Education Minister Dr Musthafa Luthfy, who recently joined the Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) after resigning from the deputy leadership of coalition partner Gaumy Ihthihaadh Party (GIP), has described President Mohamed Nasheed as “a national hero.”
Dr Luthfy said he left GIP because he did not wanted to be a member of a party criticising President Mohamed Nasheed’s government.
”I would not want to criticise the government while I am a member of it,” Dr Luthfy said. ”In particular, I do not wish to remain in a gathering which criticises President Mohamed Nasheed.”
Dr Luthfy said that opposition parties were criticising the government because the current government was doing many things the former government could not do.
”Opposition parties are crititcising the current government because the current government is doing many things that the former government could not do to the people,” Dr Luthfy said, ”things like amendment of the national school curriculum, building harbors in many of the islands, providing ferry services and direct aid to the people through Madhana [a health scheme].”
Maldivian Democratic Party parliamentary group leader MP Moosa ‘Reeko’ Manik recently called on any ministers who applauded when the government was criticised “to resign immediately.”
This was targeted at ministers present at a rally led by GIP, a party of which Dr Luthfy was a member and reportedly one of the people applauding its criticism.
Today Reeko said that the government’s senior posts “should be filled only with people who support the MDP manifesto and accept the President’s thinking.”
Right after the coalition agreement between MDP and GIP was terminated by MDP’s national council last Saturday, Dr Luthfy and Deputy Trade Minister Ahmed Inaz left the GIP to join the ruling MDP.
Dr Luthfy recently said he joined MDP not because he had been influenced or under threat of losing his job, but because he felt that it was “the best way to continue serving the people.”

A pathetic attempt by a big time loser to save his job. When he felt threatend that he millimeters away from being sacked he hopped to MDP and is singing praise to president Anni. Musthafa is another one of those selfish doing-nothing 'educated' man. This country has too many of them.
well said zakir. i second it. these spineless people have absolutely no principle that they stand for. they go which ever way the wind is blowin. and whats more pathetic is the way the party people actually buy this sort of crap. amazing!
Not much different from the reverting speech...
Have to admit i never thought this guy was capable of much. His pathetic stint as tourism minister in the previous government contributed to that perception. But am pleasently suprized now, as to how well he is running the education sector, and introducing good reforms. Seems once he is given a job where his expertise lies in, he actually manages to do it well.
Now if only we could say that about the health sector. The health minister needs replacing.
I hope Inaz and Dr.Nazeer would be different from Dr.Mustafa Lutfy. I hope they would continue the same manner as he did in previous regime and now continue constructive and acadamic thinking and propogating those unlike many other Maldivian politicans! I have no respect for Dr.Mustafa, Dr.Waheed, Dr.Didi, Dr.Hassan and much of these doctor! We need fresh, young , energetic, brave, dedicated and truthful to God and Citzens!! There are potentially similar young people in all parties except DRP-PA (as its a party of Gayoom worshipers and thugs)! These young people need to stand up and play their part!!
Does Musthafa Luthfy know that we are no longer in Gayyoom's regime?
The kind of praise Musthafa did would have flattered Gayyoom and he would have been promoted to an even better position. (Wonder what could that be. A Super Minister of Education? lol )
But I don't think President Nasheed will dance to such tunes. I think president will be well aware as to why Musthafa is praising the government.
”I would not want to criticise the government while I am a member of it,” Dr Luthfy said. ”In particular, I do not wish to remain in a gathering which criticises President Mohamed Nasheed.”
The above statement from luthfy speaks out loud of his greed and selfishness. It said all that he has no intention of helping people and improving the country's dier education system. What it also tell is that he is a man who can not digest criticism.
When he said all this he must have known that not many in this country would beleive him. Luthfy this was bad political move.
some maldivains are so disgusting that they will reject their own mother or father for the sake of power and position, this guy is fine example
Dr Luthfy is right when he says Nasheed is a national hero. The logic of the people who criticise the president blindly is that Nasheed risked torture and death at the hands of a brutal dictator so he could be the president.
