Minivan News spends 15 Minutes with Mohamed Shihab, Member of Parliament for Male’ and a candidate for MDP Presidency in the forthcoming party Congress.
MN: Why are you standing for the Presidency of the MDP in the forthcoming Congress?
MS: I believe that with the blessing of God all mighty I have the necessary political experience and will to serve the party and lead the fight for democracy, freedom, justice and rule of law.
I believe I can deliver the nation from oppression and tyranny that it had long endured and sail to the shores of democracy and freedom where each person is treated with respect and dignity, where harmony and contentment prevail, where opportunities are available to all and none is left behind.
I believe the time has come for the party to show a leader who not only lead but lead by knowledge, experience and example. Having studied in a free and democratic nation I have spent my entire adult life serving the people of Maldives.
I have served the people of Maldives in many areas, in the planning sector, in attracting foreign aid and assistance, in the corporate arena and in parliament. Armed with what I have learnt I am more than prepared to fight for what I believe and what I had been taught to believe by my teachers and parents which is freedom, justice and respect to all.
I have witnessed how and why the country had gone astray, the declared policies, the hidden agendas and the endemic corruption that had lead the country to this sorry state. I know and understand what had gone wrong and what needs to be done to redeem the country from this tyranny and misery and build a prosperous, compassionate society where justice is the order of the day.
When representing the people of Dhaalu Atoll at the Peoples Majlis for the last twenty years I have advocated for freedom and democracy at all times, I had been patient, as God is with those who are patient, I had contributed to democracy and freedom whenever an opportunity arose. A man can only make a minute difference, ending tyranny requires concentration of work, determination and perseverance of many as it is happening now. People of Dhaalu Atoll had voted me to Majlis four times despite hostile campaigns been waged against me. This shows the faith and trust they had in me and appreciated what I had fought for in the Majlis. People of Male’ had voted me to parliament, further strengthening the faith and trust the people have in me, making me the longest serving member in the Majlis and I am eternally grateful to all and I promise to all that I would continue to devote my time and energy for the principles I believe in and for the just cause we are fighting for.
MN: MDP has said the party needs to develop a policy manifesto following the leadership election. What sort of policies would you like to see the party develop?
MS: I want MDP to develop a set of policies that will benefit each and everyone of us, a policy that would address and eradicate poverty and misery that prevails in the country, a policy that ensures that each and everyone of us can sleep peacefully at night knowing full well that they are free from the midnight raids by the security forces.
I want MDP to implement a policy where all fathers and mothers can be sure that their children are being educated by the most qualified teachers, a policy where no child should leave school without learning how to read or write. We do no favour when we permit students to pass from grade to grade for the sake of statistics as it is the case now.
I want MDP to develop a policy that provides the best health care for all and not for the privileged few, a policy that recognizes housing as a fundamental human right of each and every Maldivian.
MDP should follow a policy that facilitates free enterprises, expansion of trade and increase the national productivity. Where rights of the workers are recognized and respected, a policy where pensioners can live a decent and a dignified life.
I want MDP to develop a policy that creates more employment, a policy that will eliminate the widening gap between the rich and the poor and help all Maldivians to share in our nation’s wealth to enjoy a secure and a fulfilling life.
As you know, our children are the targets of a massive pre planned campaign to hook them on drugs, I would want MDP to address the drug issue as a matter of priority and provide a comprehensive mechanism to rehabilitate the unfortunate victims.
I want MDP to protect the civil liberties of the citizens and build a democratic, corruption free, tolerant and a compassionate society that is just and equitable, where the rights of every citizen are paramount, where the principles of Islam are upheld and respected.
MN: What do you think the MDP needs to do to dig the country out of the political hole it is currently in?
MS: I am not surprised to find Maldives in a political hole. If you look into the history of the world it is a phase that all countries on the road to democracy go through, we are not an exception. The political history in India and South Africa to name a few, passed through the same phase before achieving democracy. We need to be patient and act prudently. We need to appreciate that for every good which we seek we have to sacrifice some of our comfort and our ease.
Our Chairman and others are behind bars, why? because they stood for democracy and freedom. He along with a few brave men and women of our party exercised a right enshrined in our constitution. The injustices they now face is the ultimate sacrifice they are making for the good we shall finally reap. Our challenges are formidable but God willing we shall soon overcome and sail from Thuraakunu to Addu, thanking and praising All Mighty for delivering us from this tyranny and oppression.
MN: What should the MDP be doing to ensure those arrested following the 12-14 August unrest are released, including the current Chairperson Mohamed Nasheed (Anni)?
MS: MDP should always fight for democracy, freedom and justice and abhor violence. Our Chairperson and a few others are behind bars not because they carried out an illegal act but for exercising a fundamental right clearly expressed in our constitution, they are arrested and falsely imprisoned at the fancy of those who have sworn to protect and uphold our constitution, we shall hold them accountable and bring justice to them.
I believe we at MDP should expose to the public and to the international community the lies and deceptions the present regime is engaged in. This is an era where there is almost no restraint in communication, we should continue to use the medium of technology in whatever means available to educate the public to the fact that there is not even an iota of justice accorded to our Chairman and others arrested and let the people be the judge.
I am saddened to find that those who ought to know what is right and wrong had decided to abandon whatever decency in them to defend the in defendable for an earthly gain or recognition. I am sure, God willing time will finally reveal the truth and justice be done.
MN: Some people have criticised you for lacking the vision and courage needed to take on a regime such as Gayoom’s. Do you think this is true?
MS: Well, I believe it is the opposite, the fact that for the last twenty years I have at all parliamentary sittings stood up for freedom and democracy, the fact that being in a senior position in the Government I have joined the main opposition party and is active in it should prove otherwise.
Unlike some others I may not be hasty in endorsing or pursuing certain actions that a minority of our party members demand, this may be mistaken by some as lack of courage on my part but I do not see it that way. I believe that as we are fighting a dictator who had ruled the country for over twenty seven years, we just cannot blindly let emotions and hatred dictate our actions, we should be patient, we just cannot bring democracy overnight or change what people are taught to think. I am being realistic here.
Those educated in democracies may wish to employ certain tactics to pressurize the government which may be considered normal in such countries, but here in the Maldives these are regarded by the majority as inappropriate and would not attract wide participation.
I believe that firstly, we need to free our people from fear and apprehension instilled in their minds.
I believe that an opposition should never miscalculate its opponent, if it does the consequences may be disastrous.
I favour a comprehensive plan of action strengthening our suffering citizens, weakening and finally destroying the dictatorship, and build a durable democracy. It is often the case that dictatorships are often replaced by dictatorships or with anarchy I do not want either to happen in the Maldives. In order to succeed we need to analyse and understand the present situation and adopt a strategy that would bring nothing but true democracy to the Maldives.