Government considering nation-wide ban of pork and alcohol

Press Secretary for the President Mohamed Zuhair has said that the government has decided to shut down all the massage parlors in the Maldives and is considering banning the trade of alcohol and pork throughout the Maldives in response to demands made by protestors on December 23.

‘’The government has decided to take urgent measurements to fulfill the demands,’’ Zuhair said. “There are five demands made after raising voice in the name of protecting Islam.’’

Zuhair said one of the demands was to close massage parlors and spas, as there have been accusations that prostitution is conducted widely in these locales.

‘’Therefore the government has decided to close every massage parlor and spa in the Maldives,’’ he said. ‘’Those places are not operated with a special permission from the government, but the government has now begun inspecting those places.’’

Addressing the demand to disallow Israeli flights to land in the Maldives, he said the government has tried to commence operations of any flight only for the purpose of tourism, for the benefit of the citizens and for the benefit of businessman in the tourism sector.

‘’When tourists want to come they will first book the resort before booking the airline and if the resorts cancel their bookings they will not come to the Maldives and the airline will stop operations because it cannot run the business if there won’t be any passenger to travel,’’ he said adding that the situation was in the hands of tourism businessman.

Referring to the demand made to remove all the SAARC monuments placed in Addu, he said under the decentralization plan, the decision rests with the Addu City Council.

‘’The government will not obstruct any decision made by the council to remove those monuments.’’

‘’Next is [UN High Commissioner for Human Rights] Navi Pillay’s remarks made in parliament, according to the President during the meeting she held with the President she did not mention anything that a Muslim would resist,’’ Zuhair said. ‘’The parliament is the one that has said anything in response to comments made by her in parliament, because the meeting with parliament was not organized by the government.’’

Trade of alcohol, Zuhair said, is not a business conducted by the government. He added that the government receives a relatively large amount of money through this trade from Goods and Services Tax (GST).

‘’The businessman running the trade of alcohol receives a huge amount of profit through this business as well,’’ he said. ‘’The government is now considering banning trade of alcohol and pork throughout the Maldives.’’

Only 200 people live in some less populous islands, but 400-500 citizens live in the tourist resorts, he pointed out.

Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) MP Ahmed Mahlouf today said no matter what Zuhair said the government will not have the courage to ban the trade of alcohol in the resorts.

‘’It is all lies made by the government to mislead the citizens,’’ Mahlouf said.


79 thoughts on “Government considering nation-wide ban of pork and alcohol”

  1. Way you go beardies you got what you wanted!!!
    Good night Tourism industry!!! Goodnight Maldives. Was that a price worth paying Gasim?
    You funded the protests!!!!!

  2. How long will the Maldivian resorts survive?Alcohol(wine,beer whisky) for most Western people is like sunglasses and mobile phone for a Maldivian!!!Unless we manage to attract all the rich arabs!!!

  3. Mr Zuhair, so what do the government do? According to you, the government doesn't do anything or is not responsible for anything: The massage parlours are not run by the government's permission, the trade of alcohol is run by the tourism industry, the israeli flight is managed by the tourist industry, the SAARC monuments by the addu council .. blah blah blah. So what are you and the president doing? Do you mean to say everything is this country is run by different groups of people of agencies on their own without any permission or control form you or the government. If so, this is silly and I see there is no point of having you and the president on the job. If you are not responsible for anything or don't know anything going on in this country, you guys can pack up your office table and go home. Ciao Ciao... bye bye.

  4. rayithunna jessun kuran ulhey sarukareh me.
    really regret voting for them.
    my vote WILL NEVER go to mdp again.

  5. before baning alcohol in the whole maldives, they should first ban it from presidental palace, and the homes of senior governent /MDP officals, because these are the people who are heavy drunkards.

  6. Hyprocrisy could not be more obvious.

    Whose going halfway? or the whole way?

    Alcohol is haram. There is no question about it. Should stop it completely?

    Pork, Music, Dancing, revealing clothes, women/girls laughing out loud, the list goes on...

    I will chose 1 not the other... is how hypocritical the whole country is.

