Adhaalath Party condemns ”false allegations” made by government officials to Indian magazine

The Adhaalath Party, led by State Islamic Minister Sheikh Hussein Rasheed, has hit back at unnamed government officials who described Sheikh Illyas and Sheikh Fareed as “hate preachers” in an interview with India’s magazine ‘The Week’‘.

The party claimed that senior officials of the current government, including former Foreign Minister Dr Ahmed Shaheed and Home Minister Hassan Afeef, made false allegations against a number of the country’s religious leaders, including the vice leader of the Adhaalath Party’s religious council, Sheikh Ilyas Hussein.

Afeef is not acknowledged as a source in the current version of the  article, and Shaheed’s comments to The Week concern the potential involvement of Maldivians in the attacks of Mumbai by Pakistani terrorist group Laskar-el-Taiba (LeT).

In the article Ahmed Muneer, Deputy Commissioner of the Maldives Police, acknowledges that “our radical preachers are enjoying street credibility and radicalisation is visible at the street level. It’s a problem for us, but things would aggravate if the radicals get integrated into Maldivian politics.”

The Adhaalath party claimed that during the interview, “Dr Shaheed said that scholars were delivering lectures with the intention of earning money, and that only a few people attended religious protests because they wanted to go to heaven.”

The Adhaalath Party contends that is is moderate rather than extremist. It is in coalition with the ruling Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP), and fills most of the ranks of the Islamic Ministry.

”As a result of this [article], religious scholars in the Maldives will face many obstacles locally, and it will also affect Maldivian families living in India,” said the Adhaalath Party.

”Sheikh Ilyas is one of the best scholars in the Maldives of recent ages, and many citizens enjoy attending his sermons.”

In retaliation, the Adhaalath Party accused the government of establishing and spreading extremism in the Maldives, and misleading the West in its desperation for money.

”Due to irresponsible comments by senior officials of the government, tourism in the country will also be affected,” warned the Adhaalath Party, accusing the President of “fabricating” earlier statements concerning scholarly freedom in the Maldives.

‘The Week magazine article reports that the LeT has been eyeing the Maldives since early 2000, when its headhunters travelled to Male’. India’s Intelligence Bureau estimated that there were more than 3,000 LeT facilitators and instigators in the Maldives, it reported.

In the article, Mohamed Hameed, head of the internal intelligence department of the Maldivian police, claimed that several hundred Maldivian youth had left the island nation “and their families have never heard from them since.”

”Hameed said ‘recruitment is taking place all the while.’ Radicals like Yoosuf Izadhy — a militant jihadi who is said to have ties with al Qaeda, according to leaked diplomatic cables prepared by then US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice—are roaming free. Izadhy was planning to create a terrorist base in the Maldives with support from a Waziristan-based group. He and Hasnain Hameedh had operational aspirations,” the magazine reported.

“The spread of an extremist belief system is fueled by hate preachers like Sheikh Fareed and Sheikh Ilyas. Both are [under surveillance],” the magazine reported a “Maldivian intelligence official” as saying.

Speaking of the 2007 Sultan Park bombing in Male’, in which 12 tourists were injured, Dr Shaheed told The Week that “the ringmaster [prime accused] of the Sultan Park bombing was allowed to leave the country. The incident wasn’t fully investigated. The ringmaster was a young boy. We need to find out who was behind the ringmaster. I think there are unanswered questions.”


90 thoughts on “Adhaalath Party condemns ”false allegations” made by government officials to Indian magazine”

  1. Denial. Denial. Denial.

    Let me help you out Adhaalath parteys, what you see when you look in a mirror - is the very definition of greedy, anti-semitic, uncivilized hatemongers.

    Illiyaas is not 'a great scholar'. He's also exactly what constitutes a radical hatemonger.

    People like you are the very reason - the ONLY reason - why the rest of the world has come to view Islam in a negative light.

    Until Muslims get rid of brainwashed fanatics like you, they'll never catch up with the rest of the world.

    Wherever wahhabi Mullahs have appeared - Pakistan, Bangladesh, Somalia, Saudi Arabia... average, innocent Muslims have suffered horribly. You are a darkness unto civilization. An abomination of modern times and an insult to the very faith of Islam.

