Masked assailants tried to assasinate president, alleges Reeko Moosa

A group of masked assailants armed with swords attempted to assassinate President Mohamed Nasheed at last night’s Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) rally at artificial beach, claims MDP parliamentary group leader ‘Reeko’ Moosa Manik.

Addressing supporters at the launch of the ‘people’s court’ today, Moosa said he first saw rocks being thrown into the crowd from the Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party (DRP) office.

While the attention of the rally-goers was directed towards the office, Moosa continued, he saw a group of masked assailants carrying knives.

‘Last night, I saw with my own eyes a group of people trying to attack your president in the open,’ he said.

Moosa called on the Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF) to reveal how the incident occurred to the public.

President Nasheed was escorted from the area during Moosa’s speech by MNDF officers shortly after the disturbance.

His Press Secretary Mohamed Zuhair today confirmed that “some people tried to attack the president. A group of people ran towards him to attack him, but his bodyguards confronted them.’’

The clash at artificial beach sparked unrest across the capital, with crowds of MDP supporters gathering outside opposition MPs’ residences to protest.

The opposition has claimed the protests were orchestrated by the government.

Meanwhile, local daily Haveeru reports that a group of people outside MP Abdulla Yameen’s house, Galolhu Dhoovehi, attacked MDP supporters as the protest march made its way north of Alikilegefaanumagu.

The group of about 20 beat up some protestors, took away their flags and set fire to them, according to Haveeru, while some of them tried to restrain the others and took them inside the house.

The People’s Alliance leader, accused by the government of corruption and bribery, is currently reported to be under MNDF protection.

The United Nations meanwhile issued a statement saying the international organisation “stands ready to assist in any way the parties find appropriate.”

“The United Nations urges all parties to resolve political differences through dialogue and address jointly the pressing needs of the nation and the democratisation process,” the UN said.

The US Embassy in Colombo also issued a statement, saying the US was “deeply concerned about rising tension resulting from the ongoing impasse between government and opposition parties in the Maldives.”

“We call on all sides to refrain from violence and to come together to resolve disagreements through dialogue and compromise.  We urge all parties to accept international offers of mediation.  The United States has full confidence that the democratic process in the Maldives will allow for a peaceful resolution of these issues.”


52 thoughts on “Masked assailants tried to assasinate president, alleges Reeko Moosa”

  1. "President Nasheed was escorted from the area mid-speech by MNDF officers shortly after the disturbance." minivan news. was it president speech. and moosa saying he saw masked assailants. did mndf catch them.

  2. Shame on the security forces. This confrontation was anticipated by everyone in Male'. In previous such incidents, the Police moved in well advance to ensure that the situation did not go out of control. Was last night's incident planned so that there will be violence? In an area of 2 sq km, with over 10,000 available security personnel, armed to the teeth 600 MDP activists and around the same, or less opposition activists seemed to have taken this nation ransom.

    If there was an attempt, or any plan to attempt to harm the President, priority should be given to find them. The gathering was covered by TVM live, and from past such incidents, TVM Cameramen have a habit of focusing on crowds which create unrest, hence such persons are easy to identify. Hope we have some footage of last night's incident.

    All we need is for the security forces, to enforce the written law of this country regardless of people involved.

  3. oh come on. if there was an assasination attempt on the president why did everyone waited for nearly 24 hours without reporting this news? all tv stations and newspapers are reporting breaking news minute by minute but everyone missed the 'masked assailants'.

  4. get rid of yameen and all our problems will go away. just get rid of the damned man.

  5. i believe that people learn compassion, people learn to be honest through a combination of love and suffering... sad truth is, Maldivian hearts are going to go through the furnace of affliction because it is a must for hearts to be strong enough, compassionate enough, just and honest enough to rule a NATION WITH justice... well, this is the fire guys... all sould have to be joined together with love and dedication if Maldives is to get through the fire as better ppl, and I suspect it will be a long long burning

  6. this is all rubbish.. we can also cause disturbance. u wait and see. reekoves fadabon jeheynee

  7. keeve police nuhifee e meehun. kihaa dhera kameh. police ah igen jeheyne raees vadai gannavaa than than security gadha kuran jeheyne kan. mi kamugai police fail vejje. hithaama kuran.


    Mr. President, you should take this as a hint - bring those "Special Operatives" along with you next time - I'm sure those MP5 SMGs of theirs will be quite happy to unload some blazing lead on those last remnants of tyranny.

  9. when did Minivan News become to quote Haveeru as a source? This is not a good report - Minivan News used to be at the heart of all the protests and all the major political events in the country and was the first to report on these and in-fact was more up-to-date and accurate than Haveeru.

    Sadly, since JJ as the editor, quality of reports have diminished and frequency of reports have decreased too. It never is the first source of information and I have not breaking news on minivan news in months.

