Palm trees used by MDP to curse President Yameen, alleges senior government official

The Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) were using areca palm trees planted in Malé by the city council for black magic to curse President Abdulla Yameen with ill health, an anonymous senior government official has alleged.

“The palm trees were planted with black magic,” the unnamed official told newspaper Haveeru today, claiming that the sorcery or black magic was the reason for the main opposition party’s concern and preoccupation with the felling of the trees in the early hours of October 24.

Former President Mohamed Nasheed alleged that masked Specialist Operations (SO) police officers in plainclothes chopped down the palm trees with machetes.

Patrolling police officers from the Maafanu police station arrested two of the perpetrators, Nasheed told the press on Tuesday (October 28), claiming that the suspects were handed over to the SO on the orders of a senior official from the SO command.

The pair were taken to the police Iskandhar Koshi barracks on an SO vehicle, he claimed.

Commissioner of Police Hussain Waheed held a press conference yesterday and denied police involvement in the incident, dismissing the opposition leader’s allegations as “baseless”.

Haveeru meanwhile claimed to have learned that the palm trees were cut down because senior government officials believed the MDP was using the trees to practice black magic.

The local daily claimed that senior members of the ruling Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) believe that the trees were planted for use in black magic or sorcery, noting that several areca palm trees were uprooted during anti-government protests in January 2012.

The MDP-dominated city council planted the palm trees – donated by the Indian High Commission – in October 2011 as part of efforts to make the capital greener.

President’s health

Haveeru also referred to rumours of President Yameen undergoing brain surgery in Singapore to remove a tumour following his most recent unofficial trip to the country.

President’s Office Spokesperson Ibrahim Muaz had dismissed the rumours as false and assured that the president and first lady were in good health, after MDP leader Nasheed had questioned Yameen’s absence from the country.

A close associate of President Yameen told the newspaper that the president did not seek treatment for a brain tumour.

Instead, the associate claimed, the president sought treatment for infections caught during his Hajj pilgrimage and had to be admitted at a Singapore hospital.

The anonymous government official said the president’s close associates believe that black magic or sorcery using the palm trees were responsible for the president’s ill health.

The associates advised President Yameen that the palm trees were the cause of his health problems, the senior official said.

“[They] believe that [President Yameen’s] health worsens with every palm frond that falls off the areca palm trees. And that his health would worsen further with every tree that blossoms,” the anonymous official was quoted as saying.

The official further claimed that the housing ministry had sent a letter to the home ministry requesting the trees be taken down.

“Those who [chopped down the trees] did it because the home ministry wouldn’t,” the president’s close associate told the local daily.

“This has to be done for the sake of national security as well. That is the palm trees can be taken down when the head of state’s life is in danger,” he was quoted as saying.

“President Yameen got relief when the palm trees were cut down. And the black magic is being exposed by the MDP’s actions, isn’t it? Less than 24 hours after the palm trees were cut down, [MDP MP Reeko] Moosa [Manik] announced he would contest in the [MDP’s presidential] primary.”

Allegations supported

Police officers have also told Haveeru on condition of anonymity that former President Nasheed’s allegations were true.

“We were on duty that night. The police command said masked men were cutting down the trees,” a police officer claimed.

A second police source alleged that the two or three groups of officers from the SO SWAT who cut down the trees were wearing SO balaclavas or masks.

“The Maafanu police caught two groups. They caught one on Lily Magu and he fell when they struck him on the back,” the police source alleged.

Credible sources have corroborated the claims to Minivan News, revealing that the incident has caused a rift between the SO and capital police commands.

In May 2012, police raided the MDP’s Usfasgadu protest camp over “suspected black magic performed in the area.”

The search warrant obtained from the Criminal Court alleged that on May 25 “MDP protesters threw a cursed rooster at MNDF officers.”


Majlis passes amendment allowing president to reappoint auditor general

Parliament today approved an amendment proposed by Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) MP Ahmed Thoriq to the Audit Act enabling the president to reappoint the auditor general – four years before the end of the incument Niyaz Ibrahim’s seven year term.