    Stop defending yourself with pathetic lies, and see the light. Enter the 21st century and stop leading your herds to the nomadic past in the name 'true Islam'.

  2. Ilyas and Fareed are hatemongers. There i've also said it and I'm not an official of any government. ilyas also has gender issues. he dresses up as a woman when it's his turn to lead the Friday sermon.. and during prayers he cries like a little girl for the drama.

    May Allah save us from horrible villains like Ilyas and Fareed who've taken acting courses from madrassas in countries where the education consists of rote, circus, anti-semitism and medieval fashion.

  3. Sheik Hussain Rasheed is not a scholar , he only have Diploma in Arabic Language , no other Academic Qualification.

  4. Again, Adhaalath has proven itself as one of the biggest liars in Maldives. Just listen to their hate-speeches. During a recent rally of theirs, they had signs saying "We are with anyone who is against America" and such. This is not hate-mongering? And Ilyas and Fareed are the biggest extremists in the country openly preaching wahhabism. Fareed is also famous for having concubines, and was banned from giving public sermons when Maumoon was the president.

  5. Fareed and Ilyas are preachers, who propagate hatred towards Jews, Christians and Muslims who don't subscribe to Wahhabi beliefs. Therefore, one can say they are "hate preachers". Very simple really.

  6. They deny practicing extremism. But the fact is that preach wahabism, intolerance and hatred. Their sermons have already divided the nation. They don't deserve to serve as politicians.

  7. In my humble opinion we need to reach out to the audiences who attend the sermons given by these "hate-preachers". Government policies need to target the socio-economically vulnerable so that poverty, desperation and income inequity does not lure youths toward cults, fads and organized recruitment drives.

    Those of who have had the luxury of a decent English-medium education, unhindered access to infotainment since childbirth and the general well-being that comes with a relaxed upbringing may find it easy to sit behind our computers reading Minivan and ranting at the opportunists who find it easy to entice a public rendered credulous or disillusioned by the slow pace of income redistribution and structural reforms that SHOULD come with a democratic transition. All things considered, I believe experts will tell us that the socio-economic development of a nation is tied to many things and requires a lot of time and effort to improve.

    If we are truly enraged by the side-effects of a laissez-faire religious policy, why don't the liberals among us try to reach out to the public? Send a message to the youth that we do not have to sacrifice our traditions, our values and our religions (whatsoever it may be) to respect those of others. Also, we need to impress upon the public that the English language is not the property of the Yaamyn Rasheeds, haterzs, pupils of Iskandar School and upper class gentry. We need to ensure that our children have the means to access information in order to widen their horizons. Of course certain individuals will slip through the cracks but that's why we have police, intelligence, MNDF etc. etc.

  8. Spot on!

    Beardees are hate mongers. They are the anchors on civilization. They want glory of the 6th century. They have every one who does not see what they preach.

    How can any one make them realize that? Is it they are too dumb to realize it OR is it that they stand so much to lose if they acknowledge the horrendous crime they are committing?

  9. A hubristic government that hates Islam and trying to satisfy their mentors who are waiting impatiently for the day when religious freedom in Maldives will be a reality?

    Trying to reduce the charisma of Sheikh Ilyas by kicking dirt at him?

    This government is well aware of what Sheikh Ilyas is capable of especially if there is drizzling rain and a crowd around him including coalition leaders with their hands raised at the sky!

    Be afraid! Be very afraid!

  10. "In retaliation, the Adhaalath Party accused the government of establishing and spreading extremism in the Maldives, and misleading the West in its desperation for money."


  11. So.. By condemning this article Adaalath just accepted that they are all extremists..

    By constitution of Maldives, Extremism and hatred cannot be tolerated.. And therefore, we request Elections commission to ban Adaalath Party from any political activity..

    Police should arrest them under the act for religious unity..