This is completely illogical since the first requirement for becoming the president is to stay alive.
Nasheed was rsking his life way before others dared to utter a word against Maumoon. Long before torture and custodial deaths were discussed. So Nasheed could so easily would have been a statistic and nobody would have even talked about it in public.
You don't get this from insincere people - whether you like it or not, and for this reason Nasheed will for ever be a national hero to me.
hmmm ..this guy is too hungry for his ministerial post...he'l do anything to maintain his job..poor poor guy...u hv no moral n u are not fit for anything..
Dr. Mustafa Lutfi "repented" and "reverted"?
Is "Redemption" the latest "trend" of Maldives' politics?
Yeah Musthafa Luthfee, go on singing "Thiya ey Zaeem mi qawm fakhuru veriva" until you feel someone else may become the next president...then join that party and start singing again the same sang that for Maumoon, you sang that for Waheed now you sing that to Nasheed.
Correct "because he did not wanted"
I do agree with Zakir,Luthfy is not a politician he was infamouse last Govt he wouldnt have another chance if he looses his post in this government, at least until 2013.
All the hopes of people for a tru democracy is failing. We are seeing all the elements of another Dictatorship.
”In particular, I do not wish to remain in a gathering which criticises President Mohamed Nasheed.”
Well Doc "Mus-the-fart", perhaps you should dry up and blow away from the Maldives cause whether you like it or not and wish or not, HEP will be under criticism (constructive or destructive).Pathetic..........And only to think that it was only the former President's cronies who kept on "singing words of praise"........Pispispispis........
I thought Luthfy is a sensible person.
I was satisfied when he said that he changed because MDP national council is going to advice the president to kick GIP. At least he is honest, I thought.
But what he is saying now shows that he is also as big an opportunist as Dr Shaheed.
I totally agree with "loser's" comment. And I am sure Luthfy is capable of singing that song to many more. Only time will tell. Given a chance, he will not hesitate to sing it again even for Maumoon.
brown nosing at its best
The problem with these PHD holders are that they do not have any real education. They have not completed their o levels or A levels or had flopped them. Most of them get their masters by joining some education institution which offers various courses for "experienced over age people" from developing countries. After obtaining masters they go on the get their PHD in some subject which always says "small islands states". I have come acrossed only a few maldivians who has a PHD with something other than "small island state something"
Ismail you are right, he didn't complete his undergraduate studies even only did a diploma in educational management. served the government for a little while. do you know where he did his PhD, yeah from La trobe, Australia. The Aliya school of Australia. now the moron has started checking the party affiliation of education ministry staff.
He just wants to be a slave dog of the president. Thats all. Shame on you Luthufy. You are a man without BALLS.
Anni please have the good sense to sack him. He is an embarresment to you and makes you look like Gayoom!!!!!
No, he did have two balls. They strayed to ANNI's court, and he did not bother to return. So ML went swaying his bat to ANNI's court, and he got stuck there!
Haadha J veyey dhoa baeh meehun. Musthafa is doing a great job as Education Minister. Yes he was hopeless as Tourism Minster. Who is to blame..its Golhaa.
Mr President, these scumbags are just no good for you. just sack them and send them home. Mr President, Let me tell you, if you keep dancing to the songs of these scumbags, in no time your own balls will fall (not your haruvaalhu) and will be dancing on top of your own balls.
another political prostitute, whose ideology is on sale for selfish reasons. Musthafa if u think success being a minister well' you done it.
@ Beyya... LOL yeah he is doing a great job. What is that so great this scumbag has done to improve our education system?
Musthafa is not different from most of the other officials in the Government. Even though he joined MDP for saving his ministerial post, it is best for him as he had mentioned. What can he do to the country by being a member of a useless party like GIP? But I honestly hope that he will not sell out, all our schools.
Wow this is a great resource.. I’m enjoying it.. good article