The Maldvian Democratic Party (MDP) said it remains committed to ceasing street demonstrations in order to facilitate talks with government-aligned parties, playing down fears that protests by a number of “individuals” against the vice-president on Thursday could derail negotiations.
MDP spokesperson and MP Hamid Abdul Ghafoor claimed today that the party had not been behind demonstrations held Thursday (August 9) on the island of Hulhumale’ during a visit by Vice President Mohamed Waheed Deen. Ghafoor added that there had been no official communication from the government so far following these demonstrations with regard to stopping talks between the country’s political leaders.
Since the controversial transfer of power that brought President Dr Mohamed Waheed Hassan into office on February 7, former President Mohamed Nasheed has alleged he was removed from office in a “coup d’etat”. The allegations have lead to months of political uncertainty across the nation, resulting last month in the indefinite suspension of parliament.
Less then 24 hours after welcoming the MDP’s decision to suspend ongoing street protests against the government to “facilitate meaningful political dialogue” with the coalition government, the President’s Office yesterday told local media it might reconsider participation in talks following demonstrations held Thursday (August 9) in Hulhumale’.
President’s Office spokesperson Abbas Adil Riza was quoted by the Sun Online news service as saying that the government’s decision to participate in fresh talks had “to be reconsidered”, alleging the MDP had been directly involved in the protests that reportedly saw offensive language used against the vice president.
Both Abbas and President’s Office Media Secretary Masood Imad were not responding at time of press.
Thursday’s demonstrations were directly targeted at a visit by Vice President Deen, who was in Hulhumale’ to attend the opening ceremony of the State Trading Organisation (STO)’s new futsal field.
Police spokesman Hassan Haneef told Minivan News today that eight people had been arrested in relation to the incident, with seven having been released at the time of press. Haneef said that the suspect’s had been arrested over charges including blocking the vice-president’s car, and “disobeying and disturbing” police as they performed their legal duties.
However, MDP MP Ghafoor claimed that the party had not been involved in organising demonstrations against the vice president, contending that the reaction of Abbas in local media had been a “knee-jerk response to a minor incident”.
“I have read comments about this in the media, but we have not heard anything official from the government on [stopping talks],” he said. “It appears that a sporadic incident has been used as an excuse by some to criticise us because of a couple of angry activists. We have stopped our street demonstrations as we promised, but individuals will still get upset in the current political environment.”
Ghafoor added that he believed it was unlikely that the actions of independent demonstrators would set back wider-efforts to attempt to find a resolution the present impasse between the MDP and government-aligned parties.
“This is not a culture we have had before 2008, but people are now free to come out and speak their mind about concerns they have,” he said. “This just appears to be people being over-sensitive regarding minor incidents.”
Demonstration concerns
The unity government’s insistence on an end to the MDP’s continued demonstrations before discussions could resume had been outlined in the agenda of the all-party roadmap talks. Of a six point agenda agreed upon by participants, public order and stability were one of the first points to be addressed.
However, during the most recent round of all-party talks in June, the list of demands presented to the MDP by government-aligned groups were claimed to be lacking in seriousness. The 30-point list presented to the opposition party included demands to desist from using “black magic” and “erotic tools” as well as walking in groups of more than ten.
Since that time, the MDP has continued regular demonstrations, particularly in the capital Male’, where consecutive nights of protests in July resulted in violent clashes between protesters, security forces and journalists.
The immediate aim of inter-party discussions, however, would be to agree upon an arrangement which might allow the reopening of the People’s Majlis, which was suspended last month after angry confrontations between opposing MPs and the Speaker of the House.
The Speaker Abdulla Shahid invoked his authority to suspend sessions indefinitely if he felt dialogue between party leaders was necessary to restore calm to proceedings. Government-aligned parties have been critical of the role they allege MDP MPs played in stymieing the work of the People’s Majlis.

MDP is a thugs controlled party! Its core thugs are Mariya Didi, Sarangu Adam, Kerafa Naseem and Rekko Moosa Manik! MDP can never change! It has failed miserably to be a party of people and reform! Its a terrible mistake to elect Nasheed as the president. It must have been a more moderate MDP person!!
The typical talks of people who defend an unjustifiable regime : "MDP could be tolerated, but with another candidate for president". Well, the MDP has some 50.000 odd members - those members and not anybody else decide about THEIR candidate. They did, last June already. President Anni will be the one !
Talks of people who know very well that president Anni will win again 🙂 want him to be removed.
Regarding the protests in Hulhumale last Thursday : lots of in particular young people do not belong to MDP - nut still stand, and firmly, against the regime, against the dictator, against the brutalities of the junta.
We will not shut up our mouth. We will continue to say : MAGEY VOTE, we want an elected government. Not a bunch of bagees who came there with a coup d'etat.
Mr. Abdul-Ghafoor (What a Glorious Name – meaning Servant of the Forgiving, SPLENDID) is RIGHT.