  12. Maybe Maumoon was right to keep the "Sheikhs" at bay. We are losing Islam to personal agendas of the so called "sheikhs" with their inhumane ways. The propaganda is further promoted by those who financially or politically benefit from aligning with THEM. They are seeping even into the bedrooms and dictating how a husband and wife should sleep with each other. There is not a single spiritual leader in Maldives. There are lots of Muslim spiritual leaders in the West - more than in Arab countries. One thing for sure is, whatever THEY preach do not promote unity, love and respect. Rather it is enforcing people to succumb to a very discriminatory set of rules.

  13. Who are they to speak of tourism being affected? Didn't they oraganise the protest against selling booze in inhabited islands, which would have opened up a lot of new business opportunities and brought revenue to the country?

    Adhaalath, If you're gonna decieve us at least put a little effort into it. These lies are very insulting to us, and playing the victim is getting old. You people are hatemongers, you spread hate against women and everybody who is not a Muslim. Face this fact.

    You people not even subtle in your hate, you don't use euphemisms or imply something while saying another. You just outright spread hate. and yet you have the gall to deny this?!

  14. say whatever you will but Adhaalath seems to be the sane voice here. We have a lot of politcal youngsters in our country. like dr. Hassan who damaged his party by having some idiot from his party go against the majority opinion of Addu in the issue of city status for Addu. Likewise accusing this country of harbouring terrorists abroad to foreign media is sacrificing the country for 5 minutes of fame. These some half-brains the government gave big positions as favours for activism are doing more harm to the country than any paatey or a gang or an extremist can do. Neither is Sheikh Ilyas or Fareed a hate monger. they are honest religious men who just convey what they know to other people. Call it whatever one wants but Sheikh Hussein Rasheed has a very shrews political mind. He has more political insight than a lot of half brains we see in our politics.

  15. Only a tiny scared minority speaks out against Islam, while many Maldivians are (Alhamdurillah)coming back to practising Islam properly and covering themselves as true believers. It is understandable that maybe at one time a large number of western lovers, are now slowly being overtaken by the popular will of many who has chosen Islam over the desire of Western culture and lifestyle.

    Also we all know that many western puppet regimes in the Arab world uses the phrase "fight against extremism" to get more funding which in reality is not really used to fight any type of extremism. Instead the governments just want more money. Also we know that this government needs money due to the dollar shortage in Maldives. Im sure not everyone in the government would go this low, but its good to see who are the ones that are willing to go that low.

    Again we should remember the names of people who suck up to the West and Non-Muslim countries to get more money, since its a "weakness" which shows they can be bribed easily in desperate circumstances.

    They will get punished in the hereafter for their sins, just as we all are accountable for every word we utter to others. Especially if it is lies just for the benefit of this world.

    Those that have been falsely defamed should sue the government officials so that these officials know that being cheeky with their tongues can cost them in their pockets and time.

    Just because your in government does not mean what you say does not need any backing of evidence. It is common logic since pretty much 99% of all governments who are democratic or puppets of democratic governments lie. Why else would they want to shut down Wikileaks for showing the world how the US government plays their dirty foreign politics.

    A video to show the difference in iman between someone who actually believes in Allah and His Messenger with all his heart, compared to a person with no faith.

  16. In a country full of bored and repressed people any kind of drama, theatrics and performance will attract people in droves.

    Fareed and Ilyas deliver the entertainment. They use all the tricks of the trade: lying to public with a straight face and spinning hate along the way.

    Here's a question: when Islamic militancy and terrorism have become matters of such concern to this country why aren't these people actively involved in rooting out the so-called extremist views?

  17. I think the only hate-mongers are Secularists and Atheists, especially yaamyn who loves to hate.

    Islam teaches love and peace!

    What are these bunch of Atheists up to?

    Try tearing the sky apart, if there is nothing else to do, you sad Atheists and Secularists.

  18. @ theekaaku?

    "what is the problem with religious freedom?"

    Religious freedom does not exist - it's a deception!

