“MDP offered me millions of rufiya to join”: MP Mahlouf

Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party (DRP) MP Ahmed Mahlouf has claimed that the Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) has offered him “millions of rufiya” to join the party.

”I swear by God that MDP once offered me seven million rufiya and later nine million rufiya if I joined them,” said Mahlouf. ”Still, out of the respect I have for certain MDP members I will not reveal their names.”

However Mahlouf said he had sought to file a case with police concerning charges of bribery against MDP MP and Parliamentary Group leader Moosa ‘Reeko’ Manik.

”I am not sure the case will be investigated,” said Mahloof, ”because police will not investigate charges against MDP members.”

He accused President Mohamed Nasheed of “threatening MPs to vote on the government’s side.”

Police Sub-Inspector Ahmed Shiyam confirmed that Mahlouf sent a letter to police requesting they investigate a case.

”We cannot give further information as the investigation is ongoing,” said Shiyam. ”We will go through the letter and take the necessary measures.”

Moosa meanwhile claimed said that ever since MDP had come into administration, the opposition “has tried to defame me in many ways.”

”They loaded bottles of alcohol into my car while I was abroad, and for seven nights and seven days it was on the media,” alleged Moosa. ”Once they even told a radio station that I was an [illegitimate] child.”

Moosa said he had “patiently” been ignoring the claims.

”But I won’t be silent anymore – this time I will file a [counter-claim] for defamation,” he said.


49 thoughts on ““MDP offered me millions of rufiya to join”: MP Mahlouf”

  1. Can't understand logically why anyone would offer 7 or 9 mill Rf when people like Rose can be bought for 1 mill and probably less for Kutti. After all you are not an octopus with 8 arms and 4 votes

  2. Either Reiko is wrecking the market or this Galolhu guy is overcharging. 1 mill now and 2 mill later is the rate! Don't be greedy.

  3. Liar. Trying to shift the stench of corruption away from opposition onto MDP. Nice try. Where's your evidence? Where are your recorded phone calls?

  4. he is marketing him self .. 9 million bucks man.... kutti is worth i think around Rf50000, Well done Mahu ....these MPs are soo expensive these days.. i will wait till the prices are down...

  5. Is Kutti that cheap..Rf50,000? how much is Jangiya Nazim worth?

  6. Pure greed and selfishness!

    After all it's the former govt in 2003 who gave this power to listen to phone calls when they started shitting in their pants.

    I'm sure present govt has a lot of records of previous regime's activities in this arena. I hail them for being so restraining about the corrupted.

    But they and the Salaamathee baaruthah need to really get down to business and give the poor people a ray of hope; instead of a few very greedy people

  7. 7 million? 9 miilion?

    C'mon, these days, for that kind of money, you could buy at least 6 top class honourable MPs.

    Why don't you start at a million and see how it goes? And don't go below 60k. (don't tell the media if it's lower). And don't talk about it over the phone.

    Do update us on the offers. Good luck.

    ** happy to help an MP in need.

  8. Mr. Mahloof recorded a phone conversation with MNBC's Khaleel and sent copies to media. At that time, there is no legal issues, no constitutional issues. Its all legal! Now when this happened to his allies, its a huge issue??

  9. Well! what can I say? I also swear upon Almighty that Mauloof has been collecting thousands from MDP parliamentarians now and then but 9 million for him. We will buy Maumoon himself for that amount so why would we want this rehi for that much. Dont over value yourself man. You are just a pawn on the board.

  10. This man think he is worth Rf9 million when kutti is worth only Rf1 million? Mahloof is not an educated person, nor does he know anything about constitutional law and he wants to market himself as worth this much of money? Please, this guy is suffering from ADHD (Attention-Deficiency-Hyper-activity Disorder). The guy must be schizophrenic too hearing all those RF9 million calls while nobody is on the phone at the other end.

  11. If a vote is worth 1 million then it makes sense that the price for changing the party would cost about ten times that.
    Its sad that we have now lost trust in our politicians.

  12. Mahloof, how much does Chasmeen pay to you? Is it greater or lower than what MDP pledged?

  13. Now why is Mahlouf trying to jump into this controversy?
    The going rate seems to be 3 million, Mahlouf is trying to pass himself off as someone worth triple that.
    He must be feeling a little left out and wants to get a piece of the pie probably.

  14. Time for all MPs to put themselves up on the Maldives Stock Exchange. After all, we don't yet have fair market prices for them as yet. Let's start bidding... here we go, I'll bid 1 Rf for Kutti.

