’If they don’t have anything to do they will gather to places like that to hangout,’’ he said. “The government pledged that 94,000 job opportunities will be created but they have not started implementing it,’’ he said.

While police claim the operation was carried out “after discussion with the city council”, Malé City Council – under whose jurisdiction the land currently is – has denied authorising the move, or being officially informed of it.

Despite recent assurances that the government’s youth policy was addressing the concerns of young people, youth leaders from all sides of the political divide have suggested a lack of youth participation in the administration’s planning.


Man sentenced to jail for life for trafficking 9.13 grams of heroin

The Criminal Court has sentenced a man to life in jail for trafficking 9.13 grams of heroin.

Mohamed Azeen of Thaa Atoll Kandudhoo Island was arrested in Malé on Apriln13, 2013 with 10 rubber packets containing drugs concealed in a cigarette pack.

He had also thrown two rubber packets on the ground when the police attempted to arrest him.

The Criminal Court imposed a MVR100,000 fine (US$6472) on Azeen which he has been ordered to pay within one  month.


Police seize over 3kg of illicit narcotics

An operation carried out by Police Drug Intelligence and the Drug Enforcement Department has resulted in the seizure of over 3kg of what is suspected of being illicit narcotics that were being trafficked into the Maldives.

A Thai woman and an African woman were taken into police custody in relation to the case.

The police have also searched an inn regarding this case as part of an ongoing investigation.