Following the presentation of a report (Dhivehi) by the economic affairs committee to the People’s Majlis floor after reviewing amendments submitted by the government to the Audit Act, Thoriq proposed adding a clause stating that the president shall nominate for parliamentary approval an individual or individuals to the post of auditor general within 30 days of ratifying the amendments.

Thoriq’s amendment – seconded by PPM MP Ibrahim Didi – passed with 36 votes in favour and 22 against while opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) MPs protested vociferously, contending that the amendment was unconstitutional.

The amendments should not have been put to a vote as it allows the dismissal of an incumbent auditor general without following the constitutional process for impeachment, opposition MPs argued.

Article 218 of the Constitution states that the auditor general could be removed from office “(a) on the ground of misconduct, incapacity or incompetence; and (b) a finding to that effect by a committee of the People’s Majlis, pursuant to article (a) and upon the approval of such finding by the People’s Majlis by a majority of those present and voting, calling for the Auditor General’s removal from office”.

Thoriq’s amendment was added to revisions to the Audit Act submitted on behalf of the government by PPM MP Ibrahim Waheed to bring the 2007 law in line with the Constitution adopted in August 2008.

The legislation was part of a raft of bills submitted by the government to abolish provisions in conflict with the new constitution.

Waheed’s amendments did not include revisions to sections dealing with the appointment and dismissal of the auditor general.

During the final debate on the government-sponsored amendments at today’s sitting, Thoriq said he proposed the amendment with reference to Article 211(b) of the Constitution, which states, “A statute shall specify the responsibilities, powers, mandate, qualifications, and ethical standards of the Auditor General.”

Thoriq noted that the Audit Act was passed in 2007 before the ratification of the constitution the following year and did not specify the responsibilities, mandate, qualification and ethical standards of the auditor general.

However, he added, the amendments submitted by the government do specify the criteria.

“The current auditor general is competent. I wish and believe as well that when this amendment is passed and ratified his name will be sent for our approval,” he said.

However, MDP MPs insisted that the purpose of Thoriq’s amendment was replacing the current auditor general.

The amendment bill – with Thoriq’s amendment – was passed with 40 votes in favour and 25 against.

Appointment and dismissal

The 17th People’s Majlis unanimously approved former President Mohamed Nasheed’s nomination of Niyaz Ibrahim to the post of auditor general in May 2011.

During a meeting of the public accounts committee last week with Niyaz and Finance Minister Abdulla Jihad concerning the audit office’s budget for 2015, Thoriq alleged that 60 percent of audit office staff were unhappy with Niyaz’s leadership.

Thoriq also accused the auditor general of releasing a damning audit report of the finance ministry ahead of the parliamentary polls in March and withholding reports exposing corruption in the MDP government.

In response, Niyaz said he was not surprised that employees of the audit office met politicians to complain about the auditor general, contending that some staff members were unhappy with stricter workplace regulations.

A timetable or schedule for publishing audit reports has been shared with the public accounts committee, he noted.

Moreover, the majority of audit reports released during his tenure were of government ministries and state institutions under the administration of former President Mohamed Nasheed, Niyaz observed, adding that it was used as “campaign material” against the MDP presidential candidate during last year’s presidential election.

Niyaz was appointed to the post following parliament’s dismissal of former Auditor Ibrahim Naeem in March 2010 in a no-confidence motion.

Naeem was accused of corruption by the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) of using state funds to buy a tie and visit Thulhaadhoo in Baa Atoll.

Naeem had claimed the charges were an attempt to discredit his office and prevent him from reclaiming the government’s money stored in overseas bank accounts.

“A lot of the government’s money was taken through corrupt [means] and saved in the banks of England, Switzerland, Singapore and Malaysia,” Naeem told the press ahead of the no-confidence vote.


PPM has fulfilled many pledges in manifesto, says Tourism Minister Adeeb

The ruling Progressive Party of the Maldives (PPM) has fulfilled many of its pledges, deputy leader and tourism minister Ahmed Adeeb has said.

“This government’s pledges are laid out in our manifesto. I would like to note as this government marks 11 months in power, this young government has fulfilled many pledges,” Adeeb told reporters at a press conference to mark the PPM’s third anniversary on Monday.

