Supreme Court ruling does not mean Kaafu and Shaviyani Atoll office can be relocated, says AG

Attorney General, Dr Ahmed Ali Sawad, has told Minivan News that a Supreme Court verdict overruling “contradicting” court orders issued by island courts over the relocation of some Atoll Council offices did not mean that the issue was as yet resolved.

”It [the Supreme Court decision] is a different ruling because two courts of the same level have issued two different court orders on the same issue,” said Dr Sawad. ”The real issue over the legality of the relocations still needs to be addressed within the Thulusdhoo Island Court and Shaviyani Funadhoo Island court.”

The Supreme Court of the Maldives has recently invalidated court warrants issued by the Kaafu Atoll Maafushi Island Court and Shaviyani Atoll Milandhoo Island Court that were deemed to have contradicted earlier rulings by local magistrates over the location of council offices.

This court actions occurred this week as the government come into conflict with members of Shaviyani Atoll and Kaafu Atoll councils over the decision to move their administrative offices to different locations. The government has claimed that the decisions were not within the legal powers of councilors.

The Atoll Councilors of Shaviyani Atoll moved from their Administrative Office in Milandhoo to a building in Funadhoo, which was formerly used as Atoll Office of Shaviyani Atoll. Kaafu Atoll Councilors moved from an assigned Atoll Office in Maafushi to a building in Thulusdhoo, which was also formerly used as the Atoll Office of Kaafu Atoll.

The government opposed these actions, sending police to the islands over concerns that the buildings were its own assets and needed protection.

The case was then brought in front of Funadhoo Magistrates Court, which ruled that the Administrative Office should be located in Funadhoo. This occurred two days before the Milandhoo Magistrate ruled that Administrative Office shall be in Milandhoo.

Likewise in Thulusdhoo, the island court of Thulusdhoo ruled that the Administrative Office shall be in Thulusdhoo, before the Maafushi Island Court ruled in favor of retaining the Administrative Office in Maafushi.

The Supreme Court said that after one court has ruled on a case, another legal institution of the same level had no authority to overturn that ruling. This made the later rulings invalid according to the Supreme Court.

Meanwhile, the High Court also concluded that there was no capacity for an appeal requested by the Attorney General to rule that the court order of Thulusdhoo Court.

The High Court said that there was no reason to believe that the actions of Thulushoo Court were against the law or correct procedures.

Recently Shaviyani Atoll Council’s Vice President Mohamed Arif has said the best way to solve the issue was by handing over the case to a higher court of law, ”as it is a legal issue.”

The Home Minister also told media this week that the government would let the country’s higher-level courts decide the matter.


DRP and MDP clashes leave 10 police officers injured

Protests held last night by the main opposition Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party (DRP) and ruling Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) erupted into violent confrontations around the capital of Male’, leaving four police officers badly injured and six others with minor injuries.

Police Sub-Inspector Ahmed Shiyam believed that police had generally managed to keep protesters – thought to represent both the MDP and DRP – apart during violent confrontations, without resorting to measures such as using tear gas to disperse crowds.

However, he confirmed that the police had suffered both serious and minor casualties in trying to subdue violence among sections of the protesters alleged to represent both parties.

The evening’s protests had began peacefully with a DRP rally being held outside the party’s head office near the artificial beach in Henveiru.

Earlier in the day, the DRP’s former Deputy Leader Umar Naseer had told the media that he expected police would begin using tear gas to try and suppress a planned march around Male’.

Following the rally, some of the protesters present were then thought to have moved towards the national flag in ‘Jumhoory Maidhan’.

However, riot police obstructed the route used by the DRP supporters as they neared the residence of President Mohamed Nasheed at Muleeage, according to the Maldives Police Service.

Eye witnesses who spoke to Minivan News claimed that DRP supporters had tried to break through police lines in an attempt to enter the restricted areas to protest.

MDP activists around that time were also reported to have gathered in front of the residence of Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom. The MDP protesters were reported to have called for Gayoom’s arrest, as well as accusing the DRP of attempting to gather at an area restricted for political gatherings.

Afterwards, local press reports said that DRP supporters had travelled towards former president Gayoom’s home where MDP activists were also gathered.

Police said that activists of both parties clashed and threw stones that resulted in injuries to both police and supporters.

The Protests were said to have officially ended when MDP supporters left the area around 2:00 am in the morning.

Local media have reported that while supporters from both parties were believed to have been involved in the violence, some windows of the former president’s residence were broken.

However, Sub-Inspector Shiyam said that the police had not received any reports of vandalism to the property.


Students take to President’s Office over “pocket money” funding concerns

Hundreds of students gathered today outside the President’s Office to call for the reestablishment of a “pocket money” grant scheme and have vowed to continue strikes and protests if their aims for free funding are not met.

