The Adhaalath Party, led by State Islamic Minister Sheikh Hussein Rasheed, has hit back at unnamed government officials who described Sheikh Illyas and Sheikh Fareed as “hate preachers” in an interview with India’s magazine ‘The Week’‘.
The party claimed that senior officials of the current government, including former Foreign Minister Dr Ahmed Shaheed and Home Minister Hassan Afeef, made false allegations against a number of the country’s religious leaders, including the vice leader of the Adhaalath Party’s religious council, Sheikh Ilyas Hussein.
Afeef is not acknowledged as a source in the current version of the article, and Shaheed’s comments to The Week concern the potential involvement of Maldivians in the attacks of Mumbai by Pakistani terrorist group Laskar-el-Taiba (LeT).
In the article Ahmed Muneer, Deputy Commissioner of the Maldives Police, acknowledges that “our radical preachers are enjoying street credibility and radicalisation is visible at the street level. It’s a problem for us, but things would aggravate if the radicals get integrated into Maldivian politics.”
The Adhaalath party claimed that during the interview, “Dr Shaheed said that scholars were delivering lectures with the intention of earning money, and that only a few people attended religious protests because they wanted to go to heaven.”
The Adhaalath Party contends that is is moderate rather than extremist. It is in coalition with the ruling Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP), and fills most of the ranks of the Islamic Ministry.
”As a result of this [article], religious scholars in the Maldives will face many obstacles locally, and it will also affect Maldivian families living in India,” said the Adhaalath Party.
”Sheikh Ilyas is one of the best scholars in the Maldives of recent ages, and many citizens enjoy attending his sermons.”
In retaliation, the Adhaalath Party accused the government of establishing and spreading extremism in the Maldives, and misleading the West in its desperation for money.
”Due to irresponsible comments by senior officials of the government, tourism in the country will also be affected,” warned the Adhaalath Party, accusing the President of “fabricating” earlier statements concerning scholarly freedom in the Maldives.
‘The Week magazine article reports that the LeT has been eyeing the Maldives since early 2000, when its headhunters travelled to Male’. India’s Intelligence Bureau estimated that there were more than 3,000 LeT facilitators and instigators in the Maldives, it reported.
In the article, Mohamed Hameed, head of the internal intelligence department of the Maldivian police, claimed that several hundred Maldivian youth had left the island nation “and their families have never heard from them since.”
”Hameed said ‘recruitment is taking place all the while.’ Radicals like Yoosuf Izadhy — a militant jihadi who is said to have ties with al Qaeda, according to leaked diplomatic cables prepared by then US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice—are roaming free. Izadhy was planning to create a terrorist base in the Maldives with support from a Waziristan-based group. He and Hasnain Hameedh had operational aspirations,” the magazine reported.
“The spread of an extremist belief system is fueled by hate preachers like Sheikh Fareed and Sheikh Ilyas. Both are [under surveillance],” the magazine reported a “Maldivian intelligence official” as saying.
Speaking of the 2007 Sultan Park bombing in Male’, in which 12 tourists were injured, Dr Shaheed told The Week that “the ringmaster [prime accused] of the Sultan Park bombing was allowed to leave the country. The incident wasn’t fully investigated. The ringmaster was a young boy. We need to find out who was behind the ringmaster. I think there are unanswered questions.”

While there's no doubt I largely agree with the substance of your comment and the need for English language education and promotion of the sciences, I doubt if approaching this as an 'upper class elitist vs downtrodden' issue is quite accurate.
One doesn't need to be good in English or any other language to be able to understand killing is wrong, or mindless hatred of others is wrong.
The burning issue is the proliferation of an ideology that preaches this - and it affects even native English speakers living in first world countries.
Granted socio-economic instability DOES create conditions for these radicals operate, but they aren't the only factors. The more immediate action required IMHO is for the government - which you would accept, is largely educated and aware of the dangers of fanning Islamist fires - to stop giving people like Illiyaas, Fareed and Shaheem the public platform for fear mongering.
When your house is burning down, you don't immediately start making circumspect analysis of the gradual development of fire-escape procedures and carry out a study of common causes of house hold fires.. No. You first douse the flames.
I maybe an idealist - but I sincerely believe none of the long-term solutions can be applied without first plugging existing (and rapidly widening) holes.
