The Adhaalath party has blown the popsicle stand, having declared defeat in its efforts to ‘reform’ the sinful government led by President Nasheed.
In the days leading up to its decision to leave the coalition, Adhaalath provided the public with what it considers a damning indictment of MDP-facilitated transgressions: invited Jews to preach Christianity in the Maldives; sent young Maldivians to a Christian seminary otherwise known as Christ College, Oxford University; and encouraged Maldivians to commit the haraam act of gambling by publicising the US Green Card Lottery.
Adhaalath’s departure from the ruling coalition, and the preceding days it spent in the headlines, provoked different reactions among different segments of society.
For some, the party and its departure are inconsequential. They have no political power, anyway. A substantial number of social media pundits think Adhaalath should be wholly exempt from mainstream media coverage. There are two primary reasons offered as support for this position: Adhaalath is too stupid to be worthy of attention or Adhaalath is too good (read too Islamic) to criticise. The inevitable conspiracy theorists, meanwhile, see media coverage of Adhaalath as evidence of a covert operation run (probably by Mossad) to discredit Islam in the Maldives.
Quite apart from the fact that no right-minded journalist would turn down the opportunity to cover displays of such gargantuan stupidity by politicians, there are many reasons for the public watchdog to keep a wary eye on this party.
A party of little consequence?
It is a mistake to assume that Adhaalath has no political power because it has few bodies in state institutions. Power is not exercised simply by those in government; and governing is not done merely by elected politicians. The power Adhaalath has is greater than the sum of its political seats – it governs by dictating faith and thus penetrates further into people’s lives than a democratic government can.
Consider this: the Constitution requires that every Maldivian citizen be a Muslim. Automatically, that puts every citizen within the legitimate reach of any authority that claims to know Islam best. It is this power to govern the conduct of every citizen through a supposedly privileged knowledge of ‘true Islam’ that makes parties like Adhaalath important. It is a power that is outside the boundaries of legislation and government policy, yet manages to carry the most legitimacy among the people.
Over the last few years, Adhaalath has positioned itself as The Religious Party. Given the emphasis that Islam places on truth and honesty, it is the most politically advantageous position that any political party can occupy in the Maldives today. People are daily disillusioned by reports of corruption at every level of government, and within communities. Two years of intensely partisan politics have created strife within previously harmonious communities. The decentralisation project is increasingly revealing itself to be deeply flawed with untrained local councillors and people clashing on a regular basis. The promise of ‘equal justice for all’ remains not just unfulfilled but is being intentionally ignored, there being neither political will nor courage to change the status quo.
Let there be truth
In uncertain times, people flock to those who can shepherd them towards certainty. Adhaalath’s position as ‘the only honest party’ is proving attractive to many disillusioned voters. The septuagenarian Gayoom’s recent political acrobatics was an added bonus for Adhaalath as disgruntled voters, unsure of which letter of the alphabet to choose from, signed up for the simplicity and straightforwardness of ‘Adhaalath.’
Gayoom’s ploy to stem the number of people leaving him by aligning himself with Adhaalath’s version of Islam backfired somewhat. For many Maldivians who regarded the right path to Islam as intertwined with the road leading to Gayoom’s favour, his endorsement of Adhaalath provided a way of leaving the increasingly erratic Zaeem without betraying their religious loyalties. It is a little wonder that Adhaalath boasted a bump in membership numbers in recent weeks.
For the minority who have been exposed to alternative ways of thinking, Adhaalath’s policies may appear formulated in an intellectual vacuum, and no doubt provides much cause for levity. For the majority, however, Adhaalath speaks the truth. It is a claim Adhaalath never hesitates to reiterate, invariably shoring it up with references to the Qur’an.
The power of such truth claims is evident in the religious right’s ability to convince the population of an entire island that they were about to be infiltrated by a group of Jews pretending to be philanthropic farmers, whose real aim was not the local cabbage patch but preaching Christianity. It would be a mistake to underestimate the power of any group capable of convincing a population that such a scenario is not just probable but imminent.
