Banners and posters put up at the Ibrahim Nasir International Airport to promote the SAARC summit in Addu City feature the image of Jesus Christ, reports Sun Online.
The online paper reported that it received a number of calls complaining about the Christian imagery.
The visual art set to the theme of ‘Building Bridges’ was designed by local company Mooinc Pvt Ltd.
Mooinc Creative Director Ali Saeed said the designs were based on five themes approved by the cabinet to depict the culture and religion of the eight SAARC nations, where some 10 religions are practiced.
Under Religious Unity Regulations published by the government in September, it is illegal to propagate any other religion other than Islam, to carry or display in public books on religions other than Islam, and the translation into Dhivehi language such books and writings on other religions. Proselytising by foreigners remains punishable by deportation.
The regulations interpret the Religious Unity Act passed by parliament in 1994, which carries a 2-5 year prison sentence for its violation.
An Indian teacher working in Raa Atoll was arrested and deported in October for possession of Christian imagery and a Bible, after another teacher contacted police after finding hymn videos on the desktop of a school laptop.
Kokkattu claimed he had allegedly transferred the files from his personal flash drive by accident.
Kokkattu’s subsequent detention drew media attention in India, and the Global Council of Indian Christians (GCIC) demanded the Indian government seek an apology from the Maldives for Kokkattu’s treatment.
“The lack of justice and the degree of religious intolerance in the Maldives is reflected by the actions of the Maldives government,” GCIC President Sajan K George told Asia News. “This is the worst form of religious persecution. The Indian government should demand an apology for the shabby treatment inflicted on one of its citizens.”
George called Kokkattu’s case evidence of the Maldives’ paradoxical nature. He said the Maldives “claims to be a major tourist destination, yet arrests innocent people,” George said. “This shows its intolerance and discrimination towards non-Muslims as well as its restrictions on freedom of conscience and religion.”

Cockatoos or bullfinches should still abide by the laws, rules, regulations, norms and conventions of the place that they live in.
I feel this is a repetitive argument but I am sure that the writers of Minivan would not appreciate certain conduct or behavior in the countries of their birth and residence.
It is regrettable indeed that certain faiths are not allowed to be practiced in public in the Maldives but that is the nature of our country. As the island communities become more cosmopolitan that might change in the future.
Margin of interpretation of law, the image isn't propagating Christianity, one could argue that it could be anyone from Sidhaatha Gautama, Zarathustra Spitmata, Moosa ibn Imran to any regular person.
Anyway the theme is building bridges.
So what if its Jesus. The pictures represent the religions in SAARC, not Maldives. Christianity is a religion of SAARC hence I don't find its bad to print Jesus on a banner which represents all the religions in SAARC countries. I think we have to be a bit open minded here. We watch the hindu gods been worshipped in indian TV serials and in bollywood films castes on our TV and cinemas but we cannot tolerate a SAARC banner which equally depicts Christianity also a religion of our region. This is wrong. and Haveeru newspaper are presenting partisans news. Reporters from have no educational background. What they report are always their boss opinions and there is no journalism in their reporting.
Few hours’ back reported that they are banners in Ibrahim Nasir International Airport repressing Christianity “Jesus Christ” I believe this is not news and who cares about Jesus or Buddha!
The reports may have zero tolerance to other faiths and creeds; but they do not understand that what they dislike have the real world power and that what they represent are the most world’s backward communities.
so what if jesus is on it!!
muslims shouldnt draw faces!!! that should have been in the religious unity act
OMG i saw that picture!!! i think im turning into a christian
cant this governmet do anything without hurting peoples religious sensitivities?
I really regret voting these bunch of people to government. Next election i'm definitely not voting for these people.
The following comment has been submitted twice to Sun Online, but so far has failed publication. Please help get this online. Tnx.
