MP Ali Azim arrested on third consecutive night of MDP protests

Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) supporters protested for the third consecutive day on Sunday (September 29), resulting in confrontations between the police and protesters with multiple arrests – including that of party parliament members.

Protests began at around 2:00pm near the FDI Station on Fareedhee Magu – the closest protesters can go to the Supreme Court building, as the area remains cordoned off by police and military forces.

Crowds grew and thinned alternatively throughout a period of 12 hours, with the main confrontations occurring after 10:00pm.

Minivan News observed that earlier in the night the MNDF was in charge of security operations in the area. About 400 protesters, while playing campaign songs and chanting slogans – “Forward, forward, swiftly forward”, “Give us our right to vote”, “We don’t want to selectively follow parts of the constitution” – were peaceful.

Police, including Special Operations (SO) officers, took over security operations later in the night, around which time the atmosphere became more heated.

Leading the protest were MDP Vice Presidential Candidate Dr Mustafa Lutfi, MP Ali Azim, former foreign minister Ahmed Naseem, and former Attorney General Dhiyana Saeed.

MDP MP Ali Azim was addressing the protesters from a campaign truck close to the police barricades when SO officers took him under arrest. A video on social media shows SO officers run up to the parliament member, pull him off the truck and onto the ground before dragging him away through the crowd and past the line of barricades.

Eye witnesses say that police kicked him and hit him with batons prior to dragging him to their vehicle.

The MDP has today released a press statement saying that the party “harshly condemns the brutal arrest of Ali Azim”.

“This is an act to intimidate the people and a violation of freedoms provided in the constitution.”

Protesters threw stones and empty plastic bottles over the barricades into the police lines, while police used batons, pepper spray and a substance with a strong chemical smell which caused wheezing and difficulty in breathing.

“I don’t know what this is, but having felt the pain of being pepper-sprayed and teargassed, I can tell you this is a different substance. An irritant of some sort. It smarts so very bad and feels like I have sand in my eyes. My skin feels like it is peeling away and burned,” said a 34 year-old male protester affected by the substance during last night’s protests.

“Do I deserve this in return for asking for justice? For demanding an elected government?” he asked, while pouring Coca Cola over his face in an attempt to regain sight and take away some of the pain.

According to police media a total of eight arrests were made last night. Police denied that any substance or chemical besides pepper spray was used to control the protests.

“Nothing except pepper spray. No new chemicals were used,” the spokesperson stated.

Minivan News observed at least 13 male protesters being taken into police custody after snatch teams of SO officers went into crowds and chased them.

Many of the protesters were frisked in the presence of media behind police lines prior to being taken into the police vehicles – a practice which has not previously been observed at the protests following the February 7 controversial transfer of power.

After consecutive and frequent SO officer charges into the crowd, protesters thinned out around 1.45am, leaving a few dozen people standing by in small crowds, defiantly chanting “justice now”. Police left the area at approximately 2:00am when protests died down for the night.

The MDP has said that it will continue the protests and has called on the Human Rights Commission of Maldives (HRCM) and the prosecutor general to investigate the arrests of the DRP MP and other protesters.

MP Ali Azim was brought to court at 2.30pm this afternoon and his detention has been extended for seven days.

Meanwhile, police have said they are investigating four MDP MPs for contempt of court and threatening police, judges and their families. These are Feydhoo MP Alhan Fahmy, Malé MPs Imthiyaz Fahmy, Mohamed Rasheed (Bonda) and Reeko Moosa Manik.

Furthermore police arrested Malé MP Hamid Abdul Gafoor today to ensure his presence at a Criminal Court trial tomorrow on alleged possession of alcohol.

MDP MP Ali Waheed’s car was vandalised in the evening, and a motorcycle and car were torched at 3:00 am. The police also said wife of a policeman was hit by a motorcycle at noon. She is eight months pregnant.