  19. @ Simon who said…

    “Fareed and Ilyas deliver the entertainment. They use all the tricks of the trade: lying to public with a straight face and spinning hate along the way.”
    Sure and while they are “preaching” to their deluded and mostly jobless minions, the world goes on creating jobs and wealth. Look at India.
    TCS to hire 37,000 from campuses next fiscal –
    "We plan to hire 37,000 professionals through campus recruitments in FY 12. We have so far visited 171 institutions pan-India," TCS Head (Global Human Resources), Ajoyendra Mukherjee, told reporters here.
    "Our hiring ratio will be around 54:46 trainee and lateral respectively," he said.
    The company had hired 27,500 professionals through campus recruitment last year."...
    But don´t worry – either India or China will have to take over Maldives one day and that might spell the end of ongoing hate sermons and “religious entertainment" but hard work for everybodymight be on the program – like in India and China. Or like even poorer Bangladeshis are being forced to work in Maldives today, often without pay.

  20. The adhaalath parteys will do anything to ensure safe passage to their so-called purveyors of islam.

    What's a few "denial runs" when they're used to lying and cheating openly, expecting people to just nod and obey because they say that "it is so in islam"?.

  21. Perhaps religious freedom will lull the non-beleivers into a sense of false security - then society can take care of them.

    Muslims will no longer tolerate being persecuted in our own land.

  22. @simon
    you said: "lying to public with a straight face and spinning hate along the way. "

    show me one instance where
    1. either of them lied to public with a straight face

    2.spinning hate along the way. "

  23. I know Izaadhy and Hasnain. They are what this article claims them to be. And creepy too.

  24. This was bound to happen. Not only we get lot of aid but we also depend on India for many things with whom we have historical and friendly ties. India definitely expects that no extremism from Maldives. This is a very serious matter. Before uttering anything stupid, Islamist NGOs like JUS and IFM and also some of our politicians should note what they are speaking and against whom. Hate speeches wont get us anywhere. In fact, they may create more problems for us.

  25. @heck (the nut),

    "Be afraid! Be very afraid!"

    Of what? Sheikh Ilyas? Congratulate him that his reputation has reached overseas.

  26. @ Ahmed Aliased

    "..expecting people to just nod and obey because they say that “it is so in islam”?."

    It's like you NODDING to Hillath! We think it's more appropriate to NOD to Adhaalath than your sick bunch of perverts.

    Stick to your true colours, you miserable bunch, while Adhaalath does their job! Do what you do best with your Robinson Crusoe friend until the sky falls on you! And remain his shadow forever!

    Don't whine about Adhaalath, okay?

  27. "I think the only hate-mongers are Secularists and Atheists, especially yaamyn who loves to hate.
    Islam teaches love and peace!"

    Love and peace?

    I have on my hard disk a speech by this Illiyaas character where he outdoes Shaheem in his anti-semitic hate mongering.

    He takes 20 minutes pointing out his ignorance of the western world and jews, and packages it as Islam.

    You're free to call me anything, but I have no intention of tolerating or dealing gently with intolerant fanatics.

    You have no idea what respect is. Respect is mutual - and more importantly, respect is earned not demanded.

    What fanatic supremacists seek is not respect, it is obedience - and I'm not prepared to give that to you 😉

    Also, your words amuse me, and confirm the delusional world you have constructed within which you've confined yourself.

    Everybody knows it is secularist suicide bombers the whole world is afraid of.. and secular madrassas churning out armies of brainwashed secular soldiers ready to kill everyone else, including 'lesser' secularists.. and the secular countries are the most backward, desolate blackholes of underachievement.. and secularists, who have nothing to show for greatness, but claim supremacy and demand the far more powerful, advanced nations to bow down before them - resulting in much hilarity and unfortunate violence.

    Keep dreaming, brother. Thankfully, the rest of the world keeps marching ahead, despite the nuisance of wahhabism.

  28. @ Z-nut

    "Congratulate him that his reputation has reached overseas."

    Don't worry! We have a much more "REPUTED" Secularist government closer to home who has already been diagnosed with Yellow Fever and failed the mid-term clinical test, and clutching at straws!

    I don't think Sheikh Ilyas would be surprised in the least bit. He had been predicting this, you know?

    No! You won't know - you haven't been listening, I guess?

    Looks like Anni's sick associates have figured out an alternate method of anesthesia?

