PPM primary tickets awarded to 13 persons by default

The Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) has selected 13 of its allocation of 49 candidates to contest in the upcoming parliamentary elections without primary races, after no competitors came forward.

According to the party, there are nine incumbent MPs among the 13, with the other four being new candidates.

Laamu Fonadhoo constituency was won by party Deputy Leader and MP Abdul Raheem Abdulla, Villimaafannu constituency was won by MP Ahmed Nihan, Galolhu South constituency by Ahmed Mahloof, Eydhafushi constituency by Ahmed ‘Redwave’ Saleem, Faafu Nilandhoo constituency was won by MP Abdul Muhusin Hameed, and Haa Alifu Kelaa constituency was won by MP for Haa Dhaalu Vaikaradhoo Ali Arif.

Meanwhile, Dhiggaru constituency was won by Deputy Speaker of parliament Ahmed Nazim, Fuvamulak South constituency was won by MP Abdulla Maseeh Mohamed, Vilifushi constituency was won by MP Riyaz Rasheed, Henveiru South by Mohamed Riyaz, Thaa Guraidhoo by Hussein Manik Dhon Manik, Thinadhoo North Saudhulla Hilmy, and Haa Alifu Baarah constituency was won by Ibrahim Sujau.

The party has said that tickets for other constituencies will be given after holding primaries. PPM Secretary General Yumna Maumoon was not responding to calls at the time of press.

An estimated 140 PPM supporters in Laamu atoll held protests last Saturday following the apparent decision to grant the Maavah constituencyticket to incumbent MP Abdul Azeez Jamal Abu Bakr without a primary. Locals expressed disappointment with the incumbent’s performance over the past five years.

Coalition member, the Adhaalath Party, has today revealed that it is waiting for the PPM to allocate constituencies in which it will be permitted to run on behalf of the governing Progressive Coalition during the parliamentary election.

The governing coalition – which also includes the Jumhooree Party (JP), and the Maldives Development Alliance (MDA) – recently reached a deal on reserving a set number of seats for each party.

Of the 85 seats, the PPM will contest 49, the JP will contest 28, and the MDA will contest 8 seats.

Speaking to the press today Adhaalath Party’s spokesperson Ali Zahir said the party had informed the PPM about the constituencies Adhaalath hopes to compete in.

Zahir said that the PPM had told Adhaalath that it was possible to give some of the proposed constituencies, but that it had not yet given a final answer.

Previously Adhaalath Party tried to negotiate with the JP, led by Gasim Ibrahim, but the two had contradicting views on how to divide the constituencies among both parties.


Referendum on death penalty not permitted, says Islamic Minister

Islamic Minister Dr Mohamed Shaheem Ali Saeed has criticised MP Ahmed Mahloof’s proposal to conduct a public referendum on whether to enforce the death penalty.

“Seeking public opinion on how to proceed on an issue that has been determined by Islamic Shariah cannot be permitted,” the senior Adhaalath Party member tweeted today.

The Progressive Party of Maldives MP yesterday declared his intention to submit a resolution to parliament on holding a public referendum on reintroducing capital punishment.


Adhaalath announces five Majlis candidates for JP reserved constituencies

The religious conservative Adhaalath Party (AP) has announced five candidates for the upcoming parliamentary elections in constituencies reserved by the government coalition for the Jumhooree Party (JP).

Unveiling the candidates at a press conference today, AP Spokesperson Sheikh Ali Zahir revealed that discussions were ongoing with the Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) on allocating “three or four constituencies” for AP candidates.

“Adhaalath Party worked from the start to try and field candidates together [with the ruling coalition] or without conflicts. At the final stage of these efforts, we are still really awaiting an answer from PPM,” he said.

While the parties were not engaged in “official” discussions, the AP has asked the ruling party to cede five constituencies for its candidates, Zahir added.

“They have promised to give us constituencies out of [the requested five seats]. PPM has even revealed that through the media. So we hope that it will be concluded as soon as possible because there is very little time left,” he said, referring to the February 11 deadline to submit candidacy papers to the Elections Commission.

Parliamentary elections are scheduled to take place on March 22.

“They said they might not be able to give all [five] constituencies. But they will determine from among [the five seats]. We have said we can work together if we get three or four seats,” he said.