MP Ali Azim arrested during Sunday night’s protests


Indian naval ship visits the Maldives

Indian Naval Ship Khanjar berthed in Male’ harbour on 16 September 2013, on deployment for joint exclusive economic zone (EEZ) and anti-piracy patrols with the Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF).

INS Khanjar will undertake a Joint EEZ patrol in the Maldivian EEZ from September 18-21. Officers from the MNDF Coast Guard will embark the ship for this mission.

According to a statement from the Indian High Commission in Male’, several professional activities were conducted between the ship and MNDF Coast Guard personnel. These included refresher training capsules on Force protection, Search and Rescue, High risk boarding and other naval exercises for MNDF personnel.

“INS Khanjar is the fourth of the famed ‘Khukri’ class Missile Corvettes of the Indian Navy. The ship is christened after the traditional weapon ‘Khanjar’- a curved double edged dagger, epitomising the fighting spirit of the ship. Designed for surface-to-surface warfare, teh ship packs a considerable punch compared to her size. The weapon outfit includes surface to surface missiles, close range anti-air missiles, medium calibre gun and close-in weapon systems. She also has the capability to carry an Alouette helicopter for air operations. INS Khanjar is part of the elite Eastern Fleet of the Indian Navy and is commanded by Commander BS Bains,” stated the High Commission.

“The ship’s deployment to Male underscores the strong bilateral ties between India and Maldives and is expected to go a long way in strengthening maritime security cooperation between the two countries,” the statement added.


Two vessels including MNDF boat sunk near to capital

Two vessels including a coastguard boat have sunk in waters near to Male’ over the last 24 hours, while an airport ferry travelling to the capital has also run aground off Funadhoo oil jetty due to adverse weather affecting many parts of the country.

Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF) Spokesperson Colonel Abdul Raheem confirmed that the coastguard has yesterday (August 23) received reports of a fishing vessel sinking around 14 nautical miles from Male’ as it tried to return to the capital during “bad weather”

He added that a small MNDF boat, later sent to assist the fishing vessel, also sank as a result of the harsh weather conditions – although both crews were later successfully evacuated by authorities.

According to Colonel Raheem, the MNDF has today located the sunken coastguard vessel, which was being returned to Male’ at the time of press.

Local media reported that the fishing vessel, identified as Rabeeu, had started sinking at about 6:00pm yesterday after a large wave flooded the craft’s engine area.

A total of 11 crew were on the boat at the time, according to Sun Online.

The MNDF confirmed that the coastguard had also provided assistance during a separate incident yesterday where an airport ferry travelling a short distance from Hulhule’ to Male’ ran aground after experiencing engine troubles.

Authorities said that high winds had led to the boat being swept into the reef area of Funadhoo. No serious casualties were reported.

Colonel Raheem said that the MNDF were not today advising against sea travel, despite these incidents, as conditions were reported to be calmer.

However, he stressed the importance for boat operators and members of the public to ensure all boats had sufficient safety equipment for passengers and crew.

Weather patterns

The Maldives Department of Meteorology (Met Office) today said that it had not taken the decision to issue any weather warnings over the last 24 hours, although it did expect continued heavy showers in parts of the country, specifically in southern atolls.

A Met Office spokesperson said that wet weather was expected to continue at least for the next two to three days across the country.

The department today however said it had not been informed of a tornado that was reported to have struck the island of Milandho in Shaviyani Atoll yesterday evening.

According to police, this adverse weather occurred at about 8:00pm yesterday.

No serious injuries were reported to authorities, although the tornado was found to have  damaged trees and school buildings on the island, as well as to motorcycles parked by the local medical centre, according to the police website.

The Met Office was forced to issue a temporary ‘yellow warning’ earlier this month, advising the public against travelling by sea where possible as rough weather again struck the islands.


Fire destroys kitchen in expatriate accommodation

Maldives National Defense Force (MNDF) firefighters have contained a fire that started this morning in a building containing expatriate workers, Mahchangolhi Yellow in Male.

In a statement issued today the MNDF said that the incident was reported at 10:08 am this morning and the fire was controlled in around half an hour.