  15. Crazy man Mahloof. If he was offered it he should have gone to the police or anti-corruption board immediately. Failing to do this means he infact is now implicated in the corrupt nature of Maldivian politics. He should also not have so much respect for people who offer bribes. What kind of man is Mahloof is he has so much respect for people who offer bribes and try to protect them. He should resign on the basis that he is protecting corrupt people in the government.

  16. hahaha why the hell drp n PA wants to bribe somebody when they already have a clear majority?? stupid huh!...in everything its always the minority who tries to bribe the majority ..look at the people who goes for help to all the MP's everyday..do u call that bribing too....hey the riches will always talk about money in millions..we the poor will talk in hundreds got it?

  17. can DRP or any member of DRP come with n original plan or idea rather than coping what MDP is doing.

    Hey mahuloof the world is changing... you are too old and uptight for our generation...

  18. New Independant Body needs to be formed.

    "Maldives Parliament Members Trading Body"..

    Here all parliament members can be bought. 1 million per vote per bill. half a million per vote per amendment.

    1 million now and 2 million later for any vote of no confidence.

    And the tag line should come something like this "Maldives Parliament Members Trading Body - I need some cash".

  19. i agree with ure views HassanK. failing to notify the authorities of such offers of corruption is also a a breach of law.

    sad to say Mahlouf......... either you were a coward not to file the case against corruption then..or simply a silent supporter..

  20. Chuck Norris joke of the day: a Mahloof is worth 9 million bucks but a Chuck Norris is worth one roundhouse kick 😀

  21. you can offer the money and buy the player from other clubs .But you can not give money to player for changing score the up coming match. if this happened FIFA will punished you.

  22. MPs!

    Do not put your whole body to the bid at once... better break it down to body parts..

    This is how its going to work for you:

    Say whatever the person who bids the highest price for your mouth wants you to say.

    Press the voting buttons according to how the person who bids the highest price to your hand wants.

    Attend the committee/majilis sessions as directed by the person who bids the highest price for your legs wants.

    That way you can make more money...

  23. I know for sure, that Mahloof was offered 7 million Rufiyaa my MDP.
    I am a MDP insider, but I am revealing this because Mr. Nasheed has gone nuts, and it's time for us to put the Nation before the Party.

  24. Mihaarun mihaarah masla that hallu kurevyne gotheh.

    Veri kan kuraa party akee MDP kamah vee hindhu, Mulhi rayyathunge majlis hurihaa membarun 24 gadi irah MDP velun.... e dhuvahu MDP edhey hurihaa kameh koh nimmaalun.

    Dhen fenigendhaanee aneh Dhivehi raajje

  25. mahufoool the idiot trying to market himself. ...and claiming he is nice enough not to name that mdp person. 9 million eh nuvaane.

  26. I think Mahulouf thinks he is better than the rest worth 3 0r 4 times more than any other parliamentarian, maybe he wants to become the Zaeem himself in future....

    DRP inside power struggle, Gassan maumoon does not like him much...as Maumoon treats him as close person, I use to be a close friend of Mahulouf he told me that he sees Maumoon as a father figure.

    The real fact it , Mahulouf is has a great ego, and he once told me that if he ever gets a chance he would make sure that MDP is destroyed ....even key members of the party and their families as well....

  27. All Yempees need cash.

    Yempees need protection - to pay thugs.

    Yempees need cars - for Yempee showoffs and maintain Yempee status.

    Yempees need ties and shoes - to appear Yempee style on TV.

    Yempees need tickets - to get massages and face lifts, dentists from abroad.

    Other reasons why Yempees need cash:
    to bribe people (Eg: Other Yempees, Government Officials, Business individuals, Police, Other officials, etc.)
    to pay for 'secretaries'.
    to increase/change phone lines and buy latest phone models.
    to pay for debts.
    to destroy troublesome evidence.

  28. now that Mahloof has publicly announced it, i think it's a Vajib for the law enforcment bodies to investigate the charges against MDP. First ask Mahloof who from MDP tried to bribe him and if Mahloof can not prove his claims, he should be charged as lying and defemation of another political party.

    Oh forget abt the letters that you have to send from one place to another..its just there to hinder the process to truth.
    Mahloof said MDP offered him 7mil and 9 mil. I, as a citizen of this country want to know who offered him? find and charge them with corruption. IF Mahloof is lying then he should be treated equally for spreading lies.(correct MoIA?)
    the problem is everyone thinks its all just fun. its all just jokes..

    Where is the fundamentalists calling to behead the people who spread corruption and lies? f***ing hypocrites..