    I hope JJ pulls things together and be a real editor and not just one of those UNDP consultants vacationing in the Maldives and gets his job done with passion and actually work during the weekend too, not wait till Monday to report on he weekend news.

  10. We all know that the corrupt politicians and power greedy old and pre-historical style government of yesterday is trying to get into power. First by corrupting the Parliament.. but when that took the President's patience to a melting point, MDP government finally was given the order to stamp out corruption and the police was told enough time has been given for corrupt people to change their ways.

    I myself would have loved it if all the corrupted ones were put to prison to start with, includes a few MDP MPs. Maldivians want peace on the street. Enough with these corrupted people and its supporters.

  11. Harm our president and we shall see a blood bath. Neither police police nor MNDF can stop us then.
    Dont forget.

  12. hahah.. this is a joke.. must be a play directed by reeko moosa! masked men going into a large crowd like that? could this be shakespeare then? if this happened at all i'd think they were people arranged by the mdp themeslves.. let's see how freedom loving this site is and whether this is published!!

  13. its was Yameen Abdul Gayoom's drug thugs! Sadly Police nor MNDF or Anni wants to arrest these groups who are terrorizing Maldivians with Yameen's money! I need some cash Kutti Nasheed!

  14. we can lets kill nasheed, us gaslin and parole lorys., spry patrol and fire it this just a warning to minivan news

  15. Fact: Minivan had been quiet and selective in bring the news of the current crisis in Maldives

    Fact: There is no news of the crisis in any western media.

  16. One thug is now in custody. Just need the other thug, Jangiyaa Nazim to be brought into custody.

    Yameen and Jangiya are the two biggest enemies of the people of this country. They don't have a gram of legitimate flesh on their lard filled bodies!

    They have been plotting to ascend to the top job for a very long time by any means necessary. The time has come to put an end to that, once and for all.

  17. Very sad to see MDP members led by Moosa and other party leaders walk through streets of Male screaming "Yameen Maraalaa (kill)" and ïsgaazee maraalaa (kill)". This is on record and you can watch it on haveeru online. So who are the assailants Moosa is talking about?

  18. this is all bullshits. If anyone wants to kill Nasheed, its easy thing in maldives. Nobody wants to do it right now. It may happen if current condition of maldives are not improving

  19. This foulmouthed person cause more damage to the President Nasheed's government than anyone in the opposition.

  20. LOL!!
    Reeko and the party proves to be excellent actors the past few weeks (Having that said - Reeko has always been a good actor!) LOL! Reeko and Anni or any of those 'adu gadha' MDP members are no better than Umar Naseer, Mahuloof and them oppositions! As I see now, the past couple of weeks have proved that MDPs activists are worse, with all the over dramatized tv serials they have been live casting!
    I have heard what they were advocating in their rallies, to kill and hang people (whom ever they might be!) It is unacceptable, their intolerance and violent demonstrations has most definitely reduced the little support they had gained for themselves the past couple of years!
    I urge President Anni to be a little strategic in his role as the President, plan ahead and choose the path of acceptance and tolerance, use words and communicate, learn to love freedom of others while practicing your own freedom of expression, stop violence, control the hooligans in your party, be a leader we all expected you to be and voted you to be.
    For a minute or a second or two, stop and think before acting and over reacting!
    Unfortunately, as an independent Maldivian citizen I have to add that, if this goes on, I don't see any 'amaan bandharu' for us anywhere near, any time soon, and the little hope I had for the new so called 'democratic' government. If you dont listen to us citizens, how could it ever be a democratic government??
    So please, Mr. President, just do your job, keep your promises, act wisely and stop creating violence in our little 'peaceful' nation (or at least it used to be!)
    Thank You!

  21. WTH? These people are spinning stories from left and right! Do they think the public is stupid? And Minivannews is so willing to try and promote this controversial story, when no other news media has seen it occur. funny ah!

    Reeko is now jst going way over his head. This guy annoys the hell out of me. It people like him who ruin this country.

  22. Something is missing. Where's Hallakee? Is he on some covert operation these days? I can see him disguised as a trash bin. OK, that wouldn't really be called a disguise.

    Let Reeko and Hallakee address the masses at both ends of the island every night until midnight. Let them speak their minds and share their wisdom.

    After midnight everyone should make their way to the middle of the island for the ritual swearing, stoning and burning of flags. Stop at Fathis. Do pray and fight again after sunrise and continue until Isha. Do pray.

    Lather, rinse, repeat.

  23. Reeko and Maria are mental.They should be locked up in a psychiatric ward and Maria shouldn't be even talking about corruption. These uneducated fool are tarnishing the name of MDP.

  24. another episode in drama series " reendhoo museebaaiy" ... MDP masked supporters come with assurance they will not be arrested and disappear into thin air... who do these ppl think they are fooling... maldivians are some of brightest ppl around... sometimes too patient... but be sure a time will come when enough is enough.... the same way it was for maumoon.