The three parties in the governing ‘Progressive Coalition’ reached an agreement last week to allocate constituencies among the coalition partners, with 49 seats assigned for the PPM, 28 seats for the JP, and eight seats for the Maldives Development Alliance.

Following its exclusion from the coalition’s parliamentary election plans, the AP began discussions separately with the three parties on the possibility of allocating constituencies to its candidates.

However, negotiations with the JP ended unsuccessfully after it refused to cede the Vaikaradhoo and Makunudhoo constituencies as requested by the AP.

JP Leader Gasim Ibrahim told the press that the AP President Sheikh Imran Abdulla had refused to accept an offer of four constituencies, including three of five constituencies requested by the party.

Following the breakdown in talks, the AP announced that it would be fielding candidates in the 28 constituencies reserved for JP candidates.


While 35 AP members have submitted forms to contest the parliamentary elections on the party’s ticket, Zahir said today that the party was considering reducing the number of its candidates.

The AP was willing to compromise with the coalition if the parties agreed to cede constituencies where Adhaalath’s support was strong, Zahir said.

“If we contest a lot of seats, it is likely that it will adversely affect the government coalition and they could lose a lot of seats. As this government was brought [to power] with our support as well, we do not want that to happen,” he said.

However, the AP began announcing its candidates today due to the lack of progress so far, he added.

“Even if we go together or through a coalition, the principle we believe is that we will contest in constituencies where we have supporters and a big chance of winning. Winning seats using the support of others is not a philosophy we believe in,” he said.

The five AP candidates announced today were Anara Naeem for the Makunudhoo constituency in Haa Dhaal atoll, Aishath Haleela for the Vaikaradhoo constituency, Ahmed Zahir for the Komandoo constituency, Asadhulla Shafie for the Kaashidhoo constituency, and Hisham Ahmed for the Meedhoo constituency in Addu City.

While candidates from JP will be contesting all five constituencies on behalf of the Progressive Coalition, Zahir said that the AP had complete confidence of securing the seats.

Stressing the competence and academic qualifications of the AP’s candidates, Zahir said the party’s aim was to address public dissatisfaction with the People’s Majlis and ensure that MPs have the respect of the public.

Zahir criticised other parties for “forcing” candidates of questionable character and “low behaviour” on the public.

The AP candidates were selected without a primary by the party’s consultation council, which Zahir said was in the process of selecting candidates for a number of other constituencies.

Zahir also announced that the AP would be contesting the Nolhivaram constituency with a candidate to be finalised at a later date.

Meanwhile, State Minister for Home Affairs Abdulla Mohamed – vice president of the ‘Civil Alliance’ of local NGOs – signed for the AP today. Abdulla had previously expressed interest in contesting the Nolhivaram seat.


PPM MP Mahloof proposes public referendum on death penalty

Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) MP Ahmed Mahloof has proposed conducting a public referendum on the death penalty to allow voters to decide whether to restore capital punishment.

Speaking at a press conference at the PPM office this morning, the MP for Galolhu South said he was planning to submit a resolution to parliament on conducting the referendum simultaneously with the parliamentary elections scheduled for March 22.

Mahloof accused all three branches of the state of “making excuses” to avoid enforcing the death penalty, claiming that 99 percent of the public supported its reintroduction.

“When this issue comes to the People’s Majlis, they say very easily that this has been determined by religion so we don’t have to make a decision here. When it goes to the judiciary, they say the People’s Majlis has to make a decision on implementing death sentences,” the PPM spokesperson said.

“When the home minister issues an order to implement [death sentences], the government is saying today that we have to make a decision at the cabinet.”

Referring to the recent stabbing of MP Alhan Fahmy at a restaurant, Mahloof contended that lack of enforcement had emboldened criminals “to the point where people in senior posts of the state are attacked in open spaces.”

“So they will not hesitate to [attack] an ordinary citizen. This is a very serious matter,” he said.

Mahloof added that his purpose was to “build pressure” on the government to enforce the death penalty.

While presidential candidates spoke in favour of the death penalty during last year’s campaign, Mahloof observed that implementation efforts remained “stalled”.

The government would be forced to enforce capital punishment if the issue was decided in a public referendum, he added.

Mahloof also said that he was seeking signatures from MPs to hold an extraordinary sitting of parliament during the ongoing recess to debate the resolution. A sitting can be held during recess upon request by 26 MPs.

