Joint venture company registered to develop Fushidhiggaru

A joint venture company (JVC) formed between the government and Prime Capital Maldives Pvt Ltd to develop a special tourist zone in the Kaafu Fushidhiggaru lagoon has been registered by the economic development ministry in accordance with a Civil Court judgment, reports newspaper Haveeru.

Registrar of Companies Mariyam Visam told the local daily today that the ministry registered the JVC within the seven-day period stipulated by the Civil Court verdict, which also ordered the government to sign a master lease agreement within five days of registration, “and [to] make all arrangements undertaken by the government in accordance with the agreement”.

In September 2013, Prime Capital sued the government after the ministry refused to register the JSC citing lack of authorisation from then-President Dr Mohamed Waheed as required by law.

The agreement was signed between Prime Capital and the Maldivian government on January 18, 2013 to lease the Fushidhiggaru lagoon for a 50-year period to a JVC with a 25 percent stake for the government.

According to local media, the government was to receive 30 percent of the profits from the tourism venture in the lagoon south of the capital Malé.

Prime Capital is reported to be a Singaporean company.

Following media reports last year suggesting that the JVC agreement was signed secretively, both Finance Minister Abdulla Jihad and Tourism Minister Ahmed Adeeb initially denied the existence of an agreement to lease the lagoon.

Less than two weeks before the first round of last year’s presidential election on September 7, Jumhooree Coalition campaigner Umar Naseer – now home minister – leaked documents to the media purported to be an agreement to sell the lagoon.

Naseer alleged at the time that the economic development ministry stopped the project as the cabinet had not officially approved it.

Moreover, the agreement was signed without seeking legal advice from the attorney general, he claimed.

Adeeb denied the existence of an “official” lease agreement and dismissed the allegations as a “political assassination” attempt in the days preceding the presidential election.


High Commission celebrates India’s Independence Day with flag-hoisting ceremony

The High Commission of India celebrated India’s Independence Day yesterday (August 15) with a flag-hoisting ceremony in Malé.

Some 350 people, including High Commissioner Rajeev Shahare and Indian expatriates working in the Maldives, along with a number of locals, attended the ceremony at the High Commission premises in the capital.

The flag-hoisting ceremony was followed by a rendition of the Indian national anthem.

According to local media, Sahare said in his remarks at the function that almost 50 years have elapsed since the establishment of bilateral relations between India and the Maldives.

A series of events were held to mark the three-week long India Maldives Friendship Festival (IMFF) to celebrate the Independence Days of Maldives (July 26) and India (August 15), including a cricket tournament, a friendship walk on August 8, and a cultural evening and magic show at the Olympus Theatre on August 12.

The Friendship Association of India and Maldives meanwhile conducted a ‘Let’s Talk’ seminar last night on the topic of expatriates in the Maldives.


President seeks Chinese free aid for Hulhumalé bridge project

The government is seeking concessional or free aid from the Chinese government to finance “a large portion” of a project to build a bridge connecting the capital Malé and Hulhumalé, President Yameen has revealed.

Speaking to reporters on Thursday night (August 14) prior to departing for China to attend the opening ceremony of the Youth Olympic Games, Yameen explained that the Chinese government assured assistance and inquired ahead of the visit about “the most important project for our government.”

“So we discussed amongst ourselves and agreed that the most important project is the ‘youth city’ and the bridge between Malé and Hulhumalé as part of efforts to ease housing [shortage] for the people,” he said.

Yameen noted that as “all major Chinese companies are government companies” – referring to proposals submitted by Chinese companies expressing interest in the project – Chinese corporations would undertake the project with the “blessing” of the Chinese government and would be able to secure loan facilities through “generous concessional assistance”.

The government delayed awarding the project until after the China trip for this reason, he added, during which official talks would take place.

In addition to meeting the Chinese President, Yameen said the Chinese government has made “arrangements” for meetings with business leaders to discuss planned ‘mega projects.’

