Indian doctors treat over 900 patients in nationwide medical camp

Some 931 patients have been treated so far in a ‘medical camp’ conducted across the country by the Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF) in collaboration with the Indian military.

According to the MNDF, three teams of specialist doctors from the Indian military visited islands in three areas of the country under the military’s northern, central, and southern commands. Having commenced on January 27, the medical camp is due to conclude tomorrow.
The team of doctors included specialists in skin diseases, surgery, ENT, and children’s illnesses as well as gynaecologists, ophthalmologists, and dentists.

MNDF officers to travel with hajj pilgrims for assistance

The Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF) and the state enterprise Hajj Corporation have signed an agreement under which officers of the MNDF will attend hajj pilgrimage to provide assistance to pilgrims.

The memorandum of understanding was signed at an event held at the Ministry of Islamic Affairs on Tuesday – signed by Chief of Defence Force Major General Ahmed Shiyam and Hajj Corporation Managing Director Yamin Idrees.

Speaking at the event, Islamic Minister Sheikh Mohamed Shaheem Ali Saeed revealed that a similar agreement will be signed with the police force in the near future.

The minister further revealed that the Hajj Corporation would be covering all expenses of the officers who will be attending the pilgrimage. He stated that he aimed to eventually have all MNDF officials attend hajj prayers under the initiative.

The corporation is sponsoring seven MNDF officers this year.

An official of the Hajj Corporation stated that the idea behind the initiative was not to have MNDF officers conduct menial tasks for the pilgrims, but rather to facilitate a means for soldiers to engage in the prayers of Hajj.

Hajj Corporation Chairperson Dr Aishath Muneeza stated that 400 pilgrims would be taken to Mecca for the pilgrimage this year. She added that a delegation of the corporation is soon leaving for Saudi Arabia to seek ways of increasing convenience for Maldivian pilgrims, including the renting of a separate hotel solely for the use of Maldivians during the hajj season.

MNDF Spokesperson Major Hussain Ali told Minivan News that they have not decided a criteria under which officers who will get the seven pilgrimage slots this year will be selected.

“So far, we have just signed the memorandum of understanding with the Hajj corporation and announced it. We have not yet drafted a selection criteria, though it will be done under some form of selection process,” Major Ali said.

Minister of Islamic Affairs Sheikh Mohamed Shaheem Ali Saeed stated that the ministry would not be directly involved in either the selection of officers, or in the compilation of criteria for selecting officers. He said that the target was to allow officers selected by the Hajj Corporation and the MNDF to be able to attend pilgrimage completely free of charge.

The MNDF also concluded a Quran recitation ‘Qari’ course on Monday, held in alliance with The Centre for Holy Quran. Twenty MNDF officers participated in this course.


Defence Ministry audit reveals MVR6.78 million worth unlawful purchases

The Ministry of Defence and National Security audit report for the year 2011 has revealed that the ministry unlawfully purchased goods worth MVR6.78 million through Maldives National Defence Force’s (MNDF) cooperative society SIFCO.

The report states that MVR4.7 million worth goods were purchased through SIFCO, contrary to article 8.14 of state finance regulation which states that goods and services below MVR25,000 should be purchased only after reviewing proposals from at least three interested parties, and with an official written justification for the choice made.

It also said MVR2 million worth goods were purchased against article 8.15 of the regulation, which states goods and services above MVR25,000 should be purchased through a publicly announced competitive bidding process.

The auditor general (AG) recommended action against responsible persons as per the Public Finance Act

The report also highlighted that MVR1,200,324 was paid to military personnel on leave, particularly to those studying overseas, against relevant rules and regulations.

Salary and allowances worth MVR344,299  was said to have been paid to a defense adviser posted at the Maldivian High Commission in India for days without any record of attending work.

The AG’s opinion given in the report said the ministry’s 2011 budget was not spent within the set limits set, nor was it spent to fulfill the given activities and objectives.

The AG also questioned the validity of financial statements declared by the ministry, stating that the “statement of liabilities” and “statement of assets” declared “does not truthfully reflect” the actual assets and liabilities of the ministry.

The ministry’s figures were MVR39.8 million as assets and MVR29.8 million as liabilities for the year 2011.

The document highlighted that resources donated for the SAARC summit, which can be considered as tangible assets, were were not valued and included in the financial statements, and that special military equipment which could be considered the same were also not included in the statements.