The ruling party MP said he met Elections Commission Vice President Ahmed Fayaz yesterday and was assured that the commission would discuss the issue of the referendum.

Article 70 of the constitution states that the lawmaking powers of the People’s Majlis include “the holding of public referendums on issues of public importance.”

Mahloof’s resolution – shared on social media today – states that seeking public opinion on the death penalty would alleviate international pressure and rebut those who claim Maldivians did not favour it.

“Despite the death penalty being prescribed in Islam, sentences are not implemented because of foreign and domestic pressure,” he tweeted.

In January, Home Minister Umar Naseer issued an order to the Maldives Correctional Service to begin preparations for implementation of death sentences by lethal injection.

The order prompted Amnesty International to call on the government to halt any plans to end the current moratorium on the death penalty, describing such a move as “a retrograde step and a serious setback to human rights in the country.”

President Abdulla Yameen – on a state visit to Sri Lanka at the time of Naseer’s announcement – meanwhile told the press that the home minister’s order was not discussed at cabinet and promised “broad discussions” on the issue.


Adhaalath Party to field parliamentary candidates in constituencies reserved for JP

The religious conservative Adhaalath Party has decided to field parliamentary candidates in 28 constituencies reserved by the governing coalition for the Jumhooree Party (JP), following a breakdown in talks between the parties.

In a press statement today, Adhaalath accused the JP of offering seats with the intention of “exploiting the trust and support of the public for Adhaalath to win as many seats as possible in the election for the Jumhooree Party.”

“The party does not believe now that [fielding candidates for] the 28 seats the Jumhooree Party will be contesting through the Progressive Coalition falls outside the party’s ethical responsibility,” the statement read.

Adhaalath assured its members that it would compete “to the best of our competence and ability” in constituencies the party believes it could win.

An Adhaalath Party council member told Minivan News last week that the party’s members have expressed interest in contesting for 32 constituencies.

He added that Adhaalath’s candidates may be the most qualified, with almost all having educational qualifications at a postgraduate level.

Coalition agreement

The ruling coalition – made up of the Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM), the JP and the Maldives Development Alliance (MDA), led by resort tycoon Ahmed ‘Sun Travel’ Shiyam – meanwhile reached an agreement last week to allocate parliamentary constituencies among the coalition partners.

Of the 85 electoral constituencies, the PPM will contest 49, the JP will contest 28, and the MDA will contest eight seats.

Following its exclusion from the coalition’s parliamentary election plans, PPM Deputy Leader Abdul Raheem Abdulla told the press that the Adhaalath Party was not “an official partner of the Progressive Coalition.”

“So the parties’ idea is to give them what we can from the seats which have been allocated to us,” Raheem said.

The Adhaalath Party began negotiations with coalition parties last week and requested the JP to assign five constituencies for its candidates.

The talks however ended unsuccessfully after the JP refused to cede the Vaikaradhoo and Makunudhoo constituencies in Haa Dhaalu atoll – two seats the Adhaalath Party believed its candidates had the best chance of winning.

“Instead, the [JP] proposed constituencies where the Adhaalath Party’s support is weakest,” today’s press release stated.

The party noted that it had decided to contest the parliamentary elections with the Progressive Coalition to prevent the opposition Maldivian Democratic Party from securing a parliamentary majority.

The Adhaalath Party was prepared to compromise and accept a few constituencies to campaign jointly with the governing coalition, the statement added.

However, if an understanding could not be reached, the party’s intention was to independently contest as many seats as possible, the party stated.

“Despite not reaching an agreement with the Progressive Party of Maldives in the discussions held on this issue so far, if the [PPM] cedes the few constituencies that we have requested, the Adhaalath Party will not compete in the other constituencies that the [PPM] will be contesting for,” the press release concluded.

No deal

In last year’s presidential election, the Adhaalath Party initially endorsed former President Dr Mohamed Waheed before eventually backing JP candidate Gasim Ibrahim, who finished third in the first round of the contentious polls.

In the second round, the party backed PPM candidate Abdulla Yameen without a formal coalition agreement.

Following the unsuccessful talks last week, JP Leader Gasim Ibrahim told the press that Adhaalath Party President Sheikh Imran Abdulla had refused the JP’s offer of four seats, including three of five constituencies requested by the party.