The known unknowns
The Maldivian people, like most people across the world, have been put through an ideological and political wringer in the last decade. Unlike most other countries going through the chaos of transition, however, a majority of the Maldivian population has been vastly shielded from the intense debates surrounding the enormous changes in the world’s political, economic and ideological landscapes.
Thirty years in which ignorance was used as a tool of governance would have that affect. The long cultural and educational stagnation has created a society in which a majority of people are incapable of critically engaging with the world around them. The democracy that flourishes in such a society cannot help but be different from a democracy that takes shape in a society more widely exposed to diverse views and opinions.
In the absence of alternative views, on what comparative basis can the majority question the policies Adhaalath advocates? After all, the leaders of Adhaalath can recite the Qur’an, often from memory, and always have handy a suitable interpretation of Hadith whatever the situation. When they have all the answers, what is there to question?
Among a population that is being directed to spend their lives preparing for afterlife, there is no authority greater than the one that offers them a straight path to heaven. Adhaalath has positioned itself to be just that.
For those who advise against scrutiny of Adhaalath – if not now, then when? After the first person is hanged for blasphemy? After the first woman is stoned? After all civil liberties have been eroded in the name of Islam?
Refusing Adhaalath the ‘oxygen of publicity’ is not going to wane its influence. With the pulpits theirs for the taking, Adhaalath does not need the mainstream media for its message. Ignoring Adhaalath, on the other hand, will allow it to quietly perpetuate its ideology among people until every follower will happily to make a detour to the ballot box en route to heaven.
All comment pieces are the sole view of the author and do not reflect the editorial policy of Minivan News. If you would like to write an opinion piece, please send proposals to

I belong to one of the groups that the author describes.
Any party that accuses Israeli Jews of promoting Christianity - and has its minions also randomly accuse bloggers like of being 'real atheists' who 'convenience Christian religion' - are not just intellectually shallow, but are in fact intellectual blackholes.
Groups like the Adhaalath and pseudo-religious NGOs like the IFM/Salaf are idiots, at best and criminal at worst for their role in putting concrete caps on society's ability to think for itself.
They hog media and radio channels - declare that criticizing 'religious scholars' (oh, by that they mean themselves) as being anti-religion.
Anything they disagree with is 'haraam'. Anyone who criticizes their idiocy is an 'atheist'. Anyone who demands answers from them is an 'infidel'.
These live off petty slogans (the Israeli ophthalmologists are stealing our organs!!) - and cannot academically back up their views, which explains their opposition to the religious unity regulations which demands they base their current rhetorical firebrand speeches on an academic citations.
The Adhaalath cannot be ignored, for the same reason that Islamist parties elsewhere cannot be ignored.
These are forces that work within the rights granted to them by democracy in the name of religion, but with the express intention of uprooting democracy.
Just like any other political party, their goal is obtaining power - but their path to reach it is not based on any civic work, economic platform, development or social welfare - but simply by silencing all opposition to their Divine right to rule as simply 'haraam'/'evil'/'conspiracy'/'atheist'-'Christian'-Jewish plot.
Looks like Raajje is headed for the dark ages with the sinister religious right guiding the brainless populace like a herd of sheep.
adhaalath.. adhaalath. adhaalath.. mi dhen kihaa bodu kame tho?
nothing else came to mind? now this theme of bashing adhaalath and islam and organized religion seems a little over used. dho?
The only reason, Adhaalathu stopped some Zionist farmers from entering some island in Maldives was cause they knew these Zionist farmers will start growing cucumbers and other phallic shaped fruits and vegetables.
We all know what such fruits and vegetables will lead to...
It is true that Mullahs can recite the Quran from memory and have the Hadith for all occasions.
But unfortunately in general Maldivian population love to have comfort and desires to have whatever latest gadgets that are available in the market.