  29. It's been confirmed that North Korea has expressed an interest in MP Mahlouf after The Great Leader spotted an ad in a Maldivian online news website, just minutes after the MP went public with his price.

    North Korean government today called on its citizens for public donations to raise the needed MVR 9m to secure MP Mahlouf. It is not still clear as to what the Korean plans are for the much loved Maldivian. But there are numerous tweets confirming that metal workers have already started work on the foundation of a structure inside a military compound rumoured to become his new residence.

    There has also been unconfirmed reports that another Asian liberal state, Myanmar, has asked its generous people for monthly donations towards another Maldivian MP's lunch and laundry.

  30. I've heard that the police not only got some signed letters from MPs to put forward the case in court but with signed cheques and account details of the bribe money transaction, which is the top reason why the High Court EXTENDED the initial 3day house arrest for further police investigation.

    I hope Mahloof has given similar or better evidence along with his case to police, although I seriously doubt Mahloof did submit any such evidence other than only an allegation based on Reeko's sound bites.

    Anyways, I'm now soooo ashamed about Kutti Nasheed above anyone else whom I had so much hope and expectation as a future President of Maldives. tsk, tsk, disappointed... damn disappointed in Maldives politicians.

  31. @Elixir

    Kutti Nasheed as the next President? MWAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA....And the first lady is Seena or Heena or Reena?

    You must be joking to even think of that. The man gets into such a fit of anger that he could be capable of taking it on his own wife in the workplace.

    Or even verbally abuse a doctor in the hospital.

    Or even have a street fight with a driver who parks his vehicle in front of his house.

    We need a guy with cash as the President.

  32. Roadha special: 40% off Mahlouf. Enter lucky draw for a Hajj trip.

  33. Roadha special:

    40% off Mahlouf*

    *DRQPA terms & conditions apply.

  34. Pisss pisss i just can't understand can anyone explain to me how they price an MP? Can anyone do a price list please? Dhen kaaku 1 expensive ko uleneee ?

  35. Emme fahuge habaru thakah riyaa aiy kuraa iru, mithaa comment mi kuraa meehun emme fahun ulhe ulhefa hiyy thiri vaanee hen mashah haadha heeve ey eba.
    Zaki, Kerafa Naseem, Sato, Jaabir, Dr Shaheed, Alhan Fahumee men Jibreel gefaanah badhal veehen...Gasim aai Yamin, Kutti nasheed ves Jibreel ah badhal vedhaane kamah belevey

  36. We are the authorized distributors for Independent MPs in the Maldives. We are organizing a special sale to celebrate the 45th Independence Day of the Maldives.

    Please call Gasim or Yameen on 666.

    Thank you.

  37. Is Maldives heading towards blackmail politics? I pity politicians and I advice both sides to reconcile for the sake of the country and their families. We are not stupid and we know how much corruption exists in Maldives, in both parties. If not, someone very soon would flood the net with pictures, videos and recorded conversations of most of them in Colombo, Malaysia, Seychelles, Singapore, and well known Maldivian resorts. Enough is enough and people must wake up and stop this nonsense. Few years back, Colombo was officially open pub and night club for Maldivians. Various national sports teams are well documentation buying whiskies in duty free and freaking out in nightclubs before next day matches (crazy people forgot CCTV exist). Now it is Malaysia. You parents who dump your kids in Malaysian thinking they are studying, please think twice. Most girls are lured into sex, drugs and crazy parties. The boys are worse as they dont even study. Most malaysian universities and colleges are not accredited by Maldives. Yet we all spend time and money running up and down on roads. Just a warning Gasim can as well get enough videos and audios and pictures that can put so many of his enemies in jail. Politicians, before you go out making accusations and blackmailing, first ask yourself if your kitchen is clean, your children productive and that you have no dirty records anywhere. The truth will always come out, however, long it takes. This is not America, this is Maldives.

  38. Anni ves Rafeeg ah gulhaafa buni 1 million ruffiyya dheyne vaahaka mdp ah soekoh fiyya...... rajje miulhey gina siaasee meehun nakee corruption vefaa vaa baeh............

  39. Come on guys this is no joke. Eveyday buying and selling votes is done among MPs. Millions in transation spend .. busniess deals finished and some gone bad.Most of the transations are done between DRP, PA and one and only Jumuhuree Party. So why... simply beacuse we normal people are stupid enought to elect them.

  40. Chuck Norris joke of the day:
    A picture is worth 1000 words, a Chuck Norris is worth 1,000,000 words, a Rose is worth 1,000,000 Rufiyaa but a Mahlouf is worth 7-10 million Rufiyaa.


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