    Not surprised! The architects of this LIBELOUS scandal are seemingly the LIAR doc who said we have not agreed anything with the Zionists, while on the contrary they were seen climbing all over us like hungry termites, and the other, a convict who was fined for LIBELLING!

    Who's surprised? NO one.

    I love the rain - especially when Sheikh Ilyas along with the whole nation is invoking Allah for saving us from Dajjal.

    Looks like this time around the police chasing street hooligan with a yellow tie, will not raise his hands with Sheikh Ilyas and the crowd!

    What a good opportunity to heal from Yellow Fever for good!

  29. @ *yawn*myn

    "I have on my hard disk a speech by this Illiyaas character"

    I don't KEEP any of of your hate speeches on my hard disk. They are like virus. No-anti virus can cure your viral fever!

    Care to share just two lines from your hard disk to see how you qualify it as hate?

    I don't think you will ever know what hate is even if you trip and fall over it?

    I know you see the world through tinted glass!

  30. no matter what adhaalath say truth will be truth. Sheku fareed and Sheku ilyaz are very very extreme extremists who support osama bin ladhen style of islam. Dhe lalalalaaa

  31. @muslim boy

    >>show me one instance where
    >>1. either of them lied to public with a straight face

    I remember one... Ilyas started a lecture with a story... apparently 20 years ago a muslim went to US and sat in a Church... and the priest told him to gtfo unless he answers some questions... That was such bull**it, that story... Apparently at the end of the story the priest claims that he knows that Allah is the One God and Muhammed is his messenger, and that he was jus afraid to admit it... and everyone in the church converted to islam... lol... Christians do not beleive or know that Muhammed is His messenger... They are simply ignorant of that fact and jus followin what their parents followed... They never read their books.. they jus go to sunday church much like us who also don't know anythin abt Islam or Quran and jus followin what our parents did in the past...

    Ironically tellin stories of mass conversion is a medieval christian method of givin sermons... Ilyas has no idea how much his methods of preaching are similar to catholic christian preaching... both uses guilt, both tells tall tales to gather the crowd's attention... Someone once defended Ilyas by sayin that he is lying for a good reason.. to get people's attention... well I don't believe in lesser evils... evil is evil.. bad is bad... lying might get ppl's attention... but when they realized they've been lied to they'll get pissed at all the things he said.. includin all the GOOD things Ilyas says.. (yes he says a lot of good things.. one has to admit that..)

    I don't think Ilyas lied to us by tellin that story.. I think Ilyas heard the story from someone he trusts and jus told it to others... when clearly the prophet has told us not to repeat anythin we hear from ANYONE without first checkin for ourselves that it's true or not (because u might be givin someone wrong information and that is dangerous)

    Maldivians whether Sheikhs or Politians or Anything.. Maldivians are VERY VERY intelligent people.. and we think our intelligence is all we need... We don't even know what Wisdom is... I haven't seen an inkling of Wisdom in Ilyas words or actions...

    Note to Ilyas (lol, like he'll ever read it.. but still)

    Learn to LOVE Ilyas... FORGIVE those of your flock that doesnt come to prayer instead of shoutin at them... SMILE (like the Prophet often advised)... for God's sake Smile! We are afraid of you... All that hatred on your face makes us feel so guilty.. and as human beings we dont like to admit guilt so we jus shut all religion off...

    Show us that Islam is a peaceful religion... Start being more Beneficient and Merciful... We do not see any content on your face.. we see frustration.. we see anger..


  32. @heck

    "Religious freedom does not exist – it’s a deception!"

    Sure it does not exist here in this country. But elsewhere there is. But what is the problem with the existence of religious freedom? Here in maldives i mean.

  33. I believe that the Adhaalath Party senior members are receiving large monthly payments into their personal bank accounts from unknown Saudi NGOs. Everytime they protest and whip up the people, they get a bonus payment. Very interesting.

  34. Actually, there is also ne freedom to choose your food. That's all "deception"! - Hahaha.

    I salute to Yaamyn.
    And Naail, very well said.

  35. I suggest the government to get help from the FBI, Interpol and other such places to get rid of Wahhabism in our country.

  36. @heck (the nut)

    "you haven’t been listening, I guess?"

