Spokesperson for the Islamic Ministry Sheikh Ahmadulla Jameel has refuted allegations by the Dhivehi Post website that State Islamic minister and President of the Adhaalath Party, Sheikh Hussein Rasheed, had ordered ministry staff to prevent former State Islamic minister Sheikh Mohamed Shaheem Ali Saeed from preaching, delivering the Friday sermon, and appearing on TV programmes.
The website reported that the order to restrict Sheikh Shaheem from preaching originated from the President’s Office, and that Sheikh Hussein Rasheed had then ordered all departments of the ministry to follow it.
The website then called for Sheikh Hussein Rasheed to resign from his post as the president of the Adhaalath Party.
However, Sheikh Ahmadulla denied saying this to the website.
”I have asked all staff at the ministry as to whether any such event took place within the ministry, but nobody knows of it,” he said, adding that Dhivehi Post website had never contacted him.
Sheikh Hussein Rasheed also denied the allegations.
”First of all, the President’s Office will not send me any message directly, they will always pass messages to me through the minister,” said Sheikh Hussein. ”It is not the current government’s culture to order ministries to do things like this.”
Sheikh Rasheed said the allegations were false and that the government “would not use unregistered news websites to circulate information.”

hey jj robinson or whatever. Why didn't you get the comment of shameem. you Biased website of Infid*ls.
Hmmm... don't know what he has preached, but Shaheem was at least the best-looking and well-groomed of all the Sheiks in the country!!!
Nobody is going to miss Shaheem. There are many other Sheikhs.
Somebody put Shaheem in this political trap and now it is difficult for him to move out. May be Gasim is the real culprit. Shaheem should concentrate on promoting Islam than giving a bad name to the religion.