Parliament’s newly appointed security officers commence duties

Despite 25 independent security officers having commenced work in the Majlis, the Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF) is still continuing to provide security services to the Majlis, parliament has said.

The decision to appoint a Serjeant at Arms to the People’s Majlis was made shortly after an MP was forcefully removed from the premises last October on the orders of the Supreme Court.

Majlis Speaker Abdulla Shahid said at the the time that the MNDF – which has traditionally overseen security at the Majlis – had ignored his orders on the day of the incident.

Parliament’s Consul General Ahmed Mohamed has declined to comment on the respective mandates of the private and MNDF security officers, according to local media.

The Defence Ministry has criticised the establishment of an independent security unit, claiming that the MNDF is required by the constitution to provide such services.

The 25 officers were selected from among 267 applicants. The parliament announced that inclusive of allowances, each officer would be earning a monthly salary of MVR 14,350.


MNDF sacks Colonel Ziyad

Colonel Mohamed Ziyad has been sacked by the Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF) on February 20.

In early 2012, Colonel Ziyad was among senior military officials charged in relation to the controversial detention of Criminal Court Chief Judge Abdulla Mohamed on January 16, 2012.

At the first hearing of his trial at the Hulhumalé magistrate court in February 2012, Colonel Ziyad pleaded not guilty to the charges of arbitrary arrest and detention.

Ziyad’s sacking last week followed the dismissal of six senior officers, including Brigadier General Ahmed Nilam, in November 2013.

The MNDF said at the time that Nilam had been demoted from the post of Brigadier General and dismissed for “violating MNDF duties and disciplinary norms, repeating acts that should not be seen from an MNDF officer, revealing secret information against military regulations, diminishing the honor of the MNDF, and sowing discord in the military”.

While First Lieutenant Abdulla Shareef, Sergeant First Class Ali Waheed, and Staff Sergeant Ibrahim Ali were dismissed for allegedly breaching the MNDF’s duties and responsibilities, Staff Sergeant Hassan Hameed was dismissed for disciplinary offences and Lance Corporal Shahrab Rashid for leaking secret MNDF documents.

All six soldiers had previously been suspended on charges of sowing discord in the military.


Tourism faculty and naval craft to be handed over during Indian minister’s visit

The Indian High Commission in the Maldives has revealed that the country’s External Affair’s Minister Salman Khurshid will hand over a naval landing craft to the Maldives National Defence Force this week.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Maldives said on Thursday that Minister Khurshid will be visiting the Maldives this week on invitation of Foreign Minister Dhunya Maumoon.

The India Maldives Friendship Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism – constructed by the Indian Government – will also be officially handed to the Maldives during the visit.

The US$11 million facility – begun in 2002 – will provide state-of-the-art infrastructure and equipment for training Maldivians in tourism and hospitality sector.

“The project envisages India’s continued engagement with the institution through deputation of experts, curriculum support, and exchange of faculty from reputed hotel management institutes of India,” the Indian High Commission has stated.

Indian High Commissioner to the Maldives Rajeev Shahare stated that the visit would present an opportunity to discuss the implementation of projects agreed upon during President Abdulla Yameen’s initial official visit to India.

In addition to the handing over of these facilities to the Maldivian governement at an event planned to be held on Wednesday [February 19], External Affairs Minister Khurshid will also be participating in the SAARC Foreign Ministers’ Meeting scheduled to be held in the Maldives on February 20.


Maldives signs MoU permitting flights to Saudi Arabia

Following the signing of a memorandum of understanding on strengthening air transport between Saudi Arabia and the Maldives, Maldivian airlines are now permitted to fly to Saudi Arabia.

The MoU was signed during a meeting between the Maldives’ Minister of Defence and National Security Mohamed Nazim and the Saudi Arabian General Authority of Civil Aviation’s vice president during Nazim’s official trip to Jeddah in January .

