President Mohamed Nasheed has granted clemency to famous Maldivian reggae artist Haisham Mohamed, who was sentenced to 10 years imprisonment after one gram of cannabis was found inside his bag and his urine was found to test positive to THC, the drug’s active ingredient.
Local radio station SunFM quoted Department of Penitentiary and Rehabilitation Service [DPRS] Director General Mohamed Rasheed saying that if persons released under parole committed an offense, the person would have to serve the annulled sentence and the punishment for the second offence as well.
Haisham, of Maafannu Loha, was arrested with a bag containing the illegal narcotics while in a resort to perform a live music show and was sentenced last year September.
The Criminal Court convicted Haisham under Article 4 [a][1] of the Drug Act after he tested positive for cannabis, an illegal substance under the Act. Haisham received five years for using the drug and five years for possession.
The judge ruled that according to witness statements, evidence, and Haisham’s own confession, he owned the bag containing illegal narcotics with which he was found.

For possession of
1 gram of Marijuana, and non-gang member : 10 years.
1 ton of pure coke, and a gang member : not an offense.
The judges would shit their pants, if they even consider punishment for a gang member. His family will be in the cemetery if he does so. So he would avoid them like plague.
The judges are cowards, afraid of these gang members... when they see someone with no gang affiliations to bully, they are TOO quick to do so.
And that is why more people will join gangs and allow the illegal arms trade to flourish.
He deserve to be in Jail for committing a crime which is Haram in Islam. If we implement Islamic Sharia against these criminals, Insha Allah, we will see the peace that we wish to have.
And I thought 10 years was a bit EXTREMIST!
Closing the doors that were open by previous regime for narcotic drugs?
OR opening them to 360 degrees during this regime?
What a clumsy decision!