“[Imran said] ‘no, no, we don’t want those constituencies, we cannot give up certain constituencies.’ So I said thank you very much. What can I do when they did not accept?” Gasim said last Thursday.

The business magnate noted that the JP had “no commitments” to the Adhaalath as the coalition agreement formed ahead of the presidential election no longer existed.

On the same day, Imran tweeted that the party would “not find it easy to make a deal” that did not involve allocating the Makunudhoo, Vaikaradhoo, Komandoo, Inguraidhoo, and Fares-Maathoda constituencies to Adhaalath candidates.

“Adhaalath could only contest the Majlis [election] with the coalition if the coalition concedes areas where Adhaalath has support,” Imran tweeted today.

Meanwhile, Islamic Minister Dr Mohamed Shaheem Ali Saeed, spokesperson of the Adhaalath Party, took to Facebook yesterday to condemn remarks in the media by senior JP members that he contended “undermined Adhaalath Party’s dignity.”

“Adhaalath does not have to ask the JP to contest for the Majlis,” he wrote.

An unnamed senior JP official told newspaper Haveeru on Friday that the Adhaalath Party had forfeited the opportunity to contest the parliamentary election on coalition tickets.

“Despite not having an official agreement with Adhaalath Party, our leader decided to give seats to the party because he loves Adhaalath. But they wanted too many seats,” the senior member was quoted as saying.


Opposition MP Alhan Fahmy stabbed

Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) MP Alhan Fahmy has been stabbed in Malé this evening, while at the Breakwater cafe in the artificial beach area of the capital.

Eyewitnesses have said that police caught and arrested one of the opposition MP’s attackers. Police officials were officially able to confirm only that a man had been stabbed at around 9pm this evening.

Minivan News witnessed a lot of blood at the scene, with a large area having been cordoned off by police.

The MP has been taken to ADK hospital for treatment. A video emerging in local media appears to show a stricken Alhan arriving at hospital on the back of a pick-up truck with what appeared to be a wound on his back, around the shoulder area.

Alhan’s brother is reported to have told local media that his brother received a stab wound to the back.

The results of the final MDP parliamentary primaries were officially revealed today, with Alhan losing the Feydhoo constituency seat to Mohamed Nihad, who received 316 votes to the incumbent’s 154.

After the results of the primary contest emerged, Alhan alleged irregularities in the vote via social media, declaring his intention to challenge the outcome.

I don’t accept the results of MDP Feydhoo Parliament Primaries . I have officially informed the party of election irregularities.

— Alhan Fahmy (@FahmyAlhan) January 31, 2014

The MDP’s primary election to determine the contestants for next month’s parliamentary elections, has been marred by suggestions of irregularities.

Machangoalhi Uthuru candidate Aishath Velezinee last week complained of manipulation of party registries, while prominent Raajje TV journalist Ibrahim ‘Asward’ Waheed suggested the number of ballots cast had exceeded the eligible voters after narrowly losing the Maafannu-south constituency race.

The MDP’s election complaints committee has investigated the latter, finding the contest to have been fair.

Political past

Alhan has had a chequered recent past with the MDP, rejoining the party in June last year after an apparently acrimonious departure in April of the previous year. Then party vice president, Alhan was ejected – alongside then party President Dr Ibrahim Didi – after the pair publicly questioned the party’s official interpretation of the February 7 ousting of President Mohamed Nasheed.

The Feydhoo MP subsequently organised a rally – sparsely attended – calling for the freeing of the MDP from its talismanic leader Nasheed. Alhan’s soon joined the government-aligned Jumhooree Party,

Alhan was initially elected to parliament on a Dhivehi Rayithunge Party (DRP) ticket, making him one of the few MPs to have been a member of almost every major political party represented in parliament, barring the DRP’s splinter party, the Progressive Party of the Maldives (PPM).

He was dismissed from the DRP in 2010 for breaking the party’s whip line in a no-confidence vote against then Foreign Minister, Dr Ahmed Shaheed

Last August, Alhan was summoned by police in connection with the alleged blackmailing of Supreme Court Justice Ali Hameed, using footage of the judge having sex with two foreign women said to be prostitutes.

The MP tweeted a screenshot of a text message he claimed had been sent to his mobile phone by Superintendent of Police Mohamed Riyaz. The text read: “Alhan, will make sure you are fully famed (sic) for blackmailing Justice Ali Hameed. You don’t know who we are.’’

