115 cases of assault in first five weeks of 2014

The Maldives Police Services have recorded 115 cases of assault in the first five weeks of 2014.

In the past five years, the highest number of assault cases were reported in 2008 (1612 cases) and 2010 (1637 cases). In 2013, the police received 1395 cases of assault.

Violence has been on the rise in Malé recently with opposition MP Alhan Fahmy stabbed on February 1.

He was flown to Sri Lanka to undergo spinal surgery after he was stabbed in the back. It is unclear if the MP will be able to regain movement in his right leg.


Flexible working arrangements introduced for mothers in the civil service

The Civil Service Commission has amended the regulations to allow flexible working hours and the option to work from home for pregnant women and women with children under three years of age who have “no proper caretaking arrangements”.

With the regulation coming into effect today, any eligible female civil servant can now apply to make such arrangements under a separate contract.

The amendment requires the human resource committees of all institutions to formulate a standard procedure for flexible work hours and working from home. These standard procedures should include criteria for allowing such work arrangements – to address difficulties in services that may arise, as well as the amount of work and time period required for the arrangement.

With both flexible work hours and working from home, employers will not get the normal one hour break in the afternoon, and institutions are allowed to reduce the employees salary if their working hours fall below that normally required.

As of December 2013, there were 24,207 civil servants in the country – approximately 54% of them women. Nearly 75% of women in the civil service work as teachers, nurses, and administrative staff.

A subsidised childcare system and allowing women to work from home through the internet was part of the ruling Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) manifesto pledged by President Abdulla Yameen.

The Minister of Defense has earlier promised a day-care center for the Maldives National Defense Force.


Drug Court and police establish web portal to track drug offenders

The Drug Court and Maldives Police Services have established a web portal to track drug offenders.

Through the portal, the Drug Court will be able to immediately determine if the police arrest any individuals who have been released previously on the condition they do not commit second offenses.

The court will also be able to find out if a defendant in a drug case is under police custody.

The service will expedite the court’s work, the Drug Court has said. Police held a training for Drug Court employees on the service this morning.


EC to hold polls for five local councils on February 15

The Elections Commission (EC) has scheduled polls for four island councils and one atoll council for February 15.

Polls are being held to determine the fifth member of the Haa Alif atoll Muraidhoo, Shaviyani atoll Kondey, and Raa atoll Maakurathu island councils after two candidates were tied for fifth place during the vote held on January 18.

A fresh vote is being held in Noonu atoll, Miladhoo island, with the EC having invalidated the January 18 vote due to irregularities.

The delayed polls for the Gaaf Alif atoll council will also be held on February 18. The EC had postponed the vote to allow additional time for a formerly disqualified candidate to campaign. After the Supreme Court overturned the ruling, the vote was delayed, only for the candidate in question to withdraw.

Eligible voters who wish to cast their ballot in a location other than the box with which they are currently registered can submit re-registration forms at the EC until 3:00pm tomorrow.

Ballot boxes will only be placed in the respective islands and in Malé. To check registration status, send an SMS to 1414 with VIS [National ID#].


18 year old sustains head injuries in assault

An 18 year old male was assaulted with steel pipes in Henveiru Ward Adi Park in Malé last night.

The young man sustained head injuries and was treated at ADK Hospital. No arrests have been made yet.

Violence has been on the rise in Malé recently. MP Alhan Fahmy was stabbed in public at a cafe on Saturday and is currently undergoing treatment in Sri Lanka.

On January 27, two 18 year old males and one minor were stabbed in three separate attacks. On January 26, a Bangladeshi national was stabbed during a mugging attack.


Former Chief Justice appointed as advisor to Minister of Islamic Affairs

President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom has appointed former Chief Justice Sheikh Mohamed Rasheed Ibrahim as the advisor to Minister of Islamic Affairs.

The position is a ministerial level appointment, the President’s Office said.

Under President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, Ibrahim had served as the Minister of Justice, President of the Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs and as the Special Advisor to the President.

Ibrahim is also the President of the Fiqh Academy.

According to the President’s Office Website, Yameen has appointed five individuals to positions at ministerial rank, 34 as state ministers and 59 as deputy ministers.


MDP schedules Kaashidhoo primary for February 5

The opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) has announced the party will hold a primary for the Kaashidhoo constituency on Wednesday (February 5).

The MDP had initially awarded the party ticket to incumbent MP Abdulla Jabir without a primary due to a lack of contestants. However, the party retracted the ticket after Jabir voted for President Abdulla Yameen’s cabinet against a three whip line.

The MDP ordered Jabir to issue a public apology and called for new applicants for the Kaashidhoo primary. Jabir apologised to the party on Wednesday (January 29).

Aishath Mamdhooha will now be contesting against Jabir for the chance to stand in March’s parliamentary poll.


Man sentenced to four years and six months in jail for stealing four lotion bottles

The Crminal Court has sentenced Ali Rasheed to four years and six months in jail for stealing three lotion bottles rom Lily F&B Suppliers store in Malé in 2011.

The verdict was based solely on Rasheed’s confession. According to the Crminal Court, Rasheed had been convicted of three counts of theft previously.

Under the Maldives Penal Code, if an individual is found guilty of theft for the fourth time, he or she may be sentenced to four years in jail or banishment. The Criminal Court added six months to Rasheed’s term for stealing from a shop.


Man handed life sentence over 227.4 grams of cannabis

The Criminal Court has sentenced a man to life in jail for the possession of 227.4 grams of cannabis.

The police arrested Mohamed Naif in Hulhumalé in March 2013 near the ferry terminal. On sighting the police at the terminal, Naif had run rom the police and had thrown away a plastic bag containing cannabis, the police told the Criminal Court.

The court has also ordered Naif to pay a fine of MVR100,000 (US$6485) within a month.
