MP Mahloof levels serious allegations at Tourism Minister Adeeb

MP Ahmed Mahloof has accused Tourism Minister Ahmed Adeeb of using gangs to commit politically motivated “state-sponsored” crimes.

In an appearance on opposition-aligned Raajje TV last night, Mahloof alleged the ruling Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) deputy leader’s involvement in a number of “atrocities,” including the arson attack on Raajje TV in October 2013 and the stabbing of former MP Alhan Fahmy in February 2014.

“In reality, the current government is a big gang,” he said.

“There aren’t that many people in this gang. There about six people in this gang. President Yameen is the boss. Some people might find this hard to hear, but I’m saying this with daring because President Yameen would not keep Adeeb close knowing the serious atrocities in this country are carried out by him.”

Adeeb was responsible for bringing both the government and the PPM into disrepute and creating divisions within the party, he added.

On Sunday night (March 15), Mahloof alleged that a group of about ten men attempted to break into his apartment after Adeeb threatened him over the phone.

Adeeb has denied the allegations, claiming Mahloof was getting paid or bribed to defame him and President Abdulla Yameen. The tourism minister has also dismissed allegations of connections with criminal gangs.

The MP for Galolhu South was expelled from the PPM last month for allegedly defaming President Yameen.

Mahloof claimed last night that Adeeb demanded he pay back MVR5 million (US$324,254) and threatened him over the phone.

The group of young men tried to enter his apartment about two hours later, he said.

Referring to a group of six young men threatening opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) demonstrators with knives on Sunday night before smashing up a lorry and loudspeakers, Mahloof claimed Adeeb assures immunity from prosecution to the youth involved in the attacks.

A number of senior police officers were beholden to Adeeb and followed his orders, Mahloof continued, claiming other police officers were unhappy with the release of young men arrested for attacking peaceful protesters.

Any police officer who tries to investigate Adeeb would be fired, he claimed.

Speaking to reporters outside the parliament building yesterday, Mahloof alleged that Adeeb had admitted to paying gangs to torch the motorcycle of then-MP-elect Mohamed Abdulla ‘Muhamma’ in May 2014 before he switched from the Jumhooree Party (JP) to PPM.

Police intelligence had learned of Adeeb’s involvement, Mahloof claimed, adding that Adeeb had told him the plan was “to make it look like the JP did it” after MP Abdulla publicly declared that he would support the government if his party left the ruling coalition.


Tourism Minster Ahmed Adeeb; economic council; PPM deputy leaderIn his Raajje TV appearance, Mahloof said he had never faced any threats or feared attacks from the MDP despite his outspoken criticism of former President Mohamed Nasheed.

However, Mahloof said he now believed an attack or attempt to frame him was likely.

He also accused the tourism minister of corruption, claiming resort owners had told him that Adeeb demands MVR500,000 (US$32,425) for a meeting.

Mahloof claimed a youth allegedly involved in torching Raajje TV studios personally told him that he met Adeeb to plan the attack.

Moreover, former Police Commissioner Abdulla Riyaz – now an opposition JP MP – said the police investigation established Adeeb’s involvement, he added.

Mahloof also claimed that Adeeb confessed to having Specialist Operations (SO) police officers chop down all of Malé City Council’s areca palms in October. Adeeb has paid off a number of SO officers, he alleged.

Mahloof further claimed that the PPM parliamentary group was initially against the dismissal of Supreme Court Justice Ahmed Faiz Hussain.

But Adeeb came to a parliamentary group meeting and told MPs that “Yameen believes this should be done and we will decide those who don’t vote for this are against the government.”

Only Mahloof and MP Mohamed ‘Kutti’ Nasheed voted against issuing a three-line whip to dismiss the chief justice, he added.

Moreover, PPM MP Ahmed Nazim – former deputy speaker – was out of favour with President Yameen after he revealed “with evidence” alleged corruption involving Adeeb to the president, which later became the subject of an audit report implicating the tourism minister in a US$6 million corruption scandal.

Mahloof said he does not plan to join a political party in the near future and preferred to remain an independent MP, but added that he was willing to work with the opposition.

Recently dismissed Defence Minister Mohamed Nazim, currently standing trial for weapons smuggling, has told the Criminal Court that SO officers planted a pistol and three bullets at his apartment during a midnight raid on Adeeb’s orders on January 18. The pair had fallen out after the ex Defence Minister informed President Yameen of the Tourism Minister’s involvement in chopping down Malé City’s Areca Palms, Nazim alleged.

The Tourism Minister has dismissed the allegations as lies.


