Former President Maumoon Gayyoom lodges defamation case against Miadhu Daily editor

Former President, Maumoon Abdul Gayyoom has lodged a defamation case against the managing editor of Miadhu Daily, Abdul Latheef, after the news company reported a New York Times article alleging corruption during Gayyoom’s 30 year regime.

A Miadhu Daily report published today says Abdul Latheef is being sued for misleading the public about Gayyoom’s presidency, according to the former president’s lawyer Mohamed Waheed Ibrahim.

Miadhu Daily reports Waheed saying that an article in the June 13 edition of Miadhu Daily, written by Ali Fahudhu, prompted Gayyoom to take legal action against the newspaper.

Gayyoom wishes to receive financial compensation for defamation of his character, reports Miadhu Daily.

Miadhu Daily claims it has not published any information not included in the New York Times article, and the Miadhu report referenced the original report. Miadhu Daily says it views the New York Times as an international media news source, which it used because the information was relevant to the Maldives.

Miadhu Daily reports that Waheed said Gayyoom’s legal team is investigating if the former president can take legal action against Gayyoom’s former cabinet minister, Ahmed Abdulla, who is CEO of Miadhu Daily, and the team is also preparing a case against the New York Times.

The New York Times article said the current Maldivian government is working to reclaim US$ 400 million allegedly stolen from public coffers during Gayyoom’s administration.

The former president has also lodged a defamation case against Ali Hashim, the current finance minister, after he was quoted in the New York Times report saying that if the allegedly looted money could be reclaimed, the current government would not need the foreign aid it is seeking today.


Maldives signs agreement with University of Milano-Bicocca for scientific and academic programs at Magoodhoo, Faafu atoll

The government has signed a ‘memorandum of understanding’ (MoU) agreement with the University of Milano-Bicocca to implement scientific and
academic programs at an outpost of the university in Magoodhoo island, Faafu atoll.

With the agreement coming into effect the university will:
– Cover expenses related to research at the outpost;
– Provide all research equipment, instrumentation and other materials;
– Provide subsidised tuition fees for local students;
– Arrange two scholarships from various funding institutions.

For local students studying at the university:
– the university will organise Italian language classes for primary and secondary students at the island on a no fee basis.

At the agreement ceremony, President Nasheed and delegates from the university discussed how to make the outpost more effective, and how to implement the university programmes on the island as soon as possible.

The agreement was signed on behalf of the government by the minister of state for foreign affairs Ahmed Naseem, and on behalf of the university, rector Marcello Fontanesi.


Qatar further expands routes across Europe and Asia

Qatar Airways has announced the launch of six new routes in Europe and Asia in 2010, servicing Phuket, Hanoi, Nice, Bucharest, Budapest and Brussels.

Qatar already connects Male’ International Airport with hubs including Doha, Heathrow, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Frankfurt and Cairo.

Qatar Airways CEO Akbar Al Baker said the new routes were underserved “and so are excellent opportunities for us to tap into.”

“We spend a lot of time diligently analysing new route opportunities and I am pleased to say that the routes being announced today will not only open up new markets, but also strengthen our network strategy over our Doha hub,” he said.


Majlis undermining executive power: Eva Abdulla

The Majlis is undermining the constitutional powers of the executive branch, said MDP MP for Galolhu Uthuru, Eva Abdulla, during yesterday’s Majlis session.

Abdulla gave examples from draft amendments to the Civil Service Act, the Public Finance Act, the Police Act and the newly proposed Atolls Capital bill, which she said were designed to narrow policy options for the executive branch. She condemned the amendments and the new bill. The mandate of the Majlis is to make independent institutions responsible, said Abdulla, but it is now attempting to manage those institutions.

Last week, the Civil Service Act was amended to make Civil Service Commission appointments through the Majlis, which also rejected the government proposed amendments to the Decentralisation Act, and passed a law mandating a change of island capitals on Shaviyani and Kaafu atolls.

Maria Ahmed Didi, MDP chairperson, has said that the encroachments by the Majlis were unconstitutional, and the MDP has claimed that the aim of such amendments and laws was to stop the government’s development projects. However, the DRP has said the amendments and new bills were designed to make government more accountable.


Islamic education top priority: Moosa Maniku

Islamic education is more highly prioritised than at any other time in Maldivian history, said MDP parliamentary group leader Moosa Maniku during a Majlis debate on a DRP bill to mandate the teaching of Islam and Dhivehi in grades 11 and 12 in the country’s schools.