Adhaalath have no Hadith for economics or to give more money to a population that desires all comforts of life.
This the dumb ignorant average Maldivian knows too!
Yeah Azra naseem, you are right. Adhaalath is here, it is strong and will be more stronger in the coming days, Insha Allah. We will make sure of it. And no matter how much fear mongering and propaganda people like you spread here in minivan news the common man in maldives will not be decieved.
And adhaalath presented around 20 economic, social, political and religious reasons why they terminated the coalition agreement with MDP. And none of those involve jews spreading christianity and about a christian seminary as you mentioned. This gives us just a glimps of how much you people twist the facts.
We will stand together with the Adhaalath in foiling the plans of the anti-islam elements. same like how we prevented banguraa aamukurun by the goverment. and how we failed the work of zionist pseudo-medics and how we failed the zionist 'cabbage-planters'. and how we will be preventing the landing of israeli airlines.
As the common mans sense of religiosity increase we are more confident than ever that islam will prevail in maldives and anti-islam eliments works are doomed to failure. Haggah nasru dhewaaneh.
Is Azra Naseem the daughter of maldives foreign minister Naseem who was founded embeded with Israili FM Avigod Libermen (who btw called for ethnic clensing of palestinians)?
Just wondering out loud. Because if she were all her rants in minivan news will make more sense.
@ hassan ahmed
'the dumb ignorent average maldivian' also knows that the current of "experts" running the government also fail to 'give more money to a population that desires all comforts of life.'
I believe the challenge for Maldives today is to apply Islamic precepts to a more open society with very concrete needs. We are a nation that is culturally conservative and founded in Islamic principles. We must work towards being a prosperous, democratic Muslim state.
Ideally Maldives must now be governed by a party that is deeply religious, but operates within a system that protects liberties. A puritanical view would be to the detriment of the nation and its peoples as we move towards modernity and development.
Let us look at models that combine Islam and modernity, like Turkey, Malaysia and Indonesia and identify ourselves accordingly rather than taking the mantle of Islamism for political ends.
Wanting to go to Heaven is a deep bondage. Liberation is when even if you are sent to Hell, you still think it is Heaven.
@ yaamym, I totally I agree with you. People like fathimath talk and write all craps. They do wear the BRUGA and commit all the sins under the sun!
Ben, your guess is wrong. Religion and politics should never mix. Good riddance to them.
Ah fathimath. The man pretending to be a woman. How do I know this? You need a male guardian to be on the Internet, which is full of unrelated men.
On the topic, yes, comments against Adhaalath, as you can see, are exactly what Azra has pointed out would be. Conspiracies. Everybody against Adhaalath, or even slightly critical of them, are Jewish/Christian/Atheist/Satanic/Western/gay/Zionist spies/missionaries/people who are on an imaginary mission to destroy all Maldivians. Funny, because the usual illiterate semi-educated/uneducated Maldivian believe them without question.
Azra you have a few good points here and there. Religion and religious leaders do have a monopoly on religious truth in our country.
However the same rings true for other normative ideologies. For a certain segment of the MDP, their leader President Nasheed is unquestionable. For certain individuals the threat of being called undemocratic is equally frightening. For others, the fear of being labelled unintellectual gives them nightmares.
Such is the nature and effect of normative ideologies.
The clever little construction used by the Maldivian media claiming that they will take no responsibility for opinion pieces and rants that they actively seek and publish gives cause for levity as much as Adaalath's seeming use of religious legitimation.
Political parties use whatever normative ideal is available in their arsenal. Climate change champion, human rights activist, freedom fighter, nationalist, religious leader - all these are hefty titles that the Maldivian political community wields with great effect.
Adalat follows the direction of foreign powers as much as the MDP follows the guidance of the same.
Shall we ask the serious questions instead of sensationalizing this issue?
What can the government do to combat the decrease in academic discourse that you speak about?