If the bridge project is to be awarded “under commercial terms,” Yameen said the government has “solid three proposals”.

However, Yameen expressed confidence of securing assistance for the project during the official talks.

Asked for an estimated date for commencement of the project, Yameen said that the talks so far had been “unofficial” but noted that an engineering team would arrive as soon as the Chinese government gives the “green signal” and a feasibility study would be conducted.

Yameen said he expected the project to begin before the end of the year.

Chinese assistance could be either in the form of grant aid or a loan facility from the Chinese EXIM Bank at a low interest rate, he explained.

According to the President’s Office, Yameen was greeted upon arrival at Nanjing Airport by the “‎Vice Governor of Jiangsu Province, ‎Mr. Fu Ziying, Protocol Ambassador of ‎Nanjing Youth Olympic Games, Mr. Gao Zhansheng, Deputy Secretary ‎General of Youth Olympic Games Organising Committee, Mr. Zhou Xu ‎and the Vice Director General of Jiangsu Province, Mr. Sun Yi.”

Yameen also attended a dinner hosted in his honour by the ‎MIND Group last night. ‎

Silk Route

In addition to the bridge project, the government also expects to upgrade the Ibrahim Nasir International Airport with a new runway and a new terminal, Yameen said.

The government has also formulated a project to provide electricity to the Greater Malé Region – including Hulhumalé, Vilimalé, Thilafushi, and Gulhifalhu – from a “single grid” and generate about 500 megawatts, he revealed.

A number of Chinese companies have meanwhile sought information regarding the ‘iHavan’ transhipment port project, Yameen said, adding that he believed various components of the project would be awarded to different parties.

Other projects that would be discussed with the Chinese include the establishment of “a data bank” through the “Smart Maldives Project,” he continued.

Referring to the Chinese ‘New Silk Road’ project, Yameen said the government was “very interested” in participating in the initiative.

Yameen also revealed that a number of bilateral agreements would be signed during the visit, including a framework agreement on trade assistance, while Chinese assistance in providing police vehicles would be “formalised”.

Chinese news agency Xinhua reported yesterday that China’s maritime ‘Silk Route’ would pass through the Ihavandhippolhu Integrated Development Project or ‘iHavan’ in the northernmost atoll in the Maldives.

“The design of the project seeks to capitalise on the location of the atoll, which lies on the seven-degree channel through which the main East-West shipping routes connecting Southeast Asia and China to the Middle East and Europe,” reported Xinhua.

A transhipment port in the northernmost atoll would benefit from “the growing trade volumes passing through the region in the wake of strong growth in China and India,” Xinhua noted, adding that an export processing zone in iHavan would enjoy “duty free access” to South Asia through the South Asian Free Trade Arrangement (SAFTA).

“Our positions at the UN and other key multilateral forums highlight the close cooperation between our two countries,” Yameen told Xinhua in an exclusive interview.

“Sino-Maldives relations have grown from strength to strength in recent decades, including high-level exchanges and mutual cooperation pacts to sustain regular exchanges.”


Attorney General’s Office postpones JSC lawyer election following Supreme Court order

The Attorney General’s (AG) Office has postponed an election for a lawyer to represent the legal community on the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) following a Supreme Court order.

The AG office announced the postponement on Thursday night (August 14) after the Supreme Court struck down section 11(a) of the regulations enacted for conducting the polls, which states that polling mechanisms would be established on inhabited islands with at least five registered voters.

The Supreme Court issued an order (Dhivehi) on Thursday afternoon annulling the clause and declared that all licensed lawyers eligible to vote in the elections – including magistrates of island courts – should be able to do so anywhere in the country without registering.

Following the apex court order, the AG office explained in a press statement that it has repealed the procedural regulations as the “essence” of the annulled clause was ensuring “secrecy of the ballot”, which could not be assured after it was struck down.

The election had been scheduled for August 21. The AG office said it would announce a new polling date later.