The PPM has increased elderly pension from MVR2300 to MVR 5000, reduced fuel and food prices, and maintained the value of the Maldivian Rufiyaa, the minister said, while pledging to destroy the dollar black market.

Adeeb in March had promised the increase in elderly pensions would come through the sale of T-bills and other financial instruments and not through the state budget. But Finance Minister Abdulla Jihad in August admitted the government is forced to rely on the budget to finance the handouts.

The Finance Ministry has said the unplanned increase in handouts and debt servicing is responsible for a ballooning budget deficit, which currently stands at MVR 4 billion (US$260million). The Majlis had planned for a deficit of MVR1.3 billion when it passed the record MVR17.95 million budget.

The finance ministry in September cut back on planned development projects and announced a 20 percent cut in recurrent expenditure, excluding wages and allowances, to curb the deficit.

The PPM’s most noteworthy pledges include a cash handout of MVR10,000 to fishermen during lean months and MVR8,000 to farmers, a doctor for every citizen,and unlimited healthcare under the Aasandha insurance scheme.

After President Abdulla Yameen assumed power, the fisheries ministry announced the MVR10,000 fishermen handouts would be issued through an insurance scheme with a monthly premium of MVR500.

The health ministry launched the unlimited Aasandha scheme and a doctor for every family program in February, though the family doctor project is at present operating only in Malé’s suburb Villimalé and Faafu Atoll Nilandhoo Island.

The PPM also pledged to begin oil exploration in the Maldives, to create a youth city in Malé’s suburb Hulhumalé, to create 94,000 jobs, bring 11 resorts into operation every year, increase annual tourist arrivals to 5 million, and give resort workers shares in resorts.

Women will be allowed to work from home and will be given investment money to encourage female entrepreneurship. Senior citizens will also receive MVR 00,000 on retirement at 65 years of age, said PPM manifesto – launched just days before last year’s presidential poll.

The party also promised higher education to any student who passes tenth grade O’Level with three passes and promised to provide 2000 youths with opportunities for higher education.

Adeeb said the government had faced serious challenges when it assumed power in 2013 including debt repayment and a health and education sectors in ruin. But the PPM and the government has achieved great success, he said.

“We have five years to fulfill pledges in the manifesto. Of those five years, 11 months have passed. There are many days left. So I think we should be given time in evaluating this government’s success,” he said.

“There will be more prosperous changes in the next year,” he promised.

Meanwhile, opposition leader and former Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) President Mohamed Nasheed has said the PPM government has failed to fulfill pledges or ensure security in the country. The country has been taken over by rebel police and gangs, he claimed.

Referring to the government’s failure to find missing Minivan News journalist Ahmed Rilwan or take action against several masked men who attacked MDP supporters in an Addu City rally, Nasheed said the government has failed to bring perpetrators of serious crime to justice.

He also criticised the government for its decision to ‘freeze employment’ in an attempt to reduce the ballooning budget deficit.

More than 5000 students are to finish their O levels, said the former president, with a further 2000 completing A levels – suggesting that these groups would be lost to gangs without gainful employment.

“The budget deficit has risen higher than ever before. The government is in huge amounts of debt after selling treasury bills to make ends meet,” he added.


Elections Commission announces official results of Kolhufushi by-election

The Elections Commission (EC) yesterday announced official results of a by-election held on the island of Kolhufushi in Meemu atoll on Saturday (October 18) for a vacant seat on the five-member island council.

Opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) candidate Hussain Shamil won the by-election with 355 votes while ruling Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) candidate Mohamed Nasir received 333 votes.

Of 964 eligible voters, 694 people cast their ballots.

The by-election was called following the resignation of Councillor Ibrahim Rasheed.

Opposition leader and former President Mohamed Nasheed told the press following the MDP’s victory that the result was indicative of public dissatisfaction with the current administration.

The opposition party also won a recent by-election held in Addu City for a vacant seat on the city council for the Feydhoo constituency.

Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom – leader of the PPM – meanwhile said on social media that the ruling party “must learn” from the by-election defeats.