The DRP bill was proposed for political purposes, said Maniku, and he condemned it. “The constitution very strongly stipulates that Islam as the Maldivian religion and Dhivehi as the Maldivian language shall be protected,” he said. “That’s for all Maldivians, and not for the government alone or for students alone. We do not need another law to respect Islam and Dhivehi in this country. There is no time in our history when Islamic scholars were as free as they are now.”

Laws which aim to limit the policy options for the government are unacceptable, said Maniku, and there are rights which have to be given to people but they cannot be delivered as there is no legal infrastructure for that to happen. It will be better if the Majlis could help people in realising those rights, he said, and the current debate was a waste of the Majlis’ precious time.

DRP members spoke in favour of the bill during the debate. Abdul Azeez Jamaal Aboobakur, a co-sponsor of the bill , said that he had submitted the bill in a personal capacity and his aim was not political. It is important to protect the main pillars of Maldivian society from imminent threats and dangers, he said.

The bill was accepted for further debate and sent to the Majlis committee for national development.


MDP government misleads the public and lacks sincerity: DRP leader Thasmeen

The current MDP administration misleads the people and lacks sincerity, said DRP MP and leader Ahmed Thasmeen Ali at a public DRP meeting at the Artificial Beach in Male. The previous administration was the exact opposite and did not mislead the public and was sincere and cared more for the people, Thasmeen said.

After almost two years in office, the MDP government had failed to fulfil any of its electoral pledges, the DRP leader said, and he listed the broken pledges – higher electricity tariffs, reductions to civil servants pay, increases in the cost of living, and reduced job opportunities.

Thasmeen said the current government is very propagandist, and its most recent effort was to discredit DRP’s honorary leader Maumoon Abdul Gayyoom by labelling him as corrupt. Thasmeen defended his former boss as a very sincere and honest man.

At the meeting, Ali Waheed, DRP’s deputy leader, said that former President Maumoon ruled the country for 30 years with sincerity, and the DRP will take legal action against anyone who says otherwise. The meeting also condemned the article by the New York Times alleging corruption of US$400 million during the previous administration and also criticised Miadhu Daily for carrying the story in the local media.

Ibrahim Shareef, another deputy leader of the party, criticised Ahmed Abdulla, CEO of Miadhu Daily, and he said the MDP administration was dictatorial.


Jumhooree Party to Protest Airport Privatisation: Gasim

The Jumhooree party, lead by Gasim Ibrahim, MP for Maamingili and one of the richest men in the Maldives, is protesting against government plans to privatise the Male’ International Airport.

The party will issue a joint declaration with other political parties and NGOs regarding the matter. The party, together with other political parties, will also hold a demonstration against privatisation. The decision was made during its council meeting held on 22 June 2010.

The airport was a major people’s investment and a key asset, said Gasim who claims that the money needed for the development could be easily raised through financial institutions without privatisation. Gasim also mentioned security concerns for the airport.

Gasim also said such decisions should not be taken just to get some money for the government budget. He warned that once the term of the contract expires, the company would sell the airport back to government at a price that government can never pay, and the company would own the airport forever.

Gasim called for people to object the decision by the government. The Jumhooree party has sent a letter to President Nasheed informing him of its concerns, and the Jumhooree party has also made a submission to the Majlis about the matter.


Five people arrested for assault in Gan island, Laamu atoll

Five people have been arrested for attacking two people with sharp objects at 7.55 p.m. last night at Thundee ward in Gan island, Laamu atoll.

The victims were 21 years and 20 years old, and both suffered serious injuries to the face and head. They were taken to Gan Regional Hospital by the police.

The young men were coming out of the mosque after prayers when a group of people on seven motorcycles attacked them, say the police, who are searching for others believed to have been involved in the assault.


Five people assaulted in Hithadhoo house

Five people have been injured in a night time assault at Feeneez house in Hithadhoo island, Seenu (Addu) atoll. The victims were watching the World Cup at 12.40 a.m. when they were attacked with sharp objects and wooden sticks.

They received various injuries including cuts. Three of the victims have been released after treatment at the Hithadhoo Regional Hospital. The other two are under observation due to the severity of their wounds.

The police have apprehended five people suspected of being involved in the assault. All the suspects have criminal records for theft, assault, looting and other crimes.

Police investigations are continuing.
