Dear Sirs/Madams
We all have seen our beloved President Nasheed personally taking part in the installation of a solar panel system on the roof of the President’s official residence, Muleeaage.
I have noticed and learned from the above how concerned the President is over our fragile environment and our fragile economy. I think Mr President is giving his beloved people of his beloved country a guideline and idea on the importance of stopping or minimising ongoing waste so that we all abstain from wastage. Wasting is indeed, prohibited (haraam) in Islam.
If we look at our local market area, we see huge quantities of vegetables and fruits that are 100 percent Maldivian products, wasted daily. I think the parent of the local market (Male’ Municipality) would know and agree with this. And again we see expatriates taking over the Maldivian job market including jobs that Maldivians could do better.
I believe that these fresh vegetables and fruits are wasted because the producers are coming from different parts of the country and cannot afford to remain in Male’ until their stuff is sold, and instead they quickly make some money and leave back home. Or they lack marketing and sales ability, so that they keep the produce at the same rate even though it goes bad.
I think a country cannot afford to let it go like this because such waste directly affects our fragile economy. So, I suggest the STO conduct a business study and tries to buy this produce from the local producers, clean it and display it at STO shops in and around Male’ area.
If it requires a subsidy, I hope the President would help STO just like the government is continuously providing subsidies to the STO for similar benefits for the country and for the people.
Also a country cannot afford to watch silently without researching why the young men and women are not taking over the Maldives job market. A responsible authority shall not say or mention that it does not give jobs for Maldivians, but very unfortunately this is a very common story nowadays. I don’t believe we can continue using cheap workers from abroad and relax. We are really facing the consequences even now.
Drugs were not an issue here some 30 years back. Can we say it’s not an issue today? We have previously seen the killing of human beings only on films, but now we see it happening live in our society today. Can we say it’s not an issue today?
We cannot afford to watch and wait until a high percentage of our local products go bad and wasted. And we cannot afford to keep using cheap workers from abroad until it becomes an issue later.
All letters are the sole view of the author and do not reflect the editorial policy of Minivan News. If you would like to write a letter piece, please submit it to

Wasting???? i don't think it's an issue here...look at Hulhumale' owners have golden opportunities to make profits selling some only one cartons of apple, orange some kilos of veg and put all the rest of their purchase into the Waste Bin...if one observes one can really notice it....Unlike Male' shop owners at Hulhumale' have got advantages in WASTE & MAKE MONEY because there is a STO Super-Mart in Male' but not iN Hulhumale'
why not STO open a branch of STO Peoples' Choice so that people don't have to go to Male' for buying the basic foodstuff like chicken, vegetables, diary n fresh nutritious beverages and so on.
The one that was in Hulhumale' did not have items that STO Peoples' Choice had and also they did not open on Fridays and the timings that the Peoples' Choice was this shop staff created a story saying that no demand for an STO Peoples' Choice is not there...if one observes how much difficulty people are carrying very basic foodstuff all the way from Male'.....shops in Hulhumale' are unregulated and that they are making money so unfairly....this means they are facilitated to do so by STO heads, may be they get commission from these people squeezing shops of Hulhumale'....they are doing business like "Bulhaa neiy Raajjeyga haakukulhu ulheyhen" then lalalaa...STO Shahidmen hadhaane echcheh hadhaanee. Aiyfoaraa hisaabah aee Kunibuni, madhiri, Bangaalha meehun athirimachchah laa see aai fountain akun fenfaibaahen ejahaa kulhu...SAABAS Kaloamenney....STO Shahid! U r areal OPPORTUNIST not a REFORMER....hama bafaa ulhunuhen thyaulhenee. Koachcheh Malay in kiyevee????? Public Service & Human Rights lessons missed in the studies?????