Religious NGO Salaf to hold children’s evening

Religious NGO Jamiyythul Salaf has announced the organisation is planning a special event next Thursday for children, hosted by former singer Ali Rameez and Ahmed Simau.

The NGO said that the event will be named ‘Banoon’ and will be held at the Artificial Beach from 4:00pm to 5:30pm.

The event includes religious poems, advice from Sheikhs, dramas and stories. In addition, during the event children will be given gifts and the opportunity to show their talents on stage.

Salaf has appealed to all parents to participate.

On the same night, Salaf said there will be Q&A program for adults based on the topic ‘Faith and Salah’.

The program will start at 9:00pm and will end at 11:00pm. Five Sheikhs will be on the panel to answer the questions by attendees.


8 thoughts on “Religious NGO Salaf to hold children’s evening”

  1. I am waiting for the islamophobic rants to start... This piece of 'news' was written for that purpose only..

  2. Still wonder how Allah could give Ali Rameez such a wonderful voice and such a peasized brain!!!

  3. i wonder from where Ali Rameez and Simau got their education and became the great Islamic scholars ?

    Ali Rameez may be after singing so many songs could have made him a great scholar.

    Shimau may be , after playing so many comic TV dramas he must have graduated and got the knowledge through those dramas.

    I think both of them deserve to be the president of the Maldives in 2013 .

  4. Applause for Sabina! For the first islamophobic comment in this article. Shows how atom sized these kuffars brains are.

    Just because Ali Rameez stopped singing you accuse him of a peasized brain. I wonder what sized brain you have. Could you tell me what size the pope's brain would be? I guess it would be bigger cos he is a christian, no?
    [disgusting how these kuffar aggrandize themselves]


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