The Ministry of Islamic Affairs has said that an agreement was signed on Thursday for MVR 27 million (US$1.7 million) in free aid from Saudi Arabia for construction of mosques in the country.
According to a press release by the Islamic Ministry, the Maldives Ambassador to Sri Lanka Hussain Shihab and Saudi Ambassador to Maldives Abdul Azeez Jammaz signed the agreement at a ceremony that took place at the Saudi embassy in Sri Lanka.
The Islamic Ministry said a list of islands selected for mosque construction would be made public next week and that it hoped to begin the bidding process next month.

Oh Dear.........more Saudi funded mosques and more Saudi funded wahabism rammed down the throats of you dumb islanders........Saudi Arabia is happy to fund mosque contruction in other countries but will not allow a single church or temple in the 'holy land'........what a good example of islamic tolerance!!
I wonder what else your Islamic Ministry have in store for you?
Saudi style Mutawwa thugs regulating all aspects of your life?
Gender segregation in all schools and public places?
Total shutdown of businesses for prayers five times a day?
Ban on cinemas, music and dancing?
Public floggings and hangings?
All men to grow beards?
All women to wear the abaya?
Restrictions on employment and travel for women?
Ban on driving for women?
Thank Krishna I was born a cow worshipping kafir........we hindus are moving forward in first gear into the twenty first century whereas you muslims are in reverse gear back to the seventh!!
no matter how much you hat Muslims and we will never allow to have temple here in Maldives.
Don't talk about your development . Look at China and how developed the country is , China is much more developed than India .
Reason is your democracy and that is a big disaster for your country and that is just a name that you use to get people corrupted.
If you have a system like China you could have been in fourth gear not the first gear.
I urge Minivan editors to ditch this deranged person who is calling itself indira newdelhi, because i have strong belief that this thing is solely designed to stir anti-indian sentiments here in Maldives. For the record, I can say Maldivians are good natured people whose only problem is their naivety. there are bad apples, but still Maldivians as a people are one of the best in this region.
This indira appears to be a maldivian not Indian. This guy looks like a supporter of former dictator nasheed.
Saudi mosque =center for future hateful terroists.
Oh i will like my country to benefit from this Mosque construction.
How do i contact this Agency?