PPM leader Gayoom says he does not know who is behind MDP attacks

Former President and Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) leader Maumoon Abdul Gayyoom has rejected claims that his party was behind – or has knowledge of – the recent attacks against opposition Maldives Democratic Party (MDP).

“I would not blame any political party or any individual over the attacks. The relevant authorities would investigate the attacks and let us know who did it. I would like to reiterate that it was not PPM’s doing,” said Maumoon.

While speaking to media at a ceremony held to celebrate the signing of 104 members of the Jumhooree Party to the PPM, Maumoon said the recent attacks were not conducted by PPM and that the party does not encourage violent behavior of this sort.

An MDP rally in Feydhoo last week was attacked by a group of masked individuals wielding wooden planks and rocks with the party’s main office in Malé set on fire last month.

The government and MDP have been involved in a heated blame game over the attacks with the President’s Office spokesperson reportedly suggesting that the attacks were coordinated by the MDP itself, while the party’s leaders have suggested a third – unnamed group – may have been behind the attacks.


Sole MDP councillor in Kolhufushi signs for PPM

Sole Maldives Democratic Party (MDP) councilor from Meemu atoll Kolhufushi Island Council, Shuaib Abdullah has signed for the Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) today.

Shuaib signed at a ceremony held at the PPM campaign office in Malé which was attended by Tourism Minister and PPM vice President Ahmed Adeeb and Defence Minister Mohamed Nazim.

Speaking at the ceremony Shuaib said that he joined PPM because the only way to develop the island is by joining the government. He said that he made the decision while keeping the best interest of the inhabitants of Kolhufushi in mind.

An MVR35 million (US$2.27 million) power station was opened in Kolhufushi by the government and handed over to Fenaka coporation yesterday (October 14).

Speaking after the signing today, Adeeb said that the move was part of the party’s campaign to acquire one hundred thousand members and that it would not hold back in implementing the government’s manifesto.


Home minister and pro-government MPs discuss legislative steps to curb gang activity

Home Minister Umar Naseer has begun meetings with pro-government MPs about necessary amendments to the laws in the initiative to inhibit gang-related criminal activity.

Naseer met with parliamentarians from ruling Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) in Muleeaage yesterday (October 14), as well as meeting with Jumhooree Party parliamentarians at their main campaign offices.

The proposed changes include amendments to the act on stopping gang-related crimes and to laws prohibiting the carrying of sharp weapons as well as a temporary act on stopping gang activity, Naseer told local media.

“The delay in tackling gang related crimes is a deep concern even of parliamentarians. We have now had the chance to confer with them and see what their thoughts on the matter are,” Naseer said.

“Reactions from parliamentarians of both Jumhooree Party and Progressive Party of Maldives were positive to my recommendations. At the moment, I cannot share further details of the suggested changes,” Umar Naseer told Minivan News today.

Earlier in the week, however, Naseer explained to local media some of the changes he proposed to bring to these acts.

Changes include the introduction of “soft curfews” on identified gang members, changes in the process of completing an investigation, in taking the matter to court, and in the completion of criminal cases in court.

“The problem is the period between these two regimes. After police concludes an investigation and the case is sent to court, it sometimes takes from 2 to 3 to even 10 years before the court presides over the case,” he is quoted as saying.

Naseer has previously spoken of concerns about the lack of cooperation between police and the Criminal Court.

On August 4, Naseer stated in parliament that a “special police operation” was ongoing to curb gang violence in the capital following a spate of violent assaults in recent days.

He went on to suggest that the problem was exacerbated by insufficient police resources, revisions being required for certain laws, and drug trafficking.

Special efforts from police resulted in the dismantling of ‘gang huts’ around the capital, before President Abdulla Yameen called a halt to the process, announcing that the government would instead seek more comprehensive solutions to the issue.

Following his unsuccessful campaign in the 2013 PPM presidential primary, Umar Naseer accused fellow candidate Yameen of having links to criminal gangs and the drug trade. Since being appointed home minister, however, Naseer has retracted these accusations.

The home minister announced in September that the police had identified about 30 gangs, with 50 gang leaders and 500 gang members operating in the country, especially on the streets of Malé.