We have taken great strides in increasing access to information (telecommunications, broadcasting, air travel etc.). However the use of these avenues are often limited to social networking and hollow entertainment.
What can we do about the Adalat's supposed stranglehold on what you imply to be a constitutional loophole?
How about strengthening religious awareness, increasing intellectual levels through monitoring public health and schools in addition to further codifying Shari'ah (if we are to follow it).
Anecdotally speaking, one observes an apparent increase in conservatism in certain segments of society. Coincidentally or not, these segments tend to be the least educated, lowest income and most ignored by policymakers.
Adalat is a political party first and foremost. The fact that it uses religion as a political tool is one that nobody contests. However the MDP uses democracy and President Nasheed's endorsement with equal effect. What PPM will do is yet to be seen. DRP before it was mostly a party surrounding the cult of a personality just like MDP.
This is anyone's game. Opinion pieces and rants could be aimed at educating rather than aggravating. However, that will always be your prerogative and let it remain so forever.
There is only one reason why articles such as this one are excessively published by Minivan News: To inform certain foreign elements about the happennings on an Islamic front in Maldives.
For the said foreign elements, Minvan News act as a barometer to gauge how Islamic or how un-Islamic our population is. Articles such as this one forms the components of the barometer. It is pathetic that the concerned foreign elements believe that Minvan News can be used as a barometer.
Perhaps these foreign elements believe that half a loaf is better than no bread? But Minivan News is not even one percent of the loaf! Moreover, Minivan News is so slective in publishing the local news articles that anyone who relies on this website to know the reality in Maldives, will be completely lost.
And just why should Minvan News be so enthusiastic in informing the foreign elements about our 'Islamic situation?' That is because such information is used to grind and mould a hidden agenda of the present government. The foreign elements act as tools to facilitate and propagate the government's agenda without making us realise that it is the government that is behind this agenda.
Very soon, we will hear foreign bodies calling us to fully implement the UDHR document by doing which Maldives will be shredded into pieces. Already, people on CIA payroll try to tell us that the UDHR is a "law" which we should all abide.
I hope Minivan News will publish my comment.
“The power Adhaalath has is greater than the sum of its political seats – it governs by dictating faith and thus penetrates further into people’s lives than a democratic government can.”
Yes. So?
dunno much about politcs.. but me thinks adhaalath is steadily getting ground over all other useless parties. mdp is wearing down democracy, drp is breaking the chain of personality cult, ppm is chaining it self to personality cult of maumoon, and the rest needs not to be mentioned. only adhaalath remains. these guys are making the best of all options. also heard that dr. bari will soon resign from minister and endorse the grassroot's desire to political individuality.
so long live adhaalath... my vote goes to you guys..
@ Rooster,
thats a very insightful observation.
me thinks the same..
Adhaalath and Islam is the only reason why minivan news is still runing today. LOL 🙂
Thanks to Adhaalath and religion for that.
Typical babbling of the secularist! They would have been garroted on the spot - along with their parents, as punishment such unfortunate breeding - by the late Ayatullah Khomeini, may his name ever be praised, for advocatning such detestable and odious agendas.
Imperialist "human rights" documents, especially with provisions that would rob of us our God given right to fatally punish heretics and Murtad scum, as is correct proper and admirable, have no place in our fair and peaceful islands; what the CIA desire is entirel irrelevant.
Long live the Adhaalath and those of common sentiment and persuasion. Through their superior breeding, and unrivalled understanding of all things from socioethics to science and war, in there proper religious context; they shall prevail over the atheist trogdolytes, who in sinful imitation of the Jew, greatly do strive and toil and burden to bring great calamity upon the faithful, little realizing that their efforts will come to naught!
You are right. If we let Adhaalath slip into the peripherals of politics and consider them to be harmless little Adhaalath it will only help them use religion for political power.