In addition to that MVR122.7 million which should be included in capital expenditure were included as recurrent expenditure (as spent on seminars and meetings).

The final budget for the ministry in 2011 was MVR834 million, of which MVR789.47 million was spent within the year.


Dismissed MNDF Captain seeks reinstatement

Former Maldives National Defense Forces (MNDF) Captain Abdul Muizz Musthafa has filed unfair dismissal charges against the military at the Civil Court.

Musthafa is the first of the nine senior officers who were dismissed in November to press charges. The nine fired were accused of sowing discord within the military during Maldives’ presidential election, 2013.

Musthafa has said he was dismissed without due process, and in violation of the constitution as the MNDF had not taken any prior disciplinary action against him.

He is seeking reinstatement and has asked the Civil Court to order MVR6 million (US$389,105) in compensation for damages.

Musthafa is accused of collaborating with former Brigadier General Abdulla Shamaal in collecting signatures from MNDF officers on a letter which had been prepared “in the guise” of supporting the Chief of Defense Forces Major General Ahmed Shiyam.

A copy of the letter leaked on social media expressed concern over delays in the presidential elections in 2013, and the repercussions should a president-elect not be determined by the end of the presidential term on November 11.

A statement by the military said Shamaal had leaked the letter on social media “in order to reveal dissent within the military,” and accused Musthafa of aiding Shamaal and planning “to commit dangerous acts using the troops under his captainship.”

The presidential elections of 2013 were marred by repeated delays after the Supreme Court annulled the first round of polls held in December.

Following the MNDF’s first letter of concern, the force amended its regulations to punish officers who promoted “upheaval and chaos”. Several officers were suspended and Shamaal was removed from his position as the commandant of training and doctrine.

In mid November as the possibility of holding presidential polls by the end of the presidential term dimmed following police obstruction and Supreme Court orders to delay the second round of election, 73 mid ranking officers circulated an appeal calling on fellow soldiers not to obey any “unlawful” orders issued by then President Dr Mohamed Waheed or his political appointees.

Shortly after President Abdulla Yameen was inaugurated, nine senior-ranking officers were dismissed.

At the time, the opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) condemned the dismissals as “politically motivated and unjust,” and noted that no action had been taken against the soldiers who mutinied on 7 February 2012.

“On 7 February 2012, some uniformed soldiers publicly called for the resignation of the President and Commander in Chief and protested along with the opposition at the time. They have publicly violated global norms of military discipline. The CONI report has highlighted this act and called for action against them.”

Instead of penalising mutinying soldiers, the Ministry of Defense awarded them promotions, the MDP said.

“Such actions politicize the military, undermine professionalism and demean the institution,” the MDP added.

In September, the Civil Court ordered the Maldives Police Services to reinstate former Head of Intelligence Mohamed ‘MC’ Hameed who had been dismissed by the police’s disciplinary board for unspecified offenses.

Local media at the time said Hameed dismissal was related to a report published by MDP on the controversial transfer of power.

The police have said they will appeal the case.


Government to introduce nationwide sea-ambulance service

The government has announced it is to start a sea ambulance service within two months and expand it nationwide within the year, Haveeru has reported.

In a press conference held to announce the service, Ministry of Defense Mohamed Nazim said it will be initially launched for four regions and later expanded to twenty three zones, covering the whole country. According to Haveeru, the service will be covered under the Aasandha national health insurance scheme.

“The objective is to take patients to a health center instead of bring them to Malé,” Nazim was quoted as saying.

Speed boats under the Ministry of Health, Maldives Police Services and Maldives National Defense Force (MNDF) are to be converted into ‘sea-ambulances’ for the service, with enough space for patients and necessary health equipment.

Quoting Health Minister Mariyam Shakeela, Haveeru reported that to this day a health ambulance service was not provided properly and only six out of twenty six speed boats owned by the ministry were usable.

The service will be begin with a government allocated budget, but will depend on funding from the United Nations and the Red Crescent, Shakeela was quoted as saying. According to the minister, the service will create new jobs, where employees will be well trained and covered by a special insurance scheme.

The MNDF will be managing the ambulances and emergency operations will be carried out by MNDF area commands.


MNDF appoints commanders to three sections

Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF) has appointed new commanders on January 1 to three sections; Marine Corps, Service Corps and Coast Guard.