The election had previously been delayed after Gaaf Dhaal Fiyori Magistrate Abdul Razzak Mohamed filed a case at the Civil Court seeking annulment of section 11(a).

After issuing a stay order postponing the election pending a judgment, the Civil Court ruled in late July that annulling the requirement would violate the secrecy of the ballot.

Judge Ali Rasheed Hussain noted that allowing voting mechanisms on islands where only one lawyer casts a ballot would compromise secrecy.

Speaking to Minivan News at the time, former Deputy Prosecutor General Hussein Shameem – among the four candidates for the seat – welcomed the Civil Court verdict.

“The verdict yesterday proves the Fiyori magistrate had no case. He has caused an undue delay to the process. An election involves the rights of a group of people, not just one individual. I hope the courts consider this in the future and that there are no more delays,” he said.

In addition to Shameem, the other candidates are Anas Abdul Sattar, Mohamed Faisal, and Latheefa Qasim.

Lawyer Mohamed Fareed, however, withdrew his candidacy on July 10, expressing concern over judicial interference in the election following the Supreme Court’s ruling allowing all licensed lawyers, including sitting MPs and judges, to vote in the election.

“The belief that an election in the Maldives may proceed without Supreme Court interference is against the facts, reality. This is the reality now,” he said at a press conference.

Had voting mechanisms been set up on every island, magistrates would have been forced to vote for the judiciary-backed candidate Latheefa Qasim, he suggested.

Latheefa is a public relations staff at the Department of Judicial Administration and had served on the JSC for a year as former President Dr Mohamed Waheed’s appointee to the commission.

Former Attorney General Husnu Suood meanwhile accused the ruling Progressive Party of the Maldives of attempting to fix the composition of the new JSC.

Although he was skeptical of reform through the commission, Suood urged lawyers to back Shameem in order to ensure transparency within the JSC.

“If there is a single effective candidate, I believe they can give us information and work to make the JSC more transparent. There is a huge difference between one person being there and none being there,” he said.

In July, parliament voted for PPM MP Ibrahim Riza to represent the People’s Majlis on JSC.


President Yameen denies “impeding” Gasim’s businesses

President Abdulla Yameen has denied politically motivated targeting of Jumhooree Party (JP) Leader Gasim Ibrahim’s business interests.

While an agreement with Gasim’s Villa Air to manage and develop the Kaadehdhoo airport was terminated due to failure to maintain safety standards, Yameen said the government decided not to renew the lease of Laamu Baresdhoo because agricultural work was not done on the island in accordance with the agreement.

“So even if it is the biggest businessman in the Maldives or anyone else, he will be equal before the government in upholding rules,” Yameen told reporters prior to departing to China on Thursday night (August 14).

Baresdhoo had been leased for 21 years, he noted, but “no work has been done there.”

“Baresdhoo is a huge island. If it had been taken for the tourism industry instead of being leased for agricultural work, millions of dollars would have been made,” Yameen said.

The government had formulated “sound” rules for leasing uninhabited islands during Ramadan, he explained, which stipulates that islands would be reclaimed if the purpose for which it was leased was not being fulfilled.

In the case of the Laamu atoll airport, Yameen said Villa did not maintain safety standards or take corrective measures within a specified period.

When safety measures are not taken, “it is the Civil Aviation Authority that has to bear responsibility for any problems that arise, isn’t it?”

“Exceptions” could not be made for violations of regulations, the president said.

The decisions were not intended to “impede” or hinder Gasim’s businesses, he insisted.

Yameen went on to say that there were islands leased for tourism development where no work has been done for eight to ten years.

The islands were leased to create job opportunities for people of nearby inhabited islands and generate tax revenue for the government, he said.

The moves by the government followed stringent criticism from the business tycoon of the government’s flagship special economic zone (SEZ) legislation at Wednesday’s sitting of parliament.

