Government to collect statistics on youth unemployment

The Ministry of Youth and Sports has announced it will collect statistics on youth unemployment as part of the government’s pledge to create 94,000 new jobs.

The ruling Progressive Party of the Maldives (PPM) had pledged to provide vocational training, and help unemployed youth find jobs.

Former President Mohamed Nasheed had started a vocational training programme ‘Hunaru’ worth MVR 360 million (US$23 million) in 2011 to lead 8,500 youth to skilled employment in a variety of fields. However, the programme was stopped in February 2012 following Nasheed


President Waheed requests reshuffle of educational institutions

President Mohamed Waheed has requested parliament approve structural changes that would reshuffle educational institutions, reports local media.

The government proposal would move the National Institute of Education (NIE) under the Ministry of Education as well as transfer the Education and Vocational Training Center for Children (ETCC) to the Ministry of Gender, Family and Human Rights.

Waheed’s cabinet established the NIE on December 24, 2012, however it did not begin to function until May 20, according to local media.

The Education Development Centre and the Centre for Continuing Education, previously under the Education Ministry, were abolished and their mandates transferred to the NIE in 2012.
