Brother of Vice Presidential candidate Ahmed Thasmeen Ali arrested while under the influence

The brother of President Mohamed Waheed Hassan Manik’s running mate Ahmed Thasmeen Ali, Mohamed Adil, was arrested yesterday while under the influence, reports local media.

Adil, also a director at One & Only Reethi Rah Resort, was arrested at Ibrahim Nasir National Airport upon his arrival from overseas, according to CNM. He was arrested “after his behavior gave away that he was high”.

Police told local media they “arrested a 37-year-old Maldivian from the airport VIP lounge who was intoxicated” at approximately 4:30pm Tuesday (July 23).


3 thoughts on “Brother of Vice Presidential candidate Ahmed Thasmeen Ali arrested while under the influence”

  1. Clearly a grave mistake on the part of the over zealous religious police. The elite and mullahs are allowed these little luxuries. Quran teachers can steal, judges can have sex and the feudal lords can drink and the princesses can abort - no questions asked. Same happens in Saudi Barbaria too. One law for the rich and powerful another for the peasant slave islanders.
    This spoiled brat will be released soon and the media will not report on it anymore. Just another day in Paradise.

  2. Now now, homosexual. Don't be so harsh on him. It's been depressing times for Waheed's regime. Being hounded by assassins, blackmailers and a world-class intelligence agency bent on making them suffer can drive a man to drink.

  3. hahaha Addu bro. You are funny and right. The Day of Judgement is not far away. September 7 is the day of judgement.


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