Following a number of prosecutions of MPs during the repeatedly delayed president election late last year, the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) requested an urgent visit to the Maldives.

Secretary General of the IPU, Anders B. Johnsson wrote to Speaker of the Majlis Abdulla Shahid, requesting that a delegation was sent to discuss steps to ensure MPs “can do their work unhindered, without fear of intimidation and harassment or attack on their physical integrity,” added the Secretary General.

Alhan’s name appeared on an IPU list of 21 Maldivian MPs being monitored by the group. The list included Progressive Party of Maldives MP Dr Afrasheem Ali who was murdered in October 2012.


PPM members in Laamu call for democratic polls for Majlis candidate

Members of the ruling Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) in Laamu Atoll, Maavah constituency, held a protest on Friday over the party’s alleged decision to grant the ticket to incumbent MP Abdul Azeez Jamal Abu Bakr without a primary.

Azeez, however, has said the PPM is still in discussions over candidates for the primary and that he has not yet been granted the PPM ticket.

The Maavah constituency consists of Maavah, Hithadhoo and Kunahandhoo constituencies in Laamu Atoll. Protests were held only in Kunahandhoo Island.

Speaking to Minivan News, PPM member Simad Adam said an estimated 240 members took part in Friday’s protest.

“Azeez is very close to President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom and we have heard they are handing him the party ticket on a tray,” he said.

Simad claimed Azeez had pledged to work closely with constituents during the 2009 parliamentary elections, but upon election he stopped answering phone calls and refused to see constituents when they visited him.

“The party’s constitution says primaries must be held. There are others who want to contest the seat. We are just asking for a primary. If Azeez wins the primary, we will support him regardless of any issues we may have with him,” he said.

Pictures of the protest show complainants holding signs calling on the party to implement democratic principles and hold primaries.

Azeez dismissed the protests as a ploy to get him to buy off contestants.

“I am ready to contest. I will not be angry if I do not win. I will accept it as the PPM member’s decision,” he said.

According to Simad, Judge Mujuthaz Fahmy’s son – Azhan Fahmy – will be standing against Azeez.

The governing coalition – which also includes the Jumhooree Party (JP), and the Maldives Development Alliance (MDA) – reached a deal last week on reserving a set number of seats for each party.

Of the 85 seats, PPM will contest 49, JP will contest 28, and the MDA will contest 8 seats.

The PPM is to hold primaries on February 4. All 150 candidates who applied for the 49 seats will go through a screening process where they will be evaluated and graded on the extent to which candidates uphold the party ideology, on their length of time as a party member, experience in the parliament, participation in campaigning for the presidential candidate, and service to the party.

Applicants who do not receive 75 percent will be disqualified from the primaries.

Simad said that Kunahandhoo residents will hold pro-longed protests and if the party leadership does not respond to their demands, party members will boycott the parliamentary elections and any internal party vote.

Meanwhile, members of JP have also spoken out against the party’s decision to grant the ticket to eight incumbent MPs and former Commissioner of Police Abdulla Riyaz without a primary.

The opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) held primaries for 56 seats this weekend after a first attempt on January 24 was called off due to poor organisation and voter registry issues.

The Elections Commission has announced it will be accepting applications for the People’s Majlis elections between January 29 and February 11.


Second round of voting in council elections scheduled for February 15

A second round of voting in the local council elections will take place in four islands on February 15, the Elections Commission (EC) has announced.

Speaking at a press conference held yesterday to announce official results of the January 18 polls, EC President Fuwad Thowfeek said a second round was needed in four island council races where candidates in fifth place were tied with the same number of votes.

Run-of elections will take place in Haa Alif Muraidhoo, Baa Fehendhoo, Raa Maakurath and Gaaf Alif Kodey.

Thowfeek also revealed that the EC has annulled the results of the Noonu Miladhoo island council election after it emerged that disappearing ink might have been used.

Following an investigation by the National Complaints Bureau, the EC decided that the issue could have affected the outcome of the vote, Thowfeek said.

In addition to Miladhoo, voting for the Gaaf Alif Villigili constituency atoll council seats has also been scheduled for February 15.

The Villigili poll was delayed by the EC to afford a candidate adequate time to campaign after his disqualification by the commission was overturned by the Supreme Court.

The candidate in question had however withdrawn his candidacy following the EC’s decision to delay the poll.

