The Human Rights Commission of the Maldives (HRCM) has expressed concern that the media has been publishing “personal telephone calls” and “other types of private conversation” between people.
HRCM issued a press release noting that article 24 of the constitution says that ‘everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life, his home and his private communications, and that every person must respect these rights with respect to others.’
‘’We have noted that this causes people to hesitate before conducting private conversation,’’ said the statement.
“[Furthermore] article 52 of the constitution says that no evidence shall be obtained by unlawful means.’’
The statement said that under article 18 of the constitution it was the responsibility of the state to protect the rights and freedom of the people.
“All the medias should provide information in a manner that will not disrupt the humanitarian sanctity and honor of any person,’’ the commission said. “We call on the media to use the freedom of press according to the laws with responsibility.’’
Recently telephone conversations believed to be voice of MPs discussing the sale of votes for political influence were promulgated through the local media.

Dear Mr Saleem (Nan Reethi Kukulhu)
Everyone knows what led to this outcome. Please do not shy away from expressing your concerns to protect the undignified and tarnished dignities of the biggest crooks this country has ever seen namely, Yamin, Gasim, J Nazim, Kutti Nasheed.
You are a crony of the former regime and you can never give a bipartisan view of anything. So, it's time for you to handover what you're doing to someone else before it becomes worse.
Dear HR with all due respect in a war the collateral damages are not called war crime. Tapping phone calls to investigate cases like I need cash is totally constitutional.
There is no crime in requesting money. Some people's suggestion that borrowing money from a friend is a crime is simply ludicrous.
Carrying a privet conversation between two friends as a if it was the new national anthem on media has taken this country's media into new low. It is not only me but the people in the media it's self are in question to which limit they should go. This is a good time for them to reflect if the have gain something or lost. Have they carried a true case of corruption or they have made a fiesta out of edited audio tape and been unknowingly taken part in a huge conspire to destroy the honor of a person.
I am also concerned that the president has taken this so lightly as to claim "evidence is evidence and where it came for is another issue". Took me into wondering if he would treat in the same manner to evidence taken by torture and ill treatment.
GH on Thu@ if you want to go into politics there are more things you can say, how about mentioning non of them would have been investigated if they signed an agreement with MDP like Jabir and red wave saleem.
You shall never be re-instated! You are so incompetent that nobody sensible even listens to you and you have forever tarnished the HRCM. Pls go away and live, perhaps in Iran.
We learn our rights from "Anni" and president Nasheed has destroyed it.
HRCM seems to be only worried about the taped phone calls. The more graver issue of the hint of bribery among parliament members seems to be a non-issue with them.
with all the corruption going on and all the looting and torture HRCM is silent but suddenly now chooses to intervene on wire tapping. shame on your Saleem. Need some cash?
I feel like giving a good mega shake to this Mr "Nice-name" Saleem.
For the kind of nonsense he says, he is as good as a Sheikh reading out his fantasy.
For the modern Maldives, he is occupying the wrong place at the wrong time and for all the wrong reasons.
During the past eventful week, after days of deliberation among the five members, look at the crap they have come forth with? It reflects the fact that the honorable Commissioner is totally out of touch with reality, and most often inclined to protect corrupt elites associated with the former regime.
After years of service in the government in the past, including working in the foreign ministry and SAARC and other Maldivian missions abroad and eating good food and living a healthy lifestyle with badminton and stuff, not a single neuron in his brain seems to contribute to any rational thought and interpretation or good judgment.
Retire and stay home brother!
And, occasionally read the daily paper and/or watch tennis channels.
wow... why im not suprise by this news?
saleem u dumb idiot: how about the rights of all other ppl they have looted from..
I think HRCM is scared that they might be next in the hunt for corruption.
You have got to be kidding me!! I reckon it would me much better if the Parliament called for Mr Saleem's resignation than any of the Ministers it is talking about.
Doesn't Mr Human Rights Commissioner know the difference between private conversations and conspiracy to bring down a democratically elected government??
Shame on you Mr Saleem!!
yea this saleem guy is mostly silent on real issues which we have to go through, why havent the bas---tard issued 'exprressed his concern' regarding the tackling crime bills which are still hanging in parliment.
\well i guess he does need CASH to be concerned with/
Down with Clown Saleem
maybe Saleem is 'Rose'////
Dear Mr. Saleem.
I would like to express concern about your inability to do our job.
Instead of protecting the human rights of our citizens, you have been taking it easy. The HRCM just publishes reports every now and then and issues press releases on petty issues.
When was the last time you really took a tough stand on anything? No allegations of custodial mistreatment have been investigated. Nothing has been done about the growing illiberalism and extremism in our society. Our streets are no longer safe due to stabbings and gang fights.
And yet HRCM chooses to do nothing.
I think the members of the commission are nothing more than hacks trying to secure their future by keeping on the right side of the Majlis.