The Defence Ministry informed local media that, with the signing of the MoU, flights from both countries are now permitted to fly to one other. They stated that 14 flights a week are now allowed to fly from the Maldives to Jeddah, Riyadh, and Medina in Saudi Arabia.

According to the ministry, the national airline Maldivian, as well as private carrier Mega Maldives has expressed interest in holding flights to Saudi Arabia.


MNDF unable to recover dead diver’s body

Maldives National Defense Force (MNDF) Coast Guard Commander Colonel Mohamed Ibrahim has said that the coastguard faces huge challenges in retrieving the body of a dead diver from 100 meters underwater.

Mohamed Jameel was reported missing on February 3 while diving near Villingili Island last week.

Speaking on Maldives Broadcasting Corporation’s Raaje Miadhu, Mohamed said MNDF divers had discovered Jameel’s fishing net at 70 meters on the third day of the search. The MNDF sighted Jameel’s body at 100 meters the next day.

The MNDF held discussions with expert divers in the Maldives and provided them technical assistance to recover the body however, after diving in the area, divers told MNDF that they were not able to retrieve the body due to the depth.

The MNDF spoke to technical officials of a local ‘Whale Submarine,’ but were unable to recover the body because the currents were too strong for the submarine in the area. Mohamed said there were hanging rocks in the area and it requires a strong hydraulic arm.

According to MNDF, the search team also had foreign diving instructors dive in the area and during the two days they tried visibility was low in the area and currents were too strong.


Lost diver found dead at 100 meters

A diver reported lost on February 4 has been sighted at 100 meters off the coast of Kaafu Atoll Villingili Island.

The Maldives National Defense Forces (MNDF) said it is currently holding discussions with expert foreign and local divers on retrieving Mohamed Jameel’s body.

Mohamed Waseem was among the last to see Jameel alive. Waseem told local newspaper Haveeru that he had noticed Waseem diving to an unsafe depth and had cautioned him not to do so.

Jameel, Waseem and a third man had been diving to catch live fish at the time.


MNDF continues search for lost diver

The Maldives National Defense Forces’ (MNDF) search for a lost diver has entered a second day.

Mohamed Jameel, 41, was reported lost at 11:55 am while he was diving with two others off the southern coast of Villingili Island in Kaafu Atoll. He was on a boat called Vidhuvaru.

Jameel was last seen wearing a black mask, a black dive suit and blue fins.

The MNDF has appealed to all boats traveling in the area to keep an eye out for Jameel, and called on the public to call toll free number 191 or 3395981/ 3398898 if they receive any reports of the missing diver.


Staff control fire outbreak in Safari Island Resort

A fire in Safari Island Resort this morning was controlled by staff before the Maldives National Defense Force (MNDF) or Police could reach there.

The MNDF said that the fire incident occurred inside a water bungalow in the resort, with the room fully destroyed by the fire before it was controlled.

No injuries were reported during the incident, the MNDF said. The incident was reported at about 4:42am, and an MNDF vessel left Male’ at 5:07am.


Cargo boat capsizes with 12 onboard

A cargo boat en route from Malé to the Filitheyo resort in Faafu atoll capsized 15 miles off the coast of Alif Dhaal Dhiggurah in the early hours of Friday following a collision at sea.

According to the Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF), a coastguard squadron was dispatched to rescue the crew upon receiving reports of the accident at 4:48am.

Eight men, two women and two minors were onboard when the 60-foot “3 A 28” resort supply dhoni (traditional Maldivian vessel) went under. All 12 were found by the coastguard on a lifeboat dingy and had escaped without injury.

Police meanwhile launched a search yesterday for the second boat, which allegedly sped away after the collision. The ‘Kumeri’ dhoni was found docked at the Hulhumale’ harbour.

The crew and captain were however released by the police after questioning. Newspaper Haveeru today reported a crew member of the Kumeri dhoni as saying that the crew saw 3 A 28 speeding away after the accident and were unaware that it had capsized.

The fishing boat from Faafu Magoodhoo was en route to Hulhumalé to buy ice, he said.