After boycotting the committee reviewing the legislation, Gasim warned that an SEZ law would facilitate massive corruption, threaten independence, and authorise a board formed by the president “to sell off the entire country in the name of economic zones.”

Threats to sue

In addition to the decisions concerning the Kaadehdhoo airport and Baresdhoo, local media reported that the fisheries ministry has given a 30-day notice to Gasim’s Horizon Fisheries Pvt Ltd to hand over a leased plot of land in Gaaf Dhaal Hoadehdhoo.

A letter informing the company of the decision – shared with local media – stated that Horizon had failed to complete work on a 3,000 metric ton cold storage unit, a factory, a harbour and a jetty in accordance with the lease agreement.

Moreover, the company had not begun work on a refrigeration system, ice plant, laboratory, fuel storage unit, water tank and an RSW vessel, the letter stated.

The company was told that the lease agreement would be terminated if corrective measures were not taken.

Meanwhile, in a press release on Thursday, the regional airports department under the tourism industry revealed that the decision to terminate the Kaadehdhoo agreement was made because Villa had failed to maintain standards mandated by the Civil Aviation Authority.

The Kaadehdhoo airport had been leased under a public-private partnership (PPP) project as its operation and development was a financial burden on the state budget, the press release explained.

However, deteriorating quality of service and lack of development defeats “the PPP’s purpose,” it added.

The agreement with Villa Air to operate the airport for a period of 50 years was signed during the final days of former President Dr Mohamed Waheed’s administration.

Former Transport Minister Dr Ahmed Shamheed – filling a JP slot in cabinet at the time – was sacked in November 2012 after extending the lease of the privately-owned airport in Maamigili for 99 years.

Despite the dismissal, the decision was not reversed and JP Deputy Leader Ameen Ibrahim, who signed the Kaadehdhoo agreement on behalf of the government on November 6, replaced Shamheed.

In June this year, President Yameen abolished the Ministry of Transport and Communication after dismissing Ameen – in the wake of the ruling Progressive Party of Maldives severing its coalition agreement with Gasim’s JP – and transferred both the Civil Aviation Authority and regional airports to the Ministry of Tourism.

In July, following threats by the JP to sue two of its MPs for switching to the PPM, Tourism Minister Ahmed Adeeb – also deputy leader of PPM – told newspaper Haveeru that the government was looking into cases where Gasim could be sued.


Few clues in search for missing journalist Ahmed Rilwan

The search for missing Minivan News journalist Ahmed Rilwan Abdulla continued without success today, eight days after his last sighting.

“We are very grateful to all those involved in the search,” said Rilwan’s sister Fathimath Shehenaz.

“We are very worried. We want him home safe. We will not give up,” she added.

A team of around 30 friends and family members focused efforts on the more isolated areas of Rilwan’s island of residence Hulhumalé today, after earlier reports had suggested he was aboard the 1:30am ferry from Malé on August 8.

However, as the group continued its own investigations into Rilwan’s last known location, CCTV footage – seen by Minivan News – does not show Rilwan entering the Malé terminal between midnight and 3am.

Additionally, information from a source within Ooredoo traces Rilwan’s last mobile data usage to 2:36am somewhere in the Henveiru area of Malé. A second source has corroborated the time of the signal.

During today’s search, a member of Rilwan’s family has reported receiving an call from an unlisted number warning him to stop the search and go home.

Chief Inspector Abdulla Sathee met with the volunteers today, pledging the police’s cooperation with all those concerned in ensuring Rilwan is found.

While Rilwan’s most recent movements remain a mystery, it is known that he left his motorbike by the carnival grounds some time after leaving his friends at around 12:45am.

One of his final tweets, at 1:03am, suggested sighting local actor Yoosuf Shafeeu (Yooppe) at the ferry terminal, while his final viber message was sent at 1:42am.

Minivan News urges the public contribute any relevant information – in particular CCTV footage from the Henveiru area.