This whole record button or belly button pressing thing is most probably a farce promoted by ANNI to neutralize public anger directed at MNDF for playing PEEPING TOM to his perverse orders by tapping MP's phone calls.
Now ANNI wants us to believe anything can happen in this age of science! My foot!
What? ANNI! You think we keep our heads up there only for COMBING?
What if we say your pervert friends at MNDF or TAM did it for you and leaked them on purpose not knowing it was a legal blunder!
The source of this LEAKAGE must be investigated and perpetrators FINED big time!
Saleem, dont you think what Umar Naseer and Co blurt out on TVM violates the rights of the president and his cabinet members?
Anni we call upon you to respect human rights and peoples right to privacy. Certainly you have shown dictatorial signs much sooner than gayoom.
May be you can only think about the right of the President & Cabinet bcos no sooner or later you will be one of them. You are well protected with huge walls around yr home.
We all must fight together to clean corruption whether Yellow, Blue , red...
Please fight for our rights, the ordinary ppl too. Make our cities a safe place, make us go back the beautiful social life we had before just like your parents did.
You write under the name 'Radhun' which we use for 'king' and call yourself an ordinary person?
You must be one big confused man with very low self-esteem.
You got to be kidding!
Dont be so selfish & childish, you know too well kings dont exist anymore. When some one gives himself a nick "Wolf" does it mean he is a wolf...lets talk on the real issue here.
I meant Kings for our country....
But when you write under names such as 'radhun' it reveals your aspirations.
So I got you this time!
How can I talk about real issues with people like you.
And I have to be 'selfish' and 'childish' when I have to respond to immature comments like those you make.
And that makes me want to say goodbye to you.
does anyone have a recorded conversation of saleem??? now that would be interesting..
damn it saleem, its not OK to privately mess with our country.
You seem to suggest that anything done secretely is OK.
I think next time we should pass a bill that any one who wants to be an MP should be fully committed to his people and should allow to tap to his personal calls. after all we are paying through our noses for this retards to keep the country safe and develop the nation..
shame on you saleem.
Saleem Futhaa , Have you settled the millions you borrowed from Golhaaboa that appeared in the loan star list released by Qasim. You seem to be always too eager to protect crooks , fraudsters and gangsters. Get a life joker. You were one of the six guys holding illegal weapons when Qayoom was sworn in. So dont open your mouth again.
The whole press release was concentrated on the media conveying the news of this clip. the real problem was when MNDF invaded the privacy of these individuals. or who ever it is responsible for recording it. saleem and co have attacked the messenger instead. they do not have ballz to criticize or 'express concern' over anything more.
HR commission is hardly an independent commission. it is a very political organisation where the staff are obstructed from doing any productive work because of the members. a good example would be the recent LALE school report. there was some talk about the members trying to stall the release of this report and even amend it for political reasons. i believe it was one of the reasons why it got leaked.
hope the new commission would be better than these 5.
Nan vaa reethi. Kan othee kihineh?
Thanks Beyya. It time the whole public knew the true story of Nareethi, the Gunslinger for Gayoom.
Saleem you are the disease afflicting our society and its better you hideaway because exposure of your dirty secrets are imminent
to listen and publish a private phone conversation is a bad , is a crime , as well it is one of the biggest assault to one of the persons private life, and is against the rule of law,
However to have phone conversation about to bring down a legally formed government by illegal means, bribing other MP to buy vote to withhold the important bills, needed to be passed, only for the sake of some rich bloody gangsters, try to use the majority in Majlis to stop major projects the government have started for the people, is bigger crime one person can do, which is not given any priority by our blind HRCM and its Boss
Dont worry saleem, u will DIE one day, and then.... u will be in hell...... adios.
SALEEM you are absolutely ignorant of the humanitarian foundation which guides human rights principles. Human justice, the innate struggle for the realization of the basic dignity of all, this is the base - this is the priority... Freedom of speech, and privacy have their limits. Private conversations forfeit the right to exist if they are plans to carry out grosly dehumanising activities, human rights have to be upheld first and foremost and if privacy violates human rights it must not be allowed to be, according to ANY human rights lawyer or philosopher. My God why the hell am I even wasting this time saying this, if Saleem does not understand something my 5 year old can understand it is not worth trying to explain it! How the hell did such a potentially useful and helpful, liberating body such as HRC come to be governed by such a damn incompetent clown! It is tragic because it has rendered an institution which the Maldivian ppl need to be so utterly ineefectual and useless. A strong, competent human rights institution could really do so much good for Maldives, but it is so deeply tragic for the people that it is useless as tits on a bull. Maldivian are starving for a strong HR institution to support the struggle for human rights, instead they get this Saleem clown and what a huge insult this is to those who want human rights!
Why is HRCM never concerned when the government disrespects people's privacy?