މިއޮތްބޮޑު ޤައުމީ މަސައްކަތް ހިނގަމުންދާއިރު ސީދާ ސަމިޓާ ގުޅޭ ޚަބަރެއް ނުގެނެސް މީތޯއޭ ގެންނަން އިނގުނު ޚަބަރަކީ!!! އިދިކޮޅު ނޫހަކަސް ފުކެއް ބޮޑުވަރު!! ސާކް ސަމިޓާބެހޭ މަޢުލޫމާތު ފޯރުކޮށްދިނުމަށް މިއޮތްހުރިހާ ދުވަހު (އެތަކެއް މަހެއް ވަންދެން) ރަސްމީ ވެބްސައިޓްގައިވެސް މިތީމްތަކުގެ ކުރެހުންތައް ހުއްޓެވެ. މިސަރަޙައްދާ އެހާ ގޫޅެވެސްމެއެވެ. ރީތިވެފައި ނަލައެވެ. މިއީ ހަމައެކަނި ރާއްޖޭގެ ކަމެއް ނޫނެވެ. މުޅި ސަރަޙައްދުގެ ކަމެކެވެ. ސަންގެ ނޫސްވެރިންވެސް ތިލޯވަޅުން ނުކުމެ ތަންކޮޅެއް ބޮޑަށް ހަމައަށާ އިންސާފަށް ލޯބިކުރަންވެއްޖެއެވެ. ތިމާމިހާ ކްރިސްޓިއަން ދީނުގެ މީހަކު ހަދާފަހުރި އެއްޗެއް ނުކައި އުޅެނީތޯއެވެ. ނުވަތަ ކްރިސްޓިއަނުން ނުވަތަ އެނޫންވެސް ބައަކު ރާއްޖެއައިސް ހޭދަކުރާ އެއްޗެއްގެ ނުވަތަ ކުރާ މަސައްކަތެއްގެ މަންފާ ނުހޯދާއުޅެނީތޯއެވެ. މިއަށްވުރެ އަޅުގަނޑުމެންގެ އީމާންތެރިކަން ވަރުގަދަވާންވާނެއެވެ. ތިޔަގޮތަށް ނޫސްވެރިން ސިޔާސަވެގެން އުޅުނީމާ ވެއްޓޭނީ ހަމައެކަނި ސަރުކާރުގެ އަގެއް ނޫނެވެ. މުޅިރާއްޖޭގެ ރައްޔިތުންގެ އަގެވެ. މިދާގޮތުން ރާއްޖެ ލޭބަލްވެގެންދާނީ މިސަރަޙައްދުގެ މީހުންނާ އެއްކޮށް ނުވަތަ އެހެންބަޔަކާއެކުވެސް އުޅެންނޭގޭ ހަރުކަށި ހައްދުފަހަނައަޅާފައިވާ ބައެއްގެ ގޮތުގައެވެ. މީ ހަމަ ގައިމުވެސް އިސްލާމްދީނުގެ މަގެއްވެސް ނުމެނޫންމެއެވެ. މުޅިޤައުމުގެ މަންފާއަށްޓަކައި ތިހެން ނޫޅުއްވާ ނޫސްވެރިންވެސް ކަންކަމުގެ މެދުމިން ޚިޔާރު ކުރައްވާށެވެ. މީ މިހަފްތާގައި ސަންގެ ނޫސްވެރިކަމަށް ފާޑުކިޔާ ފޮނުވާ 5ވަނަ ކޮމެންޓެވެ. އަދި ހަމައެންމެ ކޮމެންޓެއްވެސް އަރާ ގޮތެއް ނުވެއެވެ. ސަރުކާރާ އިދިކޮޅަށް ލިޔެލީ އެރީއެވެ. ފާޑުކިއުން ބަލައިގަނެ މިކޮމެންޓް ޖަހާދެއްވާނެ ކަމަށް ހީކުރަމެވެ. ވަރަށް ސަލާމް =ޢަލީ=
what they failed to notice is the statutes of birds they have erected in Addu. Logically it would be more offensive to erect statues than to put up photos cos with a statue you have 3 dimensions while on a photo or a drawing you have just length and breadth of the thing. So if anyone has a problem with this picture, they shall have bigger problems with the statues.
As for the statues, first they will be statues of birds and beasts, and then it will be followed by statues of politicians and monsters and demons. So we shall be more offended by this bird statute.
When we Maldivians go live in a western country, they have laws which we do not agree with one bit and laws which we do not mind but still does not go in line with our belief, yet we accept them and go about with our day without causing problems. Should we go around breaking laws in these countries, as your article seem to suggest it is ok to do this? Why do some western people have a mindset that it is ok for Christianity or Western nations to break every law out there (be it international or domestic) without being questioned. But if a Muslim, Asian or African citizen practices their religion in a way which the West do not like (even if it is absolutely legal by their own law), than you have their parliamentarians creating new laws to just ban the practices. The racism which existed during the colonial days still flow through their blood. The West branded themselves as liberals by name while their true strength always came from the extreme side of Christianity which played a big part in the days of colonial cruelty, slavery and even the crusade. Has minivan reported on the amount of Muslims killed during the Church led Crusade? Or is this a side which is better to be forgotten? Is not extremism or terrorism something that can come from both sides? Or does international law state that white blond hair Christians cannot be labeled as a terrorist? Sadly the West had to find this out the hard way during the Norway attack on July 2011 by a white Christian. Even than, many of the leaders from Western countries refrained from trying to label this white blond Christian as a terrorist, instead mainly condemning the act and not the person. Only when Norway itself started to call the church going Mr.Anders Behring a terrorist, than did some others mention this a few times. It all comes back down to the racism of colonialism. It goes hand in hand. Now we are at a time where its racism and imperialism. It is in their blood and we accept it, but I think its time non-muslim nations start respecting the laws of Muslim countries as the Muslim population of the world is increasing in a faster rate that even imprisoning Muslims or killing Muslims, it would not stop this powerful wave. Soon or later, Islam will be the dominant power unless the West is thinking of another crusade which technically some Historians could argue that it has already begun.
