She finally killed him.
Which means she will face a life sentence in prison. Which also means her little son will be orphaned in a sense. Much worse, he will grow up in the arms of a woman who is very likely to hate the offspring of her own son’s murderer. What will become of the child in a few years time? What led her to stab the man to death?
Possible cause?
Family and friends confirm that Hassan Shahid (the deceased) used to be married to Mariyam Nazaha (the accused) and had continued harassment and violence against her even after the couple separated. Nazaha was reportedly harassed and threatened over the phone, in her house, and severely beaten in her home and place of work in the presence of several witnesses.
Steps taken by the victim to stop the violence?
Nazaha filed several reports of harassment and violence by Shahid with the Maldives Police Service.
Result: Nothing. Not a single witness was called for investigation.
Nazaha also filed a case of violence by Shahid, at the Gender Department at the Ministry of Health and Family.
Result: Nothing happened.
What could have been done?
The Maldives Police Service could have carried out a thorough investigation, and forwarded their findings to the Prosecutor General for prosecution, which would likely have resulted in the Criminal Court removing this violent man from society.
The Gender Department could have moved their backs rather than sit on the complaint, and at least worked towards a restraining order so that a violent man did not have the opportunity to bother his ex-wife and also did not have access to a young child.
The State and the System missed several opportunities to protect both the deceased and the accused and prevent this sad outcome.
The State has failed miserably in this instance. Domestic violence, child abuse and violence in general is rampant on every island, and it seems that the State simply has more important issues to handle.
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