DRP to hold gathering to commemorate ‘Victory Day’

The main opposition Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party (DRP) has announced it will hold a special gathering tonight to celebrate ‘Victory Day’, a public holiday held in remembrance of those who died in the November 3 coup attempt in 1988.

The Maldives was attacked by 80 armed mercenaries linked to the Sri Lankan terrorist group, the People’s Liberation Organisation of Tamil Eelam (PLOTE). Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom requested Indian intervention and 1600 paratroopers were deployed to the Maldives. 19 people were killed in the fighting, including several hostages taken by the mercenaries.

The escaping mercenary vessel was intercepted by the Indian Navy frigates INS Godavari and INS Betwa.

“We will gather and march in the main roads of Male’, said DRP MP Ahmed Nihan. “People who are attending are requested to wear black clothing because it was a dark and saddening day for the Maldives.”

Nihan criticised the government for not commemorating the day “as they should be”, accused several senior members of the government of collaborating with the mercenaries, and further claimed that the Maldives secured its own independence before the intervention of the Indian government.

“Anyone is welcome to join our gathering tonight, it is remembrance of the martyrs who passed away in the attack, and the black clothing resembles the sadness and darkness Maldivians were in back then,’’ he added.

Nihan said the gathering would begin at 8:45pm at the Artificial Beach and continue for an hour.


12 thoughts on “DRP to hold gathering to commemorate ‘Victory Day’”

  1. it certainly was Victory day. the incident lead the government to permit more varieties of rice. before nov3rd it was either parboiled or plain long-grain. after that day, for the first time in our lives we enjoyed basmati from the local shop.

  2. Gay-oom, who was leader of our glorious nation for 30 super-great-mindblasting years said he pardoned some who participated in this and also gave them government jobs.

  3. So DRP is trying to politicise a totally non political event? What a surprise. Losers!

    This is a celebration of victory by some very brave people and should be marked without reference to political colour.

  4. Is this a celebration of victory by some very brave people or some very bad people? They kill people.. thats wrong. Even if some came up with gun we shouldn't have to take gun like them. So those "brave peoples" are same as the terrorists from Sri-Lankan.

    My question is if someone rape my mother should i rape his/her mother? its the same thing. so if the people who died in November 3 coup are remembered as martyrs, than the Ali Jaleel who blast himself in Pakistan killing 25 people is also a martyr.

  5. November 3rd is a day of national morning and reflection. Political Parties should have the sense to avoid holding political rallies on such days.

  6. @Joker

    So what you mean is that all Maldivian should succumbed on that day when these terrorist bombarded to Maldives?. You seems to be another retard. Show me any country in the whole world who would welcome with flowers (as you implied and suggested) to any terrorist. Be careful when you contextualize things specially with you feeble mind.

  7. this is so lame on DRP's behalf. Is this the opposition we have in this country ? God help us !

  8. maumoon maybe a bad president,but he did never let these terrorist to be leaders of maldives as you can see today,so who is to blame.what you people telling is lies.you are betrayers never have mercy on this country.we are the family of this great hero and they will never die in our hearts.

  9. keep on doing it DRP.you are great we are all behind you,maybe tomorrow is victory for us,always this rascals OF MDP like Maahiru ,Anni,HUSSen ZAKI,Maariya and ect.. tries to show the wrong way they lies and selfish people.......

  10. I don't particularly believe in DRP but I have cause to believe those in MDP are part of the MOB. I am worried for this country after reading the article on IMF today...9th Nov


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