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PPM secures 43-seat parliament majority with signing of JP MP Muhamma

The ruling Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) has secured a 43-seat simple majority of parliament with the signing of Jumhooree Party (JP) MP Mohamed Abdulla ‘Muhamma’.

The MP for Ihavandhoo and former comedian-actor handed over his membership form to President Abdulla Yameen at a ceremony in Muleeage last night.

Speaking to press at the official presidential residence, Muhamma said he had pledged to work with the government when he contested the Ihavandhoo seat through the ruling coalition, adding that it was also the wish of his constituents.

The main reason for switching to the ruling party was “the progress of President Yameen’s economic policy,” he said.

Muhamma said his work in parliament would become easier as all MPs of Haa Alif atoll were now with the PPM.

“My constituents, too, want sewerage and harbour construction and development. This can be best achieved if I work with the government in the Majlis,” he said.

Backing the MPs’ stance, President Yameen told reporters that parliamentarians were joining the PPM to “play a big role together with the government” to ensure development of their constituencies.

“The second [reason] we feel is that citizens in the atolls as well as Malé believe that political activities have been sufficiently conducted in the Maldives during the past ten years. But it has not brought about either the economic development to the country it should have or prosperity for individuals and contentment or progress for businesses,” Yameen said.

The PPM took office with the economy as the “main agenda item” or the highest priority, he added.

“So I believe that members of the People’s Majlis are joining us – and citizens are waiting patiently and supporting the government’s efforts – to give us this opportunity for five years, because they are awaiting economic development and positive changes in the country,” Yameen said.

Two former JP MPs – Milandhoo MP Hassan Mufeed Abdul Qadir and Nolhivaram MP Hussain Areef – who switched allegiance to PPM had also said they were urged by their constituents to join the ruling party to speed up development of their constituencies.


Although the PPM won 33 seats in the March 22 parliamentary elections, four out of five independent MPs, three opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) MPs, and two JP MPs have since switched to the ruling party.

With its newest member, the PPM now has 43 MPs in the 85-member house, while coalition partner Maldives Development Alliance (MDA) has five MPs.

The opposition MDP has 23 MPs while the JP’s parliamentary group is reduced to 12 MPs. The religious conservative Adhaalath Party has one MP and Madaveli MP Muaz Mohamed Rasheed remains the sole independent.

The Progressive Coalition – comprised of the PPM, JP, and MDA – contested the parliamentary polls jointly with the 85 constituencies divided among the pro-government parties.

However, the PPM severed its coalition agreement with the JP after the coalition partner’s leader, Gasim Ibrahim, ran for the post of Majlis speaker despite the PPM fielding its senior MP Abdulla Maseeh Mohamed as the ruling coalition’s candidate.

In the wake of the coalition’s breakup, President Yameen sacked Transport Minister Ameen Ibrahim and other JP political appointees, whilst cabinet ministers on slots assigned for the JP – Environment Minister Thoriq Ibrahim and Economic Development Minister Mohamed Saeed – joined the PPM.

Home Minister Umar Naseer – appointed as part of the coalition agreement with the JP – is meanwhile facing criminal prosecution on charges of disobedience to order.

Following the loss of two JP MPs last month, Gasim claimed at a press conference that the MPs had told him that the government had threatened to cease development of islands in their constituencies.

The JP leader heavily criticised the pair for allegedly reneging on an agreement signed under oath “before God Almighty” to remain in the JP until the end of their five-year terms.

Gasim said he had heard that the pair were offered MVR10 million (US$648,508) each for the transfer.

The business tycoon also claimed to have provided MVR20 million (US$1.2 million) as financial assistance to the PPM’s parliamentary campaign.

Following his third-place finish with 23.37 percent of the vote in last year’s presidential election, Gasim initially announced that the JP would remain neutral. However, the JP’s council decided to endorse Yameen against MDP candidate, former President Mohamed Nasheed, three days before the second round of the polls on November 16.


MP elect Muhamma’s motorbike torched

A motorcycle belonging to MP elect for Inhavandhoo constituency, Mohamed ‘Muhamma’ Abdulla, was set of fire last night, CNM has reported.

While Abdulla’s bike was reported to be badly damaged, two other bikes near it also sustained damages. The incident took place on Chaandhanee Magu last night around 1:30 am. Police and locals put the fire out within twenty five minues, CNM reported.

Initial police investigations has revealed it was a pre-planned arson attack. No one has been arrested in connection to the incident.

Abdulla, who is also a popular comedian and film producer, won the Ihavandhoo seat on a Jumhooree Party (JP) ticket in the parliamentary elections held in March.

He has recently expressed dissatisfaction with a meeting between JP Leader Gasim Ibrahim and opposition leader Mohamed Nasheed and spoke out against any alliance between the two parties.