I do not consider this hate mongering. She is talking about political Islam which has nothing to do with Islam as a religion. However, most Maldivians lack the insight to really examine the economic and political power these few people will hold soon.
Islam is being used as a tool to further them in their political career. Why is this an elephant in the room in this country? Firstly this goes against Islam, as to make an economic benefit from disseminating religion is not allowed in Islam.
In another country this would just be a discussion about a political party. Which is what it exactly is. What people really need to know about are facts. I wonder if it will ever resonate with these people though.
Most of these people from Adhaalath have shares in the tourism industry. Does this not go against their principles of dispenser of Islam? Whilst benefiting from a tourism industry which sells alcohol? Also why are most of them known womanizers and yet no one speaks of this?
How about the profits they get from aligning themselves with radical, influential televangelists as Zakir Naik? He owns a TV channel that makes a huge amount of money, why would he not pay them for strengthening his influence here, as a supposedly 100% Muslim population?
Why is it that when she expresses dissent about a political party it becomes a religious issue? And why is it that her sentiments are taken to be of promoting policies of the MDP? She never mentions support for the MDP government. Why would she write material critical of the current govt if she was such an avid MDP supporter.
I hope we never grow tired of discussing people who profit by selling religion. I am also frightened of what times may lay ahead because the vast majority of Maldivians are willing participants to their propaganda profiteering, their attempts as appearing to be holy men, learned men, with no sins or ulterior motives or political agendas for economic gain.
I feel alarmed we are not worried, another Maumoon, except this time through the democratic system in the deceptive form of good-intentioned handful of learned Islamic scholars.
@ unemployed kid
exactly my thoughts.
Adhaalath zindhabad
Wow! Never seen such a mind-blowing, beautifully written piece filled with so much hatred... For the sake of us all, Azra dear, go take a full body massage or something!
I went to school in Male only for one year, and after that all my education and work experience has been entirely abroad: in two Asian countries and two Western European countries. My wife is not a Maldivian and my children are not Maldivians.
And yet I am interested in the Maldives although I am as much a foreigner to the Maldivians as the editors of Minivan News are. The fact that we are both foriegners creates a special bond, or something in common, between myself and the publishers of Minivan News.
I started writing anonymously during the time Gayoom was in power. I stopped writing to Minivan News when a highly critical note I wrote against Israel and USA was not published.
I started writing under my own name recently. I would like other Maldivians also to write under their real names. Most Maldivians are not doing that.
I can understand why some readers of Minivan News are suspicious and critical of it. In Maldivian culture, writing is done very differently from the way it is done in English speaking countries like UK.
Also it is irritating to the Maldivians that their culture, and especially their religion is mocked and taken to pieces on a daily basis.
If Minivan News is to become an asset to the MDP and not a liability, it must heed the criticisms that are coming and bring in some changes and reforms.
Personally I am happy with Minivan. For example, this article I find extremely funny.
Long live Minivan News.
The best place for adhaalath, and so called islamic groups and their supporters is La la land of Teletubbies. Thats the most suited environment they can easily live with their fantasy ideas.
before anyone talks about Athiests i would suggest you to research on what Athiest's have done to humanity.
For a start
yes, even Bill gates is an Athiest. Microsoft Windows is Haram then?
Of course they're not out of site or mind..... they're all royal asses. Ugly bearded asses.
Anyone who thinks Jews are going about spreading Christianity should be put in an asylum. Anyone who thinks that if a student gets a scholarship to Christ College would become a Christian should also be in the same asylum.
The responsible body for the political parties should have a requirement that people of sane mind should be in executive positions in political parties. No one who is insane should be in such a position.
With current mentality of Maldivians (majority). i see only two scenario should Adaalath makes to hot seat.
1- After their 5 year term all Maldivians would discredit adaalath-base-islam. or
2- People will overthrow them within their legal term (unless they seize majority in parliament).
adaalath product is religion. therefore advocate for better after life or belief. Where as other parties advocates for earth bound amenities. So adaalath approach to public have to be carefully orchestrated.