OH NOES. I'm thinking I'm turning Christian after seeing that picture!
looks more like sheikh fareed
Jesus with closed eyes because he dont want to see addalath party members in airport!)))))))
jesus and buddha sitting on a tree.
Heh isn't there anything else to be worried about?
This is very hypocritical...No freedom of religion here, while they are promoting religious tolerance..
why didn't u publish the full pic MN...its a mockery to Jesus and Christianity, i believe... Jesus with Indian Moustache, as a lady carrying a child.. Is this acceptable.? That's a major problem.. not that in his banner he tried to resemble 10 religions..he must respect all religions... This is totally rubbish must be removed immediately.
ދިވެހި ރާއްޖޭގެ މުސްލިމުން ޖީސަސް އަށް ކާޓޫނު ކުރެހަނީ އެއީ އމީހުންގެ ދީނުގައި ހުއްދަކަމެއްތަ؟ ސަން އޮފް ގޯޑް އެސިފައިގާ ނުކުރެހޭނެ. އަހަރެން އެކަމާ މުޅިން ދެކޮޅު.
Can any of Maldivian Muslim change his or her mind and become a Christian after seeing Jesus poster? Critics are like vultures looking for anything that they can pounce and feast on.
all readers see the full picture.. its not about Maldivians converting to Christian with the picture.. its about a mockery, humiliation to Jesus and Christianity. Do Maldivians have the right to draw Jesus in such a way...Is it acceptable. See the below link portrayed Jesus as a women carrying a child.
Honestly, who cares if Jesus is there or not. He is, after all, part of Islam anyways
so what if jesus attend the summit,
In the Qur'an, God states more than once that those who believe in the Trinity .... The verse says that Jesus will return
2nd he is a prophet to why can't have his pic lol
We need another planet, not land in India if we ever submerge. Maldives must be evening entertainment for God.
This particular banner only a bit of which JJ has published on Minivan News shows Jesus Christ's face on a woman with big breasts.
Have a look at the full picture on this website.
This is nothing but ridiculing religion. This is an act of being disrespectful to others and it is a disgrace to us, Maldivians.
We should get rid of MMPRC. The sooner the better. For those who are wondering why, Mooinc Pvt Ltd is the design consultant of MMPRC.
Where you see breasts, I see folds of his sleeves.
What about this person's photos?
Why r v engaged in trivial matters? SAARC summit is a big event and a massive challenge in terms of security and logistics. This is the first time an event of this magnitude is being held outside Male'. Media should be trying to cover the event for us.
if the fear of the pics spreading christianity is so great, y dont u just replace the pics of jesus with allah's?? oh wait..!
From PPM's twitter account: "PPM Interim Council has passed a resolution condemning the use of Christian imagery in decorations used for the SAARC Summit."
I wonder if they even know what the word progressive means. This kind of nonsense is about as backwards as you can get.
If these people are so worried that a picture of Jesus is going to magically transform them into Christians, they must have little faith in their religion.
Such hue and cry over absolute rubbish!! over banners that will be off in 48 hours!! we as maldivians appears to be bordering on insanity, with such tolerance levels, whats else can be expected!
and MUAD MZ - i started reading your comment and skimmed thro finally. GOD give me back that 30 seconds of my life it took me to read your comment. Totally irrelevant to the topic here. it's dumbos like you who create public nuisance. Get a life idiot!!
I knew Minivan would put that offending pic so I took the precaution of wearing protective eye goggles before opening the page.
How small minded can people be? I'm afraid to know.
@Rooster on Tue, 8th Nov 2011 10:14 PM
"This particular banner only a bit of which JJ has published on Minivan News shows Jesus Christ’s face on a woman with big breasts.
Have a look at the full picture on this website.
This is nothing but ridiculing religion. This is an act of being disrespectful to others and it is a disgrace to us, Maldivians.
We should get rid of MMPRC. The sooner the better. For those who are wondering why, Mooinc Pvt Ltd is the design consultant of MMPRC."
Those are outlines of his arms you idiot.
If you guys believe that Jesus(Hazrath Easa) was Crucified, and he was the Christ, and he is the son of God, then you all are Christians... So all Muslims in Maldives, who believes that, the banner resembles the Christ, are Christians....W T F is wrong with you guys???...Love Islam, and be in Peace...salaaam
Minivan News is against islam, against our culture, against our nation.. I personally warn the Minivan news not to spread your message in the dress of journalism.. PROTEST AGAINST MINIVAN ATHEISTS AND CHRISTIANS