The MNDF said the incident occurred due to a gas leak while the expats were cooking inside the house.

Although no one was injured in the incident, the MNDF said all equipment inside the kitchen and a room next to the kitchen was damaged beyond repair.

The MNDF said police and the MNDF fire and rescue team were further investigating the case. accommodation


Met Office issues weather warning, advises against sea travel for next 24 hours

The Maldives Department of Meteorology (Met Office) has issued a ‘yellow warning’ advising the public against travelling by sea where possible, due to concerns about adverse weather conditions expected across the country for at least the next 24 hours.

The notice, posted on the Met Office website, stated that showers and thunderstorms were expected throughout the day – with average wind speeds of between 30 to 37 miles per hour. Stronger winds are also predicted as between Lhaviyani Atoll and Thaa Atoll, according to authorities.

With the Met Office predicting wind speeds could reach up to 55 miles per hour in parts of the country over the next 24 hours, the Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF) has urged anyone considering sea travel to notify the coastguard before embarking on their journey.

MNDF Spokesperson Colonel Abdul Raheem today told Minivan News that authorities had not been notified of any major incidents at sea resulting from the current weather conditions. However, Colonel Raheem urged everyone travelling by boat to take precautions nonetheless.

“We would ask anyone planning on travelling to check conditions with the coast guard as the sea is rough right now,” he added.

The MNDF Coast Guard has also encouraged members of the public to contact its toll-free number by calling 191 to get more information on suitable times for their journey.

Authorities have previously requested that vessels also contact the coastguard when embarking or returning from longer distance journeys during adverse weather conditions.

Local media reported that the MNDF has asked the public to pay attention to ensure cargo ships carry lighter loads under the current conditions, while checking vessels are equipped with sufficient life jackets and drainage facilities.

Met Office spokesperson Hussein Waheed was not responding to calls from Minivan News at time of press.


Five hospitalised after fire destroys 16 water villas at Adaaran Select Hudhuranfushi resort

Five people have been hospitalised with minor injuries after a fire destroyed 16 water villas at the Adaaran Select Hudhuranfushi resort in North Male’ atoll this morning, local authorities have confirmed.

A police media official confirmed one Brazilian and three Chinese tourists had been taken to Male’ for treatment for injuries sustained during the resort blaze.  One Maldivian member of staff was taken to hospital on the island of Thulusdhoo, police said.

The media official confirmed that a special police investigation team including forensic officers were today assessing damage at the resort, though no further details were given on the possible cause of the blaze at time of press.

Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF) Spokesperson Major Hussain Ali said fire fighters were informed of the blaze at 4:40am today.

Major Hussain said the fire was brought under control a few hours later at 6:50am, with the MNDF expected to provide technical assistance to police officers investigating the blaze. He said a total of 17 rooms were severely damaged.

Resort open

Mohamed Mahdy, General Manager of Administration for Adaaran, said the Hudhuranfushi Select resort remained open to guests, with its beach villas and other properties unaffected by the fire.

The spokesperson added that an investigation into the incident was already underway for insurance purposes.

Upon discovery of the fire, Mahdy said staff realised they did not have the capacity to deal with the blaze and called in MNDF firefighters.

Subsequent to publication, Mahdy clarified that the resort had three water pumps on site, and that staff had brought the fire under control as MNDF firefighters arrived.

He added that the design of the water villas, particularly roofs covered in thatched material, had meant the fire spread quickly, but efforts were still successful in preventing further spread to other areas on the resort.

Promotional image of resort's water villas

Fire safety

Mahdy said the company continued to operate its properties in full compliance with local regulations and would not be reviewing fire safety on the site.

Mahdy confirmed that resort’s water villas were not fitted with smoke alarms, explaining that the properties were “very different to city hotels”.

However, he said staff had woken up and evacuated all guests once the fire was discovered.

He said Adaaran had contracted local authorities to undertake fire safety training with staff at the resort.