On the second round of voting, EC member Ali Mohamed Manik told the press that ballot boxes will be placed in the islands and Male’.

Manik added that the commission had not made a decision concerning voters in the constituencies registered to vote elsewhere in the country.

However, the EC cannot allow re-registration for the second round, Manik said.

Victory for MDP amidst low turnout

EC President Thowfeek also revealed that the turnout on January 18 was 64.5 percent, down from the 70 percent turnout in the first local council elections that took place in February 2011.

Of 240,220 eligible voters, 154,942 voters cast their ballots, Thowfeek noted.

While turnout in some islands exceeded 80 percent, participation in some constituencies of the capital was as low as 30 percent.

A total of 2,463 candidates contested in the January 18 polls for 1,100 seats – 951 island council seats, 132 atoll council seats, and 17 city council seats.

Thowfeek noted that 72 female councillors were elected in the second local council elections, which accounted for six percent of the winning candidates.

According to the official results, the opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) won the most number of seats.

The main opposition party fielded 901 candidates and won 458 seats, including eight out of 11 seats in the Male’ City Council and all six seats of the Addu City Council. The two cities together account for 40 percent of the voting population.

The MDP also performed well in other population hubs such as Kulhudhufushi in the north and Fuvahmulah in the south.

The ruling ‘Progressive Coalition’ – composed of the Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM), Jumhooree Party (JP) and the Maldives Development Alliance (MDA) – fielded 934 candidates and won 456 seats.

The PPM took 277 seats, followed by the JP with 123 seats and the MDA with 56 seats.

Of the 543 independent candidates, 133 were elected. The Adhaalath Party meanwhile fielded 83 candidates and secured 45 seats.

The religious conservative party campaigned independently of the government coalition as it was not an official coalition partner with a formal agreement.

The Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party meanwhile fielded two candidates and won one council seat.


Attorney General refuses to attend parliament committee regarding revenue bills

Attorney General Mohamed Anil has refused to attend the parliamentary committee tasked with reviewing revenue bills after being summoned to a meeting scheduled for Tuesday.

The rejection letter sent to the parliament secretariat argued that the bill of amendments to the Tourism Act and T-GST [Tourism Goods and Services Tax] bills include policies compiled by the Economic and Youth Council of the cabinet.

Anil stated that the only role played by the Attorney General’s Office had been to draft the bills as directed by the council.

“As this office has no comments to make on the content of these bills at this moment, I respectfully inform you that I excuse my office from sending staff to attend the meeting we have been invited to,” a parliament official quoted the letter as saying.

Opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) MP Ahmed Hamza has suggested that the absence of the Attorney General (AG) suggests disapproval of government policies.

Upon forming a government late last year, President Abdulla Yameen divided his cabinet into two sub-divisions – a social council and an economic council.

Government aligned parties have initiated special sessions of the parliament in order to extend the duration in which bed taxes can be charged, and also to increase T-GST. The government has also proposed to take full payments as lease from resorts that have extended their contracts.

President’s Office Spokesperson Ibrahim Muaz Ali stated that, while the attorney general’s reasons for refusal are “absolutely clear”, the cabinet has thus far not decided whether it will hold discussions on the relevant policies with the parliament committee.

Ruling Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) MP Ali Arif – who sits in the committee tasked with reviewing the revenue bills – stated that he would be able to further comment on the matter after deliberations with the attorney general.

“What the AG has actually said is that he has already provided his views on the matter to the cabinet’s Economic Council, and therefore he declines from attending the committee to present the same views,” Arif stated.

Opposing view

An opposition MDP member in the same committee has interpreted the AG’s refusal to attend the committee meeting in a different light.

“Reading between the lines, MDP feels that the AG refused to attend as he does not agree with some of the things proposed by the government,” MDP MP Ahmed Hamza told Minivan News today.

“One of the things we feel he disagrees on is the government’s proposal to change the payment terms for resorts, to cancel the extentions granted to payments in breach of what the government has previously agreed with resort owners,” he continued.

“The other thing is the bed tax. The law says bed tax charges are to be ceased from December 31, 2013. The government is now proposing to continue taking it from January 1, 2014, but there is no law to support this. We feel the AG does not support taking this in retrospect after a law is formed now,” Hamza stated.

The AG, Mohamed Anil, was not responding to calls at the time of press.