According to the 2010 EU Terrorism Situation and Trend Report:
"294 failed, foiled, or successfully executed attacks" occurred in 2009 in six European countries.
237 by separatist groups; 40 by left-wing and anarchist groups; four by rightists; ten with no clear affiliation; two by single-issue groups, and one by so-called Islamists.
The huffingtonpost reports: Nothing is more threatening than hating and fearing another person for no good reason. Islamophobia is far more threatening than any Muslim could ever be, for it breeds ignorance and bigotry.
I'm finding it hilarious that Yaamyn tends to throw out "anti-Semitic" out as some sort of criticism against Ilyas. No orthodox religion actually *likes* the members of another religion. I've heard orthodox rabbis (including the head goombahs in Israel) bash "the filthy goyyim" to pieces [the most recent comment must have been the claim that gentile sperm produces ill-mannered offspring]. Yet I do not see your hypocritical behind rush to yell "anti-Gentile" at them.
The Jews, as an ethnic group, deserve no sympathy: the Holocaust was sixty years ago. Hitler is dead. Anti-Semitism, as a vital force in the world, is gone. They have become, instead, the very monsters that they once feared.
Second, it's no secret that the Adhaalath Party have ties to certain undesirible elements in the region. And even if they didn't, Maldivians (like Naail said) have little to no clue of what Islam really is--which is why you find people like the average MinivanNews commenter (an irreligious hack) who'd bash "wahhabism" and look for "Saudi benefactors".
You people make me sick.
Islam is religion of peace - correct. No second opinion on that.
Why peace eludes Islamic countries? Why we are not progressing? How many countries from OIC block are developed or are developing? Why women are oppressed in Islamic countries?
I don't have a problem practicing religion, at home or at mosque. But a lot of people are being denied that freedom. Whats wrong with having a temple or church for those who want to go there?
If christians rule this country one day, is it ok if they demolish all mosques? Can you forget it then?
You do recognise that freedom of religion is a fundamental human right? If so why have a system where that right is denied to some people? Are they not human enough?
@ Z-nut
"Why women are oppressed in Islamic countries?"
Are you referring to women not being able to drive or travel alone in Saudi Arabia?
I am not defending Saudi policy, but let me tell you, your logic does not work.
If that is oppression than I would say the President of the US is the most oppressed human being on earth. He is not able to drive alone, is monitored even in the toilet, can't even imagine to travel alone!
What about Anni. Can he drive his own car and travel alone, without body guards?
Kings, Presidents, Prime Ministers are so oppressed people?
"Why peace eludes Islamic countries? Why we are not progressing? How many countries from OIC block are developed or are developing? Why women are oppressed in Islamic countries?"
What an arguement! Because those countries are not following the principals of Islam. Islam encourages research and developemnt. Science is an integral part of Islam. Look at the history of Islamic civilization. Those were the timesprople really followed the Qur'an and Sunnah.
What do you mean by opression of women in Islam? Does it teach to oppress women. You cannot identify muslims by just looking at their name. Get more knowledge.
@ yaamyn
"Granted socio-economic instability DOES create conditions for these radicals operate"
Granted natural disasters DOES create conditions for RED-CROSS and other proselytizers to operate, Bible in one hand First Aid other hand!
@ theekaku (hey)?
"If so why have a system where that right is denied to some people? Are they not human enough?"
Correct! They are not human enough.
That's why they are fined by hundreds of dollars for wearing a piece of cloth on their face.
Freedom of religion is a myth, a mirage, a deception!
@ *yawn*myn
"The burning issue is the proliferation of an ideology that preaches this"
Correct! Secularism and Atheism - that's what you are proliferating and preaching.
Look at you and your blog. It's so peaceful!
As soon as I have a look at your blog, I feel like a white dove with a halo on the head yearning to flutter my wings and fly away (in pieces)!
PEACE will only prevail once people like you are given a life sentence, with a big full stop, and brackets on either side!
you are right there once my friend. US president, our president and all the rich assholes, celebrities are some of the most oppressed people.
"..Freedom of religion is a myth, a mirage, a deception!"
So is human rights, peace, justice, fairness, equality right?