We, as Maldivian, knows religious censorship reflect how fragile or weak our belief or ageedhaa is. If Adaalath make even one single move in wrong direction... i would rather say unpopular direction in their term. That would spell disaster and the end of 100% muslims name tag.
it is important to remain as second fiddle in political stream, where they don't have to take ultimate responsibility. Specially when it comes to belief.
Adaalath can only maintain themselves if they can target parliament with majority, before running for presidential election. Should they go any other way. Hence the demise of Adaalath will be imminent.
mark my word on this
oh please this standard bearer hardly qualifies as the adjudant thanksgiver, not while i am inclined to think its my precipitate organism that consoles me at night, in peace or death.
also, while we are on the subject, let me assure you we are determined to further our very own goals, of total denomination in this already divided piece of highlands. thank never so much, yet truly i maybe am, or is it?
nyhoos kiyafa ingey.
Another great article, Azra!
azra, there is no CHRIST COLLEGE in oxford uni, its CHRIST CHURCH College, one of the largest colleges in the university.
it is surprising to note the number of maldivians who resorted2 religion for comfort during the political transition. by this i mean not in party membership for adhaalath but an indication of the fact are the shear number of girls who started wearing buruga's during last 5 years.
but adhaalath as a political movement leading the maldives is still a far fetched idea. with tourism as our main breadwinner, it would take more uncertainty and fear than what we have now to vote for adhaalath leader as president.
why do you people upload the same photo when ever something regards to Adhaalath. it seems like you people are joking to Islam not to Adhaalath. Stop spreading your propaganda.
The problem is Adhaalath and IFM/Salaf propagate Saudi Islam (Petro Dollar Islam). Do Arabs (Saudi) have copy right on Islam? Saudi Islam is rigid and intolerant towards other faiths. So many Maldivians confuse Islam with Arab customs and practices. Adhaalath will do great service if it can stop this trend.
I'm not sure I quite understand what you're getting at. Please elaborate on your analysis of the use of this photo, thank you.
I wonder what will happen to extremists like yameen and hilath if MDP loses power in the coming 2013 election.
adhalath is a political party. it is very offensive to people like me who are muslims, when everytime there is an article about adhaalath party?(and their silly statements) that minivan continues to put pictures like that of the quran. the quran is NOT a symbol of adhaalath party, it is a symbol of islam the faith and u shud refrain from using images of the quran or of praying people or of mosques in your articles about adhaalath party.
ps i cant stand adhaalath party and its policies and their misuse of my religion for their political gains
Some people may categories that those who oppose Islamic religious ideology in the same rank as infamous Abu-Jahul in the Islamic history. How we know who was more intelligent and rational between Abu-Bakru and Abu-Jahul. Abu Jahul probably was less victorious because he was against the changes that was put in front of him and was rigid in adopting something new. Or was he more intelligent than Abu Bakru, he may have seen and knew what Abu-Bakru has not seen and knew. If we take the first of being rigid, I think Adalath is more close to Abu –Jahlu , if we consider intelligence than he may be more like modernist of our time.
kithanme rulgi ayas migaumugai anme maqubool siyaasee party akee adhaalath insha allah
I guess he faculty of Islamic studies becomes the supreme body as most Islamic Scholars work there. In this age we don't want to mix politics and religion and the failure of AP is a good reason for this.
@Ibrahim Mohamed
Do you ever know about politics? And where it comes and where it exist always or what comes along with it?
No matter what, Scholars working at FIS is their professional job, we can't simply say that it is kind of mixing politics and religion, though some of the scholars shows their support to Adhaalath, or Salaf or whatever.
The problem with athiests is exactly just what you wrote. They lay claim to intelligence and deride others. This is arrogance caused by little knowledge. The more learned a person becomes, the more refined and sophisticated he becomes. not crass and dull and attention seeking.. most athiests i know are dull, arrogant, crass uneducated...