After sending a petition to President Mohamed Nasheed last Thursday (24 February) over concerns about the end of the pocket money programme for pupils who enrolled in Maldivian higher education institutions during 2010, a large number of students took to the streets today to try and guarantee a monthly grant for their studies.

In light of the protests, prominent education officials in the country have claimed that the pocket money system had been phased out for pupil enrollments in 2010 as part of plans establish a new student loans system.

Some higher education figures claim that the loan, which would be required to be paid back unlike the pocket money, would be more widely available, yet they accepted that a system of means tested benefits and scholarships may be required for protecting the most financially vulnerable and brightest students respectively.

Despite these claims, some student protesters who had gathered outside the President’s Office this afternoon said they were not convinced that the planned student loans system was working in a manner fair to all Maldivians wishing to take part in higher education.

Two of the gathered protesters told Minivan News that the strikes, which were said to have been organised by just a “couple of students”, represented concerns about the government listening to students and the overall cost of education.

The protesters went on to claim that at present, some students appeared to still be getting the pocket money grant, while others were struggling to afford or obtain books required for their studies, with no explanation being given about how the current system of grants and loans were being assigned.

Abdulla Asjad, another student at the gathering currently studying for a BTch (Secondary) in Male’, said that he believed the student loan system bought in to replace pocket money was also not being supplied to everyone.

“They are giving these loans to some, but not to all students. They have not explained the system at all,” he said.

Asjad claimed that as protests continued, he was aware that five or so students had been admitted to the President’s Office to meet Nasheed himself, but he said the outcome of the talks remained uncertain.

When asked though about the students’ next plan to try and seek the return of pocket money, he replied: “We will come back.”

Education challenges

Dr Mustafa Luthfy, a former Education Minister and the Chancellor of the recently opened Maldives National University said that amendments made to higher education funding were bought about in an attempt to make the system fairer for a wider number of students, rather than trying to cut spending.

Recognising the concerns of some students over the changes though, the chancellor said that he had been involved with meetings to discuss the student petition. The meetings were said to be jointly organised between the country’s current Education Minister and the Minister of Human Resources, Youth, and Sports.

“Before 2009, some students were given pocket money of about Rf1,000 by the government for studying certain courses at specific institutions,” he said. “The government decided to change to student loans in 2009. Those students that enrolled in 2010 knew they were getting that. But students who enrolled before this time were still receiving the pocket money.”

According to Luthfy, the replacement student loan system, which provides about Rf2,000 a month to students at an interest rate lower than that being offered by national banks, was designed to be offered to every student in higher education regardless of the course or the institution they were studying.

These loans were then expected to be paid back years later when students had graduated and were in work, he claimed.

Luthfy told Minivan News that he believed there had been some problems with the grants and loan system, such as the case of a number of students who had travelled to study nursing at an institution in India.

After financial difficulties hit the study programme and the local representative in charge was said to have been unable to cover their economic responsibilities, the university chancellor claimed that the government had intervened and brought the students back to the Maldives.

After putting them into a local educational institution – where the students were deemed to be missing some of the requirements needed to study there – the government also took the decision to offer grants to aid the pupils through additional foundation courses after they had already paid money to the Indian institution in question, Luthfy said.

Scholarship considerations

In considering today’s protest, the university chancellor said that although he believed the student loans were open to everyone, some changes to existing education funding would possibly need to be introduced in the future.

“The student loan system is fairer in one way,” he said. “But students do have to pay for this.”

Luthfy claimed that at present, institutions such as the Maldives National University were already using their entire budgets, so the reintroduction of grants like pocket money was not deemed possible by the government.

In looking to further potential changes, the chancellor suggested that systems such as means testing could be used to ascertain where assistance was needed for economically disadvantaged pupils or those suitable for scholarships.

“For the future, we will have to look at methods to help students who have financial difficulties,” he said. “Right now we also don’t have scholarship programmes, but we would have to introduce them in order to attract the brightest students.”


Police investigate allegations that politicians physically attacked and threatened officers

The Maldives Police Service yesterday issued a press statement saying it was now investigating allegations that politicians had physically attacked and threatened its officers.

Police have claimed that “some” politicians were seeking to mislead the public over recent conflicts in Kaafu Atoll Thulusdhoo and Shaviyani Atoll Funadhoo.

”The conflicts occurred when the Atoll Councilors entered the former Atoll Offices in these islands which are under charge of the Finance Ministry. The President has already allocated an administrative office for the council under Decentralisation Act article number 127,” said Police in the statement.

“When the Atoll Councilors started to use the state assets like this, the Home Ministry requested police to protect the state assets and to take necessary actions.”

The investigation follows a war of words between the government and some recently elected local councils over their right to move to offices other than those assigned to them

Atoll councilors had been told repeatedly that if they wish to use state assets, they should be used in line with proper procedure, police claimed.