Brigadier General Ali Zuhair – who was promoted last November from his previous position as a Colonel – has been appointed as Commander of Marine Corps.
Colonel Mohamed Shareef has replaced Colonel Abdul Raheem as Commander of the Service Corps.

Colonel Mohamed Ibrahim has been appointed Commander of the Coast Guard.

MNDF stated that the changes were brought by Minister of Defence and National Security Mohamed Nazim with the intent of strengthening the administrative management of the force, local media reports.


Police and MNDF on recruitment drive

The Maldives Police Services has issued an advert today seeking 50 new police officers.

Meanwhile, the Maldives National Defence Forces (MNDF) has said it has received 470 applications for 45 newly opened jobs.

The recruitment drive for security officers comes amidst criticism over high defense spending.

The proposed state budget for 2014 allocates MVR 876.7 million (US$ 57 million) for the defense sector – 5.3 percent of the MVR 17.5 billion (US$ 1.1 billion) budget.

Meanwhile, the World Bank in a report published in November said the Maldives’ already excessive wage bill had ballooned in 2013 due to salary increases for the police and military, as well as the Supreme Court ordered back payment of civil service wage cuts.

The Maldives is spending beyond its means, the World Bank has said.

According to the MNDF, 45 recruits will be chosen based on a process involving aptitude, fitness, medical tests and a final interview.

The current recruitment drive is expected to staff Marine Corps, Special Forces, Fire and Rescue Service, Special Protection Group, Military Police, Medical Service, Corps of Engineers, Service Corps and Coast Guard. The minimum requirements for recruits include being of 18-28 years of age and completing tenth grade with at least four passes.

MPS is seeking 25 female and 25 male officers for the police constable rank.

The former President Dr Mohamed Waheed Hassan and current President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom have both courted the security forces, offering increased pay and benefits to the military and police.

Mutinous elements of the police and military precipitated the resignation of the country’s first democratically elected president Mohamed Nasheed in February 2012.

A special housing program for military personnel was announced during Dr Waheed’s administration after retired colonel Mohamed Nazim was appointed as Defence Minister.

Nazim, whom the opposition MDP accuse of playing a lead role in bringing down President Nasheed’s government in a ‘military coup’, was reappointed as defence minister by President Yameen.

Earlier this year 50 Hulhumalé flats were awarded to MNDF officials, and foundations were for another 300 were laid.

During his presidential campaign, President Yameen pledged to retain this program and to further improve the military by providing resources and amending laws to empower the institution.

Yameen also pledged to provide accommodation for families of soldiers posted outside their residential islands. Some of these have been included in his first 100 days road map.

Following his re-appointment under Yameen, Defence Minister Nazim announced 72 new flats will be built for the MNDF in Male’, and said he intends to establish a TV Channel and a day-care center for children of military officials. Facilities at the ‘Senahiya’ military hospital are to be improved and the hospital is to be opened up for public.

Nazim has also said the military intends to establish a welfare system that does not rely on the state budget.

The MNDF cooperative society SIFCO has registered a joint venture “Sifainge Welfare Kunfuni (SIWEC)” with the government to fund military welfare services. SIFCO owns 90 percent of the company.

SIWEC has already invested in the tourism industry and has started development of “Uthuru Thilafushi” for military use and has expressed an interest in real estate in the future

In his recent trip to India, Nazim sought India’s help in strengthening the Maldives military, obtaining a helicopter. India has also pledged to provide a landing craft.


Defense minister returns from India with gifts and reassurances

Minister of Defence and National Security Mohamed Nazim has returned from his five day official visit to India bearing gifts and reassurances of better defense cooperation and hope for improved bilateral relations.

A major highlight of the trip was India’s gift to Maldives military, a locally manufactured ‘Dhruv’ Advanced Lightweight Helicopter (ALH). The Helicopter the second India has gifted – will reach Maldives in two months.

India also assured the delivery of a landing craft within this period – promised during Nazim’s previous visit to India as President Dr Mohamed Waheed’s Defence minister. During that visit, nine months ago, India promised seven new radar systems, in addition to three radar systems India had already gifted to the Maldives.

Nazim also addressed specific issues of concern that had emerged during the previous administration’s period of weakened ties with India.

The shortage of construction material imported from India following a special quota for Maldives being revoked in February 2013, and the difficulties in acquiring medical Visa for Maldivians traveling to India were discussed.