    Correct. Have much better things to do then listen to any 'Sheikh'.

  37. @ ill ship (grounded)

    "Show us that Islam is a peaceful religion"

    1 - When Mecca was taken their were no revenge attacks on the pagans. They were freed.

    2- Muslims did not demolish or take revenge on Churches of Christian denominations in the various lands they conquered. For eg; The Coptic Church in Egypt. They all survived.

    3- Muslim Iraqis did not go to America or the UK to fight a holy war against the Christians.

    4- Muslim Afghans did not go to America or the UK to fight a holy war against the Christians.

    5- Muslim Palestinians did not go to the Jews of Europe or Russia to fight a holy war against the Jews.

    6- Muslims Maldivians did go to the UK Conservatives to fight a holy war against them.

    7- Muslim Chechens did not go to Russia to fight a holy war against Russians.

    Can you recognize PEACE even after you trip and fall upside down on PEACE?

  38. @ Z-nut

    "Have much better things to do then listen to any ‘Sheikh’"

    Islamophobia is much better thing to do?

  39. @ theekaaku?

    "But what is the problem with the existence of religious freedom? Here in maldives i mean."

    Why? Are you having trouble practicing your religion in the privacy of your room? What does it take to practice your religion? The equivalent of three football stadiums? A thousand kilometer long river with holy water, or a mountain like statue standing with a huge phallus?

    Forget it!

  40. @heck (seyku)

    The reason is these days muslims are too cowardly to fight in wars. They don't have fighters or soldiers. They have psychopathic wimps (you sound like you're well on your way to becoming one. Be careful) They engage in terrorism. That is, they kill little girls and babies. You call that peace? Nope.

    What's Islamophobia? Nobody's afraid of Islam. You think Islam is some kind of weapon you can show around to scare people? You silly fool.

  41. @ Ismail

    "They are the anchors on civilization."

    Civilizations need anchors my dear, lest you crash into the whirlpool just ahead of you which you fail to sense in your narrow mindedness, moron!

  42. @nail?
    lying with a straight face couldn't mean being misinformed. Sheikh ilyas is perhaps not the best of daee we have but he certainly does not spread any hate speech. I have known and heard his speeches from the very beginning. if there is any hate speech included in his sermons, those are to deal with what we shall hate, the vices and evils we shall all hate. as for the story the sheikh said to have mass converted a whole congregation, I don't know his references for that story. it could be true or a lot of context to that story could have been lost through translation from language to language.

  43. Only a tiny scared minority speaks out against Islam, while many Maldivians are (Alhamdurillah)coming back to practising Islam properly and covering themselves as true believers. It is understandable that maybe at one time a large number of western lovers, are now slowly being overtaken by the popular will of many who has chosen Islam over the desire of Western culture and lifestyle.

    Also we all know that many western puppet regimes in the Arab world uses the phrase “fight against extremism” to get more funding which in reality is not really used to fight any type of extremism. Instead the governments just want more money. Also we know that this government needs money due to the dollar shortage in Maldives. Im sure not everyone in the government would go this low, but its good to see who are the ones that are willing to go that low.

    Again we should remember the names of people who suck up to the West and Non-Muslim countries to get more money, since its a “weakness” which shows they can be bribed easily in desperate circumstances.

    They will get punished in the hereafter for their sins, just as we all are accountable for every word we utter to others. Especially if it is lies just for the benefit of this world.

    Those that have been falsely defamed should sue the government officials so that these officials know that being cheeky with their tongues can cost them in their pockets and time.

    Just because your in government does not mean what you say does not need any backing of evidence. It is common logic since pretty much 99% of all governments who are democratic or puppets of democratic governments lie. Why else would they want to shut down Wikileaks for showing the world how the US government plays their dirty foreign politics.

    A video to show the difference in iman between someone who actually believes in Allah and His Messenger with all his heart, compared to a person with no faith.

  44. @ heck

    no one is saying islam is not peaceful.
    you are clearly taking things out of context.

  45. @Ahmed Farooq

    "That is, they kill little girls and babies."

    Are you talking about collateral damage in 'war on terror'?


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