”But rather than solving the issue peacefully, they [Atoll Councilors] have vandalized and used some state assets, while the police were taking necessary measures,” the statement read.

Police therefore said they were calling on politicians not to use the elected councilors as a tool to create splits and civil strife in society.

”Although some politicians told police to act in a way that would politically benefit them, the responsibility of police to uphold the constitution will be carried out within the laws and for the best interest of the society, whilst preserving peace and harmony,” the statement added.


IFJ condemns police questioning of Haveeru journalists

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has condemned Maldives police for summoning two journalists from the Haveeru newspaper for questioning after they wrote an article about an alleged Facebook blackmail ring thought to involve a number of high profile politicians.

Police have since denied allegations from some press and media organisations that the questioning was politically motivated, claiming they had sought to request assistance with the ongoing investigation into the reported crime.

However, the IFJ has said it was critical of the manner that police sought to question two journalists over their story.

”Ahmed Hamdhoon and Ismail Naseer, who researched and wrote the story in the Dhivehi-language edition of Haveeru, were summoned by police in the capital Male’ and asked about the sources they had used to detail the content of the allegedly pornographic videos,” said the IFJ in a statement. ”The story published on 22 February had reported that the pornographic material was being circulated in a blackmail operation that had entrapped several well-known figures.”

“We are encouraged to learn that the two journalists turned down the police demand to name sources,” the IFJ website quoted is Asia-Pacific Director Jacqueline Park as saying. ”The Republic of the Maldives sent out a strong positive signal by including the protection of media sources in its basic law and it is important to see that this significant legal provision is strengthened, not weakened, in practice.”

“Anonymity of sources is a necessary protection for journalists seeking to bring evidence of wrongdoing into the public domain. It is well understood that anonymity cannot be used as a cover for putting out wrong or malicious information, or for the protection of anybody involved in any felony,” added Park.

On 22 February, Police announced that they had arrested 14 persons including a minor for alleged involvement in blackmailing people after acquiring nude pictures and videos of them through Facebook.

Police Sub-Inspector Ahmed Shiyam told Minivan News this week that in light of the ongoing serious cyber crimes investigation into the Facebook case, attempts were made to to obtain further information from the sources used in Haveeru’s article.

“For that we needed more cooperation from Haveeru so we sought a court order to go ahead with this,” he said.

The conduct of police in requesting information about the sources used in the Haveeru article has been criticised by both the paper’s own editor and the Maldives Journalist Association (MJA) – an affiliate of the IFJ.


Pirate kidnapping did not occur within Maldivian waters, confirms MNDF

The alleged abduction by Somali pirates of a Danish family who set sail from the Maldives last month on their yacht is not thought to have occurred within the country’s territorial waters, defense officials have confirmed.

Denmark-based newspaper the Copenhagen Post today reported that seven Danish nationals – thought to include a family of five and two deckhands – were confirmed by the country’s Foreign Ministry to have been abducted on their way to the Red Sea by Somali pirates.

The Danish Foreign Ministry said it was unable to comment on the reports or clarify whether the alleged attack took place 300 kilometres off the coast of Somalia When contacted by Minivan News.

Major Abdul Raheem of the Maldives National Defense Force (MNDF) was nonetheless able to confirm that security officials in the country had not received any information concerning the kidnappings or any other kind of “terrorist activities” occurring within the territorial waters of the Maldives of late.

Raheem added that security services in the Maldives would not be reviewing maritime security measures or advice when sailing in and out of the country following the alleged kidnappings.

Experts suggest that a growing number of Somali pirates are moving deeper into the Indian Ocean as they come under increased pressure from international task-forces designed to try and limit piracy attacks around the horn of Africa. As a result of this movement, maritime security has become a notable security concern for the Maldives.

In December, a Minivan News investigation reported that although there had been no confirmed attacks or incidents of piracy in the Maldives, maritime protection groups and European security officials still believed the country has the potential to become a target for pirate vessels thought to have originated from Somalia.

However, despite the abducted party having reportedly set off from the Maldives in a 43-foot long yacht called ING around the middle of last month, Major Raheem said that the MNDF had not been provided with any information of the kidnappings or been asked as yet to assist within any potential investigation into the alleged attacks.

Both the Maldives Police Force and the President’s Office were unable to comment on the issue at the time of going to press.

According to the Copenhagen Post report, the eldest 17 year-old son of the kidnapped family wrote on a blog that their vessel was halfway between the Maldives and the Arabian Sea by Tuesday of last week (22 February) and there had been no problems during the voyage.

However, by the following morning, the paper claimed that the ship’s occupants had managed to issue an emergency call as they came under attack from suspected pirates. The Danish warship “Esbern Snare” is reported to have been sent to the area where they are thought to have gone missing.