Both issues will be discussed further during President Yameen’s official visit to India early next year.

Nazim’s visit – from 11-15 December – was prompted by an invitation from his counterpart AK Anthony. During the visit, Nazim met many senior government officials, amongst them Minister of Home Affairs Sushilkumar Shinde, Minister of External Affairs Salman Khurshid, National Security Advisor Shivshankar Menon, Chief of Army Staff General Bikram Singh, Chief of Naval Staff Admiral DK Joshi and Chief of Air Staff Air Chief Marshal NAK Browne.

Nazim requested Indian assistance to acquire equipment and training for disaster management and fire and rescue services – a coast guard vessel for patrolling the Maldives’ EEZ (Exclusive Economic Zone) and an auxiliary vessel to improve logistical support across the country.

Training opportunities were also sought in other areas such as aviation security, pilot training, air traffic control training, MBBS and specialist medical training.

During the visit, the Maldives defense minister informed Indian officials of the progress of the Composite Training Center being constructed at Maafilaafushi (Lhaviyani Atoll) with Indian financial assistance.  A ten-story building for the Coast Guard and the Ministry of Defense and National Security also is all set to be built at the current Coast Guard Building’s location with Indian grant aid.

Apart from improving the military, Nazim’s main focus during the visit was on health security, especially regarding the development of MNDF’s ‘Senahiya’ military hospital – officially inaugurated by Indian Defense minister in September 2012.

Nazim sought Indian assistance in getting medical equipment such as CT scan and MRI machines for the hospital. India also agreed to deputise Indian Armed Forces medical specialists to Senahiya and other regions of Maldives in a near future.

Training of MNDF medical specialists was also discussed, while the Indian defense minister announced the opportunity for MNDF personnel to be treated for major surgeries and serious illnesses at India’s armed forces medical institutions


MNDF gifted helicopter as ties with India continue to grow

The Government of India has gifted the Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF) an advanced light helicopter, with local media media declaring a “new chapter” in Indo-Maldivian defence ties.

The Hindu reported Nazim as stating that the gift was “paving the way for further strengthening of ties between both countries.”

The helicopter was officially handed over by Indian Southern Naval Command officer Vice Admiral Satish Soni to the MNDF’s Brigadier General Ali Zuhair – the second such award after a similar gift in 2010.

The Maldives’ Minister of Defence Mohamed Nazim – currently on an official visit to the Maldives northern neighbour – officially unveiled the colours of the aircraft. The helicopter will reportedly be manned by an Indian flight crew for search and rescue operations, and surveillance within the Maldives EEZ.

The Times of India reported Satish as praising the Maldives contribution to security in the Indian Ocean region, citing the MNDF’s frequent assistance in anti-piracy operations.

Nazim’s trip precedes that of newly elected President Abdulla Yameen, who is scheduled to visit India on his first official state visit on December 22.

Yameen’s attempts to enhance bilateral ties after a fraught period in the pair’s diplomatic history were recently lauded by former President – Yameen’s half-brother and party leader – Maumoon Abdul Gayoom.

Indian media has suggested that Yameen’s visit will see the re-opening of a standby credit facility which had seemingly been frozen during the relationship’s nadir in 2012.

The most recent installment of India’s pledged budget support stalled just stays before a concerted – and often xenophobic – campaign against the development of Malé’s international airport culminated in the eviction of Indian company GMR.

The following month, the Indian High Commission in Malé publicly aired a list of consular grievances including persistent discrimination against Indian expatriate workers, a failure to reciprocate generous visa processes for Indians in the the Maldives, and threats made against diplomatic personnel.

Largesse from other regional powers has also come in the form of Chinese development aid, with 50 million yuan (US$ 8.2 million) promised for development projects within weeks of Yameen’s November 16 election victory.

The MNDF’s official website has reported that the award of the helicopter was part of its roadmap for the first 100 days of the Yameen administration. Other aims include the establishment of a justice system within the – recently fratricidal – organisation, and the conducting of international training with its Indian counterparts.

Meeting with Indian Defence Minister A.K. Anthony last week, Nazim discussed increasing cooperation between the armed forces of both countries and  advancing medical facilities and expertise in the MNDF through training medical specialists.

Anthony announced that all MNDF personnel will now be eligible for treatment in Armed Forces medical institutions in India for major surgeries and for treatment of major and serious illnesses.