He added that 13 of these 30 gangs can be considered as “highly dangerous”.

He said at the time that the government is planning an ‘attack’ to address the increase in gang related crimes – including assault, murder, and drug offences.

The issue of gang violence has become increasingly prominent in recent years, with stabbings and intimidation of journalists covering these crimes becoming commonplace.

A series of attacks on the offices and homes of journalists and MPs last month prompted concern from the EU at the level of gang activity in the country, while a private investigation into the disappearance of Minivan News journalist Ahmed Rilwan suggested radicalised gangs may have been involved.

2012 study of the Maldives’ gang culture by the Asia Foundation revealed that “political and business elites” exploit gangs to carry out a range of illegal activities including the suppression of opponents and carrying out tasks to help maintain popularity or divert media attention from political issues.


President Yameen’s administration has failed, contends Nasheed

No additional reporting by missing journalist Ahmed Rilwan

President Abdulla Yameen’s administration has failed to deliver on campaign pledges to improve the economy and ensure public safety, former President Mohamed Nasheed contended last night (October 11).

Speaking at a Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) rally in Fuvahmulah, Nasheed said the government was unable to explain or show how it would create the promised 94,000 new jobs after almost one year in office.

“One of the most important reasons for the bleakness we are seeing is the lack of employment opportunities. And we cannot see a plan or project from this failed government to increase employment opportunities,” the opposition leader said.

Referring to the Special Economic Zone (SEZ) Act, Nasheed claimed foreign multi-national companies were reluctant to invest in the Maldives.

President Yameen has hailed the SEZ Act as a “landmark law” that will “transform” the economy through diversification and mitigate the reliance on the tourism industry.

The government maintained that SEZs with relaxed regulations and tax concessions were necessary to attract foreign investors and launch ‘mega projects’ for economic diversification, which would create jobs and elevate the economy to a “new production frontier.”

On the government’s pledge to provide MVR10,000 a month to fishermen during lean periods, Nasheed said fish purchasing prices have declined since the new administration took office in November.

“We are saying the [Progressive Party of Maldives’] government has failed because they are not practicing what they preach at all,” he said.

A campaign pledge to provide financial assistance to local farmers has also not been fulfilled, Nasheed added.

While the government pledged to ensure security and rehabilitate wayward youth, “we are seeing that the job uniform of youth has become balaclavas and masks,” Nasheed said.

Criminal gangs were roaming the streets of Malé, Nasheed continued, and the security services were unable to curb gang violence.

Failed centre

As the “central government has failed”, Nasheed suggested that development should be sought through local councils.

“I for one am certain that we, the people of the Maldives, cannot reach a safe shore without empowering councils,” he said.

“While President Yameen and the PPM government is failing, we are seeing the Maldivian state failing as a result. The Maldivian state is not just their government. We are also part of the Maldivian state. We cannot let this state fail.”

The system of decentralisation should be strengthened to avoid becoming a failed state, Nasheed argued, noting that the MDP had majorities in many local councils.

The MDP could serve the public through councils while remaining the opposition party, he said, by undertaking efforts to create jobs and develop infrastructure.

Of 30 councillors in Fuvahmulah, Nasheed noted that 24 councillors were elected on MDP tickets.

Nasheed observed that the fiscal deficit has ballooned to MVR4 billion (US$259 million) while the projected deficit agreed upon last December as part of a record MVR17.96 billion (US$1.16 billion) budget was MVR1.3 billion (US$84 million).

The deficit was plugged with the public’s savings at banks, he contended, expressing concern with the impact on the financial sector should the government find itself unable to pay back treasury bills.

“Third hand”

Referring to the PPM expressing concern with the arson attack on the MDP Hithadhoo South office on Friday night, Nasheed said the MDP believed either the PPM or senior government officials were behind the attacks.

If the PPM and former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom were telling the truth about the ruling party’s involvement, Nasheed said a third party should be responsible.

“[President Yameen] is saying it is not his party or ministers that are attacking our rallies and attempting to harm us. And we are saying we are very worried about this. So there is a third party,” he said.