  7. Why cant this stupid goverment just meet the 5 demands of the protestors and get over with it. The mere 5 demands are nothing much, to begin with.
    Bunch of idiots are running the government.
    They can forget getting elected for a second term.

  8. wonder why Gasim voluntarily stops the trade of alcohol and pork and spas in his own islands... Hypocrite at is best.. Such low life, human beings..Dirty dirty....

  9. While Mahloof's response is correct, the Statement alone by the President's Office is highly irresponsible.

    Speculation from overseas regarding the possible operation of resorts in the country as dry locations where pork is unavailable might prompt concern from potential visitors and booking agents.

    I think the government has clearly indicated that in a bid to hold on to power it will have no regard for the economy or the safety of the people. There could be no better description of a dictatorship. Regardless of government condescension and disgust towards the sentiments of the Maldivian people, no ruler, not even a dictator can endure without the majority support of the people.

  10. If you dnt want to show the massive number of people gathered on that day why not publish a photo at all insted of the current photo.

  11. It is all lies made by the government to mislead the government,’’ Mahlouf said.

    i don't get this line.... "government to mislead the government".....but why ?:S

  12. Take a lot at all the comments on haveeru as well. its almost too childish!

    Adhaalath goes out and says there is no "medhu mingandu" in islam and all the opposition leaders join the parade.

    but now govt is considering banning alcohol and pork, even mr.mahlouf is scared! isn't selling alcohol and pork being more than medhu mingandu and down right haraam mahlouf!

    what guts are you talking about. is it your guts trembling with fear of what you may possibly done.

    teaches you all right!! well done MDP! BAN ALCOHOL AND PORK. LET MALDIVES HIT ROCK BOTTOM, Only then will these fools realize what democracy is all about.

  13. I see your ridiculous demands and I shall outdo you with an even more ridiculous offer. The latest chapter in the saga of our sad state of affairs. Not that the people don't deserve it.

  14. Raees Nasheed, a brilliant move. lets ban all the following:
    (1) Alcohol
    (2) Pork
    (3) Spas
    (4) Cable TV because it star plus shows indians worshipping their gods and other filth
    (5) all medicines that has even the smallest trace of alcohol
    (6) the internet because it has too much information
    (7) all books containing drawings of idols or budhus
    (8) change all schools to madhrasa's with afghan and pakistani teachers.

    clearly, all our opposition parties except for MDP is FOR this sort of thing and parading around every other day.

    We will all go back to how maldives was 60 years ago, and opposition leaders can take up there truly deserving posts.

    (1) buruma gasim finally get his opportunity with a real buruma as a carpenter
    (2) thasmeen a farmer and part time poet
    (3) yaameen captain of a fishing boat (no more oil tankers)
    (4) Maumoon an imaam at friday mosque
    (5) Hassan saeed - a fandiyaaru
    (6) adhaalath folks - goat herders

  15. This is all part of the " big picture" part of which is devalue the reorts, so the current investers are forced to sell the resorts and then anni's cronies and buddies can buy them for peanuts

  16. why 'tsk tsk'?

    Aren't you glad that the Government is listening to every demand of your misguided, avarice-laden, short-sighted and idiotic political companions?

    I thought you'd be happy for once.

    Just a couple of days ago, you wanted the government to listen to the people - pointing to the larger crowds gathered at the million moron march. Now the government is listening to your demands, and you still have a problem?

    Hypocrisy much?

  17. tsk tsk,

    You weren't concerned that the 23rd protest was a farce in the name of religion?

    And yes, condescension and disgust needs to be expressed, not necessarily at the protesters, who were mere useful idiots. But at the likes of Gasim, Yameen et al who shamelessly exploit the naive people in the name of religion.

    Why do you say dictatorship? Wasn't the demand of the people to immediately stop un islamic activities? Isn't this what we want? Or is un islamic ok if we make money and its out if sight?

  18. The people who were advocating for democracy and peoples power have ultimately turned against its own people, portraying anyone who dares to raise any issues with current policies as terrorists. You cannot fool all the poeple all the time.