  25. what is this.......... what the hell is going on in the 35 acre coconut plantation called as republic of maldives.........president , police, army, airport,highcourt,bank........? what is actually the need for all these...... hardly you need a estate manager

  26. Anni has killed MDP and brought SHAME to it. Today MDP is one of the most anti-democratic parties we can find in the world. 100 times worse than Golahaabo days. Anni is now the true Golhabo.

  27. Reeko Moosa is behaving like Abbas Ibrahim did during the Dictator Maumooon's Regime, Framing fake stories and driving the chill into the minds of innocent people. As much as Abbas is phyco, Reeko is.
    These are people who haven't had a fair education. Their instincts are very basic and the thought process is crude and aboriginal.
    I am surprised Maria has the same gene in her despite her modern upbringing. Perhaps she believes that acting the goat will take her far and be heard afar.
    We were worried about the Haaman in the Maumoon regime, now the Haaman in Anni regime has lit up the sky with the ridiculocity of the previous Haaman.

  28. I have inaugurated the Peoples Court, I am the Judge, the Jury and the Procecutor. Beware

  29. this is going crazy. i think president aswell the oppsition are insane. we need to bring alll of them own. and build a people army

  30. Reeko Moosa better start acting in dramas again. Or wait, he IS acting in a silsila drama... something we laughingly call Maldivian politics... ha ha...

    Reeko Moosa must have super powers. He was still standing at the podium while Anni was was being led away, but he still managed to see some "masked assailants", something apparently the rest of the crowd didn't manage to see. I guess he must have x-ray vision!

    Reeko Moosa, you better stop threatening to kill others before you spin more stories. All you idiots out there who believe him, this isn't "fathis handhuvaru" any more. Snap out of it!

    Minivan News, speechless at your talent for "investigative journalism"!

  31. We have heard the sentiments expressed above before.

    There were all these negative views on the leaders of MDP and the party as a whole.

    What is evident is despite such people's efforts, it is the candidate from MDP who is the President of the country today.

    And MDP continues to set the agenda for the nation.

    People like Yameen, Gasim and Hassan Saeed are not accepted by the general population. Why couldn't Yameen run for a seat in Male for example? Because he was sure there is no popular support for him. Yameen and Hassan Saeed's party has more or less 3000 members just the required amount for registration.

    People can say whatever they like. But believe me even the people who do not like Anni as a human being and a President is confident that he is doing the right thing.

    Go piss up a rope!

  32. MNDF- pls give Mr President "protection" in a seperate uninhibited island and dont allow him to come to any people living areas. Obviously, this should be done to his own safety.

    @Praxis - enjoy this regime days while you can. the days are limited. and then would you kindly piss the rope?

  33. looks like the death throes for MDP..going runamok... stepping on own .... as our president so early in his presidency told us...

  34. if anyone want to kill president nasheed they can do it he said he was not fear for that... raako moosa is doing all these unlawful thing present of president Nasheed. President Nasheed's term will terminate soon before his term over because he is most likely believing to uneducated raako moosa and badi maariya's...

  35. this is pure rubish. the gathering was live on tv and everyone saw what was happening. making this type of stupid allegation could only damage MDP reputation. tell moosa talk some sensible stuff. if you are clever you should accept that the others are smarther than you.

  36. The worst thing that ever happened to Maldives politics - NO DOUBT is the man who flirted on a dump-truck!

    Where do these things come from?

  37. Reeko Moosa who are u to speak about corruptions and violance all tha maldivian knows u very well.Please stay quiete we the people maldives will do a very good investigation about u Reeko Moosa Manik

  38. Maumoons students really have learned how to handle the opposition HAHAHAHAHAHH. A repeat of history .. only difference is it’s a bit direct and practical. Well done .. teach the teachers their own lesson s.. arrest them all.

  39. Reeko Moosa should start acting again. He is a failed politician. In fact he was never a politician - just some guy who had a loud lousy voice and scream in the parliament. And yea this story he came up with... the sword and knives... He should make a movie with Yoopey and Season...

    Reeko... Mooney thi ee hith edhey!!!

  40. The presidents bodyguards confronted them? And where are they now? Why couldn't they catch some guys who were trying to kill the president?

    Come on make up some other lame story... No one but the "RAT" followers are buying that!

    No ones bothered to kill such a low life guy (shamefully, our president nasheed)

  41. when i come across this news my heart,my body start laugh in side.what a joke.Isnt their any other LIE better than this?That was live show.I was there.The stone noT Came from DRP office.DRP office was closed.That was well PLANNED drama from MDP.But the funniest thing is There wasnT any Masked assailants.If only reeko have seen and break the news after 24 hrs of the show MALDIVES POLICE AND MNDF must Question him?Why Anyof CAMERA/eyes didnt captured IT?ONLY REEKO..hehe .But the one truth Is THE tv CAMERA /many eyes have seen hundreds of wine bottle from REEKO MOOSA CAR.


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