Just because the pure forms of these are only ideals and do not exist in real world, does that mean we stop working towards them?
Yamyn, I can see "anti-semitic' pop-up in your dictionary all of a sudden. It came about with Eye from Zion I assume. As I know Islam is a semitic religion as well, along with christianity and judaism.
“..Freedom of religion is a myth, a mirage, a deception!”
so is God, divinity, judgement day...
Iran & Egypt were very progressive civilizations at one time. But today, socio-political conditions in most of the Islamic countries are worrying. Egypt, Yemen, Tunisia, Algeria, Pak are some examples. As for women condition, less said is better.
@ Ali
"so is God, divinity, judgement day…"
So is the orderly manner of the air that you breath, your cells, your DNA?
You mean they are all by chance?
How can ORDER(creation) derive from DISORDER(chance)?
lol.. u guys are still here tha?
dude.. u r impatient, too sure of yourself and too angry...
stop trying to TALK atheists out of their beliefs.. u can't rationally prove that God exists.. stop attemptin the impossible..
Atheists can only be converted when they see and understand "the transformed conduct and character of those who have felt the presence of God within"..
which means stop preachin and start acting up to what u preach..
really? u do realize that it requires a tremendous amount of FAITH to beleive that God does not exist..
truth is u can't prove it either way.. so u have to take a leap of faith to say he exists or don't..
so.. so much for rationality..
Your atheism stems not from ur hatred of a Creator.. u just hate established religion.. how it can lead people to do stupid stuff..
I find ur resistance to blind faith quite respectable... i personally think blind faith is dangerous..
what we need is a living faith... So just what is living faith? It's putting faith into practise. It's not just saying, 'I believe', but showing what I believe by the way I live.
The "orderly manner" is not so much in order as we may think. Cancer patients understand that better, probably. Or Thalassemia carriers. It's chemistry - and often goes wrong. DNA is not perfect. Mutations happen "by chance", not in an order, giving raise to evolution over time.
@ theekaaku
"Just because the pure forms of these are only ideals and do not exist in real world, does that mean we stop working towards them?"
However much clear and pure a mirage seems, it's wise to look the other way instead of trying to reach it.
@ Marina
"Cancer patients understand that better, probably. Or Thalassemia carriers."
I always see you defending Atheism.
This is the helpless complaint of Atheists for not being able to play God as much as they would want.
My dear Marina. Even these 'disorderly' things clearly explain that God is in control of his Creation.
Earth is not Paradise. There are various difficulties we have to face in our present life. That is the decree of Allah.
Without these kind diseases, bacteria, viruses, how can we human beings comprehend the imperfect and ephemeral nature of the World we live in compared to the everlasting happiness awaiting us in Paradise, for those who deserve it?
Don't whine about it and get ready to travel to the 'everlasting world', either in shame or in honour.
Give thanks to Allah
for the moon and the stars
prays in all day full,
what is and what was
take hold of your Iman
don’t give it to shaitan
oh you who believe please give thanks to Allah.
Allahu Ghafor Allahu Rahim Allahu yuhibul Muhsinin,
hua Khalikhone hua Razikhone whahua ala kulli shayiin khadir
Allah is Ghafor Allah is Rahim Allah is the one who loves the Muhsinin,
he is a creater, he is a sistainer and he is the one who has power over all.
Give thanks to Allah,
for the moon and the stars
prays in all day full,
what is and what was
take hold of your iman
dont givin to shaitan
oh you who believe please give thanks to Allah.
Allahu Ghafur Allahu Rahim Allahu yuhibul Mohsinin,
hua Khalikhone hua Razikhone whahua ala kulli shayiin khadir
Allah is Ghefor Allah is Rahim Allah is the one who loves the Mohsinin,
he is a creater, he is a sustainer and he is the one who has power over all.
whiners are soar loosers B=))
and remember ALLAH is with the beleievers they will not be left alone...
Victory would be to the TRUTH AND whats truth ll b truth 4ever even if the zionist or athiest or commninst or democratist or xtianz or any other free masonry comewhatmay plot against it it wont be burried will come out of space
am waiting 4 the day 2 come and then U geexers will cry cry SOAB they R BPIIIM MSP RB
whiners are soar loosers B=))
and remember ALLAH is with the beleievers they will not be left alone...
