Fishing dhoni runs aground

A dhoni on a sea cucumber harvesting trip ran aground on Laamu Gaaerifaru reef this morning.

According to the Maldives coast guard, the dhoni belonged to Ibrahim Ali of Raa Rasgetheemu. The accident occured at 8.50am this morning and the coast guard was contacted immediately.

A craft including police was dispatched from Laamu Madivaru and recovered the dhoni by 9:40am.

None of the six people on board were hurt, although the coastguard noted that the dhoni did not have a safety certificate nor was it carryng life jackets.


Unicef to help combat erosion in Meedhoo

The Central Province office has said an agreement will be signed with Unicef to combat beach erosion in Dhaalu atoll Meedhoo, Voice of Maldives reports.

Ibrahim Umar Manik, deputy state minister, said funds had been secured after a survey conducted on the island to determine the cost of the project. He added land reclamation on Meedhoo will also protect its sewerage plant and football field, located about ten feet away from the beach.

Meedhoo islanders have put up sandbagged at the beach as a temporary measure to prevent erosion. Umar said a permanent solution would be to reclaim land and construct a pier or harbour.


Motorcycle accident on Boduthakurufaanu Magu

Two motorcyclists were involved in an accident last night on Boduthakurufaanu Magu.

According to police, the accident occured near the track stadium at 9.15 pm.

One of the victims, 20, had a fractured leg and the other, 23, had minor injuries. Both are now being treated at Indria Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH), and police are investigating the case.


Kevin Rudd congratulates President Nasheed

Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has commended President Nasheed on his efforts at the recent Copenhagen summit.

Speaking to TVM, Rudd said Nasheed “did a good job” in representing small island nations. He also referred to Nasheed’s statement climate change was not only a Maldivian problem, and that it would affect the whole world.

Australia is a key partner in the development of the Maldives and Rudd promised his country’s help in assisting the Maldives to deal with climate change.


President to return home today

President Nasheed returns to Male’ today after playing his part in the United Nations Forum for Climate Change held in Copenhagen.

While the president played a pivotal role in the summit, media across the world reported that many countries present at the conference showed little respect for the work done by President Nasheed and other leaders.

The president is will give a press conference later today.


Rf 126,000 stolen from power station

The power station at Gaaf Dhaalu Madaveli was broken into last night and Rf 126,000 was stolen, reports Miadhu.

The island councillor Faarish Muneeru said the money was stolen from the station’s safe at around midnight last night. He also said there was a person on duty in the control room at the time.

Police said the matter is being investigated but so far no one has been arrested in relation to the theft.


One million Rf chunk of ambergris found in Baa Atoll

A group of people who went fishing from Fulhadhoo in Baa Atoll found an 8.5 kilogram piece of ambergris thought to be worth up to one million Rf, reports Haveeru.

Abdul Kareem Mohamed, 47, found the piece of ambergris whilst on a fishing trip to Baa Undoodhoo. Mohamed and the dhoni crew who discovered the ambergris are currently in Male’ trying to sell it.

Even though many modern chemicals are used in the manufacture of perfumes, ambergris remains popular and fetches a very high price in the market.

One of the largest pieces of ambergris found was the “bark splendid of Dunedin” New Zealand, which was found in 1883 and wieghed in at 983 lb( 446.82 Kg). It was sold for $250,000.


Swine flu to spread in coming months

Health Ministry officials have warned of an increase in the spread of swine flu in the coming months.

Director General of Health Services Dr Ibrahim Yasir said there would be more opportunities for the spread of the disease with many people returning to the Maldives after the school holidays.

Dr Ahmed Jamsheed from the Centre of Community Health and Disease Control said it was important to keep children away from school if they had flu symptoms.

The Health Ministry also said plans were being made to further increase awareness about the disease.