We would also like to express gratitude to local media for their coverage of Rilwan’s case, and request they continue to dedicate attention to his disappearance until he is found.

Rilwan had recently talked to friends and colleagues of taking some time out in the islands, while it is not uncommon for him to periodically drop out of contact – normally for no more than three days.

“Rilwan’s continued absence is a source of great concern for friends and family alike. He is sorely missed at home, in the office, and online,” said Minivan News Managing Editor Daniel Bosley.

“The well documented issues with the intimidation of journalists and human rights activists in the Maldives mean it is vitally important for police to conduct a speedy and thorough investigation in order to allay rampant speculation.”

Rilwan, also known as @moyameehaa by his followers on Twitter, is a softly spoken yet passionate advocate of democracy and free speech. He writes on many subjects, including religion, politics, and the environment.

He had reported some online intimidation as well as instances of being followed from work in recent months, though he had received no threats in days prior to his disappearance.

After studying journalism in India, Rilwan worked for both the Human Rights Commission of Maldives (HRCM) and local newspaper Miadhu before joining Minivan News last December.

He was last seen wearing black trousers and a turquoise shirt. He is 28-years-old, of medium build, around 5ft 10 inches tall, with a short beard.

Police have also confirmed that immigration records show he has not left the country, while there is no evidence to suggest that he returned to his apartment.

Anyone with further information call the Police Hotline 332 2111, or Serious and Organised Crime Department at 9911099. Alternatively, Rilwan’s family can be contacted on 775 4566 or 977 3250.


Journalist Ahmed Rilwan missing for one week

Minivan News journalist Ahmed Rilwan Abdulla remains missing, with seven days having passed since he was last seen.

Rilwan’s last known whereabouts were on the Hulhumalé ferry at around 1:30am on Friday, August 8. A witness has confirmed that, upon arrival, Rilwan did not travel with him on the bus into town.

Police have also confirmed that immigration records show he has not left the country, while there is no evidence to suggest that he returned to his apartment.

Both the Human Rights Commission of Maldives and Home Minister Umar Naseer have expressed concern at his disappearance, while the police’s efforts to locate Rilwan are ongoing.

Police have launched an official appeal for assistance, requesting that anyone with further information call the Police Hotline 332 2111, or Serious and Organised Crime Department at 9911099.

He was last seen wearing black trousers and a turquoise shirt. He is 28-years-old, of medium build, around 5ft 10 inches tall, with a short beard.

As with many journalists, Rilwan has been subject to intimidation as a result of his work although Minivan News again urges caution at a time when there is little information with which to draw firm conclusions.

Family and friends of Rilwan will gather in Hulhumalé from around 8am tomorrow to conduct a coordinated search of the island. Organisers have requested in particular for Hulhumalé residents to report any suspicious activity they may have seen to police.

Anyone wishing to help with tomorrow’s efforts can contact the organisers via the #findmoyameehaa hashtag, on 775 4566 or 977 3250.


Government takes back Kaadedhoo airport, uninhabited island from Gasim’s Villa Group

The government has terminated an agreement with Jumhooree Party (JP) Leader Gasim Ibrahim’s Villa Air to develop and manage the regional airport on Gaaf Dhaal Kaadehdhoo.

Director of Regional Airports Sami Aqeel told newspaper Haveeru that the agreement was terminated today because Villa breached its terms. Further details would be revealed to the press in a statement, he added.

Local media also reported today that the government has decided to reclaim the island of Baresdhoo in Laamu atoll from Villa. The uninhabited island had been leased to Gasim’s company for agriculture.

An official from the fisheries ministry told the local daily that the lease period had expired last month. He explained that the ministry has decided not to renew the lease because Villa had not done any farming on the island.

The ministry has decided to hand over the island to the tourism ministry to be leased for resort development, the official revealed.

The moves by the government comes on the heels of the business tycoon’s stringent criticism of the government’s flagship special economic zone (SEZ) legislation at yesterday’s sitting of parliament.