Victory would be to the TRUTH AND whats truth ll b truth 4ever even if the zionist or athiest or commninst or democratist or xtianz or any other free masonry comewhatmay plot against it it wont be burried will come out of space
am waiting 4 the day 2 come and then U geexers will cry cry SOAB they R BPIIIM MSP RB
oh man!!!!
what am I doing h3r3!
theze are all BDD p33pzzzzz
but nywax ALLAH x our creator and you poor human can't deny if u deny openly that He xnt ur creator wu luv 2 C and meet em'
plxxxxxx NO cowards comment
thank u v much 4 the patience u all showed....BPIII;)
Mutation does not give rise to new advanced species. It rather give rise to disability and disfucntional of a biological species. Please check and do more research.
cruxer 🙂
so true....
LOSERS WILL BE THOSE WHO DO HAVE THE PURE FAITH OF EAMAN.... Islam is the religion of truth, though denied by anyone,it will take the lead always and forever...
in this world as well in the hereafter...
Allah Akbar...
Actually, while mutation is no longer considered the prime driver of evolution by biologists, you're still not accurate in your assertion.
You only have to look at the H1N1 virus to understand that mutations can quite help newly evolved strains to jump from species (from birds to humans) and spread. This would fit entirely well with the theory of evolution.
You might also want to read about antibiotic resistant bacteria that threatens to make all known antibiotics useless in the not so distant future.
Scientists who have done painstaking studies of this say that indiscriminate use of antibiotics has led to increasingly resistant bacteria surviving, and spreading. This is an easy example of survival of the fittest, with no foresight or design.
Finally, on the survival of the fittest, this is an interesting article you should read:
Logically u can't prove existence of god. True.
But logically (in the sense of human intellectual capacity) can relate to the fact that humans have a lot of common traits with other animals. And we see the animal behavior. Need for sex, caring, food, brain, eyes, nose... Some more in common than others. The difference between one species to the other is similar to differences between humans and some other species.
Ok we have a brain with more capacity and intelligent decision making.
The fact is there is no proof of existence of god, but there are more proof of humans as a species on earth with no preferential treatment from creator. Let alone different factions (religions) within us.
So, does it fxxxking matter how we came about? From a whirlpool of dust or carved from gods hands, the objective would be to survive and thrive.
For a god, messages are not the means to communicate with humans. God would not be vile and jealous. They are a human trait, and unlike humans, if god wants to help us, we would not be in deep shit we are in today. Yesterday. A whole goddamn century.
If god wants, we would be fxxking veggies.
So why have it not happened?
Why Mecca in 6ad? When 50bc Romans and before that in macedonia/Alexander ruled brutally? Mecca would not even compare in crimes those days.
So why send a messenger to a place which is comparably good, a place who are so ignorant they cannot see a good thing, hit on their face?
Who utterly failed to propagate Arabic as the language of choice in the world?
So. God is a myth. Messenger is a fake. Religion is a man-made set of rules for men by men.
I repeat:
Without these kind diseases, bacteria, viruses, how can we human beings comprehend the imperfect and ephemeral nature of the World we live in compared to the everlasting happiness awaiting us in Paradise, for those who deserve it?
I repeat:
Without these kind of diseases, bacteria, viruses, how can we human beings comprehend the imperfect and ephemeral nature of the World we live in compared to the everlasting happiness awaiting us in Paradise, for those who deserve it?
yaamyn - Do you think God is your slave to cut your cost on antibiotics as a one off job?
Earth is not Paradise! You will DIE one day!
You evil little schemers are NOTHING compared to God's wider plan.
Keep on scheming. God always has a BETTER scheme.
Booo hooo for you!
"fxxxking" y dt poor soul x struggling to write that word?????????
where x d maleness and owness and creatorshipness claim??? ohhhhhh mozt importantly where x ur dum brain?
oh i gotchaa u 4got it in ur fing....
oh d00d seriously? pethetic pethetic so pethetic....
