Search continues for man lost at sea

The coast guard has given up its search to find the man who was lost at sea last week.

The Bangledeshi man, who was around 22 years old, fell off a fishing vessel on 7 January north of Ari Atoll Thoddoo.

The coastguard said their vessel ‘Iskandhar’ had covered an area of 533 nautical square miles in an attempt to find the man.

The coastguard again urged all vessels in the area to keep an eye out for the man, who was last seen wearing a red shirt, and urged anyone with information to contact them on 191, 3395981 or 3398898.


Maldives to participate in the 4th Asian Indo Games

The athletics association have announced that they will participate in the fourth Asian Indo Athletics Championship to be held in Tehran from 24 to 26 February.

According to Haeveeru, the association will have time trails on the 23 and 24 of January to select athletes for this tournament. The trails are for 60m, 400m, 200m and 800m.

Havveru reported that athletes currently training in Malaysia for the upcoming SAAF championships would most probably not participate in these trails.


Port workers stage demonstration

Workers at Male’ seaport staged a demonstration after claiming that the Maldives Ports Authorities (MPA) had minimised the amount of goods that could be loaded onto a single lorry.

The MPA said this was a rule implemented for safety reasons.

Although the demonstrations caused inconveniences for parties loading and unloading goods at the port, normal service has been resumed.


Indian hydrographers to assist with continental shelf claim

President Mohamed Nasheed has met with Chief Hydrographer of India Vice Admiral B R Rao.

According to the president’s office, the President sought assistance from the Indian Naval Hydrographic Department to claim for an extended continental shelf.

In October 2009, the Maldives decided to see if it could claim for an extended continental shelf.

Once the continental shelf is determined a country can exploit the minerals, natural resources, and sedentary species in that area.


Drifting speedboat rescued at sea

A speedboat that ran out of fuel and was drifting with the currents in Baraveli Kandu last night has been rescued by MNDF Nothern Area Command.

The boat was travelling from Raa Alifushi to Lhaviyani Hinnavaru carrying six people and a child. According to MNDF they left Alifushi around 10:45 pm.

The speedboat,  ‘Zaako’, belonged to Mohamed Ismail of Lhaviyani Hinnavaru, Jambuge, and ran out of fuel around 1.40 am.

The MNDF dispatched a coast guard launch to find the stricken vessel, eventually discovering it at 3:00 am, two miles west from Lhaviyani Madivaru.

The speed boat was towed into Lhaviyani Hinnavaru harbour at 3:40 am, and all on board were reported to be fine.

Speaking to Minivan News about the incident, Lieutenant Abdul Ali of the MNDF said such incidents were becoming “more and more common.”

“Those in charge [of vessels] hould realise how long the journey will take, and if ensure they have sufficient amounts of fuel,” he said.  “It is important to be cautious before travelling at sea.”

When asked about what actions the coastguard had taken to try and reduce the number of incidents, Ali claimed the authority continuously gives advice and holds many awareness programs.

MNDF urged all sea travllers to contact the nearest MNDF area command if an incident should occur, or if that number is not known, to dial the toll free emergency number 191.


Custodial abuse sparks Cabinet clamp down on “culture of torture”

Cabinet has appointed a committee to reform the Maldives Police Service (MPS) after allegations that the institution continues to have a “culture of police torture”.

The committee includes the Attorney General Husnu Suood, Minister of Human Resources, Youth and Sports Hassan Latheef, and Minister of Tourism Arts and Culture, Dr Ahmed Ali Sawad, a human rights lawyer. The Cabinet also elected to appoint Minister of State Principal Collector of Customs Mohamed Aswan as Minister of State for Home Affairs, giving him a mandate to reform the police service.

The decision to form the committee was made following the new government’s first emergency cabinet meeting, held on Saturday shortly after DhiTV aired a story showing six men claiming they had been arrested and tortured in Atolhuvei detention centre. The men, several of whom displayed bruises to the TV station, alleged that police kept them face down, cuffed their hands and feet behind them, tied the cuffs and jumped on them.

