Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) MP and parliamentary group leader Moosa ‘Reeko’ Manik has called for ceasation of cross-party peace talks with the opposition Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party (DRP).
Moosa’s appeal to MDP Chairperson Mariya Ahmed Didi and President Mohamed Nasheed to quit the peace talks were made following amendments presented by DRP to parliament during its last sitting two days ago.
“The bill on Courts was presented to the parliament’s floor following discussion with opposition and independent MPs, after coming to an understanding,” said Moosa. “After agreeing not to propose any amendments, all of a sudden they started proposing them.”
Moosa claimed that Speaker of the Parliament and DRP MP Abdulla Shahid dismissed the sitting while MDP MPs were calling for the bill to sent back to committee.
The amendment that triggered uproar and the cancellation of the sitting was a proposal to prevent the courts from conducting trials related to activities of the former government. The amendment also obstructs the retrial of controversial cases.
“The opposition intends to hide the big crimes committed by the former government,’’ Moosa explained. “DRP’s parliamentary majority is not a reason for MDP to beg the opposition.”
DRP MP Abdulla Mausoom said the last sitting of the second session “was ruined” by MDP MPs when the session “was not going the way MDP MPs wanted.’’
“We have the right to propose amendments; all the things they are saying are excuses,’’ said Mausoom. “MDP MPs just do not like following the due procedure of the parliament.’’
‘’Our amendments were proposed to broaden the bill and to frame it in such a way that the courts can perform their work best,’’ he said. ‘’All the amendments were presented after discussion with [DRP’s] parliamentary group.”

Oh please. For god sake. Go act a song with mariyam nisha. At least then we don't have to listen to this moron, reeko
Before you call Reeko, a 'moron', you have to look at both sides of the story. Reeko isn't a genius for sure. But he does have a valid point.
The opposition is simply buying time with their alleged 'peace' negotiation. At the same time, they're proposing totally unconstitutional ideas such as preventing former government officials being prosecuted. They are trying to use their power as MPs to protect their sordid past! Who are the morons in this case?
This is simply mob rule. Just because I have a majority in Parliament doesn't mean I can create laws in any way I want.
Well, leopards do not change their spots. These guys have been doing the same thing for 30 years whilst in government, and they continue to do so now.
Regardless of what DRP is trying to do, that is no excuse to move away from negotiations. It is only through keeping an open dialog that anything productive is going to happen in the Majlis.
Calling for an end to dialog is just part of the process of further polarizing everyone. Calling for an end to dialog is to play into the hands of those who are the biggest hardliners in DRP.
Reeko Moosa has proven himself time and time again to be a radical and extremist within the party (MDP). Peace talks must go on, lest this government lose even more legitimacy in the eyes of the people.
The dog is barking again!!
Ofcourse he is a moron. Within 24 hrs of his instructions calling off talks, president nasheed has defied him and selected 5 member team to talk with opposition. Obviosly he doesn't know anything that happens in his own camp.
There he does again, Netenyahu Style Riko Moosa.
Please just end this party system this is creating havoc and I don't see this working in any near future this will be the same even if DRP or minority gov is elected. So until this mess is not solved we will not have a functioning gov and will suffer until these politician adapt, learn or adjust to party system and not only them Maldivians citizens also need to adjust to this party system which I don't see it happening any soon , so just a minor adjustment is to dissolve this party system and try to run the gov with three separate powers. With this party system we are destroying the society and our nation.
Unbelievable!! I seriously wonder if Mausoom and his buddies can sleep at night. For all the talk about consultation, the bottom line is consultation or no consultation, they really do not care about delivering on what they are supposed to do, or about the people they represent. Otherwise we would have seen some results on this bill. Especially given that DRP was involved at drafting phase, and there was consultation with all members during the drafting process, with changes accommodated, and agreement between the parties prior to going to the floor, to limit the amendments proposed on the floor to a few key issues that DRP could not agree to during the committee phase (according to MP Nasheed who worked on drafting the bill along with MP Hamza from MDP and MP Mohamed Hussain from DRP -
And these MPs talk about their 'rights'. What about their responsibilities? And our rights which they are there to work for? What an absolute waste of our time and money! Would I be within my rights as a citizen to call for a reduction in their salaries for the remainder of the year?
Having said that, I too agree with Salim that the parties must keep talking, and even during this Majlis break. In the hope that they can come to some agreement, and abide by whatever they commit to in the future - for their own reputation sake, if for nothing else.
If this is a Democracy, it is among the people of the nation to inquire Justices. It is not a option even to discuss about blocking the judiciary system just for the sake of majority. This is hilarious and relentless, the joke of a nation.I call the Nation and the people to abide such incompetence.
Unless we have an Opposition which is completely free we wont get a peace of mind. The present Opposition doesn't have an agenda of their own but of someone else's, the members are also tainted and nobody is without a stain of the previous Government so naturally they will want to find a way to secure their own interest and keep safe the Former President...the only thing that we can do to get OUR rights back is to dissolve the parliament and get some fresh educated and genuine people in there to help us get what we lost....
This is what one can expect from a parliament that is intellectually bankrupt. My question is, irrespective of political parties, whose parliament is it? How did they get in there? Instead of blaming others let's blame those who voted them in.
Why bother with peace?.
Just bulldoze their buildings, gun their members down and put their leaders in military tribunals and charge them with high treason, terrorism, ruining Maldives and conspiracy against Maldivian citizens.
All on HD-Quality video!.
The DRP lost the right to exist when they, as the previous regime, carried out terrorism and brutality against the citizens of Maldives.
Calling on closing negotiation is a very uncivilasied act again. How can Reeko be so thick.If DRP has got their own agenda, the solution can not be closing doors to negotiation. If negotiation stops the country goes into a deadlock. The problem is that some influential MDP elements are after witch hunt rather than focusing on wider national issues.
With Yamin and Qasim Horse-trading, members in the Parliament I don't believe peace as a sign to be seen now. We should stop this act within the legal justice frame, with options. The problems within the process is not yet converted to diplomat. I believe MDP should be tough to handle this depraved nation but in a structural administration System. The ruling party must seek the authority and use the power to bring all down in a prick of a sec rather than living doomed with some sick politicians.
I agree with Salim and the others above that talks should continue no matter what. The DRPPA has demonstrated over and over again that they have no commitment to being their word.
That doesn't mean that President Nasheed and Dr Waheed has to follow suit. What we see from President Nasheed and Dr Waheed is what we want to see from our leaders. Leaders who have vision, are committed to the big picture in the face of no agreement, principled, and politically smart. Leaders who have the capacity to think outside the box, and have demonstrated the courage to stand for their convictions.
The more the DRPPA breaks their word the more they showcase to the nation who they really are. Hopefully, with the next Majlis elections our people will be wiser in their choice who they put into the Majlis.
Oh please cut the crap.. u guys talk as if this is isreal and palestine. dude this is one country.... u politicians are sick. more like indian guys.
whos this old hag?? is he the guy reeko moosaanik??? ooooooh the hooligan on his teen days he knows about maldives politics..!