BTW where show ur face and dunn be a coward my nature dunn be a freak...
u only has got nearly v limited time 2 prank abt d religion so c'mon do the rest while we do the best... plot it plot 3vil demonic b00by traps but u'll suffer ur @$#^&*% FULLY IF u r going like dt..:)
sooner or later the day ll come dunn worry ull taste whats it like..:D
now u can 3njoy and spread d scum on ur back and inside<<<----check dx out ooopzzz ROFL
todays question peepz:
how coward can u be inorder to become famous? i.e how cheap u'll fall 4 jux a few $$$???
May ALLAH k33p us firm and make nt us among the dv8ers...aameen
Note: Donot beat ur head on the wall
peepz No cowardice comment
thank u 4 d patience and accord
EG...<<< 😉
@cruxer de humane
be nice to non believers.
they just don't understand. its our job to guide them. if u guyz talk in this manner, how will they change?
even if they mock us, treat us like we're idiots living in the 6th century, we should still be patient and we should still treat them in a nice manner.
and to @cruxer de humane
we should be sad because they don't understand. not laugh at them for not seeing the light.
to all non believers
Just forget about the stuff that is going on in the world right now(extremists bombing and beheading etc etc)and really try to learn islam. its really beautiful. i know lot of u think quran promotes violence but forget about those things which makes u hate islam and just sincerely try to learn islam, u will understand why it makes sense. islam does not promote violence, just learn and u will understand those suicide bombers, algaedha shit has nothing to do with islam. now when i say this i know some of u will challenge me and maybe even quote verses from quran saying it promotes violence but i tell u, if u are sincere u would study islam. otherwise u are just here to let your anger out on us for the disasters thats happening because of some so-called muslims.
insha allah i hope u guyz will find the truth.
'Without these kind of diseases, bacteria, viruses, how can we human beings comprehend the imperfect and ephemeral nature of the World we live in compared to the everlasting happiness awaiting us in Paradise, for those who deserve it?'
Is that what extreme Islam's agenda is all about? Making life so unbearable for everyone on Earth, through the stifling of anyone that disagrees, (both Muslim and non Muslim), just to justify your stories of Paradise? It really is a disease then. For those of us who are secure, and happy with our lives on Earth, it can also be a Paradise. It is a pity though that you or those who are even more vile, sink to such depths while aspiring to reach to such heavenly heights.
oh my bro in whatever religion u r....
I wasnt mockinh the least of what u think!!!
I respect any religion as far as I know islam doesnt teach any violence or anything like that which u have exclaimed...
r maldivian police force entangled against religion? R they non-believers?
X dx called izlam?
4get abt the non-beleivers if they r non muzlims then if ALLAH willed 2 make him/her a believer NO human can stop that, and No human can make anyone come to the straight path without ALLAH's will!!!
we can all try and if ALLAH willed everything wubbe fine...
I have many xtian friends and athiest friends and u know they dont judge izlam as lame religion.... they acccept me as I am and i accept them as they r....
they respect they listen and also have known many things that r not true abt misconceptions...after kowing by ALLAH's will they believe that izlam x a true gr8 religion and we dunn have to claim it; non-beliverxx r saying it from their mouth 🙂
why western pple r embracing izlam...without any forcement why why????????think deeply why why!!!!!!
ALL answers wubbe clear the sunshine.
ALLAH knows the best
@ light ray oh beautiful soul your so nice…:]
ur abzolutly RIGHT….
if there x no faith they wont ve anything called bashfulness..
@ void
how can u say not laughing @ their ignorence, i was jux saying the truth about the so-called maldivians who proclaims dt they r muzlims but yet follow satanic paths while forgetting that they get daily eat, drink and breath x from ALLAH's bounty...
if ALLAH willed to take all these things how can they make air, water , or make plantations???
can they ever b able to make the rain?
R they dt blind dt they 4get their lord but still eat from what he gives....
I know they ll say dt they earn it on their own yes its true!hafly they might earn but can they still make it happen? NO NO NO they r not that powerful to make that happen....
leave the non-believers part. ALLAH show the straight path to who He wills not whom we want or like.
so we ll be among the patient ones
@ light ray
u r abzolutly right abt that!;)
@cruxer de humane
i'm sorry my intention was not to hurt u.. i THOUGHT u were little too rough on them..
but it seem i was wrong
salam bro
hey bro
Itz ok!!!
som3tymez it happens...
ALLAH knows my intentions and He x enuf as a witnesser over me
thanxxxxxxxxxxx broooooo