MP Ismail Abdul Hameed, who was recently sentenced to one year and six months banishment after the Criminal Court found him guilty of corruption, has appealed the case in the High Court.
The Prosecutor General pressed corruption charges against Hameed alleging that he had abused his authority as the former Director of Waste Management at the Male’ municipality to financially benefit a Singaporean company named Island Logistics, in a deal to purchase a barge.
According to local media reports that time, Judge Abdulla Didi noted in the verdict that the agreement stipulated the barge was to be delivered within 90 days of signing the agreement, upon which 50 percent of the value was to be paid to Island Logistics.
Although the barge arrived in the Maldives on October 23, 2008, Hameed had however signed a document claiming that the barge was delivered on schedule on April 28, 2008.
The judge ruled that Hameed’s actions were intentional and in violation of the Anti-Corruption Act.
Under article 73(c)(3) of the constitution, MPs found guilty of a criminal offence “and sentenced to a term of more than twelve months” would be stripped of their seat.
Article 78 of the constitution meanwhile states that “whenever there is a vacancy among the members of The People’s Majlis, an election shall be held within sixty days from the date of the vacancy. A by-election shall not be held within six months prior to a general election.”
However, Elections Commissioner Fuad Thaufeeq previously told Minivan News that the commission does not consider the seat in the parliament is vacant, and noted that Hameed had requested the commission to delay the by-elections as he planned to appeal the case.
When Minivan News contacted Hameed for a comment today, he said he was busy.
Meanwhile, Jumhoree Party (JP) Youth Wing leader Moosa Anwar filed a case in the Supreme Court, requesting the court determine whether the Kaashidhoo seat should be made vacant after the Criminal Court ruling or if it would be vacant after appeals were exhausted.
The case was first rejected however Anwar resubmitted the same case to the Supreme Court on September 26. No further information about the case has been reported.

One fails to understand the Locus Standi for Anwar's submission.
One of these courts has to take action against this hapless half-wit to ensure that he starts respecting the courts.
The repeated submissions of frivolous and procedurally erroneous cases to court just creates useless media hooplah and a waste of our time.
This guy must resign and waste the money. He is a crook. Now his former boss Gayoom and Yammen also wants him to leave the job, creating a seat for Gassan Maumoon to run for parliament. DRP and PPM members must learn this lesson. If you don't fall into trouble Gayoom and Yameen will bail you out. Stop these crooks and join MDP.