The Human Rights Commission of the Maldives (HRCM) has expressed concern that the media has been publishing “personal telephone calls” and “other types of private conversation” between people.
HRCM issued a press release noting that article 24 of the constitution says that ‘everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life, his home and his private communications, and that every person must respect these rights with respect to others.’
‘’We have noted that this causes people to hesitate before conducting private conversation,’’ said the statement.
“[Furthermore] article 52 of the constitution says that no evidence shall be obtained by unlawful means.’’
The statement said that under article 18 of the constitution it was the responsibility of the state to protect the rights and freedom of the people.
“All the medias should provide information in a manner that will not disrupt the humanitarian sanctity and honor of any person,’’ the commission said. “We call on the media to use the freedom of press according to the laws with responsibility.’’
Recently telephone conversations believed to be voice of MPs discussing the sale of votes for political influence were promulgated through the local media.