  19. That means all 'Pork & Wine ' lovers must exit the building. Now, which building is it- is it the blue-bird building?

    In which language should we say "au revoir"-.


  20. This is a good move by the government. I agree there is some sort of a macho thing going over here. The government is now trying to outdo the opposition in going "Islamic".

    It's all very good. Let's see who blinks first. I reckon this is a bit of a tactical play by the government, calling the opposition's bluff. After all, as we all know, tycoons like Gasim will have a lot to lose from the ban of pork and alcohol in the entire territory.

    The tourism industry as we know now won't survive such a ban. If the ban comes into effect immediately, you'll see at least a 50% reduction in visitor numbers; possibly more. There'll be no money in the government coffers to fund the massive MRf 12 billion budget.

    Where would that lead to? Mass unrest and strife on a massive scale throughout the country will be an understatement! The Chinese have a saying, "Be careful of what you wish for".

  21. Good! It is high time that all the drunkards and tourists who visit our islands were rounded up and garroted on the spot! Far too long have they been a malign influence on our women and on our youth.

    It matters not a jot, that selling these intoxicating substances are a "major source of income." A satisfied belly on this earth, will be of no avail on that great and terrible day of judgement! I for one am willing to starve on this earth, to win the bounty and bliss of the hereafter; so countrymen, disavor the material and pursue that which is spiritual!

    A nation where the women are pious, and their offspring well bred; a nation in which revenue is honestly earned within the bounds allowed by our creator; a nation devoid of new fangled pseudosciences, such as evolutionism and neurology; a nation devoid of drunkards and drug addled prostitutes; a Nation devoted in full and without fail, to the one true religion - That is are vision; therein lie our demands!

    Listen well, and take heed! Or consequences will follow!

  22. What about banning drugs in Maldives?..............most young Maldivians are hooked on 'Afghani' or 'Columbian'..............or is that allowed in islam?
    You have the some of the stupidest religious laws and are fast becoming the laughing stock of south asia.
    What will your mad mullahs ban next I
    Which century are you people living in?

  23. Why all the drama Mr. Zuhair?? We all know that no such thing will happen in Maldives. Another childish tactic of Mdp government to scare the opposition!!

  24. I think its all good and all the govt is atleast considering such a move and listening to what the people have to say. However, wouldnt it be fair to have a consultation period before even considering it - maybe write up a public report with the help and insight from the main tourism players in Maldives and the possibly WTO on the impact (good or bad) this will have on the economy in the long run.

  25. at the end of the day the government needs to win election in 2013.. MDP government is simply making the people angry by insulting like this...

  26. Anni is just making fun of the people... They will not put a ban on alcohol... I am 100% sure the drinking party at the president's office will not agree to ban the import of alcohol

  27. The population of the Maldives is three hundred thoursand. Out of this about fifteen thousand came out and demanded certain things. Does the government has to heed to these demands. What about the voices of the remaining people.

    Does this mean if fifteen thousand demanded the resignation of the president he would consider do it. Stuping plan stupid from the president at the top to Ismaibe at the bottom.

  28. Tsk tsk,
    you are scream and spit to have it one way and then scream and spit when you get precisely what you demanded?

    You are all back stabbing hypocrites desperate to get back into power at any cost or means. And you decided to team up with suicidal morons from Pakistan to help you cause.

    Gasim, DRP, PPM etc... This is what you call scoring a massive own goal. Serves you right!!

  29. i think if we obey Mulla's we gonna destroy our economy. we should stop talking about development we only talk about religious. soon after people gonna face the disease call malnutrition.

  30. listen to the citizens, if they want alcohol ban let it be that way, listen to the 51% 0f the population. in a democracy the majority have a voice, the rest follows.

  31. All these lies for what ? Just to convince the public thtat this is actually going to happen !!!

    Is this a hindhi movie ? Even the 5 year old will knw that this will never happen .. So why doing such crazy acts ..

