Police and MNDF on recruitment drive

The Maldives Police Services has issued an advert today seeking 50 new police officers.

Meanwhile, the Maldives National Defence Forces (MNDF) has said it has received 470 applications for 45 newly opened jobs.

The recruitment drive for security officers comes amidst criticism over high defense spending.

The proposed state budget for 2014 allocates MVR 876.7 million (US$ 57 million) for the defense sector – 5.3 percent of the MVR 17.5 billion (US$ 1.1 billion) budget.

Meanwhile, the World Bank in a report published in November said the Maldives’ already excessive wage bill had ballooned in 2013 due to salary increases for the police and military, as well as the Supreme Court ordered back payment of civil service wage cuts.

The Maldives is spending beyond its means, the World Bank has said.

According to the MNDF, 45 recruits will be chosen based on a process involving aptitude, fitness, medical tests and a final interview.

The current recruitment drive is expected to staff Marine Corps, Special Forces, Fire and Rescue Service, Special Protection Group, Military Police, Medical Service, Corps of Engineers, Service Corps and Coast Guard. The minimum requirements for recruits include being of 18-28 years of age and completing tenth grade with at least four passes.

MPS is seeking 25 female and 25 male officers for the police constable rank.

The former President Dr Mohamed Waheed Hassan and current President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom have both courted the security forces, offering increased pay and benefits to the military and police.

Mutinous elements of the police and military precipitated the resignation of the country’s first democratically elected president Mohamed Nasheed in February 2012.

A special housing program for military personnel was announced during Dr Waheed’s administration after retired colonel Mohamed Nazim was appointed as Defence Minister.

Nazim, whom the opposition MDP accuse of playing a lead role in bringing down President Nasheed’s government in a ‘military coup’, was reappointed as defence minister by President Yameen.

Earlier this year 50 Hulhumalé flats were awarded to MNDF officials, and foundations were for another 300 were laid.

During his presidential campaign, President Yameen pledged to retain this program and to further improve the military by providing resources and amending laws to empower the institution.

Yameen also pledged to provide accommodation for families of soldiers posted outside their residential islands. Some of these have been included in his first 100 days road map.

Following his re-appointment under Yameen, Defence Minister Nazim announced 72 new flats will be built for the MNDF in Male’, and said he intends to establish a TV Channel and a day-care center for children of military officials. Facilities at the ‘Senahiya’ military hospital are to be improved and the hospital is to be opened up for public.

Nazim has also said the military intends to establish a welfare system that does not rely on the state budget.

The MNDF cooperative society SIFCO has registered a joint venture “Sifainge Welfare Kunfuni (SIWEC)” with the government to fund military welfare services. SIFCO owns 90 percent of the company.

SIWEC has already invested in the tourism industry and has started development of “Uthuru Thilafushi” for military use and has expressed an interest in real estate in the future

In his recent trip to India, Nazim sought India’s help in strengthening the Maldives military, obtaining a helicopter. India has also pledged to provide a landing craft.


5 thoughts on “Police and MNDF on recruitment drive”

  1. Interesting. The country faces so many challenges, basic water and sanitation is still unreachable for most. Basic medical care and education is not there.

    But the military has their own TV channel, flats for them and their families, specialist medical care here and abroad, their own real estate company, military gadgets to play with as much as they like.

    Anything wrong with this picture?

  2. Hiring a bunch of new people to replace some who have left would be fine if there weren't too many already.. Hiring new people while there's a small monetary crisis isn't really a good signal of our new elected government, but this is a small deal compared to giving away flats and all of that stuff in the past. That was "legal bribing".

  3. There is nothing wrong with this picture, my dear friend. The Army and the Police are the bulwarks of our society.

    They will defend our nation from the enemies of our society: like MDP and former President Mohamed Nasheed from that Party.

    The Army and Police will defend Islam which is the most cherished possession of our Maldivian nation. Islam will be kept as it was in the 7th century: pure and holy, as it was then.

    Recruitment drive must continue for these most important institutions. Salaries must be raised every month to keep pace with inflation.

    We must not forget the Cabinet of Ministers and Civil Servants. The most important people, of course, are: (1) The President, (2) The Vice President.

    Please do not forget to raise their salaries regularly, and repair and renovate their residences.

    The people, well, they can look after themselves. They always have done that.

    Now the question of waves submerging us. Do not worry. Our leaders will migrate to Australia and Canada. What about the people? Well, they will swim straight to heaven.

    The people will be surprised to find that the aristocracy is in power in heaven too. It will be good news to the people.

    I am very sorry that I have forgotten the Members of Parliament. You can rest assured that MPs will be well looked after in heaven too.

    But they will die, of course, under the waves that I have mentioned.

    That is except the Speaker and the entire Secretariat. They will fly to Japan or China. They can decide where they want to go.

    No Maldivian will go to India. Maldivians say that the caste system in Maldives is better than that of India.
    At last, India can have the whole of the Indian Ocean: that is minus our dearly beloved Maldives.

    The whole nation of ours will be celebrating in heaven: that is without India.

  4. I think you have a correct and intelligent assessment mr. Fahmy. Yes is better to organize a strong police force and give them best facilities’ and privilege’s in the beginning of the five year election term. Starting it any later make it obvious.


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