Water villas – stilted structures that sit above the sea – have become synonymous with high-end resort properties in the Maldives and are offered as premium category accommodation by both local and multi-national hospitality groups in the country.

Adaaran Select Hudhuranfushi is the second of the country’s more than 100 exclusive island resort properties to have experienced a fire over the last three days, with local media reporting that five people had been hospitalised with minor injuries following a blaze at the Robinson Club resort in Gaafu Alifu Atoll.

Sun Online reported Friday (July 19) that three Maldivians and two foreigners were injured by an explosion that occurred in a staff store area on the property.

Four of those injured by the fire were reportedly admitted to hospital with burns on different parts of their body.

MNDF officials meanwhile speculated that the fire was likely the result of an electrical malfunction, according to Sun.

Tourism Minister Ahmed Adheeb could not be reached for comment at time of press.

Clarification: General Manager of Administration for the Adaaran resort, Mohamed Mahdy, subsequent to publication of this article informed Minivan News that the resort had three water pumps on site, and that staff had brought the fire under control as MNDF firefighters arrived.


Maldives, India and Sri Lanka agree to increased maritime security collaboration

The second Trilateral Cooperation on Maritime Security meeting between India, the Maldives and Sri Lanka concluded this week with an agreement for greater collaboration and information sharing among their respective naval forces in the Indian Ocean.

The Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF) has said that an agreement had been reached during the meeting for Indian and Sri Lankan naval forces to assist the Maldives with search and rescue efforts, as well as dealing with issues such as marine oil pollution.

The meeting, which concluded Tuesday (July 9) was attended by Maldives Defence Minister Mohamed Nazim, Sri Lanka’s Minister of Defence and Urban Development Gotabaya Rajapaksa and India’s National Security Advisor Shivshankar Menon.

The first Trilateral Cooperation on Maritime Security meeting was held in the Maldives in 2011, although the MNDF has said that technical meetings have since been held in all three countries.


MNDF assists with relocation of Maafilaafushi island residents

The Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF) has today continued with efforts to relocate families on the island of Maafilaafushi in Lhaviyani Atoll, local media has reported.

MNDF officers began assisting with the transfer of families to the island of Naifaru yesterday (July 10) at the request of Lhaviyani Atoll Council.

MNDF officials have told Sun Online that the ongoing transfer of the estimated 80 people living on Maafilaafushi was expected to continue on Saturday (July 13).  The military also thanked islanders for their cooperation.

Local media has reported that the decision to transfer residents to nearby islands in Lhaviyani Atoll had been taken after the government declared Maafilaafushi an inhabited island.

The office of Lhaviyani Atoll Council and MNDF Media Officer Captain Abdulla Ali were not responding to calls from Minivan News at time of press.

In 2011, the former government began discussions on transferring the population of Maafilaafushi – then estimated at around 100 residents – to other islands.

Local Newspaper Haveeru reported at the time that residents on Maafilaafushi, which was used by the MNDF for training, had demanded to be relocated due to military exercises conducted on the island.


Two men to be charged with the stabbing of MP Hamdhoon’s bodyguard

Police have sent the names of two men to the Prosecutor General’s Office (PG) requesting they be charged with the stabbing of a Maldives National Defense Force (MNDF) officer, who was serving as the bodyguard of Inguraidhoo Constituency MP Hamdhoon Hameed.

Police identified the two men as Ghanim Abdul Gafoor, 20 of Male’ and Ramiz Ali, 23 of Isdhoo in Laamu Atoll.

In a statement issued today, police alleged that in March 2013 the pair men assaulted the MNDF officer while he was in Lonuziyarai Magu. According to police the incident occurred at about 10:30pm.

MNDF officer Private Ibrahim Areef of the Special Protection Group was stabbed while he was near Imperial Medical Clinic. Areef sustained injuries to his head, torso and arm in the  attack.

The MNDF told the media at the time that Areef was attacked by a group of eight men. He was immediately taken to Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH) with the assistance of civilians and police.