  32. Reproduced with permission from Kudadhonbe

    "Facts of the December 23rd protests:

    1. MDP supporters were outnumbered by the supporters of the opposition parties.

    2. MDP managed to gather about 800 people.

    3. Opposition supporters were about 10,000 or more in Male’ and there were many more in the islands.

    4. President Nasheed addressed the small bunch of his followers while the vast majority of the people were protesting elsewhere against him and his policies.

    5. MDP tried to stop the protests by using all their tactics. They tried to convince the public not to join Adhaalath et al, they even threatened the protest organisers.

    6. When the protest could not be stopped, they threatened the media that covered these protests via a letter by MNDF.

    Despite all the fact changing, convincing and threatening that went on, the protests took place as planned on the 23rd of December. The sheer size of the crowd that gathered to voice their concerns against this government sent a strong message to the government: That the government has failed to deliver and the people can no longer be kept in the dark.

    MDP should start packing!"

    I agree with Kudadhonbe. MDP should start packing. The government has probably realised it too. But instead, the government is trying to fool everyone. They will not ban alcohol and pork. But will keep talking about it until they are satisfied. Not that they will ever do it.

  33. @ Ziyan: mee maumoon sarukaareh nooney ministry thakaa akaa, court thakaa, dheenee kanthah thakaa hurihaa kamakaa raeesul jumhooriyyaa beheykah!!

    Asaasee fenvaru hunna meehunge visnun hunnaanee thikahala gothakah.. Adhi rangalhuvaane..

  34. @ Fathun: Were you the one who ordered/delivered alcohol to the president's office/palace? I dont think so.

    Unless or otherwise you see it with your own two eyes, dont accuse people of things. Wallah Aulam!

  35. @ Ainth: With or witthout your vote, MDP will win the 2013 presidential election Insha Allah!

    I definitely do not want to live the past 30 years yet again.

  36. Oh it is "Jessun Kurun" when government meet the demands of the people. When the opposition political parties and others with funny beards and women with eyes only, make it impossible for government to govern its not "Jessun Kurun".

    Well done government, Male' and Addu or Islands Maldivians live are not the only land that belongs to Maldives. If a law applies it should apply to all of Maldives.

    Free Atlast. Freeeeeeeeee. Will see how the Mullahs and Bodu Muzaa Hiraa participants will provide for us Food, Shelter and Clothing.

  37. Wine and Pork for people who consume it, the resorts are run by heathen anyway, and the clientele are heathen too.

    I don't get what you would achieve by banning wine & alcohol, our country would be further alienated and would loose a significant amount of Tourism sector income.

    I really dont know how to weigh in on the positives we may achieve from this, can anyway write a good article on it, anyone, Shaheem, Bari, anyone

  38. Dear president,
    Can you please implement the demands that we made on 23 of this month as a true 100% Islamic nation in this planet?
    I repeat our demands as follows: -
    1) Block all Indian Cable TV channels as these channels are broadcasting Hindu customs that is not proper for Muslims to watch or to see. Our children may question about our religion Islam and its authenticity. These TV programs and moves shows people worshiping idols every five minutes hence corrupt our children. Also they may question the authenticity of our religion Islam.
    2) Ban all non-Muslims visiting our country.
    3) Suspend diplomatic relationship with non-Muslim countries.
    Establish diplomatic ties with our brethren the truly great Taliban.
    4) Stop importing and selling of liquors and pork immediately.
    5) Stop teaching English and science subjects in schools.
    6) Make all the citizens to pray five times a day. Attendance should be taken in all mosques and properly checked by Ministry of Islamic Affairs and by Maldivian National Security.
    7) As a rule girls should not be educated and also it is the duty of government to see that they get a spouse at age of six.
    8) Women should be covered properly up to Afghanistan standard.
    9) Mullahs should be respected and given a worthy salary from state coffers.
    10) Ban import of toothpaste and soap as it is against Islam to use them since it is made pigs facts.

  39. @peasant, @yaamyn, @shahidha:

    Oh calm down. It's not as if I have any connection whatsoever to Qasim or Yamin or anyone else.

    So the opposition rallied several thousands of people to their side by using religion as a political tool. Why do you act as if this is any worse than Nasheed's use of human rights or anti-Maumoonism to rally people to his side. It is not like he was any more sincere than any other politician. When you speak of understanding the nature of politics you exempt Nasheed as if he was some Messiah.