But i forgive them. the more they learn the more they will understand how little they know. but there are die-hard atheiests who swallowed the pole, line and sinker types. these guys have no hope. its like terminal cancer so they would not come to see the light. such ppl are referred to in quruan as those whom god have sealed their hearts with cos god knew they will not heed whatever happens. such was the cause with abu jahl. he was abul hakam but he refrained from belief for fear of losing his prestigious position as a saahib of the ppl if he would have to believe in prophet muhammad pbuh. so you see he did not show sign of intelligence, but showed selfishnesss.
on the other hand abu bakr was soft spoken simple person who had no problem accepting truth when he saw it before his eyes. nor did he regret his descsion and he succeeded. throughout his life he lived a humble well liked person..
nice comment @ "proud to b muslim"
most of the comments on this site by the anti-islam elements are just a copy and paste jobs from islamophobic websites by a same bunch of people.
I know you wont have the guts to publish this.I am ready for Jihad ,I am gonna wipe out the damned anti Islamic forces in the country.
@ Ben.
She is not the foreign minister's kid. Maybe you should read the article all over again from a non propaganda machine point of view. Azra represents general public. I mean the non adhaalath ones.
that is so typically maldivian of you to assume and judge, even though you might not be. ahahah
Its wildly fascinating how "Maldivian" is now a derogatory term.
Fascinating yet sad.
Why do we want to identify with a cultural other? Some say a post-colonial psychosocial inferiority complex developed in certain parts of Asia where being as "other" or as "Western" or as "Caucasian" as possible, we rise above the "riff-raff".
I suggest you re-evaluate your use of the term "general public". This is just a suggestion. You may be right however on observation I beg to differ.
Who are the general public in the Maldives? The few people who can read The Economist and afford to sit at the Coffeehouse discussing topics that have no immediate bearing on them? Those in the fishing villages outside Male'? The I-pad bearing twitter-using youth who spend State funds and parental wealth like its nobody's business?
You say the general public detests Adalat and questions their authority over religion? Perhaps but are you sure this article represents their sentiments?
Look at the medium of communication. Can the general public read this level of English use? I am not saying that they are ignorant for being unable to do so, however access to a decent English language education was rare in the early 90s and almost non-existent post-FE establishment.
How did you get elected to the post of public representative?
@proud Muslim
The question is how you define education. Do you think dissemination of quranic verses and hadhees, a collection of 07th Century laymen’s ideas and thoughts is education? And don’t tell me your scriptures are scientific treasure and it has scientific knowledge. When science discovers something through analysis observation and research Mullas who are desperate to find science in their scripture will claim they have the same information in their book. If their book is a treasure of knowledge why not mullahs come first with all discoveries?. If someone learns more and more refined he becomes it doesn’t mean, he has to grow beards, eat, drink and dress like a cave man. Educated man is always arrogant and proud what is wrong with it because he knows he is not average and he controls the universe.
the ben above is not I, but how vein and stupid of me to have to repeat that all the time...
@ Naeembe
re-read your last sentence; it gives you away...
"... and he controls the universe..."
Really? Do you realize that this place earth where we are doing all these crazy things is not even physically comparable to visible universe in human terms? This earth is so tiny that even a spec of dust will appear zillions of times bigger than universe in a comparable scale.. So how can a small arrogant atheist in a vvv small tiny rocky planet called earth say he controls universe?
we believers can say things in metaphysical ways but Atheists are not supposed to say such a thing even as a joke!
So here is my advice. Keep your ideas to yourself (for the time being..) and then study a lill bit further. Wear humble clothes, try to appear an average person till you have above average knowledge!
Proud Muslim
Don’t be too serious about controlling the universe I mentioned. Every time you can’t take literal meaning of every word. Also you have mentioned study further, what do I have to study further which subject of science will enlighten me to live humble life