The president’s press secretary Mohamed Zuhair said the decision to form the committee was not made “in response to a particular incident”, and was instead an attempt to implement reform after public complaints about the culture of the police force.

“All the cabinet ministers appointed to the committee are lawyers and will listen to any allegations and those made by the police as well,’ he said, adding that the committee would act “as a bridge” by speeding up the resolution of existing complaints.

Clash with PIC

Shahindha Ismail from the Police Integrity Commission (PIC) and former head of the Maldivian Detainee Network said she was unaware of why the committee was set up “because the police integrity commission has a mandate to investigate everything the committee was set up to do. They are duplicating our work.”

The PIC had “more powers by law [than cabinet] to conduct investigations,” she said. “I wish the government would give more thought to letting the PIC carry out its mandate. Right now we are stuck because of our financial difficulties, we have to go to the finance ministry for everything. We’ve sent reports on this to the president, because if the government want us to do our job they have to allow us to do it.”

Shahindha said while no one had made a complaint to the PIC, she “has a slight idea” that cabinet’s response was due to six people who were alleging they had been beaten in custody.

“When police took them to the criminal court to extend their detention periods [two] showed the judge marks and bruises on their bodies, saying they were beaten,” Shahindha said.

“My sense is that the beatings were quite severe because the judge apparently ordered them to be released because he felt they were not safe in the hands of the police – upon their release they contacted the media while they were in hospital.

“The original arrests were related to the physical sexual harrassment of women, and these people are no longer in police custody,” she added.

Shahindha said she had asked police for an official report into the matter “but they have not submitted it.”

Police spokesman Sergeant Ahmed Shiyam said the MPS was not commenting at this stage.

“A culture of torture”?

The government’s decision was surprising not only because it risked duplicating the work of the PIC, but because “these [beatings] appear to happen every day. I don’t know what’s special about this incident, I’m guessing the beatings were very severe,” Shahindha said.

Incidents of police brutality were usually confined to a minority of field officers, she said.

“I wouldn’t call it a culture any more. We find during our investigations that senior police are unware of what goes on in the field as to brutality. The problem is that some of the field officers are still carrying it around. It has reduced quite a lot, but now they do it inside and don’t let people see, unlike during the demonstrations when police used to beat people in broad daylight. Now it happens either in police vehicles or detention centres.”

She was positive about the appointment of Aswan to the new role of State Minister for Home Affairs, “although I would like to know more about the committee’s mandate.”

Zuhair said the committee’s aim was police reform following “public complaints about the culture of the force”, and “nothing to do with police integrity.”

For his part, Aswan said he had only just taken up the new post after being on holiday for two weeks and was still gathering information. The appointment was “sudden”, he said, adding that while he believed his law enforcement experience would be very valuable for his new role, he had “mixed feelings” about leaving his customs portfolio.


Imports decreased in 2009

Maldives Customs have announced that imports to the country have reduced by 34% over the last year, Miadhu reports.

Total imports for 2008 were Rf16 billion while in the 2009 total was down to Rf11 billion.

Aggregate rock, corrugated tin, fruits and vegetables all showed significant levels of decrease, customs said.


Two children in row boat rescued by MNDF

Two children in a rowboat who were swept away by strong currents have been rescued by MNDF Northern Command.

The two children were travelling from Haa Alif Muraidhoo to Haa Alif Baa Rah, when their boat was pulled off course by strong currents. Both children tried to desperately row towards Baa Rah but failed.

When MNDF got news of the incident, they dispatched Coast Guard harbour craft 103 to the scene. The boys were rescued near Haa Alif Alidhoo around 6,14pm.

Both children are reported to be fine.


More violence in Male’

A man was attacked and stabbed with a sharp object in the early hours of this morning.

According to police the man was attacked by a gang of six. He is currently receiving treatment in Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital.

The incident occurred around 2.45am near Maafanu Nalahiyya.

Police have arrested a boy under 18 years of age, who was connected to the incident.