“Who is the third party? Who killed Afrasheem? Who abducted Rilwan? Who are sending us texts once a day threatening to kill us? Who is torching our offices and disrupting our rallies?” he asked.

Nasheed said the MDP was concerned that “the third hand” could overthrow the government.

“We are ready to remain as the opposition sincerely for five years. We are not impatient to come into government,” he said, calling on President Yameen to reveal who “the third hand” is to the public.


Former justice minister slams “judicial dictatorship”

No additional reporting by missing journalist Ahmed Rilwan

The Maldivian judiciary is not functioning as envisioned in the revised constitution adopted in August 2008 and should be reformed, former Justice Minister and former Speaker Ahmed ‘Seena’ Zahir has said in a scathing critique of the justice system.

“If we don’t want an executive dictatorship from a dictatorship, we don’t want a judicial dictatorship either,” the former speaker of parliament reportedly said at a ceremony held on Monday night (September 29) to inaugurate an association of former students of the private Malé English School (MES).

Zahir’s criticism follows the Supreme Court initiating suo moto proceedings against members of the Human Rights Commission of Maldives over its Universal Periodic Review (UPR) submission to the UN Human Rights Council.

The Special Majlis constitutional assembly convened to amend the constitution – of which he was a member – did not envision the judiciary “meddling” in executive affairs, Zahir said.

Judges were offered tenure, job security and high pay, he noted.

He added that the judiciary was misinterpreting constitutional provisions while the mandate of judges was limited to conducting trials.

“That should be brought to an end. It won’t come to a halt by jailing those who talk about this. Someone has to raise their voices on behalf of the people,” he said.

Zahir called on the public to exercise the constitutional right to freedom of expression and raise their voices for judicial reform.

The MES senior student association could take up the call as it should be done in an academic and unbiased manner without politicisation, he advised.

Zahir – who served as justice minister in the cabinet of former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom and participated in the ruling Progressive Party of Maldives’ (PPM) presidential campaign last year – suggested that political parties were unwilling to speak out for judicial reform.

He also noted that the judiciary would have to arbitrate and settle commercial disputes under foreign investment laws.

Such laws, however, would not serve its purpose of attracting foreign investment if the judiciary remained unreformed, Zahir contended.

Zahir advised a bipartisan effort to amend the constitution, noting that the ruling PPM and coalition partner Maldives Development Alliance had a comfortable majority in the People’s Majlis.

“And their supporters also support amending the constitution,” he said, adding that the opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) would also back such an effort as it has been advocating for judicial reform.

However, Zahir said he did not see efforts to reform the judiciary through parliament.

The purpose of amending the constitution should not be “removing A from the post and appointing B,” he added.

Suo moto

Less than two weeks before the parliamentary polls in March, the Supreme Court charged Elections Commission Chair Fuwad Thowfeek and Deputy Chair Ahmed Fayaz with contempt of court and dismissed the pair under unprecedented suo moto proceedings.

Subsequent changes to contempt of court regulations made in June authorised courts to penalise individuals for any expression, action, gesture, or piece of writing “inside or outside a courtroom” that could be considered contempt of court.

At yesterday’s trial against the HRCM members, Chief Justice Ahmed Faiz Hussain slammed the commission for basing its observation – that the Supreme Court controlled and influenced the judiciary to the detriment of lower courts – on a 2013 report by the UN Special Rapporteur for Independence of Judges and Lawyers Gabriela Knaul.

Faiz said the judiciary had rejected Knaul’s report as invalid. In June 2013, the government accused Knaul of undermining the Maldives’ sovereignty and jurisdiction.

Meanwhile, in 2012, the United Nations Human Rights Council, of which the Maldives is a member, said it was “deeply concerned about the state of the judiciary in the Maldives.”

“The state has admitted that this body’s independence is seriously compromised.  The Committee has said the judiciary is desperately in need of more serious training, and higher standards of qualification,” a statement read.

The Supreme Court in particular needed “radical readjustment,” the committee said. “As 6 of 7 Supreme Court judges are experts in Sharia law and nothing more, this court in particular is in need of radical readjustment.  This must be done to guarantee just trials, and fair judgments for the people of Maldives.”