The tidal wave of this, mighty revival of repressed humanity cannot be repressed by any one! The Earth quake of injustice and brutality which gave rise to it is so immense, it measures one hundred on the richtor scale of social trauma!
The will to be free, the will to be human, is a stronger force than death itself! Humanity will prevail over power! YOU will never control, repress our own souls again, you VILE hordes of hell!
The ppl of the Maldives will be FREE no matter what you do, who you hurt, or who you kill, the reign of terror will never gain a foothold in the Maldives again!
@ Hafee
You and pp like you who comment against MDP and spreads hatred by spinning lies and twisted facts are the BIGGEST thugs in Maldives.
Cowardice thugs like you are those who are responsible for making things worst for the country - just like the Thuggish leaders of the current coup regime. Gayyoom is the biggest of them all being the 'spiritual' leader who is the mastermind of OPPOSING the freedom of the people in all means by instructing his boys thugs like Omar Naseer, MP Mahloof, MP Riyaz Rasheed and the greedy business tycoons who got rich in illicit ways in the rein of the 30 years of Gayyoom all works in union to take back the country to their 'golen-times' (i.e. state intimidation, oppression of the people and embezzling state funds to get richer).
Anyone protesting AGAINST the COUP or FREEDOM or calling for JUSTICE, alone or in groups can't be labeled as MDP. Not all the ppl we see in the past rallies organised by MDP since the 07 Feb coup are members of MDP - they just want justice, a government who has plans that are written as promises and a system where ppl choose their leaders based on the plans they like most - ELECTIONS is what the people want, and ELECTED LEADER. NOT a deputy leader who betrays his own cabinet and leader to be come a puppet in a cunning drama played by the ARMY/POLICE which in turn is orchestrated by an ex-tyrant dictator an evil person called Gayoom.
Who is Hamid Abdul Ghafoor kidding? It was an MDP protest organised and planned by mdp top people in MDP jagaha. They brought MDP activists from Male' to hulhumale for the protest. The protesters made sure they were violent enough with attacks against police and shouting absolute filth.
The vice president was there to open a youth football (futsel) competition where lots of small children were gathered. In such a place, MDP thugs gathered and were shouting filth using megaphones. Shame on them.
So much for stopping the protests for the last 10 days of ramadhan to give a chance for mdp members to pray and seek blessing. So much for stopping it for the sake of talks.
Its the same MDP tactic, if they say something they will always do the opposite.
I call the government not to engage in talks with such an untrustworthy bunch of people. It will be a waste of time..
Agree with you there hafee.
Absolute thug like behaviour from those bunch of people.
Voted for them in the last election, NEVER again!
@aistath Adam
Voted for DRP the last time. whole family is backing MDP this time.
Minivan Team - sorry, above comment, seems sacrilegious, i'll modify and put elsewhere pls don't release here...
MDP did organized the last night gathering at Hulhumale and we have seen same faces which are seen in last few protest from MDP in Male'.
These MDP people are good in telling lies like their leader .
These Mps are good in taking their fat salaries and then do nothing.
Ho-hum typical political double-speak.
We've all seen the text messages circulate through regular MDP channels. It was an MDP activity.
Yet the heartening point is that talks are now possibly in the offing. So let's hope for some progress however little.
Time, of course, is of the essence, as MDP leadership has promised their supporters another round of street protests that will be held to coincide with the release of CoNI's findings.
Bits and parts of the report can be selectively quoted out of context to suit any party's agenda. So let's bunker down and prepare for another show of brinkmanship until talks become so essential for the sake of elections that no other way remains.
In the country of THUGS who is not one?
"It must have been a more moderate MDP person!!"
You laadheenee anehfikuru naroaraa yahoodhee secularist christian lesbian missionary! Death! DEATH!! Honk honk!
lol, me pulling a Imran enactment.
No. No more moderation with the brutal thugs of the Maumoonist regime and their mercenaries. We tried kindness in 2008. You guys backstabbed the Maldivian people. This time, justice, in blood.
Look! Protesting is a constitutional right!
i was there that night. m not a member of any party nor did i get a message. the people that were there had no affiliation with any party. we just want justice and a just system. i loved maumoon and umar naseer. but when push comes to shove and they are doing not just you wrong but the whole country wrong then common sense should be used to judge and asses the situation. Use your mind and think with an open mind for once!
History has proven that no Revolution is complete without blood-shed.
@Rationale: Powerful Point...
For revolution to bring about true freedom, there must be sacrifice.
No true freedom is ever given, it is always taken through sacrifice.
All Power, all Beauty, all that is Just and good, is the product of Sacrifice.
Sacrifice is the Essence of Life.
Maldives Red, the Blood of the Forefathers, the Blood of all Dhivehin – is a vivid symbol of Your Sacrifice, as displayed on your awesome flag! Your capacity for sacrifice will always be the source of your Power for Freedom and Justice.