Letter on Aids patient

Dear Editor,
It’s a pity to know thats an AIDS patient on loose had sex with two underaged girls. Well firstly, a person like that shouldn’t have been on the loose in the first place. The question here is not the underaged girl; patients of AIDS need to be known to the public.
The general public should have the right to know who among them has contagious illnesses like AIDS, so that they can protect themselves from such people’s evil acts. Giving religious summons against AIDS in the mosques will not alone prevent such sad incidences. Just as an AIDS patient has the right to live, there should be the same right for the healthy people to protect themselves from diseased patients.
That’s how it works everywhere in the world. I don’t see any reason why the Maldivian Health Ministry would keep such people in the closet and put oursleves and our children at risk of getting illnesses from such people. There should be a national AIDS, Hepatitis B & C register where the public can access in order to protect themselves from such people.