    Look at it this way. Contrary to whatever you all think Nasheed's careless statements and irresponsible acts against our economy threatens us regular folks more than any other politician. Wait until one more devaluation of the currency comes around and see how far you can justify keeping the MDP government in power.

    As for Zuhair and Nasheed's tomfoolery they are just too clever and cute. It is not as if they would ever really go through with what they are saying. I've known these characters for a long time young 'uns. This just goes to show that Nasheed is going to dig in deep and complete his transformation into a dictator while you people justify his position by saying the Maldivian people are idiots.

    Well why should Qayyoom accept the vote in 2008? He could just blame us Maldivians for being ignorant and declare that vote invalid.

  40. All of you are missing the point.

    Question is do we go for medhu mingandu or all the way.

    Backed by popular demand and all opposition parties they wanted all the way! Democracy has spoken.

    So a government that won election embracing democracy is trying to do what it can to go all the way. Before closing any spa or removing any monument, an unbiased view is to stop sale and profiteering from the truly haraam products alcohol and pork.

    So, now why all this back clash on MDP. Hypcrotics stop commenting posts.

  41. @ Indira NewDelhi on Wed: You have to understand that we are
    100% Moslem community in our galaxy hence we love and respect
    our brethrens from Afghanistan the Taliban and the Pakistanis.
    Hence dope especially Afghan hashish and brown sugar is allowed
    and it is a national pride consumes it. You may know as a result
    Wahaabees use these stuffs like water.

  42. All these are political games as I already stated that the Government will play. It seems they have no intention to actually listen to Maldivians. Instead they are playing games in order to make it look like they are listening, but to things that will discredit the coalition protest in defend of Islam. Obviously some comments made after this article proofs my point. Instead of looking at the exact demands, the Government is coming up with their own tricks and indirectly pointing the finger at the opposition.

    Only way to counter this is for the opposition to educate the youth of the tricks being played to discredit the defend Islam protest.

    I just do not understand what is so hard about those five demands? The demands in no way hurts Maldivian tourism. Instead the government comes up with things which either hurts Maldivian businesses or tourism and than gets their supporters to claim this is the fault of the defend Islam protest.

    Do they not realize that this would only backfire in the long run? 2013 is not that far away.

    I pray that Anni starts being democratic and support majority rules instead of a loud minority. The whole point of the defend Islam was to peacefully show the President that we are the majority. They got the pictures and realized their mistakes, but instead of listening.. now these political games come up.

  43. That is the beauty of democracy, the government is there to make policies only and with the consent of people, the law enforcement agencies will protect those polices. Some people are still ignorant about the role of the government. The government is not responsible for anything, crazy people. If the policies fail, the people will show their power on the ballot box. Fishermen have to learn a lot to be responsible partners in a democracy.

  44. @ainth - the past 30 yrs was better than the past 3 yrs of Nasheed's verikan.. u r just in denial!!!!!

  45. tsk tsk,

    We're not complete imbeciles here. I am well aware that this threatens the very life of our economy. And of course, it threatens to put the nation to starvation.

    And that is precisely why I was speaking against the earlier "protests" by the parties you're aligned with.

    Why is banning pork and alcohol a 'careless' thing when Anni does it, while you didn't have a single word of regret for the 7 opposition parties who gathered to demand exactly this?

    Where was your accusations of dictatorship and your unpredictable, opportunistic "concern" for the common man when they gather and demand chopping hands and chasing Jews and circumsizing girls and breaking monuments and preaching hatred? Do these things not affect the country's image and thus the economy?

    But of course, you "have no connection with Gasim" and it is only Anni who has a responsibility to keep this country functioning.. brilliant argument there.

    I am no Anni apologist, and I see this for the gimmick it is. But at least, it is one that exposes the hypocrites that are around here, including ones commenting on Minivan.

  46. tsk tsk - you can not have it both ways! Democracy is the worst form of government, until you consider the alternatives. MDP is the best chance our country has left!


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