Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH) may reduce the number of workers employed at the site following a health institution structural review, local media has reported.
During former President Mohamed Nasheed’s administration, IGMH employees were transferred under the Health Corporation.
However, under the current administration of President Dr Mohamed Waheed, Health Minister Dr Ahmed Jamsheed then transferred all Health Corporation employees to government civil service November 1, 2012.
An IGMH official told local media that the hospital is “largely under the civil service structure” and the regular payment of salaries and allowances has been changed “according to service regulations,” however further changes are still needed.
“The change in structure was brought about after a delay of more than six months,” the official said.
Changes in the hospital’s structure and a “shuffle” of management are expected following the review, since civil service posts have duplicated some Health Corporation positions and so far the review shows the number of employees is “a little bit high”.