Police and ACC probe MP Ali Waheed’s corruption case

“I have been receiving threats from the government who have said that I and my family will be arrested if I do not resign from the MDP and as the chairman of the EOC,” Ali Waheed said in a statement, alleging the corruption investigation was politically motivated.

Comment: Justice has little to do with the impending prosecution

Nasheed’s move has not only provided him sanctuary and forced India’s involvement, it also provided India – smarting from Male’s recent insults and shabby treatment of GMR — with the opportunity to do a policy U-turn without embarrassment, writes Dr Azra Naseem.

Tourist arrivals show decline of 7.6 percent in January 2013

The monthly number of Chinese tourists arriving in the Maldives fell for the first time in over six months, compared to figures from previous years.

Government-aligned parties condemn India for hosting “cowardly” Nasheed

MDP Spokesperson Imthiyaz Fahmy dismissed the remarks made by the government-aligned parties, claiming that their respective leaders were desperate to eliminate Nasheed from the upcoming presidential election.

Comment: India an unreliable friend

The harsh truth is that the Waheed regime has survived for over a year – despite the reckless trampling over citizens rights, outright hostility towards the free media, excessive brutality and total impunity – only because the Maldivian public has allowed this injustice to take place, writes Yameen Rasheed.

Government claims “remarkable success” in democracy, good governance and rule of law

The President’s Office has released a publication claiming “remarkable success” during its first year in power.

No effort made to follow up promises on human trafficking: HRCM

“The effort is not consistent and that is why we are not seeing real change here. We have not seen change since our 2009 report and in the periodic reviews since then,” said HRCM member Jeehan Mahmoud, while the PG confirmed no traffickers had been prosecuted.

“The current government is failing”: government-aligned PPM

“What we’re seeing today, and it is with sadness I say this, is the current government failing. The institutions are now incapable,” said MP Abdulla Yameen, President of the government-aligned Progressive Party of the Maldives (PPM).