Adhaalath Party calls on Home Minister to withdraw Deputy Commissioner suspension

The Adhaalath Party (AP) led by Sheikh Hussein Rasheed has called on the country’s Home Minister to immediately withdraw the alleged suspension of Police Deputy Commissioner Mohamed Rishwan after media reports yesterday claimed that he had been punished for not following orders to take control of the Thulusdhoo Atoll Council’s office.

Both Police and Home Minister Hassan Afeef have yet to officially confirm whether reports of the suspension are true, yet politicians have now moved to criticize the alleged decision to reprimand Rishwan.

”We call on Hassan Afeef to leave the military dictatorship characteristics and to follow the feelings of the citizens,” said the Adhaalath Party in statement on their official website.

The reports relate to ongoing disputes between the government and some local councils over the legality of decisions to relocate their offices.

Beyond criticism of Home Minister Afeef, the party also praised Deputy Commissioner Rishwan for having shown “a great example.”

”The courage you [Rishwan] has shown for the sake of the citizens and to uphold the law is something that we will never forget,” said the Adhaalath Party in the statement.

”We call on the police not to let anything happen against the laws.”

Among changes occurring to the country, the Adhaalath Party said the most important of these was the decentralised administration ushered in by last month’s local council elections.

”As a matter of fact, it is a great change, however, the image we saw in some areas were totally different,” said the party. ”Home Minister Afeef has been trying to get police illegally involved in these issues occurring in some areas.”

The party accused the current government of manipulating the police for their own ends and violating human rights and laws.

However, Afeef yesterday told Minivan News that the position of Deputy Commissioner “is not given by me and [the matter] is not related to me.”

Police Sub-Inspector Ahmed Shiyam said he could not comment on the issue or confirm whether the reports appearing in local media were true.


Police refuse to comment on reports of deputy commissioner’s suspension

The Deputy Commissioner of police Mohamed Rishwan has been reportedly suspended for allegedly disobeying an order from Home Minister Hassan Afeef concerning the Thulusdhoo atoll office, reports SunFM.

SunFM reported that the Home Minister ordered police to take over the Atoll Office in Thulusdhoo and that the Deputy Commissioner had refused to do so without a court order.

Police Sub-Inspector Ahmed Shiyam said he did not want to comment on the issue, and could not confirm whether the report was true.

Afeef told Miniban News that the position of Deputy Commissioner “is not given by me and [the matter] is not related to me.”

Press Secretary for the President Mohamed Zuhair told Minivan News that he had not yet received the information.

”The police are an independent body,” Zuhair said. ”They work under the law.”

Zuhair recommended Minivan News contact Commissioner of Police for comment, however Ahmed Faseeh was not responding to calls at time of press.

He said that if something like this had occurred, the press office would be informed. “I have not received such information yet,” he said.

Zuhair said the government had decided to file a case in the court to solve the issue in Thulusdhoo, in which the local population have clashed with police over whether Kaafu councilors are permitted to relocate the atoll office to Thulusdhoo. The government has disputed that the councilors have the authority to do so.


President appoints Korean pop singer honorary consul of Maldives in Korea

President Mohamed Nasheed has appointed 64 year-old Korean pop singer Yoon Hyung-ju as honorary consul of the Maldives in Korea.

A report in Korea’s Chosun Ilbo newspaper, one of the country’s largest publications with a circulation of 2.2 million, claimed that Nasheed had offered the position to Hyung-ju when the singer visited the country at the government’s invitation from February 21-23.

The President’s Press Secretary Mohamed Zuhair confirmed to Minivan News that Hyung-ju had been offered the position, “although the paperwork has not been completed yet.”

Hyung-ju, who is currently writing a song called ‘Save the Maldives’ for distribution across Asia and other parts of the world, told Chosun Ilbo that he wanted to let people in Korea know about the environmental challenges faced by the Maldives.

“I’ve long wanted to be a diplomat, and the dream came true at a late age,” Hyung-ju said.

“The reason I quit medical school when I was young wasn’t that I wanted to focus on my singing career but because I wanted to have a free-spirited life, travelling around the world.”

Hyung-ju said he had been introduced to the Maldivian Foreign Affairs officials when the diplomats visited Korea last year. It was these officials who had urged the President to make Hyung-ju an honorary consul, he claimed.

“Many people know the Maldives only as a tourist destination, but it is suffering from a number of difficulties. I will devote my remaining life to be of help to them,” the singer said.

Zuhair said that having a popular figure in Korea as honorary consul could “highlight Maldivian values and culture for would-be visitors.”

The job, he said, was unpaid and did not come with a diplomatic passport, although it “would include some privileges.”

South Korea is a major Asian tourism market for the Maldives, along with Japan and more recently, China. Minivan News understands that the Maldives is currently assessing whether to participate in this year’s World Expo, to be held in Korea.

President Nasheed’s previous appointees to the post of honorary consul include David Hardingham, founder of UK-based NGO Friends of Maldives.
