Daily news paper Miadhu has reported that an alleged missionary named ‘Thomas’, has left the Maldives along with other four Maldivians who allegedly supported Christianity.
The newspaper reported that Thomas, during his times of stay in the Maldives, met with some Maldivians who supported Christianity.
“Anti-Islamic work is becoming widespread and people are concerned that it may spread further unless the responsible sources do enough to prevent it,” Miadhu said.
Miadhu reported that missionary activities are now “widely conducted” in the Maldives.
Correction: A previous version of this article translated Miadhu’s article as saying that “many people are concerned that religious unity among Maldivians is becoming weak”. Miadhu informed Minivan News that a more accurate translation is: “Anti-Islamic work is becoming widespread and people are concerned that it may spread further unless the responsible sources do enough to prevent it.”

Considering how they're carrying out missionary work 'in public' these days, perhaps Miadhu ought to have conducted a more thorough investigation and published the detailed reports in a fair and objective manner?
Oh wait. That's something only REAL newspapers do.
I'm a missionary, booh!
The four names please , their address ???
Must be all nonsense as usual.
Pass on to Mahloof. The bloke's got the list of Anni sarukaaruge kaafarism.
Bolhaago tactics ....