Government debt reaches $553 million, a third of GDP

The government is heavily indebted and faces financial difficulties, President Nasheed reiterated in his address to the Majlis.

Contracts signed for regional transport networks

Contracts were signed today to establish transport networks in the Upper North and Upper South Provinces with high speed ferries. At a ceremony at Dharubaaruge, two contracts for 50 years each were signed with Trinus-CAE Holdings Pvt Ltd, a joint venture between a Maldivian company and a South African company. Speaking at the ceremony, Economic … Continue reading Contracts signed for regional transport networks

Juvenile Court postpones order to summon HRCM members

The court has postponed summoning members of the Human Rights Commission of Maldives after the commission informed its members were unable to attend. They have been requested to clarify the details of a report which the court alleges misled the public with regard to its work.

Domestic fears of “inadequate” child protection linger as Maldives co-sponsors 22 UN rights resolutions

The Foreign Ministry said the Maldives has co-sponsored 22 resolutions relating to civil and human rights at this year’s UN Human Rights Council, despite lingering concerns over “inadequate” child protection measures employed domestically by successive governments.