Sun, sand, closing arguments: Travel and Leisure

Talk about spoiling the mood: If you’re going to the Maldives for a romantic getaway, the islands’ deposed president has a great suggestion for you: Settle into your hotel room, then watch his trial on TV, reports Katrina Brown Hunt for Travel and Leisure.

Depending on whom you ask, Mohamed Nasheed either stepped down, or was ousted, from office earlier this year. Either way, he is now facing charges of abusing his power and will be tried by what he calls a “kangaroo court.”

The former prez says that tourists should know that some luxury resorts may have backed his coup after he had hoped to market the islands – which has long attracted both honeymooners and A-list guests such as Tom Cruise, Jennifer Aniston and Mick Jagger—to more middle-income travelers.

While normally we wouldn’t advise holing up with the telly during an island getaway, this trial could have compelling entertainment value, kangaroos notwithstanding, thanks to the colorful Nasheed.

While still in power, for instance, Nasheed once held a cabinet meeting underwater, to call attention to climate change. Today, he’s also concerned that the current administration wants to do away with kissing on beaches. “We grew up kissing each other on the beach,” he told reporters, “so it seems strange that our children won’t be allowed to do it.” Strange indeed.

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3 thoughts on “Sun, sand, closing arguments: Travel and Leisure”

  1. Nasheed was not above the law.

    We have seen how he had ruined this country and the dictator rules the country when we have got the best constitution .

    We have seen Nasheed taking the law on his hands and challenging the constitution and threaten people openly to become the member of his party or else to left behind .

    He had clocked up the supreme court for nothing and just because he thought that he can frighten the Maldivian by locking the supreme court .

    He arrested some the key political figures without having any legal ground thinking that we will be afraid to challenge the legality of those arrests.

    He gave GMR airport without going through proper bidding process and gave the airport to GMR where GMR was disqualified on the first round.

    He sold Dhiraagu shares to cable and wireless without going through proper bidding process because he had promised them to give major share control at a discounted price to compensate for the finical support that he got during his campaign from Cable and Wireless.

    He arrested Chief Judge to threaten the entire judiciary to obey him and then to threaten the public and show his supremacy to the people of Maldives.

    these are few things to mentioned why his trial need to be on TV ?

  2. "Nasheed was not above the law."

    But that Chief Judge of yours, who likes abusing children for his own perverted pleasures, apparently is.


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