After boycotting the committee reviewing the legislation, Gasim warned that an SEZ law would facilitate massive corruption, threaten independence, and authorise a board formed by the president “to sell off the entire country in the name of economic zones.”

Business interests

Gasim’s Villa Group is one of the largest companies in the Maldives with the holding company Villa Shipping and Trading Pvt Ltd conglomerate operating businesses in shipping, import and export, retail, tourism, fishing, media, communications, transport and education.

The agreement with Villa Air to operate the airport for a period of 50 years was signed during the final days of former President Dr Mohamed Waheed’s administration.

Former Transport Minister Dr Ahmed Shamheed – filling a JP slot in cabinet at the time – was sacked in November 2012 after extending the lease of the privately-owned airport in Maamigili for 99 years.

In March 2013, Dr Shamheed told Minivan News that President Waheed wanted “credit” for extending the Maamigili airport lease.

Despite the dismissal, the decision was not reversed and Shamheed was replaced by JP Deputy Leader Ameen Ibrahim, who signed the Kaadehdhoo agreement on behalf of the government on November 6.

Following his third-place finish with 23.37 percent of the vote in the November 2013 presidential election, Gasim initially announced that the JP would remain neutral.

However, the JP’s council decided to endorse Abdulla Yameen against MDP candidate, former President Mohamed Nasheed, three days before the second round of the polls on November 16.

After the contesting the parliamentary polls in March jointly through the Progressive Coalition, the ruling Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) severed its coalition agreement with the JP after Gasim stood for post of Majlis speaker despite the PPM fielding its senior MP Abdulla Maseeh Mohamed.

In the wake of the coalition’s breakup, President Abdulla Yameen sacked Transport Minister Ameen and other JP political appointees, whilst cabinet ministers on slots assigned for the JP – Environment Minister Thoriq Ibrahim and Economic Development Minister Mohamed Saeed – joined the PPM.

Home Minister Umar Naseer – appointed as part of the coalition agreement with the JP – is meanwhile facing criminal prosecution on charges of disobedience to order.

Following the loss of two JP MPs last month, Gasim claimed at a press conference that the MPs had told him that the government had threatened to cease development of islands in their constituencies.

Gasim said he had heard that the pair were offered MVR10 million (US$648,508) each for the transfer. The PPM has denied offering any incentives to the MPs.

Gasim also claimed to have provided MVR20 million (US$1.2 million) as financial assistance to the PPM’s parliamentary campaign.

In July, the JP meanwhile announced its intention to sue two MPs who switched to the ruling PPM.


Witnesses seek to provide alibi for Afrasheem murder suspect

Four witnesses have testified that Ali Shan was at the Jalapeno restaurant on the night that MP Dr Afrasheem Ali was murdered, reports local media.

Shan is accused of killing the moderate religious scholar on October 1, 2012 together with Hussain Human, who was found guilty and sentenced to death by the Criminal Court in January.

At a hearing yesterday, four witnesses for the defence testified that Shan was at the restaurant until 1:15am.

However, there were slight discrepancies in the testimonies. While one witness – Ali Hashim ‘Smith’ – reportedly claimed he joined Shan and four others for a coffee at 11:30pm, a second witness suggested Hashim arrived around 10:30pm.

While the fourth witness said he left Jalapeno with Hashim around 1:00m and went to the Labamba restaurant, Hashim had said he left around 12:30am and went to the Laban restaurant in front of the Hulhumalé ferry terminal.

As a fifth witness failed to appear yesterday, Judge Abdulla Didi said his testimony would be heard at the next trial date.

Judge Didi also refused a request by Shan’s attorney to release the defendant from police custody and said he would announce a date for hearing closing statements at the next hearing.

At a hearing in February, state prosecutors presented evidence against the accused, including two witness testimonies, the confession of Humam, and a recording of a phone call.
